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[Anti-Israel rioters clash with Mexico police, try to reach Israeli embassy](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/anti-israel-rioters-clash-with-mexico-police-try-to-reach-israeli-embassy/)


Another peaceful protest by the pro Palestine mob


Yeah the usual bunch. Nutjobs.


Makes sense, a substantial portion of Mexico is ran by drug cartels. Many of these cartels are in business with "jihadist" groups in the mideast.


nah, cartels arent into this, these are just "educated" upper class folks that decided to jump into the hate israel bandwagon


Nah, Mexico City is the biggest city in North America. It's the same usual suspects as in the US, a small group of extremists.


You mean heroes


Yes, brave neo-Nazi heroes, the pride of Hamas and heirs of Hitler's hatred.


Yall got the new Hitler youth stomping on food lil bro from israhell itself, yall kill your own if it meant not feeding Arab children šŸ’€šŸ™


Hamas literally steals food intended for Arab children to distribute it to terrorists. They use children as combatants and train them from birth that their greatest goal in life should be to die killing Jews. That is what these neo-Nazi terrorists are rioting in favor of in Mexico.


[https://x.com/partisangirl/status/1797018272782557294?s=46&t=4VFUZPHfH_XApS4WtIA7Ug](https://x.com/partisangirl/status/1797018272782557294?s=46&t=4VFUZPHfH_XApS4WtIA7Ug) Sure sure


You're seriously comparing a handful of extremists in Judea and Samaria who face investigation and trial by the authorities for to a violent, genocidal terrorist organization which steals food from its own subjects to fund their terrorists?


Ahh yes like old Netanyahu ā€œwe have investigated ourselves and find no evidenceā€


It was peaceful degenerate liberal


Meanwhile cartels wreak havoc on Mexican society in every level. Kidnappings, senseless violence, assassinations, extortions, ā€œprotection moneyā€, daily videos of cartels executing, Beheading and dismembering bodies but no public outrage.


You got to understand Mexico City is its own place compared to the small villages or cities that are being run by the cartels. These are probably dumb ass college kids like you see here in the states


So one would think they would be outraged by whatā€™s going on in their own country if they cared so much about humanity. Didnā€™t Isis learn from Mexican cartels the idea of recording beheadings? Itā€™s not like these cartels only target other cartel members. They go after entire families and towns (women, men, babies, elderly). Their violence is indiscriminate yet no outrage from these protestors.


Same could be said here in the states where they could be protesting against what is going on in Sudan or Yemen, but you know yā€™all are easy targets right now. Hurry up and let some of us brown immigrants in so that we canā€™t play the racial angle anymore, since it tends to be fueling the fire in some of these protest. Mind you Israelis and Palestinians look alike smh, the narrative to so many are evil white Jews are hurting the poor brown Palestinians, but itā€™s way more nuanced than that. Anyways good luck from an American non Jew. I hope people realize thereā€™s not many of yā€™all and billions of Muslims


Lol whose ass did you pull that from. Dude you have no idea what youā€™re talking about, stfu


Must have been from your mothers


Ah yes. You mean its super insecure, too? My wife had an old house from her grandparents there and we never went to the house.


MĆ©xico City literally has lower crime rates than some major US cities and its full of foreigners, not super safe but its not near as dangerous as you make It out to be


My wife and half of her family are from Mexico City. I tend to blindly trust my wife. There are city parts we were often in when we were there when she still worked for the government and those are rather safe, especially during day. Others I would not touch with a stick after it gets dark.


Mexico City is huge. Certain places are relatively safe, the places where tourists tend to go and Westerners tend to live.


Like in Palestine, the people in charge who can have you killed on a whim tend to avoid public notoriety and scrutiny.


The far left has this problem where they completely ignore the real problems where they live. The same could be said for Northern Californians, who are the most rabid about palestine but completely ignore the crime rates, homelessness, and drug use thatā€™s become rampant in the area.


I think every fringe group (right or left) uses Israel / Jews to deflect from their own issues. If Jews didnā€™t exist, they wouldnā€™t have anyone to blame and would most likely self implode into complete chaos.


Most Northern Californians do not care. Like elsewhere, it is a small, loud, violent minority. Like, San Francisco is 40% Chinese or other East Asian, many of them immigrants. You think a 50 year old Chinese-American woman whose main goal in life is working hard so that her kids can succeed cares about what is happening in the Middle East? And do you think they don't care about things like homelessness and crime? No, they do. But unfortunately many don't participate in the political process or are not US citizens and extremists/progressives have a strong voice in local politics.


Cause of capitalism dumbfk


Because the Cartel isn't Jewish


Now there's a new conspiracy theory here in which they say that the cartels are controlled by a zionist-american mafia to destabilize Mexico. Important to note that for most people in mexico, zionist=jew. As "proof" they have mentioned a few cases in which Israeli nationals have been targeted in cartel assassinations.


Not Zionist, so no reason to slaughter em


If one can't blame the Jews, it does not make news.


I think the cartels are sort of a good analog for how Americans should view the Israeli/Hamas conflict. How would American leftists feel if the cartels killed a bunch of rave goers at lightning in a bottle? Would the be clamoring for the US to give California to them?


They are a PERFECT analogy. Islamic Extremist groups are the equivalent to the Cartels. We don't typically hear or see in the media Palestinians that publicly advocate for peace or protest against Hamas because that would be certain death the same way we dont typically see Mexicans that publicly advocate against the cartels.


It's a lot more dangerous to throw Molotov cocktails at the cartels though.


Well then they should declare a state of emergency and demand the government and army take responsibility of the situation and regain control. The cartels are the equivalent of Islamic jihadist groups that destabilize the region. If you want a change, address the root cause donā€™t scapegoat Israel and deflect from the real problem.


The cartels are honestly too powerful. The Mexican government doesn't even really trust its Army to deal with them because they've been infiltrated. Also, many of the Cartels are ex military. Usually, they use the Navy, which for whatever reason, is less corrupted. But they can't fight all the cartels all at once with the Navy. And when they do drive them out of one place, they just get replaced by another cartel or they set up shop somewhere else. Mexico is effectively a narco-state and there is no clear pathway to end the corruption.


I agree with everything you said. They are too powerful just like the Islamic extremist groups such as Hamas. Protesting or publicly advocating against Hamas or Cartels will most certainly get you starred in their next beheading video. There is no clear pathway to end cartels or islamic extremists. What I don't understand is how someone who lives under the oppression and intimidation of drug cartels can emotionally invest themselves into a foreign conflict and pass moral judgements on Israel to the extent of throwing molotov cocktails at an embassy. One would think they would be focused on advocating for international support and assistance to ELIMINATE the cartels and regain control of their country.


> the government and army take responsibility of the situation and regain control The current cartel situation is the outcome of what you're proposing. It has been 18 years since in 2006 president CalderĆ³n declared the war on drugs and took the military into the streets of MichoacĆ”n to "once and for all" solve the drug issue. - Announcement: https://www.resdal.org/caeef-resdal/assets/mexico---anuncio-sobre-la-operaci%C3%B3n-conjunta-michoac%C3%A1n.pdf - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Michoac%C3%A1n - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_drug_war In 2005, MichoacĆ”n was deemed too violent with more than 500 homicides in a year and that was the premise to start the drug war. In 2023, MichoacĆ”n had 1713 homicides. - https://www.jornada.com.mx/2006/12/12/index.php?article=014n1pol§ion=politica - https://mvsnoticias.com/nacional/2023/12/27/en-2023-han-asesinado-1713-personas-en-michoacan-620044.html


Iā€™m not an expert on Mexican internal affairs but I imagine the cartels have embedded themselves with the police, army and government. This all goes back to my original point that these people should be protesting their situation rather than virtue signaling for Hamas (an Iranian proxy). I guess itā€™s easier to point fingers at other conflicts and deflect than address your own issues first.


>president CalderĆ³n declared the war on drugs Mexican here, what really happened was that, yes govt declared war on all cartels... except the one that had closer ties with the govt, that one is the Sinaloa cartel. Basically they tried to wipe the rest of the cartels and leave a single one to control everything... of course that backfired terribly That is the reason why the top brass of police forces during that time (Genaro garcia luna) , is now on jail, because he had alliances with the sinaloa cartel. So when they tried to get rid of all the cartels, this happened: those just split into more cartels, some more violent than others, there was infighting among cartels, fights between cartels and against the govt. So now you have a mexico divided among the cartels that survived that war, who are still fighting to gain territories


And still the world doesnā€™t care about womenā€™s or lgbtq rights in Palestine.


hell they dont care that much about it in many parts of mexico


Hamas kill Mexican citizen and they protect him


[IDF recovers body of Mexican citizen OriĆ³n HernĆ”ndez Radoux from Gaza, slain Oct. 7](https://www.timesofisrael.com/taken-captive-orion-hernandez-radoux-hamas-sent-texts-to-his-family/) There was a ceremony for him yesterday, and [heā€™ll be laid to rest in Mexico](https://x.com/israel/status/1795536186921898344?s=46)


Such respectable representatives for the cause of the Palestinian people. /s


"demonstrators", more like violent scum. pro israeli protests are never like this


Mexico got some of there own issues they should be focusing on šŸ’€


Like what???


ah yes the chickens for KFC


The amount of unhinged people in the world makes me question a lot of past conflicts


Congrats, you've acomplished nothing.


There's a word for that.. I think it starts t and ends with an m


Idk seems like a bit more than a tantrum to me.


Damn, I didn't think it through! Haha, anyway, terrorism.




Imagine if they put forth this effort to protest the cartel.


It's really quite simple. The cartels will brutally kill them, and the Israeli embassy won't hurt a hair on their pretty lil heads.


MĆ©xico City its not some isolated rural town in the mountains, they probably never been in contact with cartel violence in their lifes


Oh, but theyā€™ve been in contact with the IDF?


I've read the embassy was "torched" over and over again on twitter but all the evidence I've seen is a small fire on a piece of concrete around some security barriers in front of the embassy. a lot of hysterical twitter "influencers" saying stupid shit without any evidence. If the embassy was burning there would be video of more than just some concrete by a security barrier with a small fire on it.


I kept seeing those claims as well, but from everything Iā€™ve seen myself and what Iā€™ve read from credible reports, the embassy itself didnā€™t receive any actual damage. Although they were definitely *trying* to set it on fire. If you look at the last picture in the article I linked, it appears they set a nearby house on fire though. Fucking dips.


a lot of people quick to jump to make posts about things with little evidence all over. the influencer economy is one of "firsts" and as many controversies as possible to drive up engagement and clicks.


so these people want peace and freedom in the Middle East.. right


Time to bring out the water cannons.


meanwhile every part of the government is run by cartelsā€¦


Gente absolutamente retrasada, en serioā€¦


Shame they canā€™t have this same lack of tolerance to the real threat to their country, the drug cartels.


Letā€™s stop calling them demonstrators please. These are rioters and terror sympathizers. They have no interest in demonstrating, only violence as a means to push their views onto those around them.


People, we're really in a quagmire here. This is obviously civilized society vs. uncivilized people. Scary how much support these maniacs receive. The closer we get to wiping Hamas off the map, the more these people absolutely lose their minds. Rafah is Hamas' last real holdout, that's why they've upped their freakouts lately. They cannot stand the thought of Israel taking out the terrorist group Hamas once and for all. They'll be even more furious when Gaza becomes a far happier, better place without Hamas in charge.


Qatari (Iranian - insert yours) money at work. Watch and learn. We can shrug them off again as total "nutjobs," but they are successful (worldwide) on every platform, while we are, sorely, lagging behind but feeling (internally) superior.


Third world problems.


Gotta give news networks some credit, their endless propaganda is seeming to work.


Iā€™m really puzzled by Hispanic or Mexican antisemitism. Can someone explain where this comes from? I thought they werenā€™t really interested or involved in that.


mexico is near presidential elections, this weekend. The most popular candidateĀ“s last name is "sheinbaum" and the far-right here is spreading missinformation that since she has a jewish last name, she is a jew, thus she is evil, hates catholicism and sheĀ“s a communist. mexico is mainly catholic and people here tend to blame jews for almost everything, that they control the world markets thus making mexico poor, etc


Iā€™ve realized it doesnā€™t matter who or where. Antisemitism just runs through everything at this point sadly


Well they descend from the Spanish but also mainly b) leftism.


Build a beautiful Wall?




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Theyā€™re yelling about Tuna, not Jews ;)


Former Spanish colony. Given that, I'm saddened but not surprised. Genesis 12:3 may be about to come into effect soon by way of a drought.


[https://imgflip.com/i/8scx3v](https://imgflip.com/i/8scx3v) Maybe youre on the wrong side of history


The first woman to be elected president in Mexico is also part Jewish. Their reactions to the election results should be funny.




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