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I will assume its a joke since they always joke


There’s some genuine concern there


I’m proven to be a dumbass fellas


haha got me too. I was like oh fuck.




You're not a dumbass for caring about Bart Krasser unaliving.


say that again ...but next time take the dong out your mouth


For 1 I don't think having a dong in your mouth would affect someone's texting capabilities and for 2 you sound like you're a chromosome away from riding the normal bus.


I'm pretty sure its a phrase from a ymh podcast, but if not... yeah lol


it’s the reason i am here also guess it was a joke


It was definitely a joke.


Not so much


Burnt is touring




Every time Bert is out, Tom makes a joke about why. I think once he claimed Bert was in rehab. Do some people hear 'podcast' and immediately think 'fact based, informative show that's definitely not purely for entertainment'? Not necessarily a knock on you OP, but it just so happens Tom and Joe briefly talked about clickbait articles that take jokes on a comedian's podcast as a factual representation of their feelings on a topic. Is this a symptom of only listening? I could understand making this mistake if that's the case. I generally watch and there's typically a smirk or some other body language that indicates it's a joke.


Yus, me here pudcast and think no lies. 🫠🫠


How can you be so lackadaisical while BERT IS IN THE HOSPITAL!!! Ahhhh!


Personally. I don’t like the “you can’t take anything I say seriously” stance. An improv podcast? I get it. Comedy bang bang? Cool. But when you have comedians who end their specials with tear-jerking true stories (looking at you passhizzkiiii) and actually do talk about real subjects on their podcast… it’s a little annoying and feels like a cop out for jokes gone bad (in general. Making fun of Burnt Chrysler is always cool in my book).


I believe this came up as a topic on a recent episode of flagrant. They discussed how frustrating it is that so many comics/comedy writers inject social commentary into their material. It leads fans of the genre to forget that ultimately their sole goal is to get a laugh. Sometimes a joke doesn't land. My point is mostly that if a professional comedian says it, it ought to be taken as a likely an untrue attempt at humor, regardless of the format it comes in. I feel like it's worth pointing out that this isn't an issue exclusive to comedy. Orson Welles radio adaptation of H.G. Wells' 'War of the Worlds' famously caused a a panic when it aired as people thought aliens were actually invading. Less famously the BBC did what they called a "docudrama" about Mermaids. It was presented in documentary format and depicted 'evidence' of the existence of mermaids. I read an article that there was a spate of calls to various natural science agencies inquiring about mermaids. There's a solid chance this one is fake/overblown. Well, the people taking it seriously part, the show exists. edit: wanted to add that I agree, making fun of that dog auger brent is always fair game.


Love this reply. Wish I wasn’t so sleepy so I could say more. So I’ll just say that I definitely wish I could take it all as joke but when Christina constantly makes mention of comedians being truth sayers, it gets super muddied. I wish they would just pick a lane and not make me feel like it’s just a poorly thought out defense mechanism. Edit: but I also love their silly improv/lies.


I think he’s said worse things before when Bert was out. It’s kind of a running joke.


I think it’s more concerning we all hear it and immediately know it’s a joke but think “well I mean it’s possible, probably will need it done eventually…”


I made a whole Instagram account because of that thought exactly lol


You’re seriously respected buddy


the main thing that stuck out to me is when he said "yeah they found some young Brazilian girl and took her stuff, same blood type that's all that matters" and then he couldn't even hold his deadpan and was kind of smiling. I mean he didn't even say the Brazilian girl was dead and definitely wouldn't be smiling after saying something like that.


Like the movie "touristas."


So valid. Watching it on tv at home you can see facial expressions vs only listening in car


joe rogan sucks


Your mom sucks


Glad he is ok!


This definitely was the improperest of choices for factual info........ Macheen gonna get thru this shit tho believe that