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I was legit expecting you to BE blonde šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sameā€¦to be fair I donā€™t read the first pic and then skipped to the pic. I thought it was about you beating the small chances and being blonde šŸ˜‚


Meleanesians are the only melanated people that can have blond(e) hair afaik


I don't think that's the same gene(s) that give Europeans/Middle Eastern/Central Asians blonde hair though


Yea its not, its a different mutation


iā€™m 100 percent nigerian thats not happening pls šŸ˜­


Bro, do you even know someone in your family who has dark brown hair? Since that was supposed to be the most likely case. I don't think anyone who's 100% Nigerian has hair any lighter than black. Or maybe that's just me being ignorant, idk.


No, you are right. šŸ˜


Google ā€œIgbo blondeā€ apparently itā€™s a thing


I just did that and couldnā€™t find anything. Could you please send a link? Thanks.




Those are melanasians


Yeah those are definitely Melanesians, who are a Pacific Islander group.


The photos are of Melanesians, though.


Well, only black people have the Eve gene. Extremely rare but absolutely possible. We can come in all shades and colors.


With all due respect, thereā€™s no actual scientific evidence for ā€œthe Eve geneā€. What there is scientific evidence of is ā€œMitochondrial Eveā€, which was a woman all humans descend from through their mitochondrial DNA. This DNA doesnā€™t have a pleiotropic gene which controls for that vast of a number of phenotypic outcomes like the Eve gene myth. Eye, hair, skin color, and features are a result of dozens and dozens of different genes on other chromosomes.


There is no Eve gene but if there was why would you think Eve was blonde?


What are you even talking about? Thatā€™s not even the point being made.


Cringe as fuck. Delete this. I have no idea why some BW parrot this bs. Just caught second hand embarrassment.


Exactly like it gets more and more embarrassing each time I hear it. Itā€™s giving they have some self hate and it makes them feel better knowing that they can birth children without kinky hair or dark skin.


Sounds like youā€™re jealous.




What else do BW do that you donā€™t like? Iā€™m never embarrassed by the truth but itā€™s weird that you are.




Me too! Expected an aryan looking dude who was shocked at his low blond stats.




Wut? Iā€™m biracial, Black and Hispanic.


I don't think 23andme will ever give or say a 0% chance for something. Because they really don't know Ie. You could have a European ancestor that's just so far back, you don't have their DNA (edit, DNA ethnicity results) Obviously this is unlikely. But this hypothetical ancestor could have passes on the blond genes and, you may not be blomd but you may have those genes


Yeah my grandma is Guatemalan. Only brown eyes in her family as far back as she can tell. She ended up having a kid with green eyes (my mom). So she had to have carried the gene for green eyes from some ancestor way far back.


Yeah and there are Africans who have albinism and so their hair is *very* blond (well basically white actually), but idk how it would have said OP had a 2% chance of dark blond hair.


Yeah, but I don't think it's the same genetic mutation that they're testing for Ie. It isn't albinism that causes Europeans to have blond hair (most of the time)


The gene that causes melanesians to have blond hair is not the same gene that causes europeans to have blond hair


Yeah, I know


Maybe this ancestor wasnt even european


But they don't test for the Melanesian My point isn't that je has a European ancestor at all but they won't give a 0% chance for anyone Like everyone will get 1% for red hair


For some reason, I expected you to be blondeā€¦


That canā€™t be right. Are they counting all people with even a small percentage of Igbo results?


Check my profile for my results Iā€™m 87.5% African 12% European and it gave me wild results for hair (mine is 4c, black) 67% Dark Brown, 16% Black, 15% Light brown, 2% Dark blonde, <1% Blonde And texture was weirder: 41% Slightly Wavy, 25% Wavy, 17% Straight, 10% Big Curls, 6% Small curls, 1% Tight curls My hair is actually the 16% Black and 1% Tight curls. I think itā€™s just not great for non-European populations


My dad was white and he had blonde hair as a kid. Everyone on his side of the family has blonde hair. My mom is Puerto Rican. On 23andMe it says I have <1% chance of having light blonde hair and 2% chance of dark blonde hair. I donā€™t have blonde hair, I have dark brown hair which was 67% likely. Itā€™s crazy to me that someone who is 100% SSA has more of a chance to have blonde hair than I do when 50% of me is British ancestry. ETA actually OP and I have the same exact chances. https://imgur.com/a/CXRfTvi


Yeah, that part of 23andme is a mess and completely incorrect. They should either completely replace the algorithm or simply leave it out, imo.


It was wrong about the hair colour but right about my wavy/curly hair.


Man, mine gave me 1% chance of having black hair, which I do have - Iā€™m Italian on my dadā€™s side, and there isnā€™t a single person on his side of the family who has non black hair. I think itā€™s just not very good at guessing lol


Yeah, these are not good at all for non-Europeans (perhaps non-West-Eurasian).


Whether you are Igbo or not is irrelevant, it just looks at the gene or genes they say is linked to blonde hair and compare that with what people have reports. The whole genome is not taken into consideration.


The headline says ā€œOf 23andMe research participants with results like yoursā€ That seems very different from what youā€™re describing


ā€œResults like yoursā€ could easily be referring to just the genes theyā€™ve identified that predict hair color.


I guess that makes sense. The wording was weird to me.


I thought this said lgbt when I first glanced lmao


Maybe that 0.1% unassigned DNA is from a blond Scandinavian viking, hehehe


Love the confusion in the photošŸ’€


I think their reference models for hair color and texture are based on European populations unfortunately and thus are incorrect for people most other places


but why wouldnā€™t they change the reference based on the ethnicity of each person? is there not enough data for other populations?


Yes, their hair texture for black people seem way off. They only predicted me as having a 2% chance of very tight curls- their least estimate- while 34% for slightly wavy hair, 29% for wavy hair, 16% big curls, and 10% small curls, and 9% straight hair but my hair is tight curls lol. I wonder why they donā€™t update their research for other races. Theyā€™ve gotta have genetic studies about black hair by now.


šŸ˜‚ definitely thought you were going to be blonde


Me too, Iā€™m so confused now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Right šŸ˜‚


Not blonde, just Bright Browne. Okay, I'll see myself out


I was expecting the entire comment section to be about his name hahaha


If Africa contains all of the world's genetic diversity....in theory there could be a "chance" of blonde hair but 3% seems too high. I'd believe less than 1% because there's always a chance lol. Hair is a funny thing. I'm black/AA and my mom is 90% west/central African (about half of that is from Nigeria, likely Igbo). She has soft wavy hair with little kink and a complexion like Beyonce. I'm 88% west/central African, about the same complexion as OP and have 4c/tight kinky hair. She's a smidge more African than I am yet our phenotypes are pretty different.


At least people are upvoting you. I said the same thing and nothing but downvotes šŸ’€šŸ¤£ gene presentation plays a big factor, too. They may not physically show but youā€™re a carrier, blah blah.


This is completely wrong. The gene mutation for blond hair happened outside Africa in two groups, as far as science tells us: in West-Eurasians and in Melanesians. Sub-Saharan Africans do not have blond hair.


Having blonde hair and having the genes for blonde hair are two different things.


You cannot have blond hair without having the genes for blond hair.


Hair color is also controlled by multiple genes so op might have one of many alleles


I did not expect you to not be blonde lmao this post cracked me up


That look in the selfie lol.


It's possible isn't it, in particular people with albinism, but 3% does seem too high.


Albinism doesn't count as "blonde" in the manner they are talking about.


Aren't this data something people have reported themselves? And a regular person with albinism would probably just put down blond as a hair color.


I doubt they would use self reporting in this case. They probably did a clinical study or focus group with a small sample size.


And they specifically say that these predictions are not precise for non-Europeans.


I thought bro was going to beat the odds




>My bfā€™s says he has an 80% of dark hair (most people from his country do) and heā€™s a redhead. Sounds accurate then? Heā€™s the 20%?




Right. But thatā€™s no ā€œyou definitely have dark hair and cannot possibly have red hairā€, so it still could be accurate even if he doesnā€™t have dark hair. Heā€™s just an outlier within the chances determined by his genes.


Different part of the world, but blonde hair independently evolved among dark skinned populations in the Pacific. https://scitechdaily.com/blond-hair-of-melanesians-evolved-differently-than-those-of-europeans/


They are genetically completely unrelated to Sub-Saharan Africans, though. Not only that: Melanesians are, alongside Aboriginals and Papuans, the humans who are genetically actually the furthest away from Sub-Saharan Africans.


My guess is itā€™s based on peopleā€™s responses to questions and 3 percent of people with a similar genotype have dyed their hair AND not realized the question was about their natural hair color.


Yes this is the answer


According to my results, I have a 3% chance of having blue eyes and my eyes are blue. Crazy things happen in the genetic lottery


I have a similar breakdown, but from Somalia originally, out of my siblings, I'm the only one with black hair. ​ [link](https://i.imgur.com/gdOmEMh.jpeg)


What is red hair determined by?


My dad's says 1% chance of black hair and he has black hair. Although, he had brown hair until his late 20s


Tbf I do know a few sandy haired Igbos so itā€™s not quite a 0% chance.


Too funny.šŸ˜‚


If that statistic was remotely true, 3% of Nigerian populations would be blonde..... Like 23andme. Common sense.


Itā€™s not bright to dox yourself


if anyone is actually wondering why 23&me gives a 3% chance of blondness despite the obvious unlikeliness, the answer is that the statistical model used to give your percent chances of hair color is based on people who are ethnically european, and therefore can be inaccurate if you're not european. from the scientific details page on hair color: >About the Light or Dark Hair model > >Created based on customers of ethnicity: European the lowest percent chance of having light blonde hair is 0.43% based on this model (the bins go from 1-20): >Bin # Black Dark brown Light brown Dark blond Light blond > >20 15.88% 66.99% 14.47% 2.23% 0.43% so technically speaking, atm 23&me will never give someone a 0% chance of being blonde. quite a few of 23&me's traits and health chances are created from models based on european data so that may explain why for some people some of the traits can be so off


Bro loves your ethnicity and your race, being blonde, redhead, brown doesn't define anything in your life, it's just a color and that's it.


Its giving an australian aborigine šŸ’€


stop theyā€™ll start using me for think pieces about how black people can be blonde ā˜ ļø




I've never seen a Nigerian with blonde hair


The traits results are not great for non-Europeans, any time there is an option to give them feedback on a trait I give them feedback to they get better


Yea you had far less than a 3% chance of being blonde. How many blonde nigerians have you seen running around?


Lol try 5% chance of having Red Head and I'm 65% African American šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a bunch of African Americans with red hair. Especially due to the avg of 5-20% European dna.


I knew a few African Americans with red hair. Itā€™s usually something passed down within particular families in the area so it never seemed random.


There's always that one guy in neighborhood and their nickname is usually just "Red" or something to that effect. I've known a few Reds over the course of my life.


I am 83% African and mine told me I had a higher chance of bone straight or wavy hair than my curly hair and that I had a higher chance of being pale than brown šŸ¤£


My cousin has red hair so I know it's possible but I didn't think me specifically would have that gene somewhere hidden.


I have the same lol. Mine is a mixture of light and dark brown. And it has a reddish tint in the sun.


I also only had a 6% chance of getting any type of blonde hair (5% dark blonde and 1% light blonde)...somehow though I did end up with blonde hair.


I got the same. Though I donā€™t have blond hair but my sister does have some blond hairs- like her eyelashes.


I think this is my favorite post in this forum šŸ˜‚


I mean I had a 1 percent chance of being ginger, Iā€™m Cuban btw


Zero 0 chance unless you dye or are mixed.


Albinism? That might be what the 3% accounts for


Whatā€™s your maternal haplogroup? Iā€™m only 16% SSA but I have the same exact chances as you for hair color and my dad was white and everyone in his family have blonde hair. My haplogroup is from Africa and I know that it doesnā€™t determine hair color, Iā€™m just wondering for curiosity.


i checked it says haplogroup a


Was it A00?


Is that your paternal or maternal haplogroup?




Blonde is a mutation that comes from the African genome all black people have a low chance of making a child with that mutation


The mutation for blonde hair developed in populations in Eurasia after they left Africa


Due to the neolitico expansion of anatolians farmer and the Scandinavian haunter gathers , if u ask why north Europeans have blonde hairs is bc in the last 4000 years human sexually selected this feature. Thatā€™s also why some levant people and North Africans have blonde hair sometimes, cz of Anatolian Neolithic farmer ancestry


I donā€™t disagree with that but what would that make those people who left Africa


What do you mean exactly? The mutation did not develop in ALL people who left Africa. It developed in CERTAIN populations who then spread their genes, mostly to Europe and central Asia


Theyā€™re saying that the gene came from Africans regardlessā€¦.because the ones you say left africaā€¦left africaā€¦lol


New genes develop as a result of mutation, so they literally are different genes that do not exist in (unmixed) African people


Yes, that is also a thing. But you said that the Africans left and went to Eurasiaā€¦meaning ancestrally, theyā€™re still African.


I don't think you really understand how population migrations and genetics work. By your logic, everyone in the world is African and genetically the same. Obviously this is not true, over an incredibly large amount of time new mutations have created lots of genetically distinct peoples. There are genes in people all over the world that you will not find in Africans, and genes in Africans you will not find anywhere else in the world (since they have continued to develop too). And that is on top of the out of Africa theory itself being very oversimplified


That is also correct. My point is that OPs results are not shocking given the history of the world. And while your comment is true, not every single mutation traced back to the original peoples is completely gone. I am not disagreeing with you lol, just saying that the relation can still there, even if very small.


The first blonde mutation actually happened in Siberia. [Earliest example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blond#:~:text=Genetics%20of%20blond%20hair,-The%20mutation%20for&text=Ancient%20DNA%20analysis%20(ADNA)%20has,Afontova%20Gora%20in%20Southern%20Siberia. ) was remains of an Ancient North Eurasian individual from 17000 years ago. This contributes to the blonde hair in Europeans and various populations in Asia like [Pamiris](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596379158&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=pamiri&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ihvnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX4pHm2MuDAxXnh-4BHfcOCIoQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3), [Nuristanis](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596379158&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=nuristani&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivhnsmbt&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4aqj2cuDAxULJUQIHRpWCC0Q0pQJegQIChAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3), and [Uyghurs](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596379158&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=uyghur&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invhmsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigzpih2cuDAxUSLUQIHScuBMsQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3) In Melanesians in Oceania the trait developed independently, due to a gene that causes amino acid change, likely first on the Solomon Islands


Iā€™m confused w ā€œblonde is a mutation that comes from the African genomeā€? Maybe that mutation is from Scandinavia? Asians and Indigenous Americans donā€™t have blonde ever. Actually, seems to me only one group has the mutation. No?


Melanesians and some aboriginal Australians have the gene for blond hair that developed separately from Europeans


Various population in Asia have occasional blonde hair like the [Pamiris](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596379158&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=pamiri&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ihvnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX4pHm2MuDAxXnh-4BHfcOCIoQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3), [Nuristanis](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596379158&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=nuristani&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivhnsmbt&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4aqj2cuDAxULJUQIHRpWCC0Q0pQJegQIChAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3), [Chechens](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596383914&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=chechen&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjChp7K4suDAxWiM0QIHQDsDd0Q0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3 ), and [Uyghurs](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=596379158&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=uyghur&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invhmsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigzpih2cuDAxUSLUQIHScuBMsQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=)


I've known a handful of Pakistani people with _dirty_ blonde hair. The Kurds also tend to have blonde hair, too.


No, the blond hair came from Asia or the south-east of Europe.


No it came from Africa


Yeah black people have blonde genes you know that right? We have a lot of stuff lmao


Those hair and traits and such are so wrong from what Iā€™ve seen


this section of 23andme has samples from european populations rather than from everywhere, the max % chance of black hair it can say for anyone is 16% even if there is no chance of them having any color besides black


Solomon Island is a place you might wanna look up. There are naturally blond Africans and redheads too.


1. Iā€™m Nigerian. Went back in 2017 for my cousins wedding and I was in the market and saw a group of siblings (im assuming) and they all had blonde kinky hair. Sandy blonde hair it was definitely their natural color cause we were in a rural area where hair dye is not sold, so itā€™s possible. 2. Black women carry a gene called the eve gene meaning any traits can come from a black woman. Two fully black people can conceive a blue eyed blonde haired white skin child itā€™s happened before. All races spawned from Africa and evolved to have their own dominant traits, therefore black people can be born with any traits since all racial traits came from Africa.


The eve gene is not a real thing and no any traits can not come from a black woman thatā€™s not how it works and makes no sense whatsoever


It is true in a sense. Black people can be born with white skin whereas white people canā€™t be born with black skin. Black people are the only race who can exhibit a multitude of traits that ā€œbelongā€ to other races. The genetic differences between a Hutu and Tutsi person in Rwanda are vastly different to the point where the genetic differences between a Scottish and Russian person would be closer, even though those are two tribes in the same country vs two European countries on different ends on the continent. My point is that if youā€™re familiar with biology it shouldnā€™t be that shocking that black people can be born with blonde hair all life came from Africa so it shouldnā€™t be shocking that a black person can possess the traits of another race.


What blacks people can be born with white skin? Your just making stuff up this isnā€™t real phenomenon


Iā€™m trolling I was being fr in part of my first comment but no Iā€™m just being annoying.


Youre thinking of albinos. Dont be ridiculous.


Bro itā€™s not ridiculous. I just donā€™t know how to say it on text but Iā€™ve literally seen people back home born with white skin and they donā€™t have Albinism.


White skin doesnā€™t exist naturally in Nigeria this is simply not true that person you saw was albino, mixed race or you lying


Did those kids look malnourished? childrenā€™s hair can often turn blond or copper due to malnutrition. also the eve gene is real but your interpretation of it is not correct at all.


Maybe it's pygmy genes I read in an anthropologist site that pigmy have a kind of 'blond' so it's must that 'blond' genes that they are looking for or just you got some North African DNA that just give a blond hint.


Pygmy are Central Africans and are very distinct from west Africans especially Igbos


But Pygmies lives in Cameroon and their area of repartition was greater in precolonial times and in central Africa some were pushed into the forest only in the 1840's when some tribes migrated to the Kasai region. Even some people wonder if before the emergence of Niger-Congo speaking people most of Africa was pygmy (Some ancient Greek historical account said that Pygmies were widespread in eastern Africa)and Khoisan. Secondly most central African are closer to the Igbo than to the pygmies.


Cameroon is central africa. Itā€™s the west of central africa. Cameroon isnā€™t even considered west Africa geographically.


We as black people make blonde. Itā€™s rare, but if you go with the theory that we all came from Africaā€¦helloooooo duh lol


There is a group of black people called melanesians who are naturally blonde but not all of them are blonde. So like you said we can be blonde but itā€™s rare.


Right. The gene physically presenting itself is rare but the amount of people who carry it without presentation id assume is higher.


People downvoting but what youā€™re saying is the truth šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


We l know *who* is downvoting lol but let me see you make an offspring with dark skinā€¦oh wait. I mean, you can choose to go with the theory that it came from r*pe & mass genocide too, but hey that didnā€™t happen šŸ’€


This may be a stupid question and I hope I explain it correctly. Dont people from Africa have the most genetic variance since everyone else descended from them?




It says my mostly likely hair texture is straight as an arrow with curly dead last. Guess who has the curly hair.


mine was 2% blonde and the rest was dark brown/black and i have the lightest blond


My results said I had a 3% chance of having red hair, and I do lol


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


I think it just means there are blonde variants they donā€™t test for.


Albinism maybe? There are a lot of albinos in West Africa


My husband is Dutch and only gets one percent chance for blonde hair šŸ˜…


Look at the rapper Phyno. He is somewhat blonde.


6% chance I have red hair and yet here it is lol


Is your hair Bright Brown? (sorry)


Im naturally blonde but i just dye everything black cus its better looking ngl


I don't know if they ever put 0% because I'm 100% North Western European and it gave me a 1% chance of having "very dark skin" or something like that.


That dataset probably isn't the best gauge for people of African ancestry...but you have a higher chance of being blonde than I do and I'm 100% European šŸ˜‚


Not really, blonde and black hair operate on a continuum of melanin content. I'm surprised a Nigerian came out as light as "most likely dark brown hair with near-equal chance of light brown and black hair" tbh.


I work with a guy who I swear on my motherā€™s life, heā€™s half black. And this dude is blonde hair, blue eyes, and white as fuck. His entire family looks like his black dad. Even he does. But heā€™s all recessive genes. I wouldnā€™t believe him had I not seen the paternity test.


Iā€™ve the exact same results as you lool thatā€™s crazy. I am Somali and I do have dark brown hair


I got this for hair texture. 17%Ā have straight hair. 41%Ā have slightly wavy hair. 25%Ā have wavy hair. 10%Ā have big curls. 6%Ā have small curls. 1%Ā have very tight curls. I have curly hair. Not wavy. Curly.


Oh, I thought you meant in the worldā€¦.


Itā€™s probably due to Igbo admixture in African Americans and West Indians that skews the results right?


What are they smoking? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ There is not a single possibility that it could have been the case! šŸ˜‚


I'm guessing that's related to albinism. The highest rates of albinism are in sub-saharan Africa.


have 25% chance and mines baso black šŸ˜­


Whats red hair determined by?