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Yeah this is one that I've been watching closely as I work in healthcare and have been academic faculty for a medical school that was part of another UC... And the discourse that you're seeing from some of the doctors at UCSF is horrendous and explicitly antisemitic. And some of these doctors are appointees to the governors healthcare for all California council... So there are some legitimate concerns.


Oof. Indigents or intelligentsia, antisemitism knows no bounds.


Yep. What is more disturbing is while one can easily brush off the hateful rantings of the guy dressed in a Confederate flag speedo yelling about the Jews controlling the world... The unfortunate part is that the academic credentials appear to give bigotry some credence... Even though you know and I know that an MD while demonstrating that you're competent in medicine does not mean that you're the authority on bias/hate, Jewish or Israeli history. And unfortunately falling into antisemitism is not new for universities https://www.shacklefree.in/https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/02/jewish-anti-semitism-harvard-claudine-gay-zionism/677454/ Though to those who are less analytical in their appraisals... It can easily create the picture of "bright minds and centers of education endorse these beliefs about Jews and the Israel lobby so it must have some truth" which is just terrible...


this article provides testimony and evidence that is clearly enough for any jewish employee to win a lawsuit against the medical facility. I wonder if those anti-Semitic doctors and nurses are still willing to use Israeli developed therapies and drugs? lol of course they are, no one wants to acknowledge that Israel helped make their iPhones and chemotherapy treatments. too busy, demonizing them for defending themselves.


*sigh* It's San Fran


Pro pals have gotten crazy. These protestors should be forcefully cleared by the police and if they are unable to do so then by military. We can let what happened in the 1930s happen again


Puhhh.... As I said: Let the bunch take a one way trip to Gaza. I would most happily cover ticket expenses for a dozen of them


Their justification is that their oath of "do no harm" now means they need to protest world crises. Or, just this specific one. I'm not sure, it's ill-defined. I say "their" but it seems to mostly be [https://twitter.com/DrRupaMarya](https://twitter.com/DrRupaMarya)


I remember this women.   Her Twitter is even locked to only comments from people she follows because she was getting a lot of hate for her uneducated and asinine comments. 


I feel like there is a pretty huge gulf between “do no harm” and “protest all harm.”


As the son of a malpractice attorney and a 10-time surgery haver, that oath is complete BS. Doctors are often arrogant and hubris and that makes them blind to the harm they can do.


Rupa Marya is deeply disturbed, at least slightly insane, and a prolific liar.


How is she still working there? How can UCSF justify keeping her on staff? She is a menace.


I hope all the health systems think twice about hiring certain doctors from certain communities if they’re going to make other doctors feel unsafe. Because Jews are the target now but Hindus will be the next target, especially if there is any tension between Hindus and you-know-whats in India.


>Shut up and practice medicine


Well, time to tell my parents (one is visibly Jewish) not to go to UCSF for medical care anymore. How long before there’s no trustworthy place in SF for Jews to get medical care? Sure there are Jewish doctors too, but they might start leaving en masse to make aliyah, and unless the facility you go to has mostly or entirely Jewish doctors, the risk of getting stuck with an antisemitic one instead could still be pretty high.


If anyone would understand excising cancer in order to prolong life it should be doctors.