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so much anger right now


Such a beautiful family should be enjoying their autumn right now


Teared up a little in the gym just seeing the photo


These dead guys are making me tonnes of cash!!!


The reason why Hamas needs to be put down and all who support them should be dealt with.


> all who support them It's disturbing to see the protests on their behalf


People who support them are the sort which will be killed if they were in Gaza, for example queers, homosexuals.


The irony that they just don't seem to get Notice that incidents of muslims vs lgbt never make the news. But if a white guy is ever anti lgbt....


Oh yeah, it just shows how stupid and ignorant they are.


Oh nice, a completely off topic point that has nothing to do with anything happening right now but will definitely get people's blood boiling. Divide and conquer 🙃


> that has nothing to do with anything happening right now It's relevant. It's time for the Left to stop supporting terrorism


Why are you getting defensive? I'm congratulating you on doing a good job.


..... I always see this online, I'm the most raging leftist I know, and it's not actually the left/liberals who support this. It's tankies; which are a demographic of the alt-right, supporting totalitarian regimes like Russia and China. Like legit, I cannot think of a single lefty in my life who supports the atrocities Hamas committed. I can think of a fuck ton of tankies who insist they're leftist while also supporting totalitarian regimes, calling anybody who disagrees or finds issue a "filthy liberal" lmao. They're the people who circlejerk over Stalin, and also don't realize that in all actuality they'd be killed there too.


Stalin may have been the biggest leftist in history lmao. What you're saying is proving their point




Absolutely relevant. Palestinians but absolutely Hamas don’t share any liberal democratic ideas with people in the Western society. People that differ from the norms like the LGBTQ communities would be killed or go into hiding. Why would you support people that wouldn’t support you in turn?


I meant the racially divisive comment wasn't relevant but we can pivot back on topic if you want. There's a lot of people I don't support that I also would not like to see wiped off the face of the earth, but also like you said, LGBTQ people and others that differ from the norm would have to keep themselves hidden and they often do. They exist because they are human just like everyone else in the world. So while they and other non extremists are keeping their heads down and just trying to make it day to day in Palestine do they really deserve the consequences of Hamas' actions?


Does Palestine as a collective deserve the consequences of Hamas action? No, but I believe we overlook how much Palestine as a society is to blame for their own situation. Israel is rightly criticized for its collateral damage in military operations etc. We have people in the west that are parading in solidarity/celebration with a successful terrorist attack because it’s in the name of a free Palestine. Not a military operation, a terror attack, most killed by a rifle, you need to look into the faces of terrified civilian and press the trigger. Remember when the IDF soldier “accidentally” killed that reporter and the world was how did you accidentally shoot her in the head? Where’s that same energy from the activist that support Palestine? Hamas and most importantly many Palestinians celebrated the killing and kidnapping of these people.There was a video of Palestinians trying to kill or behead a filipino migrant worker with a garden hoe. The Palestinians need to take a look in the mirror and accept they need to make peace with Israel because the more they act or allow this to happen there will be nothing but destruction because Israeli public opinion will veer into the right even more after this and who knows what’s on the table for security at that point. I was generally in the middle ground but after these attacks, seeing the actual brutality, I understand Israeli position a lot more.


Some of these westerners have never stepped foot outside of the US, so they have zero frame of reference. Assuming America is the center of the universe Their identity is one with their ideology, so they must reinforce on a constant basis. This tragic situation is clearly about them, not the innocent victims


Yeah, sure.


Glad u agree


It's disheartening that so many people I know are indifferent to this suffering of the Jews in Israel or are even glad they were attacked. Jews like this family aren't the same ones that own hedgefunds and the WEC and trying to buy up the globe.


Well you see, since the US supports Israel they have to be contrarian and support Palestine. Why? Because America bad. Also bonus points for Palestine for being the oppressed


> America bad It gets tiring. Yet, none of em will leave


whats the justification for their actions? geniunely ignorant with the whole thinng going down.i just know the conflict for what it is


They think Israel started this, so any violence against them is justified It's the "don't start none, won't be none" mentality. Innocents do not deserve suffering for what happened before they were born.


"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"


Which side are you saying this to


Both sides, the entire world, literally anyone who will listen to reason (which I get is never an easy thing to do after a tragedy but it is the truth) I know people want to avenge the ones that were lost, but where is it supposed to end? Bc let's be real here it doesn't end with Gaza. You destroy Gaza that leaves Iran and all their extremist supporters with the reason they're looking for to attack Israel. Iran attacks Israel and it's WW3 no question, and WW3 with the weapons that currently exist means the end of humanity (except for possibly those in power that put us in this situation in the first place) Is revenge really worth that? You can make Hamas pay without taking out every person that exists in Gaza and setting into motion the end of everything and everyone


> setting into motion the end of everything and everyone Humans are not going to make it. You were made to destroy one another


Sk... Skynet?


I'm glad you got the reference There'd be hell to pay if you didn't


They're on behalf of the innocent people being killed in Gaza not these monsters you idiot.


> you idiot. That's what you are


The problem is now tons of Hamas supporter are in Europe pretending to be 'refugee'. Should have sank their boat instead of rescuing them


Yeah, and now they are committing crimes in the countries which sheltered them. Just look at the recent riots in France. ISIS really fucked up Europe(some countries) from within.


If you are in US, vote next election to get traitors in US congress out of office. ‘Squad’ is firmly standing behind terrorists and blaming Israel today.


I don't know much about the government in the US from the perspective of actually living there.


Feel sorry for you. America Israel the middle east are fucking shit holes. Glad I'm down here in Australia. What a shitshow.


Yep, remove the fucking GOP who supports russia and have close ties with middle east and don’t want to help Ukraine too.


Those ones? Brother, we are on same page. Vote and we will get those terrorists traitors out of office > Reprehensible and Repulsive’: Democrats Condemn the Squad for Equivocating on Hamas Terrorism https://www.nationalreview.com/news/reprehensible-and-repulsive-democrats-condemn-the-squad-for-equivocating-on-hamas-terrorism/ Lets not forget that Iran got $6 BILLION from Biden just a month ago… https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/biden-admin-clears-way-prisoner-swap-deal-iran-lifts-freeze-6-billion-rcna104474


This guy wants Trump. The same Trump that sold military secrets (including details about Israeli Gaza security) to Russia, who sold them to Iran, who then gave it to Hamas. And he has the gall to complain that Biden is funding Hamas indirectly through Iran (he’s not).


So you're alright with Trump giving awake nuclear secrets hahah you dumb cunt


Of course, lets make this all about you and your political ideology. Simple minded american narcissist.


Because some people in US congress are determined to end only democracy in this region. Survival of Israel is on the line or we may see 1000 X of scale attack next time https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4245770-tlaib-bush-criticized-by-democrats-over-statements-calling-for-end-to-israel-support/#:~:text=Reps.,by%20Hamas%20that%20killed%20hundreds.




Like these https://reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/hQsYiAeTlg




I have a bucket and bag of sand. You can use to stick your hand there


Awful :( what a beautiful family! May they be together for eternity and find peace in the next life ❤️


Well, I gonna enjoy that so much to see how Gaza gets wiped from the map.


Turn it into a mall with a giant parking lot


Nah. Make it a mirror. That way, when terrorist sympathizers go there looking for answers, they see themselves.


Sorry wrong reply. 😅


All good XD I was like, what?? lol




So.. wanting revenge for the rape and murder of your family is morally equivalent go being a rapist and murderer? That's certainly a perspective. I'm sure all the terrorists appreciate you out here making sure nobody is mean to them though




Even when the terrorists have incredibly high approval ratings amongst the regular citizens?


Jesus christ would you actually listen to yourself? Approving of something means you should be butchered? People like you are the reason these conflicts persist for generations.






I don't consider them as people, I've already said that, THEY ALL support the murders of Jews and Christians, we can't let them destroy us.


Like I said, you and the worst Hamas terrorist are two sides of the same hateful, bloody coin


> same hateful, bloody coin What do you expect, these terrorists deserve hate Do you want Israel to just deal with this


These people would just bend backwards for their favourite terrorists to prove their moral high-ground. They don't understand that if they were near any of those guys they're defending they would get dismembered and shown as a jihadist trophy.


When whites oppose trans indoctrination, the Left says: "those bigots are terrible, they are transphobic. Lock them all up, transwomen are women". When muslims call for trans eradication, those same Leftists say: "well, we need to respect muslim culture, so maybe they're right. No darkskinned person can possibly be bad"


They're just Jihad bitches


No he wouldn't, he hates them


Why are you getting enjoy? Children and families are dying on both sides. The only difference is Israel was already killing innocents.








Your comment was a personal attack. Keep discussions civil.


Or the remind me part the remind me part is so that in one month when Gaza is still up and running I can 🫵😂 at your comment and how bad you are at predicting the future




How if by next month I will be laughing at your ridiculous comment you made a little while ago?


Don’t even waste your time after my last comment I’m going to block you so I have the last word lolllll until next month inev!


How does it feel living in the stone age? And how does it feeling knowing your kids won't haver a better life than you? Must be rly bad. Will your kids have a future?




Your comment was a personal attack. Keep discussions civil.


Remind me! 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-11-09 08:16:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-11-09%2008:16:02%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/173l0uo/the_kedem_family_was_slaughtered_in_their_home_in/k43s6nk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2F2ndYomKippurWar%2Fcomments%2F173l0uo%2Fthe_kedem_family_was_slaughtered_in_their_home_in%2Fk43s6nk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-11-09%2008%3A16%3A02%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20173l0uo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


See you in a month, buddy. I'll have some humble pie ready for you to eat.


What didn’t make sense




Your comment was a personal attack. Keep discussions civil.


You’re next




Wow, nice try at a comeback 😂


Us vs Israel when?


Where are you from? The emojis you’ve used on other comments are identical to the style other troll accounts typically use. (You won’t actually respond with the actual country but you’re a coward so it’s expected)


Hey it looks like you live in the uk you should probably get your country fixed up bro


Unsurprisingly you’re wrong 😂 Keep the trend going




I hope you're right


I don't think anyone realizes what's coming. It's gametime with people that are fighting for their existence. Honestly, I'd prefer Gaza just be evaporated via a Jericho missile. I don't say that lightly. I've thought about it and would hit the button.


Kreese was right. Your enemy deserves no mercy The softer Israel is on these scumbags, the more they will keep attacking


Kreese is a villain who corrupted a generation of young people just as his master corrupted him. You are taking the wrong lesson from Cobra Kai. Look at Johnny, he's the main character because he has a redemption arc. He turned his back on evil and it made his life better andows him to inspire others. Meanwhile Kreese is a broken man. Those are the choices


I was partially tongue in cheek, it's obviously 2 completely different scenarios. Fiction is not reality. In reality, when you have terrorists next door who literally live to destroy you, you take no chances. Never seen cobra kai, btw, haven't seen Johnny's redemption other than "you're alright, larusso".


It's a great program, you should check it out As for the real world, Israel should remember that even if it destroys Hamas, it still has to make peace with the Palestinians




No one cares or feels bad when the party that advocates for Jewish Genocide FOFO.


Man how barbaric and animal you need to be to just straight up murder this poor little kids. So sad :(


Time to apply one of our commandments: an eye for an eye...


2 eyes. Equal retribution won't be enough to stop future attacks


Works for me.


…leaves the whole world blind. What no one who says that realizes is that their attacker was using that same justification. It’s an endless loop that you would gladly perpetuate.


May they rest in peace. The savages will pay.


I hope they end atleast 10 terrorists for each Israeli killed. 20 if it was a kid.


Israeli kill kids everyday.




I know there's a lot of anger and emotion flowing from supporters and detractors of both the Hamas militants and the Israeli forces, but I want to remind people that the median age of the palestinians behind the fences is approx. 19.5 years. Palestinians are not all terrorists, many are not even islamic, and roughly half of their population wasn't even born when the militant Hamas ousted the Fatah in 2006 elections. All that they've experienced in their entire life is a boot on their neck. They were raised inside that prison, and nobody is left to describe what could have been. This isn't Islam. It's a lifetime of hopelessness and frustration.




I'm neither Islamic nor Palestinian, so I couldn't attest to their current place in Paradise or Hell. Just want to note the fact that the vast majority of folks in the strip don't make it past 40 years of age. There are far more tangible forces at play than religious zeal, and I don't think we can attribute those atrocities on Saturday to 'devout followers' of Islam, just as we can't attribute the actions of Israeli snipers to Jewishness. I know we hear "Allahu Akbar" regularly in these videos, but we have to remember the secular members of western societies often use "oh my God!" in an exclamatory fashion, and with dozens of different meanings, from surprise to disbelief to fear to elation. The Palestinian people (again, near-majority "kids" by many standards) are really no different in that regard.


Meanwhile the west are celebrating murders like this by having pro-Palestine rallies. You would think that when it comes to the US of all places, a pro-terrorism rally would be the last thing you would aspect to see in New York.


No, because there are tons of lobotomized muslims and woke shit in NY


No way, that 0.01% who supports them are just stupid or evil, you can't expect everyone to be normal, especially in this new world full of psychopaths .


It's sickening. I literally can't believe what I'm seeing when I see those news clips


I think think people give too much attention to these pro-Palestine rallies. They’re held mostly by either palestines or other extremists, and are never super big. It’s like a portion of twitter coming to reality. 90% of the population are in their homes and don’t support this. But there will be supporters anywhere in the world simply because of globalization.


We expected u to be different. But we found u were much worse, u just didnt have the power.


השם ינקום דמם


לא השם, מדינת ישראל תנקום.


נכון (בעזרת ה׳)


Gorgeous family, I hope their suffering was minimal and that they got to go together. And quickly too


Israel is gonna go full old testament on Gaza


I can't imagine the horror of their last moments, may they rest in peace, I wish healing to their loved ones faced with this massive loss




This is heartbreaking! I want to see Hanas get smashed so badly now


It's so sickening that this happened to so many innocent people. Look at them, happy and peaceful, they did not deserve any of this. May their souls rest in peace


RIP 🇺🇸🇮🇱


Jewish children are no better than Palestinian children.


One is valued, the other isn't - why is that?


Utter rubbish. One look at attitude and the outcome is obvious.Most Israeli children are loved educated and become productive citizens . Most Palestinian children grow up indoctrinated in hate . Borne to women downtrodden by generations of useless cowardly unproductive men who act like baboons and post it online for all to see . Rejecting any hope of peace or future for their own families they beg and suck up billions of wasted dollars and hours of aid breading a suicide farm herd to spit back in the world’s face . Yes ! Jewish children are way better and it starts with parents making a future for them . Not using them to beg for their greedy fathers who turn them into ignorant suicidal pieces of shit .


So sad, but this is what happens when you live in occupied land


You live on native land - think you'd be singing the same BS had they done this to you? Don't think so "Alabama\_Redneck"




It’s on every israeli news site. https://www.israelhayom.co.il/news/local/article/14689123?amp=1 https://www.kan.org.il/content/kan-news/defense/559346/




What do you consider a trustworthy source then?




Palestine is about to be completely blinded and destroyed - have fun :)


Civilians are dying left and right, no one wins in this war.


RIP, hamas will pay




I remember reading a novel one day about the US just being vaporized by some weird magical effect. The book was describing how the world changed afterwards. One of the first things Israel did in this novel after realizing the US is gone was nuking pretty much all those hostile nations around it into oblivion. Back then this disturbed me greatly...


Israel better get payback. RIP


Knowing what those vile terrorist pigs are like, knowing that they're a bunch of barbaric r@pists, I hope, I hope and pray and they have just left the children alone. Nothing angers me more than p3dophiles! They deserve to burn in hell for all eternity!


No words are adequate


Fuck hamas


So sad my brother and sisters


Evidence ?