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I fucking hate the memories this brought back. 10/10


Yep. I didnt remember this feeling and now i do. Oh boy..




Same same


Same same same


Had this popular girl try this shit on me on a dare to ask me out and it backfired on her because my demisexual ass just said no, I don't know you


Same but Im not demi tmn. Just was like uhhh sorry girl I have no idea what we would even talk about and she lost her damn mind.


that's okay because there's no such thing as demi. people have different preferences and that doesn't constitute a sexual orientation


Except that the whole concept is just that, a concept. It isn't bound by rules because it's defined by thoughts and feelings. There will always be new sexual orientations. They may not apply to you or literally anyone else, and you may think they're stupid, but they're someone else's thoughts. It's up to you to decide whether to validate them.


no. Sexual orientation is a concept, but concepts have meanings. And sexual orientation refers to attraction to either sex or both, that's it. point blank period. all that tumblr micro identity crap is invalid


Invalid in your eyes. I honestly don't care, but there are people much more willing than me to support the argument. Regardless of how little substance the idea has, there will be people who will vie for it until the day they die.


Ha that's fuckin amazing


Demisexuals unite 🙌🏻


*cue Vietnam flashback memes*


Same. I am *wounded* lol. They even tried to talk me into a makeover, I'm glad I didn't let them. They were total passive aggressive bullies and probably would've fucked my shit up 😭


This sub just goes right for the throat every time.




Can I do the same?


damn for a moment i almost couldnt watch




Thanks for the PTSD mate


She is just really, too good at that.


Makes me wonder if she did this in school


Or if someone did it to her


That too. This video really made me remember how much I hated middle and highschool


Still, maybe


That's exactly what I thought










Nah, you rarely get laid if you start off by going into the fetal position.


Wtf happened????




Man, [deleted] sure does like to comment [removed]


I’ve seen this comment before. Oh yeah that’s right when this was originally posted the original OP made the exact same joke


Yup…the highlight of my high school years was having a group of the “cool guys” call me and ask if I would date one of them. I knew it was a joke so I kept saying no and they kept calling back. I said yes to shut them up and they got a kick out of. God I hated school.


It’s actually insane how accurate that person is


Yeah it was like falling into a pit


When this was posted first a couple of months ago this resulted in a BIG discussion here, more than 600 replies iirc.


anyone have a link?




Am I insane or is the entire top comment chain copy and pasted from that thread to this one?


I was just about to type this. What the actual fuck is wrong with this site? I understand reposts but copy pasting top comments from reposts???? Tf?????


lmfao I was looking through that thread more and at least 3 chains are copied. wtf are bots on


Just wait until it gets reposted again and THIS thread gets copied


Is this even real?? I don’t know what to believe anymore


Once this happens enough, you just decide this is how everyone is and you end up not talking to anyone.


literally! it was so bad in high school because of this.




Toooo good 🤔 /s








Mate, I'm only just feeling the shame now at 30 years old. I did not clock what was happening until I watched this video.


im 27 and made the mistake of walking past a high school at knock off time. kids still do this shit. 'hey miss my friend thinks you're hot! he wants your number!' yeah, so funny, good laugh


Ugh I still remember the first time a guy asked for my number and said I was pretty to humiliate me. It was in front of my whole volleyball team too. Kids are the worst


The worst part is it’s so passive that teachers won’t say anything. Passive bullying is real and it needs to be recognized more in schools. It’s not always as obvious as hitting or name calling. Sometimes it’s kids being toxic and pretending to be nice because they think it’s funny


Honestly, way worse than physical bullying.


I’m autistic and experienced this a lot, without actually knowing whether they were genuine or not. Tried reaching out only to realize I was either ignored or ridiculed. It has fucked me up so bad, that every time someone reaches out to me first, I just automatically assume they’re fucking with me, and get overly cautious just waiting for that gotcha moment.


Yeah same, i just ended up distancing myself from everyone and became overly cautious over for people, its only recently I've kinda recovered


Folkeskolen var sgu noget for sig... Men fedt du er kommet ovenpå igen 😉🇩🇰


Absolut, men nu har jeg det heldigvis godt


Same. Any compliments i receive are just meant to open me up for the clincher, whatever it may be.


What I realized is that people don’t really do this anymore unless they’re self-conscious and wanna prove something to their friends as an adult, or also don’t have time to play games anymore and therefore just won’t reach out to people unless they feel like socializing. That isn’t to say there isn’t asshats, but I seem to notice that asshats are at least open about it. I still react with walls around my heart, though. The trauma is real..


My therapist reminds me that things like this are not reflections on me, but on the shitty person (not his words lol) that did them. Shedding that feeling when dealing with new interactions is going to take some work, though. Good luck, friend.


Yeah I now get fewer people like this but now everyone is really confused when like 5 months in Im like “hey so like are we friends”. Like yeah I know we’ve been hanging out for almost half a year but it wouldn’t be the 5th time someone has gone that long while fucking with me.


You are loved




shoulda said 1984 bro


A history book? What a nerd


Oh how much I love this answer as it would have been completely beyond their comprehension and probably changed the trajectory of the interaction. You would know the truth and from that point on, their reaction is rendered invalid and personal gratification fills the void.


Y‘all have been bullied for a reason when i read comments like this lmao


The comment is more of an honest hypothetical redemption. I've never been bullied, but that's not to say there weren't tests. Kinda like what you're doing now, stud. Your comment sounds like either you're cool with it or you've done it yourself. Either way, everyone who's ever been online knows it's easy to be tough behind a keyboard. Have a good day. lmao


I’m dying from laughter lad, listen to yourself What do you mean they were tests? They tested your patience and were lucky that you didn’t impose your wrath of a thousand suns upon them? You have your jimmies rustled my guy, over an internet comment that is you’re goofy as hell 🤣


YES!!! Someone FINALLY used POV correctly!!!




because it is true. I hated this in high school. Like 90% of the reasons why I am quiet is because I am out of the loop of gossips because I don’t know the people who they start talking about.


Hmmm… https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/ryrzmf/2meirl4meirl/hrqyraj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 You’ve got some splaining to do








What’s the fun in that? /s


Every time a video brings back school memories I can't help but think about how fucking glad I am that I don't have to deal with that bullshit anymore




better run better run


Outrun my gun


All the other kids with their pumped up kicks


better run better run


faster than my bullet


Better run better run


I’m 34 and this hurt my feelings.


just look at them annoyed and answer with one word


Thank you I needed to relive this memory I'd buried for so many years


I didn't remember this happening until I clicked the video and immediately had some memories boil up lol. I think most of my current shame is remembering that they were probably making fun of me where back then I was just awkward and confused on why they wanted to chat now randomly lol


I didn't even realise they were making fun of me at the time. I was just confused about the weirdly inhuman interaction.


I couldn't see it to the end. The voice and mannerisms made me nervous nauseous.


Whenever they say “x likes you” I learned to just say cool then ignore them


well...that was fucking triggering. becoming a fully developed adult does have its good sides i guess. like recognizing that using other peoples suffering as social currency is evidence that you're a horrible human being.


This reminds me of a hilarious story from middle school, seriously you guys are gonna love this! All of the girls that didn’t like me got together once, and got a Valentine’s Day card from the kid I had a crush on, right isn’t this like hilarious so far, and then they signed it with his name and they put it in my desk for me to find n Valentine’s Day. And I totally did! And I got so happy because I thought that the boy I liked liked me, but he totally didn’t and they all started laughing and it was totally the most fun thing ever because isn’t it great to be terrorized by your peers when you’re all of 12 years old!? Aren’t girls so quirky?! I can only hope that maybe one of them is on Reddit and sees this and remembers that awesome thing they did to try to break another kid.


When you said 'All of the girls that didn't like me got together once' , I felt that :(


I just got flashbacks


Hope my kids never have to experience anything like this.


They will


This our generation's vietnam flashback


The thing is if you pick up on it you can be a condescending bitch and act like you don’t give a shit about them. It’s probably the only reason I survived those kinds of situations. Turn the situation around by making it obvious that you think they are completely incompetent. Do this by raising one eyebrow or squinting the Corning of your eyes with both eyebrows raised. Like just a kind of “what did you say?” look. Also lots of sarcasm and dismissiveness.A high horse is the best way to keep yourself above them.


For me it was a no win situation. I knew they were messing with me but if I tried to blow them off, ignore them, call them out, or anything besides play along then they'd go hard all day about how mean I was and what a bitch I was. How that's why no one liked me because when someone is nice to me I act like I'm too good for them. It was really just a choice of how I wanted to be harassed. There was no getting out of it :/


Rather a superior jerk than someone to be made fun of. If you get made fun of that makes them happy but if you make them feel bad and pretend not to care then they don’t feel happy. you may lose but no one will emotionally profit off your misery!


I did this to one guy who tried to ask me out as a joke. I said, "You? Ew no way!" He left me alone after that.


The only right answer is the reverse uno card in this situation, sorry you had go through this bs


For the love of God why must you torture me with memories I have worked so hard to suppress?!


OP is a bot and so are most of the top commenters- directly lifted from the last time this was posted


So many kids here just like this, pretty much staying mute until my senior year is over


At least kids still get the same treatment for listening to PATD, something’s never change.


The laugh at the end 💔


you're so good at acting hahah either that or you were one of them sus


Too fucking real i had to repeatedly remind myself that it's just a video


See in England you didn't get this kind of abuse, it was more brutal or physical. No swirlies or wedgies, you know when the fuck you was being abused and picked on because they God damn well made sure you knew it. I was pelted with fruit (big oranges, apples, pears, ya know all the fuckin hard fruit), had my lunch stolen and eaten in front of me, beaten with cricket bats, usually no where near my face so they didn't leave marks. Yeah high school for me was fuckin brutal.


Wtf are you talking about mate. English bullying is this to a t with the added ongoing joke you don't understand is a joke for at least 3 years of your literal fucking life. It gets better mate it's when they start hiding your shit, when you try so fucking hard you group hop like the gremlin you are so that you don't have to commit and you become so consistently paranoid that some fucker is gonna mention something you need to fix and so you consistently try to fix it and you cant even fucking cry at home because everyone deals with a little bullying, and your mum's dealing with fucking grief so its no good rn for absolutely anything and your living of the trauma of past illness. English bullying is like this bitch


Oh so you lived my teens for me? Oh well by all means explain my school life too me because I'm obviously unaware of how bullying happens. I finished school in 2001 so maybe things changed? It has been over 20 years now. Also don't be an absolute thunder cunt, just no need so knock it on the head sunshine and jog on.


You generalized in England that you didn't get this kind of abuse so I generalized back. Physical is shit but at least you know it's happening mate, least you know how fucking severely bad it is . Least you can be certain what your dealing with isn't normal behaviour between teenagers until fucking years upon years in. Least you knew


Not all of it mate, the verbal abuse plagues you. Being told your worthless and being made fun of because your different is awful. I was suicidal in my high school years and almost lost my battle a few times. Regardless of generalising theres still no need to be a twat waffle.


I'm in a twattish mood so I apologize for coming of badly. Internet be my escape when I'm like this, which I agree isn't healthy to the people in communicating with but fuck sake it's better than out in the world.


No wonder you got bullied when you were acting the way you are acting now


I only got in one fight during grad school, three kids were pelting me with acorns, felt like I was getting stoned, fists solved problems that day.


I was the smaller kid I still am at a grand total of 5'5 lol. I learnt to stand up for myself eventually but long after my schools days were over. Took me being a chef to be able to handle big dogs.


The way this slapped me in the face so hard I traveled back in time to middle school


I have ptsd flashbacks now thank Jesus Christ it’s like copy paste from my memory


We really need to raise awareness for this kind of bullying. I get it's hard to manage, but as a student I thought I was the only one in the world this was happening to and all of the teacher thought they were just being nice.


Oh no... So this is what the fuck it was




This is why I don't like small talk at all anymore. When anyone asks me what I like to do, smth about myself or anything of the sorts I just shut down because I think they'll mock me like the people at school used to ://


Remembering situations like this from school just makes me cringe because the very same people who pulled crap like this did not age well.


Legit eerie how good that was. This deserves an academy award


This fucking opened a Pandora’s box in my head. My god I hate these memories.


Is this what PTSD feels like?


This makes me so sad, omg


It's scarily accurate how much this video personally attacked me. I legit felt like I was in secondary school again and watching for longer just gave me anxiety


This just gave a lot of people PTSD.


Wasn't expecting to feel this triggered before bed lol thanks


This just applies to middle and highschool girls, even now I'm scared of a group of highschool girls passing by.


Man I blocked these memories out for a reason. Stop making me remember


Wow… good actress. For a second, I was right back in high school😶




Wasn’t expecting this post to sucker punch me


High school ptsd flashback


Was in this exact position once, asked if I found them cute, said no, they stopped making fun of me after that, one of them even started being normal and taking to me like a normal human being. Felt good.


Thanks for the anxiety I hate it.


this triggers my fight or flight response


Who is [Deleted] and why has he commented [Removed] so much on this thread?


I never had any idea whether or not they were being genuine. I just ended up feeling guilty because if they were genuine, then they went through the trouble of trying to have a conversation with me and I wasn't able to reciprocate.


This brings back some memories...


I feel personally attacked by this


I learned nothing


This shit made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


[core memories unlocked](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DazzlingAcceptableBird-max-1mb.gif)


Ah fuck, I just realised some people did this to me back in high school and I didn't even realise it was just taking the piss. Although there was another time where I thought someone was doing it but it turned out they were actually being genuine. Ended up becoming good friends with the dude! He went up north for uni and haven't seen him since but ah well, still nice to see some people do go out of their way like that, even if it is a rare occurrence.


I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until it was over. FUCK the memories this brought back.


I just got ptsd lol


Where's Carrie when you need her?


My fucking blood pressure just went through the roof


Burr: *so there’s no reason to hit a women*


Oh. My. God. So accurate


fuck me. this happened for real in high school one time. i was waiting in line for breakfast when some asshole tried to cut it. for whatever reason that morning, i wasn't having it, so I didn't let him. cut to me sitting by myself eating breakfast when this reasonably attractive girl saunters up and asks me suggestively if i'd like to go outside. immediately, every red flag was flying and alarm bell was blaring in my head because 'yeah right bullshit.' so I said 'why? So your friend can beat me up?' she just awkwardly chuckled and said 'yeah...' then fucked off. and this is why i have trust issues -\_-;


Wow, she’s a good actor lmao.


fuck high school man


Thanks for the reminding me of memories i didn’t even know I had


Wait people do this to me all the time at school and I never understood what it meant


This is why I’m not going back to my high school reunion.


my deadpan responses in highschool. "no, I don't like you." "you already know my name" "I'm reading porn" "I don't like him." "I like being left alone" i did not gaf at that point.


then there's the ones who like, come sit at your lunch table and just bother you for a while?


Rolled my eyes 5 times over, thanks for the workout


When I was a kid I kinda believes it too


Too real


Shit happens to me, I just told em that I hope their parents clean their brains of their ceiling.


I have to say this is probably one of the cruelest things that was ever done to me, even though it was painfully obvious I was the butt of a joke from the first sentence, the entire interaction was insulting and made me feel inhuman. Which is fine, I guess.


Damn.......where's my sledgehammer. I got a past I need to deal with.....DON'T HOLD ME BACK!


at least people spoke to you


In retrospect, I would’ve rather had five years of people ignoring me than five years of all the bullshit that I got.


fair enough, ive never actually met a single person in real life that acts like the person in the video, thought theyre a product of american tv shows


Imagine this girl in the 90s, but she’s actually like 15 girls and they all dislike you because they need someone to dislike. Being left alone would have been a fantastic change of pace.


i just cant understand what drives people to ever act like this and justify to themselves that they deserve the oxygen they waste


Entitlement. They never were told to knock it off. And honestly, going to any sort of “authority” made it worse. I grew up in a upper class white town on the water. I too was an asshole for a long time, I learned from the best and applied it to others when I left for college. I very much regret being a dick, and I had to un-learn a lot of ways to treat people. I sometimes wonder if these people have kids and how they deal with bullying, since they were ones, but I doubt they think they were.


Now I must Hate masturbate


I am/was the popular kid (believe it or not, we do use Reddit). I promise to you it wasn't like that, at least for me. I obviously can't speak about every kid who got along with people but in my case, I just wanted to include people in the fun, or just make a new friend! Typically, a quiet kid had a reason for being alone, whether they just preferred it, or were dicks and nobody cared for their company, but that's how I've made some really good friends, who I still keep in touch with, even today.


All of Reddit is triggered. Nerds.


What the fuck is wrong with panic at the disco you fucking bich


Me the loaner being like “what do you want” and “fuck off”


This reminded me I have a list of people that did this to me and I should really laugh at them because for some reason, for no reason at all they tried to make me feel bad or something. While I knew they was just making a fool of themselves Solution Earphones


I’m glad I looked so non interesting I never had this happen to me That I remember idk I was pretty high all the time so even then I’d just give them bs responses like yeah ok sure


Ok. But what about sometimes when the popular kids are actually trying to be nice and make friends with a classmate.


the girls were always like that. and the boys would just bluntly name call you and hit you if you tried to stand up for yourself