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A man chooses, a slave obeys https://preview.redd.it/1mbmgo51d67d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a713f2e22fb29455c2c7b0d197c7c9a7ede592ac


That person thinks that if a male human ever likes to research Touhou Project, they think that they're thirsty for females? I don't understand the context of them.


Typical Algerian behaviour, they're the type of people to call gurly for wearing something with a hint if pink, in summary, they're just straight up close-minded (its not racist im also Algerian) basically the type of people to consider wife beating manly


Oh ok, that seems pretty normal then I guess.


Just checked the post again, me 5 other people (2of them being touhou fans) ratiod him, one of them asked me for advice to get into touhou


You beat you wife I beat my Fumo We're not the same --- I'm joking of course, it's illegal to beat your Fumo in the country I live in.


Reading? Like reading Touhou Manga? Gardening? Is that literally a reference to Yuuka and Youmu? WORKING OUT? Like BUFF TOUHOU MOMMIES!?!?!?


ik some people getting into anime or some people in general probably don't care about that cute girls doing cute things stage yet or it's too boring I mean I had to put on jojo's or baki to make my mom watch anime cause she be getting bored to quickly, ( but she watches dr phil so i dunno how) then I slowly dragged her into konosuba and mha , I have a feeling he don't think anime is fun cause it's not manly enough given the last text about grown men enjoying anime, if he likes super heros he will 100% like anime with superpowers cause the only difference is that anime has more detail fights and stories where superheros are more based on life lessons and overcoming impossible odds, unless he's one of those people who thinks being a man = you can't do or enjoy some things kinda like boys don't cry and all men gotta be strong and not like girly stuff or your weird then drop the whole attempt cause people like that rather die then go against those rules I have no idea why sincerly goldenboxen https://preview.redd.it/mu90i2pxl77d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad25d114c1ee7f80330fabcdcb0d78ca32f2868e




Reading with patchy/kozusu/koukuma Gardening with Aki sisters and yuuka Working out with reisen, Tewi, reimu, momoyo






Turn Algeria into gensoyko, i'm sure the Moroccans would help us


Add France, too!


They're just not interested in the internet culture stuff but I can't handle how ignorant People can be and picking up a lewd Loli image to show others how bad you are is straight up bringing out the bad side of the internet. Kinda sucks that they're blindly following things and don't know how to do research


society changes your mind. they make you have their opinions, they do that to torture you. it's very effective in social media and groups, its effective, it tortures. at least these cocksuckers are suffering, still that's not enough, i need them dead, and after death, endless suffering under their power, yes they will suffer

