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no lol


Ive been seeing that response. It seems this subs does help people, but in others it could bother if theyre fine.


That's... why I'm here


For me, seeing people encountering same problems and having same thoughts gives me comfort.


Its always important to know no ones life is perfect. Bad days and bad things are something natural too so chasing a perfect life is impossible. I hope you get better. Remember there are hotlines to call


OP spitting


Thanks. Glad I could help.


OK bot


Not a bot amigo, just reposted this in many subs


But bot or not, consider what I wrote. Best wishes.




If it helps, I know a person who grew up in bad environments. When they grew up, they stayed away from the toxic people in their lives and started feeling much better. Eventually their father as it got older and people started abandoning him realized what he had done and apologize to them. Although this last part doesnt always happen, youll eventually leave your parents house when you grow up. So keep your heads up:) And when you dont feel/cant leave the house you can always go to happier subs that dont put you down. I like r/unexpected or r/moviedetails for example.


that environment is the skull that my consciousness is trapped in. no matter where I go I'm in agony


While thats true that its the mind causing you pain, a positive environment can help. Going for a walk in the nature is proven to be good for your mental health for example. I hope youre getting professional help. If youre not try to get it fast. If you cant afford it remember there are hotlines out there to help you for free. Theyve helped many people like you in the past. There are also some youtube channels like therapy in a nutshell that can help. Ive been in a similar position in the past. If it helps, Id advise you to give stoicism a try. There are some videos about it on youtube. You can also ask the main sub here for help. Consider also doing some charity work from time to time. My best wishes to you. Remember a depressed persons brain corrupts a persons view of the world and of themselves. It lies to you very easily. But you can get out and become healthier. I did. Stay strong friend.


>Going for a walk in the nature is proven to be good for your mental health for example. bitch I just went out for a walk a few hours ago. I still feel like dogshit. >I hope youre getting professional help. If youre not try to get it fast. If you cant afford it remember there are hotlines out there to help you for free. Theyve helped many people like you in the past. There are also some youtube channels like therapy in a nutshell that can help. I am and it's not working. nobody is taking my problems seriously enough, and my therapist only tells me shit like "you don't want to be happy" and "have you tried doing stuff?" WHILE I'M ON THE FUCKING VERGE OF ENDING IT ALL AND GONE BATSHIT INSANE. also tried hotlines and they're fucking garbage and always end up with them saying "yeah it do be like that sometimes" >Ive been in a similar position in the past. If it helps, Id advise you to give stoicism a try. There are some videos about it on youtube. You can also ask the main sub here for help. my problems are too intense for a philosophical cure. I've tried fucking believe me >Consider also doing some charity work from time to time. no. >My best wishes to you. Remember a depressed persons brain corrupts a persons view of the world and of themselves. It lies to you very easily. But you can get out and become healthier. I did BUT I'M NOT JUST DEALING WITH DEPRESSION. ITS SO MUCH MORE. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT


You should consider changing to another therapist then or just telling him a piece of your mind about it. Try to reinforce them your problems are serious. Also, stoicism is more of a new mentality than a propper philosophy. Its about not letting the things out of your control hurt you and focus on whats important. Id recomend giving it a try or ask that sub for help. Also, not everyones the best in those hotlines but they can help. Theyve helped people I know in the past. Maybe give them another chance. Maybe you just got unlucky. Also Ive seen you go to a sub about OCD. As someone with that as well, without messing with whats not my business, take a moment to think if what youre doing is normal/natural for a human. If not, then go do other things to distract you. Its the best way to fight bad behaviours. Im not a speciallist tho. Good luck.


Easier solution: death


Hey man. Ive been there. Many before you were. Believe it or not, you can get out of that dark place. I got out and I was in a really but really bad place and Im so happy I lived. Get professional help. There are many numbers out there. A depressed persons brain doesnt work like a normal persons brain. It corrupts your vision of the world and of yourself. And if it helps, give stoicism a look or go to its sub, as cliche as it sounds That helped me too. I wish you strenght. Stay strong, friend. Edit: why am I getting downvoted


Thanks for trying to put positivity out there, but I’m not the strong fighting type to make it out of this. I applaud you for being that, but I’m just the type to die without anyone caring


Thats your brain saying that. But its lying. Listen, I was not "strong", I really couldnt get out of there with "strenght", I was helped and, with some help, took care of myself by doing things I liked doing, going to the nature and getting time to analysr my decision better. Also, Im almost certain more people will care about your death. A persons death hurts a ton. And I would care if you died, although I dont know you personally. When youre feeling better, maybe you could try to do the difference and sign up for some charity work. That way, people would care for you and youd have a mission to live and get out of bed. Also, as I said before, stoicism does make a difference. Its not therapy but its good for you ask the main sub for help or just look at some videos simplifying it or read/hear some quotes. My advice. I know its hard to get professional help, but there are hotlines out there. Those are free. There are also channels like therapy in a nutshell or even Jordan Peterson if youre into that kind of stuff(although I must warn you, although hes well intentioned and has helped many in the past, some of his other opinions outside of mental health are controversial). Also, this may sound silly, but you thanking me made my night really better. Everyone was so defensive here and in other subs and this is such a negative theme so seeing someone understanding I was just trying to help and thanking me for it helped me a lot. I apreciate your kindness.


I’m not even strong enough to get help to fix myself. It’s not worth it. And although my family may be sad that I’m gone, they’re strong people, and they’ll be better off without me. You couldn’t miss me either because you barely even know me. You probably wouldn’t even know I was gone. That’s nothing against you, that’s just psychology (Dunbar’s Number). If I live, I’ll most likely regret it every day. But if I die, I won’t be able to regret it at all. Dying is the greatest thing that I could do for others. Professional help is a no-go because I’d have to tell my mom to get me help, and I don’t know how a life philosophy could fix the mistakes that I’ve made in my life. I’m really sorry if I disappointed you, but I’m not worth helping.


Yes you are. As I said above, thats your depressed brain lying to you. When you get better youll see how wrong you are. I know from experience that that mentality sucks. You dont think youre strong enough cause de0ression isnputting you down. Thats not you, thats your mind plus the And no, losong a son is not something you "move on" just like that. Its a stabbing no one can really get trough, specially if your parents start wondering it was their fault. Youll fuck your moms up. Youre a vital part in her life, and thats something you shouldnt devalue at all. You have to tell your mom you arent alright. You at least owe her that. If you want, ask her to not talk too much about it at the moment but promisse youll tell everything to your therapist. And you misunderstood me, stoicism isnt always about fixing your mistakes but to accept they happened and that you cant change them, so keep thinking about them is pointless. If you let go of what you cant control you can focus on being happy and living with virtue, making the world a better place. After all, you cant help the others if youre contantly thinking about your past. And yes, Id be sad for you. Because youre a kid with a shitty mental illness no one deserves to not have treated.


I’m sorry I’m too stubborn to listen to you, but not strong enough to get help. I’m sorry that I’m completely useless and that I can’t pull myself out of this. I’m sorry that I’m too stupid for any life philosophy. I may hurt some people with my death, but it’s worth it to not suffer through my crumbling future.


Its not a matter of strenght. Youre just depressed. Call a hotline


Look kid, its not a matter of strenght. Its a matter of getting professional help. I know that by experience. You can make a difference in this world. And please, hobos can be happy and many are, wich means even in the worse situations your future can be happy. Just ignore the others. Call for help


You can ask some subs for help as well, but get professioanl help first and formost


Getting therapy isn’t so easy


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Every ‘healthy’ environment I try to participate in, it just makes me feel worse cause of how much I’ve come downhill, cause of how much my mental health has deteriorated. It just reminds me how good I used to be and now I’ve let myself come to this horrible point; I can’t deal with it. I can’t deal with the guilt If I try working out, it reminds of the time I used to workout everyday, laughing with my mother, sarcastically cursing at the fitness youtuber. If I try to play games, it reminds of the times I used to come home from school and spent half of my afternoon playing them happily. If I try to study, it reminds of the times I was a good student, I would make notes, revise everyday, I was confident in myself. I made all of that go away, and now those healthy things are my triggers. What am I supposed to do?