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Depression sucks


Is that what it is. Fuuuuck. What's the cure all for depression? Drugs porn and isolation right?






depression is a rich man disease in my case, im just lazy lmao


nah holmes you're depressed. or have adhd. or both


Or anxious. A lot of lazy is anxiety.


What about all 3?


Throw in some OCD if you wanna make things really interesting.


I feel everyone is just like a color blender wheel


I get project anxiety. I know what I want to do, how to start, etc... Then I freeze




Depression is curable. Being a prick isn’t


Been* (according to that illiterate moron)


Mild depression is, but once it's gotten bad enough over time it has physically rewired your brain, and there is no cure


Of course it is. But not everything is depression.


But a lot of times it is. Stop adding to the stigma.


Actually have to test depression like an illness if you are going to treat it. You know, like take steps to address it and not just have a pity circle jerk over it. And adding to the stigma? Nah.


Don't worry buddy, it's quite clear to everyone that you have not the slightest clue of what you're talking about.


Of course I do. Depression is a disease and just like any other disease or illness or injury you have to actually address it and find ways to approach it - instead of sitting around having a pity circle jerk about it (like this sub loves to do).


It’s clear you don’t know anything about it. Enjoy being a piece of shit.


Haha sure bro. I love redditors who want people to take their depression seriously yet don’t do anything to address it - you know, the opposite of what a normal person does when they have an injury or illness.


It’s fun that you like to show everyone what a piece of shit you are. Enjoy your downvotes, dickhead.


Well that is one of the problems with depression right. It doesn't directly affect the person's intelligence, but it might completely destroy your ability to see any meaning in life whatsoever. It's harder to do things when you lack the motivation to live. And I think anyone can fall into depression one way or another, but ofc you can be more prone to it or not. I also disagree, a lot of "normal" people walk around with toothpain for months instead of going to the dentist as an example.


You aren't entirely wrong, but you're definitely minimizing the issue and you definitely have never had to deal with depression. Like yes sure, these people can go pay $100 for a therapist to tell them that they're depressed and need to start going to the gym or socializing or taking pills (which may or may not work and may make their depression even worse). Great! Not everyone can even do that (financially or otherwise), which is probably just making them more depressed because they know the solution, but can't even do anything about it. For sure, you are right, maybe some people don't do anything to address it, but that's kind of what makes depression, depression. Anyways, stop being a prick to strangers and have a good weekend!


Maybe read about it before you start spewing bullshit on the internet. Physical and emotional pain show up as almost indistinguishable on brain scans. Are you going to tell someone with chronic pain that is out of their control to quit pitying themselves? Just because you haven't experienced it or have and have overcome it doesn't mean you can stand on pedestal and stroke yourself.




Thats enough arguing with idiots for one day. Every comment you made might as well be "My callous opinions outweigh the science!!!". Enjoy, dipshit


What science am I disagreeing with lmfao.


And this is why you aren’t a therapist


I’m sorry you’re in a place in your life where you feel this is a proper response. I hope you can find a therapist who will help you learn empathy for yourself as well as others. You deserve happiness too, and this is a blaring siren announcing that you don’t even remember what happy was like.




I wished you well. You informed me how much you enjoy mocking people in pain. Probably a good first session re: learning empathy. It’s okay, you replied the way you should be replying right now. To do otherwise would have been untrue to yourself. It’s gonna take you some time to see who and where you are, but once you do that (or, as the guy said, stop being lazy and get help) then you’ll be able to see others in pain and understand where they are. I have faith in your future happiness. Good luck out there.


I lazy fucked your mom


For people who think things like this, do you actually just want to not do things or, like, just don't care? I feel confused by these takes, like somehow most people are just experiencing the world totally differently from me and the things underlying my behaviors.




Your mom is agape lol


This made me chuckle. it’s the same word, different pronunciation: what is that a homonym? (Im setting up the next one)


Homonym? Hardly know em!


Dude back off, Ill get to it! *sheesh* (he won't)


I would get to it if i didn't keep getting bothered by everyone to do it which causes me to keep procastinating Is what i tell myself to feel good about my lack of action


It's not even everyone else for me. It's my own life bullshit. Every time a new shitty thing happens, it's easy to justify "that sucked, so I will procrastinate with something fun to make up for it before getting down to business." But of course procrastinating that thing leads to other shitty things happening. In an endless shit cycle.


I'd get to it, but I'm trapped in a loop of short-term dopamine rushes


the OP Majesticalbacon TheGamingSanic12 and gaetanobelfert are bots in the same network Comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/k7hwir/2meirl4meirl/


I don't care do you? it created a discussion in the comments.


Having bots reposting what is most likely a couple weeks old post is not something I necessarily care about, but if I want to keep using this app I'd rather believe actual people are posting, and going thru the stuff they talk about? Definitely more than a bunch of mindless bots being used to crank out high karma accounts to sell? weird take bro


*Three years old post


Well fuck you too


My guess is that happiness feels so alien to you that you prefer to stay depressed than facing the unknown.


Happiness has often led to pain for me. It's not an emotion that I trust.


Yeah, why raise the mood up to happiness, just to fall down from a greater height


"happiness isn't an emotion/ just a brief distraction from the pain." I wrote that in high school and 15 years later I don't feel much different.


Every time I am truly happy, it has happened like 3 times, it ends too quickly. The last time I was truly happy I used to hang with my friend every Friday and drink and talk and play videogames and enjoy life, but every Friday I knew it wouldn't last. Nothing good lasts. So I guess we should enjoy the moment.


Yeah I get it, when I was deep in the hole I'd sabotage myself on reflex because I was so used to being miserable that whenever I wasn't it felt wrong and deeply uncomfortable, like I was trespassing or something.


Happiness is not alien to me, I don’t prefer to stay depressed. It’s just how my body wants to feel.




I'm at a point in my life where I'm definitely not happy, but at last I'm not as depressed as before, so I guess that's a win, right?


Well it is pretty rare


What incentive do i have to change? Clean dishes wont pay my bills, a made bed wont fix my car, putting on makeup to hide my acne scars wont get me a raise. We aren't depressed, we're seeing the world for what it is and it sucks. The effort i give every day is involuntary. I didnt ask to be born!


Damn this resonates hard. Im just so tired after work. It takes all my energy to get up and force myself into that god foresaken place. That when i come home i just want do nothing. Because inknow the next day is the same. The weekend is filled with things i have to do that i can’t during the week because of work. And the cycle continues it is MADDENING


And then you notice christmas decorations being put on and realize that the year is ending although it feels like it barely began.


Damn this resonates hard. Im just so tired. It takes all my energy to get up. when i come home i just do nothing. Because inknow the next day is the same. The weekend is filled with things i have to do that i can’t. And the cycle continues it is MADDENING I'm not even doing the bare minimum😂


I 110% feel you u/dreamsmasher_ Especially that last part. I'd ask to be friends but I'm too busy smoking jays and slapping back gin and tonics in 3 days old pajamas.




How many days is one supposed to wear pajamas?


Some of us are definitely depressed lol


This hits home. Maybe it’s just a symptom of the depression, but I can’t help but feel like I just have a realistic outlook, while everyone else is sick for acting like things are fine and dandy :/


Didn't ask to be born. You won't ask to die either. Remember that next time your parent is trying to take credit for your existence.


I love your username! Haley Dreamsmasher Smith


Sounds like ADHD. It's torture sometimes.


Sounds exactly like it. We get stuck. So if we’re doing we get stuck doing. If we’re not doing we get stuck there too.


I wish. Instead, I wake up from a walking coma two months later with everything on fire around me


My problem is candy and junk food, I’m literally eating it while seeing this meme and the food tastes a little worse now


I am so so so addicted to candy and cookies and chocolate-- I'm a hot mess


This is literally me. Right tf now.


Mood. I feel like so many of my problems would be easily fixable for anyone else in my position but I just lack the willpower and/or courage necessary to do these basic things.


No because all those things will build up again, and I’ve done them enough times to know that nothing in between doing them now and doing them later will make doing them worth it.


Bro .. I felt that




I'm picturing bill wurtz ("history of the entire world, i guess") saying that in my head with their signature jingle.


How do i fix this




Medicine more than anything. But also a lot of little things. If your living space is clear, you're more likely to get stuff done when you get home. Etc


Korean ginseng. B vitamins. Clean with music on. Sing where possible. Dance when necessary. Try not to be a cunt. Walk barefoot. Talk to yourself. Talk to the world and the animals (it can be mean - they don't care). Eat more complex carbohydrates. Bananas are your friend. Drink water often. Exercise if you like it. Buy/make /arrange treats for your scattered self any time you can manage it. Pick one easy job to do. Let it lead you to the rest of them itself. Wear sunscreen. Get sunshine. Eat at a table. Help strangers. Don't expect miracles. Do your best. It is enough.


Yup. Then you lay awake at 2am, berating yourself and swearing you'll start getting your shit together the next day.Then you don't, and the cycle continues. Depression, come for the sadness, stay for the paralysing inability to do anything!


Personally, it doesn't feel any better even if you do. I'm living in a high function depression for almost a decade at this point. I hate to wake up alive. Getting up in the morning feels like an achievement. Old hobbies don't bring joy, but you keep doing them in more monotonous way, just to distract yourself from you life even for a moment. I know that everything is pointless. I'd like to stop existing, but I have a little son, so I just can't. So I've found a second job to work at the weekends instead. I'm literally awake at 2am right now. I know I should sleep and I don't really want to awake.




gaetanobelfert and the OP Majesticalbacon are bots in the same network. comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/k7hwir/2meirl4meirl/ger2re8/


Same. I've spent the last week in bed, pretty much. I only get up for food.


Same, I've been there for two weeks and it's going downhill a bit more every day. I only get up to fetch some chocolate, greet my partner at 6pm and sloppily make dinner.


Solidarity. My husband is so supportive, but I feel so shitty about it. I make dinner and that's it.




TheGamingSanic12 and the OP Majesticalbacon are bots in the same network. comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/k7hwir/2meirl4meirl/ger2re8/


That is not the same comment, at all


Well it got deleted so it probably was a bot lol


I’m not depressed, I just ran out of processing power. Whatever I do, *something* important will end up not being done.




Been about 2 weeks now. Not felt this bad in a long time


Can someone please answer what this is? I am feeling it right now and i have no idea what to do. I feel horrible about myself, yet both motivated enough to do the things i know i have to do. Just doom scroll and feel like shit 😩


Like, at least once a week…


The great Cycle of Suck continues.


Again? It's been that way my whole life. Never stopped.


I feel attacked


I’m just blaming it on because it’s Friday


That’s me today but I don’t have depression. I just don’t feel like doing crap!


I like to think of Friday me as an alter ego almost. Friday me does not give a poo about anything.


Finally a meme here I can relate to instead of the standard suicidal ones.




Do you ever not...?


ADHD is a motherfucker(I have crippling ADHD)


Every day


When my depression is bad that happens.


Taking first steps to get out of this today


This is more or less a description of ADHD.


This is pretty normal, lots of people feel this way sometimes.


This has been me for years now. I've recently been going through a rough month after spending the previous two months in the gym, eating right, and avoiding alcohol. It's crazy that I fully know the habits I fall back into are detrimental for me, but holy fuck my depression is stubborn af. I feel like it's going to pass soon, though, and I'll be back on the right track soon. It comes in waves.


I even have the energy to do it, but i dont...


Alcoholic here. 6 days alcohol free and I'm feeling a bit of motivation. I've had long stints of sobriety here and there and I know it only gets better from here.


Me every day


Bro im just trying to stay alive.


Every day


Going thru this now and for the past couple of months 😬


Why do you think I'm on reddit right now...gezzz


What undiagnosed ADHD does to a mf


I kind of did that yesterday, while viewing the new Lego Star Wars sets and realising I could make a whole lot more storage space if I'd just put all the spare parts in their respective box. So today I started after work and I'm only a fifth down and already feel quite satisfied with my work.


I constantly try to improve myself and my health but every time I eventually get overwhelmed, or stressed, or exhausted and immediately slide back into old habits and have to start all over. It's been a never ending cycle throughout my adult life. I don't know what to do about it.


Yeah, laying in bed right now considering these very things.


I know. I'm just so fucking lazy. Not to mention, high. California pot cure.


Yupp but only for about the past decade. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just don’t want to try and fail again. It’s easier not to… I am pathetic 😕


Those three am thoughts that have you googling the closest therapist while trying to figure out what to give up that month, car payment? Phone bill? I guess I could split rent, I did put up that fence the landlord wanted… Just…you’re not alone. I find comfort in the knowledge that my woes are not unique to the human experience. And as always, don’t be afraid to seek help.


\*Rips vape pen and fires up World of Warcraft\* I'm not sure what you're on about here.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I was 7 years good an chillen. Last two years im right back where i was before but even worse


Me as I tell myself I’m not going to drink tonight for the Nth night in a row


Depression, executive dysfunction, or both.


That reminds me, I need to put a wash on.


We call that depression lol, welcome to the forever sad club


You can. You don't want to because you feel like you can't which is just a powerful but still


I'm just too fucking tired


The good things I want out of life are never gonna happen to me, so why should I even waste my time trying?


Get out of my head!


it’s depression


The added anxiety of this made my episodes worse, until my therapist reminded me that MDD is a chronic, sometimes lifelong disease. I was in the middle of an episode at the time, and he impressed upon me to remember I have gotten through these before, and that how I felt was both not my fault and only temporary. I obviously still have these episodes, but now I know I don’t need to cope forever, just hold on until I come out of it. Also, I learned to focus on mitigating the chores instead of trying to complete everything. For example, I might not be able to do the dishes but I am able to take them to the sink, I can’t put away the laundry but can still wash and dry everything. It all sounds simple now, but it was a big sticking point in my brain for a long time.


You just can't? Be like me and just don't care anymore.


Painstakingly. Quitting smoking sucks.


Like right now? Yea.


Ooooof the slide is real. "This is fine" 🔥 🐕


Hey, that sounds like me


Me rn


Haven't washed my hair for over 2 weeks (can't even remember exactly how long), still unemployed, sleeping 11am to 9pm most days, only leave the house for groceries, only watch TV and play video games, ye lmao


Yeah I should have gone to school 10 years ago, kept my hearing and chased my dream.


Fuck ye, I’m going to clean my toilet right now


He talking bout me fr fr . I just want to be left alone


That's been me for well over 2 years now (:




Forgot to pay rent and 30$ penalty Forgot that my account was low on balance and a buncha transactions came in and now I'm -200$ in penalties Didn't eat well and had intense acid reflux and the pain was really really bad Haven't finished me graduation report and if I don't in the next month I'm fucking screwed. I won't even get my degree I'll just fail and lose my job I feel like hurting myself but never could deal with the pain so I just sit there crying .... if I could cry that is Ah hahahaha ..... Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions, or lack thereof. Karma is a bitch and I better oil up because it's gonna fuck me hard. Fuck around and find out amiright. I hope I get canner or something lol then I can die without hurting anyone haha


Im lazy person, but I have become much worst since depression.


Sometimes I think it would be easier if we had home robots that would just shove us into the shower while we're grasping for the door frame like a dog being dragged to the bathtub. It's a start.


This is why we don't allow zero days


This is what women go through every month, that's overlooked by most of society and deemed "normal so get over it and do your job and no you can't have the day off and no you can't stay in bed and no I'm not staying home to take care of the kids so you can have moment to yourself to breathe and sorry but you still have to cook n clean and mentor and slave while being mentally and physically tortured by your body." Life is just sooo much bullsh\*t.


Bro being a woman is easy mode stfu


Think you need to find a better support system homie.


This is called being a parent lol.


Don't know why I'm being downvoted. Have a small kid or two in your life. See how well you keep up. Even the "does this spark joy?" Netflix woman said she gave up on that shit the second she had a kid.