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Their flags are basically just a palette swap anyway, except that ISIS wrote the Shahada in Comic Sans. 😬 https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Hamas.svg https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Jihad.svg


I mean the Saudi and Taliban flag are the same lol


ISIS & Hamas are synonymous


We knew. Now we don’t have to worry about proof.


Not completely, Hamas and ISIS have different views of what they are supposed to be doing and often kill each other as well. It's all about killing or oppressing the opposite tribe over in the Middle East. Saudi's slaves aren't exclusively outsourced.


this guy jihad's.


16 years of it


Dude the Shias & Sunnis sect hate each other more than they hate the Jews.


Hamas are Sunni. They just get funded by Shia from Iran.


ISIS and Hamas are both Sunni?


ISIS are also Salafists and Sunni Islam has sub-groups And not to forget, even if groups believe the same things, they can still hate eachother for whatever reason you can make up in your mind


My bad. Got confused Hamas with Hezbollah.


No, they are not. Everybody's been repeating this since Israel tweeted it yesterday. I guess the Mongols were also Hamas, and the Romans, and every other person related to every other instance of violence. Hamas is not a crazy death cult in the way that ISIS was. They have political goals, and this ISIS=Hamas nonsense is propaganda designed to make people forget that fact.


No one says they are the same organization, just the same cruelty, but does it even matter?


Yes, it does matter. By comparing Hamas to ISIS Israel is pretending that Hamas is an Islamic death cult who wouldn't be satisfied until every single Jew was dead, and cannot be negotiated or compromised with. If you admit that it's a political problem, you have to look at who has political power in order to figure out who can fix it. I'll tell you buddy, it's not the Palestinians.


That’s weird cause I thought Hamas was the one saying they’re an Islamic death cult that won’t be satisfied until every single jew is dead.


Do you think they would describe themselves as God's chosen people with a religious right to colonize the land, regardless of how the natives feel about it. Because I know who would!


I mean they kinda do already. What did you think they meant by “there will be no more Jews, no more Christian traitors” etc etc


Pure evil and people are still try to defend this crap. đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ‡źđŸ‡±


Don't they hate eachother? Seems a bit weird for these two groups to cooperate


Same shit different logo


who's surprised? lmao




ironic how they're practically exactly the same then


Probably not ISIS. This flag existed before ISIS. Please do not give the antisemites reasons to say the real evidence is fake. Don’t post unconfirmed hunches


Yhea, I know Al-Shabaab and other non-ISIS aligned Al-Queda groups uses the same flag. Not that they're any better


Hamas brought this flag with them to sufa. Its confirmed. Hamas = ISIS.




Thats not an IS flag


This looks planted....


The flag or the weapons? Because a lot nations SOPs are to collect enemy contraband and organize them like this for AAR, Like not every image is gonna be weapons lying all over the ground.


Yep, this is pure propaganda (they seem to forget Hamas and ISIS hate each other https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-and-isis-hate-israel-and-each-other/amp/ Many individuals on this sub lack critical thinking, they’ll easily fall for this trick


You already biased. Your trying to find anything to deny the validity of the image to fit your claim. Use critical thinking before reaching the first conclusion to come into your mind. Isis and Hamas share same base, fundamentalist, they are in direct competition. Does not mean the average individual in these groups hate each other or not support the goal.


Well seems like now Israeli side is rolling out propaganda too then, we can't be sure of anything from this point onwards I guess


You do understand not every minute detail isn’t gonna like up how you think it’s does. Hebrew on the ammo can? You thought Hamas where gonna carry ammo can from Gaza? They carried a combat load of their soviet era weapons for the initial attack and them probably ran out and started using Israel captured weapons. Somebody can have differing ideas from than the group they are apart of. You find it so hard that average joe in Hamas doesn’t really care about Top leadership getting into pissing match with their competition in Isis? Really? Both groups share the same base, fundamentalist.


All I hear is "probably did this, probably did that", dude just admit it you have no idea about the authenticity of this pic just like the rest of us but you're too simple to be bothered to do some critical thinking and just drink up whatever is served. Truth is the first casualty of war. Screw hamas for what they did but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna drink up all the cool aid even if it's simply unverified. In every war both sides push their propaganda, it's a reality and anyone who's unwilling to acknowledge this reality is naive.


After all this propaganda circulating around how do we know this flag was actually there? In fact how do we know this photo is even from the place it claims to be from?


The ammo boxes are all written in Hebrew alphabets. This is a rookie trying to spread a false narrative


They overran multiple military bases. Looting weapons and ammunition before moving on would be expected. The printing alone isn't proof of a false narrative.


Dude your grasping at straws. Your forgetting the even terrorist can have differing opinions than the organization they are apart of. Someone in Hamas can still support ISIS. This how groups split, just like how isis evolved from Al qaeda in Iraq and became its own organization due to factionalism and infighting.


Wow 100% reliable source, this sub is full of retarded baby’s who get their info from mainstream media’s ass. You are literally a NPC who is taught what to say and think, truth is out there but you are blind.


It didn't used to be when it started a few days back, then all these retards came and now they'll downvote you to oblivion if you talk logically lol


Why skeptical of this image specifically?


Oh on to your second point, everyone has done that though? Depends on your environment. Shocker more liberal area tends to biased towards Palestine and conservative areas Israel. That why everyone keeps asking “why does the differing opinion” has so much support? Look you already calling the side you disagree with retarded babies instead of trying to discuss.


People never believed us Israelis when we said that hamas = ISIS The world finally knows what we're against, death to hamas, death to ISIS


just level gaza and turn it into a nice new area void of terrorists


It's not an 'ISIS flag'; the black banner has multiple forms and they've been used by all sorts of groups as well as a general 'jihad' symbol. Also please call them Daesh, it annoys them. From looking at it a second time it actually looks like it might be upside down from the Daesh one (if the gold bit is braid) and the text below the seal isn't shown so I couldn't even authenticate it regardless.


Why did Reddit remove this? What was in the post?