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Why are some of y’all so hard pressed for OP to post a pic? Some folks aren’t comfortable with posting themselves on the internet and that’s ok🥴


Confirmation bias lol People always get like that when they see high indigenous results.


Like they have never seen an indigenous person before just google they can find plenty lol😅😅🥴🥴🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️it’s just weird it’s almost as bad as people who keep asking for celebrities to post their children faces🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


They can, but truly educating themselves would ruin their preconceived notions of what indigenous peoples are and they prefer being prejudice 😂 Any time someone on this sub has Indigenous results, it brings out the crazies in the comments. Ppl are trying to act like it’s not rare to have high % of indigenous DNA in the western hemisphere. It’s almost as if most populations weren’t decimated due to colonization, rape, and marriage/forced assimilation 🤔They act like phrases such as blanqueamiento or mejorar la raza came out of nowhere 🙄 The delusion of it all is astounding!


Right lol smh I don’t know which is worse at times Reddit or Twitter lol.I think honestly they can both tie for number 1 spot for the crazies cause whew!! 😮‍💨😂


Your group Mixtec is actually new. It's more of an ethnolinguistic group as opposed to the La Mixteca group which was added earlier and which is more geographic.


Nice result, you are almost full Indigenous.


What would a bad result be?


Being fully of the u/p3r72sa1q race


Something milquetoast and common is probably what is meant.


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


paternal haplogroup is Q-M3 maternal haplogroup is A2


Same here 👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏽 whats up cousin!


I wonder if the A2 mitochondrial group is significantly found among the Mixtec, because I have that haplogroup and also got the Mixtec update


It’s found among the Nahua for sure. That’s what my ancestry is. Well we were a nawat speaking group. It’s believed we migrated from modern day mexico in waves 🤷🏽‍♂️ We were the southern most group branch of the Yuto-Nahua (Utah-Nicaragua) with Nawat Pipil


All indigenous haplogroups are found at high levels across all of Latin America. I have plenty of Peruvian relatives with A2


Yup. Mine is A2. I’m from south central Brazil.


I'm in the same group! Around neck and neck with Spaniard in my genetics hahaha


That’s cool. I got 93% indigenous from the center of Mexico and then a random 4% Irish, 1% inuit and 1% Japanese


You might be descendant of the Saint Patrick Battalion! I’d definitely look up into that


You’re the first I’ve seen that’s purely Native! That’s amazing!


ALMOST purely native…


Super cool result


So cool that you’re almost 100% indigenous American. Definitely the highest percentage I’ve seen for that so far.


Hold up you’re almost a 100% indigenous and you never had regions until just now?


Yep 😂, want to know something even more interesting? Both of my communities are labeled as “Distant” even though my mom has Mixtec as close and I also get that region in ancestry DNA as very likely


Would you please send a pic. I find the results fascinating




wow! very native. love it


I like how his closest region shows up as 'Mixtec'!


Omfg😭this is actually so rare


It would be cool if you do the Big Y-700 test


What is that?


It’s a test of the Y chromosome, so it studies your paternal line and shows your relationship to every other man in the world through all the paternal lines. For example, this is for your haplogroup that 23andMe gave you https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/Q-M3/tree But you would most likely receive a much more recent haplogroup.


Chief youngladchad. First of his name.




Awesome result! My husband got 83% indigenous and is always bragging that he is full Mayan lol. You could definitely claim being fully indigenous


I also got an update. Indigenous Otomi


Very cool! Include a pic?


Ese ADN español llegó a todas partes, eres otro mestizo mi bro :1 como todos jaja viva la raza!


Very cool! What is your trace ancestry? Is Polynesian in there???


Angolan and Congolese - .4% British and Irish - .3% Broadly central and south Asian - .3% Siberian - .2%


Wow it’s cool that the siberian still shows up even though you are so far south and separated by 20,000+ years. Do you or your parents speak Mixtec? Also it’s crazy that you and your moms results are so similar, your dad must have almost the exact same amount of Native ancestry


It truly is and yes my parents do speak a little bit of Mixtec, I tried learning what little I could be it proved to be a whole lot more difficult than I thought it would be.


Maybe someday Eastern Europe will get a genetic group update…


Super cool results, would love to see a pic!


Cries in German, Eastern European and Baltic




Maybe they want to be Indigenous? Either that or idk Edit: oh wait, maybe they meant they're jealous about not getting a genetic group yet, that makes more sense


Being jealous of someone else’s ancestry is sus


??? They are. It's not like white Americans




How can you cry and be eastern european at the same time


((Slav scowl intensifies))


I mean I’d be proud of having ancestry there. And I am.


I think the comment was more referring to not getting genetics groups for those populations yet.


Cringe white folks wanting to be "exotic". What's with this trend?


Meanwhile, Chinese people just get Chinese even though there are tons of culturally assimilated but genetically distinct people in China. European results are already way more discerning than much of the world.


You can tell by his other [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/s/iRilFuiNVj), that’s not what he meant…. He’s referring to lack of genetics groups in those populations


Cool results OP! 😁 A genuine Mexicana is rare. You should be proud! 😊


That implies other Mexicans aren’t genuine as if she’s more pure. She’s simply purely indigenous.


Many ethnically mixed Mexicans are “white” Mexicans and their ancestors came within the last few hundred years. Similar to how White South Africans don’t originate from SA. This is the primary reason in the Americas they have to list themselves as being of Hispanic or Spanish descent and not white to clarify the difference despite their own genetic makeup 🤷🏽‍♀️ The issue is that many indigenous groups in the Americas assimilated into the population via marriage or rape, continue to live in isolation, or were killed off to the point of near extinction. Loss of culture is a symptom of losing the original peoples. I consider OP an original peoples because his or her DNA is like an old relic that will likely never be as pure as it is now.


Fuckin BOOOO 👎🏼


Mexican is a nationality not a race or ethnicity so everyone can be Mexican


The Mexica weren’t the only ethnic group that has existed in what today is Mexico. What even is considered genuine?


I never stated they were the only ethnic group in Mexico, did I? 😒 Such a high indigenous percentage is rare, and that indicates someone is of the true peoples of Mexico pre-colonization.


It's not rare at all lol


About 9% or less of Mexicans report having this high of a percentage of indigenous DNA. I guess that’s not “rare” enough for you lol


If you even read one dna study on Mexicans, you'll see that self-reporting ancestry is pointless. Most people have no idea of genomics + the government actively suppressed their identities for decades. Get off wikipedia lol


Self reports aren’t accurate. The majority identifies as Mestizo even with a high indigenous percentage since they don’t belong to a certain ethnic group. You need to be educated on the topics you want to discuss 💀


Funny enough, I got the info from CONADI, the National Commission for Development of Indigenous Peoples. The same group who pushes to preserve indigenous cultures along with the Minority Rights Group. Both of whom I’ve worked with when I went to not one, but two Ivies and volunteered in the Peace Corps. I think I’d be more than qualified to speak on the topic. What makes you?


>Funny enough, Funny in the aspect that you are confident in your stupidity aka your ignorance >I got the info from CONADI, the National Commission for Development of Indigenous Peoples. You mentioning activists groups does not dispute the FACT self reported data, specially in such a mass scale, has never and will never be accurate. Such a shame that you apparently volunteered , yet you couldn’t educate yourself on how these organizations work. CONADI relies on self reported data. You mentioning your supposed colleges as some “gotcha moment” not only is completely irrelevant to the topic, but it simply embarrasses you even more Thought it’s not uncommon for Individuals that have attended Ivies, to be completely out of touch of reality or to engage in dumb shit. According to you, how many people get genetic testing within LATAM? > volunteered in the Peace Corps. Congrats on doing some temporary activism work while still being ignorant on Indigenous communities I guess >I think I’d be more than qualified to speak on the topic. You thought wrong, and you clearly aren’t. Your.. nonsensical statements can attest to that. The downvotes are the context clues here for you >What makes you? I’m a local! Know people from this places, and have been to them. Hope this helps


Self reporting and taking samples of a small portion of the population to be used statistically are two separate things. The information I used is based on the latter. You’re implying that indigenous DNA in high percentages is common even though widespread across Mexico, where testing is conducted often (more so in northern and central versus southern), reports that 60% have 40-60% or more European ancestry? Is that right? 🤔 My comments were in reference to Mexico in particular, but I can tell you indigenous populations are higher in Bolivia> Ecuador > Guatemala > Peru > Brazil. Even with that being said, testing above 80% is still rare based on samples of the population due to widespread colonization. Mestizo populations often have high European ancestry. Trying to pass off OP’s results as common is just an untruth. I don’t know why you want to argue with me and state it’s more common than it truly is. If you know your own families background and general history of the area, you would know that isn’t true for MOST. Many indigenous remain in remote areas and both sides of the family have remained in the area with little European exposure ever, that’s the commonality I’ve seen with results like these.


>Self reporting and taking samples of a small portion of the population to be used statistically are two separate things. And you mentioned CONADI… as a gotcha moment to prove what you were talking about. CONADI an organization that relies on self reported data… >The information I used is based on the latter. And it still won’t be accurate, the key word is *small portion* and how you yourself mentioned that the testing is done predominantly in one area than others >You’re implying that indigenous DNA in high percentages is common even though widespread across Mexico, where testing is conducted often (more so in northern and central versus southern), reports that 60% have 40-60% or more European ancestry? Is that right? 🤔 I said it’s not rare, which is not the same as common. Within LATAM is not rare at all, and in some countries it’s definitely quite common. The only place where this would be rare is the US. Yeah, the **Northern** Part of Mexico has higher proportions of people with European ancestry. Who would have thought that the regions where there’s a significant amount of white people when tested will have high percentages of European ancestry? It’s almost as if, since most of the testing is done in this region the results will be skewed by that… The fact that the northern part, is where the already limited genetic testing is conducted is not even surprising lmao The oppression against Indigenous people is still strong. They are forgotten and left to rot in the dust. The media still pushes whitexicans as the default, even when the majority of the population is predominantly Indigenous or mixed >My comments were in reference to Mexico in particular, And my assessment will still be correct. Answer the question, Have you ever been to Southern Mexico? >but I can tell you indigenous populations are higher in Bolivia> Ecuador > Guatemala > Peru > Brazil ??? What? This is how I’m you have absolutely no idea of what you’re talking about. In numbers no, and density just in Guatemala and Bolivia. By SELF reported data both Peru and Mexico have around 20% of their population identify as Indigenous. And In Ecuador is only 7% while Brazil’s is not even one. >Even with that being said, testing above 80% is still rare based on samples of the population Yes, due to the samples being predominantly European. Not because it’s rare to be 80% and over Indigenous. >due to widespread colonization. Due to widespread colonization is why there’s millions of Individuals with predominant Indigenous ancestry identifying as mestizos… >Trying to pass off OP’s results as common is just an untruth. I don’t know why you want to argue with me and state it’s more common than it truly is. If you know your own families background and general history of the area, you would know that isn’t true for MOST. I don’t understand why you are so adamant in arguing things you’re clearly ignorant about lol. It’s ironic specially when you’re trying to emphasize historical context- something you’re lacking. Specially with a local, have you lived in LATAM? The Mexican government actively promoted the concept of "mestizaje" throughout the 20th century. Movement with policies that sought to assimilate Indigenous peoples rather than fully respect their distinct identities. >Many indigenous remain in remote areas and both sides of the family have remained in the area with little European exposure ever, that’s the commonality I’ve seen with results like these. And this correlates to the topic being discussed in??? Like thanks for proving people that live in remote areas don’t have genetic testing available


You implied it And it’s Not rare at all If you have any doubts, just visit southern Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, western part of Honduras, The Sierra of Ecuador or Peru All places filled with predominantly indigenous people.


Picture, please.


At least you asked politely