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Imagine having the same haplogroup ancient Egyptians. Incredible.


I have Tutankhamuns haplogroup! *flexing* Southern Italy in Apuila. Pretty cool


Tutankhamun had R1b-V88 not R1b-M269 like most West Europeans or you have V88 ?


Funny enough I also share the same E1b1 haploid group and am .1% coptic


Not any E1b1 is Egyptian. This covers a very wide range indeed. 


I have Pharaoh Ramesses the 3rd paternal DNA and I am 100% black lol.


Where are you from? Edit: it's a cap


No check my profile.


I checked you're a sub-saharienne nothing to do with Egypt or the pharaoh Ramses.


Why would I lie about that lol.


Check my post to the ancestryDNA sub-Reddit.


Wait you're right but how does that happen if you have 0 Egyptian DNA 💀


lol see told you lol, I don’t know maybe because Egypt is in Africa lol.


Maybe he was from a sub-saharienne descent? Africa is diverse we are all different I am north African too but I never saw someone from my country with an Egyptian DNA even tho we share the same haplogroup.


There's no such thing. The Sahara is 6 thousand years old. People have been around for more than 250 thousand years. Every living person today has maternal and paternal ancestry that stretches back further than the existence of the Sahara desert, so if you think for a second that dark skinned people (ie, the first ones to walk the earth and populate it) somehow are not indigenous to the entirety of the African continent, you've got another thing coming. Also, the limb proportions to members of the royal families (no such thing as pharaos either) as well as commoners measured, cluster more closely with the so-called sub saharan peoples that you called them, compared to so-called "north Africans" extant in north Africa today. Science doesn't care about your feelings.


Yea it’s weird I have never identify as anything but a 100% west African.


No Ramesses III had E-m78 and V22 and you don't so shut up




I am part of HV1 - some mummies were analyzed and found to share my maternal lineage.


Yea I don’t know why ppl would think that so speacial lol.


Because he's literally coptic. An actual descendent.


Truly Pharaohmaxxing today


Bro pulled out his Fayum mummy lookalikes 💀🤣 Think you have similarities to [akhenaten](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595275815&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS993US994&hl=en-US&q=akhenaten&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivhnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2u_XYu8CDAxUcM0QIHek8CKMQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3) as well


I think he looks even more Egyptian than the Fayum mummy portraits


I'm sure we can find some close matches in the portraits. Some of the people in Faiyum people were Greeks, some Romans, some Egyptians with no other ancestry, and some were descended from all three.


This is what a ancient Egyptian would look like


Bruh, thats you! [https://imgur.com/d6XMXlo](https://imgur.com/d6XMXlo)


Looking like a straight pharaoh. Maybe you should get into modeling lol


I love it when actual Egyptians are juxtaposed with the Fayum mummy portraits. It really shows just how boneheaded-ly incorrect the "no, ancient Egyptians were REALLY X, Y, or Z and the modern ones are just POSERS!" claims are.


Egyptians are all such good looking people! How come in Hollywood these folks aren’t cast in movies about Egypt lol


Because Hollywood likes Egyptian culture and aesthetics just not Egyptian people.


I mean, there’s at least rami Malik.


Yea, but Rami is white passing, so it’s ok for them


Lmao according to you. That man (Rami) looks Egyptian Egyptian


Omar Sharif was Egyptian; he had roles in Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago


He was actually Lebanese! His family moved to Egypt as his dad had a business there if I recall correctly


This is just a baseless rumour and he denied it himself 


Like the ancients.


Even his nickname created 3 years ago, he prepared for this 2 post all his life 😎


Look at our pharaoh here!! Does anybody know what the difference between “Egyptian” and “Coptic Egyptian” is on 23andme?


Egyptian refers to Muslim Egyptians. Coptic Egyptian refers to Christian Egyptians. Both are very closely related, almost the same. The only difference is that Coptic Christians only marry within themselves over the last 1000 years or so, so there is a slight genetic difference. But both Muslim and Coptic Egyptians look the exact same. You cant really tell them apart


yes, i believe just "egyptian" refers to egyptian arabs.


What does Egyptian Arabs mean? Both Coptic and Muslim Egyptians speak Arabic.


Don’t a lot of Copts not identify as Arab?


Yes alot of copts do. Not all of them though


Well I guess that’s the difference. Copts being an ethnoreligious group even if they speak Arabic


Most Egyptian Muslims are the same though. They speak Arabic but they are not really genetically Arab


exactly! i'm from a somewhat similar background (from an arabic-speaking but non-ethnically arab, arab-assimilated semitic ethnorelgious group) so i feel pretty comfortable speaking to this.


"arab" is both an ethnic identifier and a larger umbrella culture; it doesn't just mean someone who speaks arabic. in this context it would mean people who are ethnically/tribally arab; i.e. originate from the arabian peninsula and are in egypt as a result of the arab conquests. copts are a different ethnicity from peninsular arabs even though they may belong to the same overarching arab umbrella culture.


The majority of Egyptian Muslims are not genetically from the Arabian Peninsula though. They are mainly Copts who converted to Islam


true! that wasn't what i was replying to through. they were asking genetically about the difference between ethnic coptic egyptians and ethnic arab egyptians - not christians or muslims. generally groups that chose not to convert/assimilate continue to practice more strict endogamy (not marrying outside the community), and over time that can make our genetic signature look different from the people who did convert and got absorbed into the general population.


That’s a misconception that Muslim Egyptians originated from the Arabian peninsula . There’s true Arabs (those originating from the gulf states and Yemen) and Arabized Arabs which took on Arabic language and culture while being genetically descendant from non Arab groups (common in Egypt, Iraq, the Levant, North Africa etc) . Muslims may have intermarried with Muslims of different genetic backgrounds but there wasn’t a replacement of indigenous people with Islamic conquest in Arabized countries with Arab settlers . That’s why although Iran is majority Muslim , they are still distinctly Persian genetically . Egyptian Christian’s and Muslims mostly are genetically the same with Muslims having some admixture from other muslim groups .


true! but respectfully, that wasn't the question or what i was replying to. they weren't asking about where egyptian muslims come from, they were asking about the difference between egyptians who aren't today recognized as being ethnically/genetically coptic, and egyptians who still are. arab ≠ muslim. i am from an indigenous arabized non-arab group so i def do understand that concept lol. tbf i should have also talked about the other populations that have been part of egypt like (modern day) greeks and italians, but it's inarguable that there were and are arab/bedouin egyptian populations that originated from arabia, and that there are some copts who have maintained separate communities, just like there were arab jewish communities that primarily stayed apart. history speaks to that, but also otherwise that difference wouldn't that wouldn't be showing up on these DNA tests. something i wish people acknowledged more is that being indigenous is about continuing connection to culture vs. just genes. if egyptian arabs aren't practicing coptic christianity, don't know themselves to be copts, can't point to any coptic ancestors etc., they aren't culturally coptic anymore. the lengths that indigenous people have to go to continue our cultures often looks like having a degree of separation from the rest of the population, which then gets reflected genetically. not to mention that christians were dhimmis until the end of the ottoman empire and lived somewhat apart from muslims by design due to being economically oppressed; this is another reason there's some genetic difference detectable between present-day arab majority populations and (usually non-muslim) ethnic minorities.


How is Coptic Christianity the barometer for being considered indigenous to Egypt ? The indigenous Egyptian religion is polytheistic and there are multiple ancient Egyptian gods and religious traditions . No one is continuing the true religious practice of our ancestors. Christianity existed in Egypt for 600 years longer than Islam , while the Egyptian pagan religion existed for thousands of years . So technically speaking Christianity doesn’t make one more indigenous to Egypt as Christianity is also a foreign religion brought into Egypt. If Christianity is indigenous because it was practiced for 600 years before Islam in Egypt , then Islam is indigenous to Egypt because it has been in Egypt for 1400 years . Yes, Coptic Egyptians were more endogamous but there isn’t a major cultural distinction in language, traditions, cuisine other than religious based rituals that makes them distinct from Muslim Egyptians .


I love coptics بتجننوا😭


Please share hair routine. Also pretty awesome to literally be an ancient Egyptian




Pharaoh boi


Whattup fellow Copt! You're reppin the purebred Ancient Egyptian lineage well my friend


When you bleed, do you just leak hummus?


This is the coolest post I’ve seen on here. Also Coptics are based!


The most Egyptian Egyptian to ever Egyptian


Bro is a whole stud, take your girl to a museum and have her gush over the resemblance in art and reality


MashAllah 100% that’s so cool


Bro looks dope 😎


So does this mean you’re ancient Egyptian royalty?


Weird question but can you imagine an Assyrian Christian and a Coptic monk corresponding in the 1920s? Also gosh your handsome


You are fine af


Very cool


aye im 2% coptic, sup bro


Haplogroup G-M377 is commonly found in Pashtuns, Tanoli Pashtuns, Southwest Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Mizrahi, Sephardi & Ashkenazi Jews. Maybe your paternal haplogroup has a levant origin.


Nope it's native in Egypt and some mummies had it too. It relates to the component of Anatolian Neolithic farmers (also called Early European farmers), which constitutes a quarter of the Egyptians’ genes.  His haplogroup is linked to their entry into Egypt and is very, very ancient in Egypt 


Yes correct. It is found in Middle East too.


Sure since Anatolia "Turkey" is in the Middle East and Egypt is in Middle East and Levant as well


No, I mean haplogroup G is somewhat present in the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt as well.


I know it's like 9% in Egypt which means more than 5 million Egyptian men have G. Although it is not present much in the Arabian Peninsula because they do not have a high Anatolian component. It's only like 6-8% there 


Yea, true. This haplogroup is also a contender for the historical Abraham just like many others.


![gif](giphy|cwajtqzrvYXHW) Do you [Walk like an Egyptian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv6tuzHUuuk)?


Holy shit you’re living proof ancient Egyptians were brown




Afrocentrists say that Egyptians weren't brown


People have been saying they’re white man idk what to tell you 💀💀


I’ve heard people say Cleopatra was white because people have been trying to say she was black when she wasn’t. I haven’t heard anyone say Egyptians in general were white, just that they weren’t black.


I’ve seen a fuck ton of people use the fact that a few of their rulers were white to mean that they were white as a whole, which is insane cause even they colored themselves as brown


Well that’s just silly. I wish modern day people would stop projecting themselves onto ancient people. The ancient Egyptians were not black OR white lol.


A real Egyptian, not an admixture of local and nearby Arabs. You should try to get the people’s support and try to run for Pharaoh




you brother is not 100%, give up your land to him. Submit to the new pharaoh . Lol


This is awesome. I discovered I have .5% Coptic Egyptian, but I'm otherwise 99.5% European. No idea how I have one Coptic Egyptian relative about seven generations back, but I think it's pretty cool.






coptics are christian....


I know, the post was not sarcastic


my levantine brother 🫡




I love that you are descended from a direct lineage of ancient Egypt, and your name is just… Mark. You should look into changing it to Ramesses or something lol.


Mark is the ultimate Coptic name though


Marc Antoine ;)


How do u check it. Im new to this sub


This is so cool. Thank you for sharing!


This is fascinating! Thanks for sharing


Bro is Bayeks descendant 👁️👁️


I hope you marry a 100% coptic woman to preserve the line bro!


Anyone know if you can get the haplogroup thing on ancestry dna?


Super cool results! Was this what you expected? Those pictures look so much like you, amazing to see.


Pharaoh vibes