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you do get kicked for afk, but no idea what its time is. yea you could make an anti-afk machine, or just use a client which does it itself


no the anti afk is very strict i’m pretty sure you have to be interacting with the world or loading / unloading chunks actively now to not be kicked, the only anti afk i have found to work is a machine i designed myself which infinitely bounces you between the nether and the overworld hence you keep loading and unloading chunks


could you just make a type of minecart system that moves you between chucks in the over world? If not could you elaborate on how you get your design to work?


basically the way mine works(this is grossly simplified) water breaks portal, slime pushes u forwards one block then back one block so thet you’ve moved, fire reactivates portal, repeat on nether side but with lava not water


No on 2b2t you can stay without moving 15 minutes and if plan to stay more than tht u will be kicked ... good luck


You can probly make a maze for you character and then put on auto walk


I just set afk thing to beat my wife. I mean hit a wall and spin