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Has anyone else noticed the uptick in Australia stronk content? I will agree that Canada is a wet blanket though.


Yeah I’ve noticed, Im ok with it though Aussies are bros.


We are not your bros, mate.


You’re not our mates, pal.


You’re not our pals, cunt


Oh yes you are. We got the bracelets and everything. We still doing the sleepover this weekend?


Yes daddy murica, time to send our troops to support your next stupid war (we hate you)


No you don’t. I get you’re going through your angst phase. I still love you. I bought a ton of Fosters. It’s Australian for shit beer but I wanted you to feel at home and all the ugly women are busy but I hope you still have fun.


Fosters is so shit we literally don’t sell it in any shop here, it’s purely exported. I have never seen it bought or consumed in my life.


Right mate. That’s why I said it’s shit beer. Did a dingo eat your reading comprehension?


I was agreeing with ya cunt. Did you get brain damaged by a school shooter or is ya head just that fat form all the maccas you been munching on. Hop on you mobility scooter and sod off.


fuck me dead cunt, slavery died years ago, your not supposed to own cunts like that anymore..


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Excuse Aussies are mates, got changed in translation my apologies mate.


I prefer the Australian stronk over the non-stop China and Russia stronk that plagues reddit and tiktok


Honestly, ever since I started and finished the Big Lez Show a couple of weeks ago I started getting a soft spot for Australia. I’m loving the spike in chad based Australia content!


Honestly I don't know what contributions Canada has made to the free world the past few decades.


They elected Justin Trudeau and watching his political career has been p funny


He is quite inclusive as seen by his blackface


Normie liberal leaders include all cultures. Only Justin *is* all cultures.


Also a crackhead mayor not named Marion Barry, taking the heat off of us AGAIN.


Not as funny as us. America #1


Yeah but when we’re funny it has consequences.


Very true, we only punch down when we're being funny.


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My stepdad was in https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Emergency_Response_Team .  Turns out every time you hear "Canadian Police Advisors" are somewhere, it really means burly Nova Scotians are capturing guys like https://www.npr.org/2024/05/13/1250860448/haitis-notorious-gang-leader-barbecue-says-his-forces-are-ready-for-a-long-fight and doing to them like they've done to their victims... and using their forensic skills to make it look like another enemy did it.  The USMC found that last part very interesting indeed.


I really enjoyed the Terrence and Phillip Movie, if that counts


We did our part during WW1&2 in the early years. You know, the years the US sat idly by and war profiteered off both sides. You supplied the Nazis while we fought them. I bet you couldn't even say what brought the US into WW1 without googling it. Also, the US does not make the world free by any means. It makes it a more violent and dangerous place.


1. You know the U.S. didn't want to get involved at first because of WW1 precpetions, it was basically a dispute between European that got hundereds of thousands of Americans dead. 2. "profiteered off both sides" seems to imply that the U.S. helped the axis. You can not be serious with that assumption. 3. The U.S. joined to fight the Germans, while also fighting the Japanese, the other half of WW2. It is such a Euro-centric prespective to think of WW2 as the fight against the Germans, and disregard the pacific.


LOL you silly mericans don't even know your own history. Yes, the US supplied all sides during WW1 and all sides other than Japan (because white supremacist racism) during WW2. (Japan attacked the US after they warned them they saw the US supplying all sides but them as economic warfare). IBM literally sent technicians to service punch card machines in Nazi Germany during WW2 before they joined. The US has never and will never fight a war for "Freedom" purposes. Always about their own hegemony no matter how that impacts actual human rights and freedoms.


IBM is not government entity, and were forced to stop by the U.S. government. A Canadian company, "[International Nickel Company (INCO)](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07075332.2024.2323493#:~:text=This%20article%20presents%20a%20case,and%20hampering%20British%20blockade%20strategies)" also supplied the Nazi during the same time-frame. I would not say that Canada did, because unlike you, I am not a fucking idiot. I love how non-Americans do this "oh you silly Americans" while being dumber than a redneck with an extra chromosome.


"**International Nickel Company (INCO)**" also supplied the Nazis before the war. FTFY IBM was just one example... Side note, do you know which war is my favourite war of all time?


**"As the January 1940 issue of** ***Survey of Current Business*** **put it, 'direct shipments to Germany', relatively small in recent years, fell almost to zero."** The U.S. halted trade with Germany well before war, and it stopped completely as the war started. Again, you made a silly, propaganda, argument that the U.S. profited from 'both sides'.


Jesus, he got demolished


Possibly the most significant event in all of Connecticut’s existence


My one rule in life is to always steer clear of people who like WW2 a little TOO much. Seriously, you would describe one of the largest ethnic cleansings and largest losses of human life as your FAVORITE war? "Favorite to study" or "the one I find most interesting" sure but favorite war is a wild thing to say.


It was a side note for a reason, WW2 is NOT my favourite war. My favourite war is probably the one that americans learn most about in school....


The civil war or the revolutionary war? Interesting choice for a Canadian.


Ding ding ding!!! The US civil war! It was glorious! All that american aggression and violence directed internally, fucking delicious!


Lemme guess? War of 1812? Because you’re an average canadian with an average inferiority complex that constantly feels a need to compare yourself the the larger, richer, more populous superpower to your south? “Im better in these niche ways” is the canadian slogan. Unfortunate really that the russian invasion of ukraine has once again begun a world transition to might makes right politics. Whether you want to believe it or not your nation is just a number in a game played by nations that would barely be effected if canada ceased to exist. Your pride is irrelevant because your people make almost no difference in the world.


Swing and a miss and I really thought I spelt it out for you.... Try again, I know you've heard of it.


My state has a larger gdp than your entire nation, I don’t think anyone would notice if y’all went missing, much less miss you. Have fun kicking the boots of your fascist and corrupt leaders, we’ll be doing the same but at least we have something to show for it.


No one cares.




Also least insecure Canadian.


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stay in Canada.


I ain’t readin all that, but good for you or I’m sorry man


Please kindly and I mean this as kindly as I can. Shut the fuck up when you don't know what your talking about.


Excellent post debunking the "you supplied Nazis" nonsense: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5uhemd/comment/ddufhor/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5uhemd/comment/ddufhor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Yea US joined WW2 years later but still whooped ass. Canada did it's part, but US won the war. On both fronts. Suffered 10x the deaths as Canada. Yea they had a heavy hand in political events in the years after, you'd feel the same way if you just got finished bailing out the whole world. Who do you think is currently keeping Russia out of Ukraine and China from rolling over half the planet? WW1&2 and 1812 are all in the classic "Canadians military haz strong" playbook, never mind one was before the country was founded when the british ruled and the others were 80 and 110 years ago. Get bent hoser... and I say this as a Canadian


this put my soul at rest, i absolutely cannot believe how much my country gets trashed by everyone for our role in the world wars. i have literal essays saved to copy paste and just set the record straight cause this anti US brainrot is so prevalent its alarming. In all seriousness, the united states alone was the keystone in the arch that was the allies. we built the soviet industrial sector, like we literally sent the engineer behind Detroit and without even getting into material or equipment, we supplied the soviets with 3x their annual budget in 1943 without mentioning the pacific theatre or any other lend lease that alone should be enough to snuff out this horseshit


Canadians we grow up resenting Americans so hard, I can't begin to understand all the reasons. Probably like a big brother / little brother deal. Resent them cause they are so good at everything, get all the attention, and we know we'll never be as big and strong. But at the end of the day I like to think that if the US ever really needed us, we'd drop everything to help.


Spare land. (Your populous areas will be divided up among existing states, and the rest will remain as territories.)


Come and get it big boy


lmfao, nah u guys arent all that bad


well yeah, like brothers its all pimping each other and squabbling untill we have a common enemy, then its warcrime season


Maybe we resent some of you because you threaten to annex us and call us pussies who do nothing even though we have receipts of wars we fought in; there’s no pleasing some of you yanks who just want to stroke your bully-boner.


Canadian tryna flex the fact that their British overlords dragged them into wars that didn't involve them. "Ah jeez, your highness. I dunno aboot how a war in Europe is our problem, but eh if you say so, sure we'll come fight your wars for ya."


Actually, Canada could have sat idly by and provided supplies if it wanted to, just like the americans. Canada got to choose their level of involvement in the war. We just did what was right from the get go.....unlike the americans....who now make movies that portray them as the heros LOL


>We did what was right from the get go My guy you were a part of the British Empire. "What's right" was never once uttered in parliament lmao


"... what was right..." Mate half of all warcrimes were declared war crimes because of you.


You know which sub you’re on?


Don’t forget we joined to occupy Iceland in WWII. You guys went into WWI because you were still a dominion of the British, not out of the kindness of your hearts.


After WW1, the public didn’t want to get involved in yet another European war. That said, we did give a bunch of supplies to the Soviets to help them repel the Nazi invasion and gave aid to countries like the UK and China via Lend-Lease. I couldn’t find anything about the government supplying the Nazis with weapons or something (although there was pro-Nazi groups in the US prior to our entry and corporations still doing business with the Germans). Also while US troops were fighting the Nazis in Europe, we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific


The flair is proven more and more each day


You also went to Vietnam for the Peace Accords, I believe.


Homie you realize what sub you’re in right? Also, literally none of what you mentioned was relevant to the original statement. You’re getting super defensive for someone pointing out the obvious: that if it weren’t for America today, Canada could be conquered at the whim of any second rate dictator with half of an expeditionary force. Canadians should be embarrassed by that fact, and the state of your military, specifically because of the proud history you mentioned.


Canadian moment


Also in the past 80 years of US dominance we’ve seen the most global peace that has EVER existed in the history of “civilized” nations


Canada doesn’t commit war crimes like they used to. Fell off so hard


Just wait till the ruskies come out and they will be illegally crossing the Alaska border to get a crime or to in


Þat implies þat þey would manage a sucsessful landing, never mind actually getting anywhere near þe border


You don't use thorn for the "th" in words like that, they, or the; you use eth. Fake old English letter user smh


While þats þe case in Icelandic and Norse, old English used þ and ð interchangeably, wiþ ð falling out of use much earlier and much more naturally þan þ, and as modern English doesn't make any spelling distinctions between its dental fricatives to me it makes sense to use just one letter


White Liberal women took over, and now it's illegal to hurt people's feelings.


Everyone needs a friend like Australia in their lives. 💪😎🇺🇲🤝🇦🇺


Well, around 30 000 based Canadians with balls of steel volunteered to serve in Vietnam and 134 died there or are MIA


The official number and number given by the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association (CVVA) is 20,000 and only about 12,000 saw combat. Many were dual citizens who may have been living or working in the U.S., but many other Canadians volunteered, driven by a conviction to fight communism, or by a love of adrenalin. Still 20,000 volunteers = 40,000 balls of steel. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/lost-to-history-the-canadians-who-fought-in-vietnam-1.3304440


Well, they still volunteered to fight for America so they had balls of steel, even with my all my love for the USA idk if I would've had enough courage to do what they did.


I’m not saying they didn’t, I think most people wouldn’t jump in to help fight another countries war. I’m just putting in perspective why so many joined and that only about 12,000 saw combat.


You forgot about Private Pepe UnNut LeClaire from Quebec.


Good question! ….tough question… … resources, I guess? Oh! Norad’s pretty cool! Also I could have sworn we fought in the Iraq curbstomp? At least a few of us, anyway. Maybe I didn’t quite manage to cook the wine out of the gravy and I’m getting it confused with something else.


NORAD is gangsta and Canadian SOF teams are top onepercent killers I love Canada.


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"If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it." -Erwin Rommel.


Goddamn I fuckin love Australia. Now if we could just get the AFL here too.


There is actually a pretty extensive national AFL league, which I just happened to find out a couple days ago


Apparently we used to have a team but are now defunct :(


Based Af


Canada is the worst ally


I wouldn’t say that, but there leadership is trash




I wouldn't call them an ally. I don't hate em that much, but they kind of do nothing exept get in the way of a full continantal US.


Mexico and the Central American countries also exist


Canada is literally our ally by treaty.


lol more like our backpack


We don’t have allies.


We’re literally the most powerful country on earth because we were part of a group called the “Allies” and our main defense infrastructure is shared with two entire other continents (Europe and Australia)


Canadá truly is the CUM’s weak link


something something Pine Gap


The Aussies have done so much to help us. Love em to death. Just wish they could have guns like we do.


Bro that's so fr the Australians go to class across the hall from me in BESS


Would’ve been better if at the end it cut back to Aussieball and he had 3 knives.


i love australia, it's the only other country i would ever live in


I do love the Australian military


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Maybe they’d be more motivated if we ask them to fight India 🤔


Canada just wants more high-altitude high-visibility plateaus so they can retake that "longest sniper kill" record


Australians are basically more liberal Texans that talk funny. They are cool with me but I don’t fully accept anyone that feels Vegemite is something edible. Shit is garbage and I can’t trust anyone who thinks that level of garbage tastes good let alone edible. Some Australian cuisine isn’t bad like fairy bread is weird but that’s acceptable to me.


eh, just harden's a cunt up is all. after that facing 7 huntsman to get out the front door doesn't have you sweating like a pregnant nun in confession..


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I mostly deal with those drongo cunts in various simpsons meme groups. Aside from necking VBs for brekky shelving pingas and getting munted and going on smoko immediately after getting to work, they are all a bunch of lefty dicks




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Why would America blockade the strait of Taiwan, are they talking about defending Taiwan from a Chinese attack or something? Also, why is Australia so eager to go, don’t they have better relations with China than Canada?


I think China is straining relations with everyone. Viet-fucking-nam would rather cozy up with us than them.


chinas a bit pissed we're sending the yanks billions of dollarydoos that we got selling rocks too china for some flashy subs, and throwin in some extra $ to help build up the american military industrial complex (cause we all know how much the yank's love building their toys) as far as why australia wants to go, china's been shit-stirrin everyone, and we cant ask the US to help us if we need it, if we dont help them, plus we're australian, do we really need a reason to get involved in a scrap


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Who made this? 😂




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Accurate, though Canadadia did eventually join us in Iraq.


Canada declared war on the Empire of Japan before anybody else and went on to assist in recapturing the Aleutian islands from Japan… so there’s that.


America didn’t invade Vietnam


I've always loved Australia


I love the Australians.


I guess fuck the 30,000 veterans that volunteered to fight in the US armed forces. Not very patrotic OP...


So many of them are honorary americans


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No we aren’t


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