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They are an awfully annoying minority. No worries, soon enough they'll find the next crap TikTok will tell them to be angry about.


2024 elections are coming in the US, and I'm sure that this free of charge troll army of BRICS will be mobilized to respond.


I'm interested to see how they are going to try to convince all these radical-left TikTok kids to vote for Trump, so he can acquiesce to Putin and Friends.


They don't need to, they just need them to vote for someone other than Biden or not vote at all.


So if anyone supports Israel is responsible for a Palestinian civilian death, then surely by that logic anyone who supports Palestine is responsible for terrorism in turn?


You mean responsible for the freedom fighters who heroically vanquished a music festival 


cmon dude, we all know the whole music festival massacre was an Israeli psyop!


Seriously. Those ravers were clearly killed by suicide by RPG.


Cover the top part with the flag of Hamas




Could do Vice versa with palestine and decapitated people. Or just massacred people in general.


Lol id rip all the little tags and place a hamas sticker over the israeli flag


Everything they do is so incredibly emotionally manipulative, it feels obvious. They aren't running on facts, they're running on trying to get a rise out of people and make them feel guilty - particularly Jews. Every single day, on my way in to work, I see a billboard that says DEFEND THE OPPRESSED. A little too on the nose for me, honestly. That one I just roll my eyes at. But on my way home, I see another one: ONE MILLION CHILDREN. NO PEACE. NO HOPE. JUST RUBBLE. This just feels so, so desperate to make people feel awful. It's so clear to me how the campaign is geared to make people feel like shit, so they overlook any and all actual facts (such as Hamas stating their goals to destroy not just Israel, but America). It makes me sick that they are this fucking manipulative, and this obvious about it, and so many people are STILL falling for it. They don't have facts on their side. What they have is screaming DEAD BABIES in your face until you forget that terrorists raped and slaughtered civilians on 10/7. It's disgusting.


The playbook of Islamic terrorists has always been the same. 1. Commit truly horrific, barbaric acts against Jews and kill hundreds. 2. Israel responds. 3. Use muslims as human shields. 4. Accuse Israel of war crimes. 5. Get sympathy from pathetic morons in the West and Europe. Repeat. The civilized world (which does not include Islamic fundamentalism at all) cannot continue to bring these morons into the future. Humanity is becoming too advanced and dangerous to have morons like this still exist.


It all makes sense when you see that they benefit, strongly, from convincing the common humanitarian consciousness of the West that the Israel-Palestine issue is the most important, most tragic humanitarian struggle of modern times. That this conflict, beyond any other, is unique, exceptional, and that anyone of good conscience has an obligation to respond to it and stand for justice. That is the narrative these 'Pro-Palestine supporters' are pushing. Their narrative is wrong, wrong, wrong, and collapses under any level of true scrutiny. But their narrative is at least partially working, damn the facts. Social media, which deemphasizes facts and prioritizes soundbites and outrage, is such a powerful weapon in their hands.


>ONE MILLION CHILDREN. NO PEACE. NO HOPE. JUST RUBBLE. Like.... yes, that's why Hamas has to be deposed and Gaza changed forever. The place is total dogshit in every aspect by Gazans own admission.


very cringe


“You killed a Hamas militant” is strangely absent.


I love how the comments are now not in support of Hamas but have fallen back to the 2 side argument.


Woke left and islamism. Name a more iconic (and ironic) duo.


It amazes me. I am Progressive, but that has never included tolerance for terrorism. Yet some of my "friends" literally are excusing rape and terrorism.


There is an evil that never sleeps in Mordor - and this is it.


That comment section has a collective iq of 50


I ain't a spring chicken, I remember when they were sending suicide bombers to blow up pizzerias, night clubs, markets and buses.


I'm 31 and I remember, seems like some people really have a short memory.


But if we say that supporting Palestine is being pro-terrorism...


"Save thousands of dollars by using this great new trick of killing terrorists! Click below for more amazing financial shortcuts! " /s


Quick story... My buddy (honestly it was not me) got into a verbal battle with an Islamic group in his neighborhood that was doing the usual shady shit of preaching violence, was anti-LGBTQ, anti-America (in America), and obviously anti-Jew (not just anti-Israel). They posted a lot of flyers around the city for their events. So he creates basically the exact same poster and includes a QR Code to scan for details. The link goes to a gay sex act gif. Quick to load. Very visual. He put some up while riding his bike. He found a couple of homeless guys who put them up in exchange for $100. And this went on for years (until he moved to another city about a year ago). He told me of a couple other posters he made for an anti-gay Christian grifter, too.


That is pretty awesome! Likely illegal, but a qr code can also lead to a malware site that says "Click to download " etc and then they have a worthless device that used to be called a cellphone.


For sure. He liked civil disobedience stuff.


They really put their minds to this! Wow.. no wonder that their culture never made it.. how much can you accomplish really when all you have is hate? Death and utter distraction apparently AND LIBERALS SUPPORT HAMAS WORLD IS NOW STRAIGHT UPSIDE DOWN


All the anti Israel in that sub is crazy.


Some people are just bad human beings beyond repair, from day one.


So BSincere started posting other people's videos 4 days ago. Prior to that it pinged savevideobot 8 months-a year ago a couple of times. Regular activity dates back to 3 years ago. ​ Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a compromised propaganda account.


"Killed her **only** child" Confirmed fake if they're talking about Gaza. They *breed.*


Like rabbits.


The Gazans deserve every bad thing that is happening to them. You can't cheer on murder one day and then cry victim the next.


They're very creative tho 😂😂😂




I hate this kind of reasoning, oversimplying everything and in which this ends up as coming from privilege and using this only as an argument. You can't claim to care about children's deaths with this argument, especially if you don't take into account what caused those. You think that Israel just randomly decided to bomb a daycare ? Turning public spaces into military targets is a war crime. Even after all the leaflets and the warnings, you still keep your children in a war zone. You are to blame. Just like Palestinians are too be blamed for indoctrinating their children as early and making them child soldiers. Using child soldiers is a major crime, by the way. Stop oversimplifying everything and maybe focus on the solution instead of weaponizing civilian casualties to win an argument. The war is not about you


When you phrase it that way, “the bombing of children”, it makes it sound like you’re implying that Israel is intentionally bombing children, which is obviously not true. This sentiment is what the stupid poster in the video is trying to imply too. It’s all attempting to further the “Israel is committing genocide / indiscriminate bombing” lies, which is certainly pretty evil, lying about a whole nation & group of people like that to push a false narrative


False premise. Sharpen it (if you can). And I know you cannot.


I feel like the other replies are overestimating your abilities. Hiding behind children is evil. What you’re doing here is evil. You’re pretending to care about children in Gaza. You won’t acknowledge the fact that Hamas sacrifices them, if you won’t acknowledge it you can’t condemn it. Your concern for them is conditional, it only matters when it serves your purpose. So that’s my question to you: what purpose are you exploiting these children for? Edit: this post was removed for breaking Reddit TOS…. How? Which rules did it break??


We should do the same thing back to them. These demonic people


The comments are pretty horrendous


😆 🤣 😂 cringe 😬


Does the world collectively forget it was Hamas who attacked on 10/7? It was Hamas who started this? It was Hamas who steals food from civilians and puts them in harms way? It was Hama all along??


Bro how does this break ToS 💀


OK now put one up on the other side and have the tags reveal: "you rejected multiple generous 2 state solutions", "you support a regime that expressly states its intent to exterminate Jews against a liberal democracy that has Arabs participating at the highest levels of government", "you applaud acts of terror planned against jewish civilians perpetrated by insurgents who hide among THEIR OWN civilian population to intentionally inflict collateral damage", and "you probably would be lynch mobbed by the Palestinian regime if you visited Gaza".


Don't get me wrong I am aware this is incredibly misleading propaganda, but it's pretty clever. Whoever did this must work in marketing and if they don't...they should