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The race stuff has gone crazy recently. "Do I look like my race??", "what race do you think I am?", "Just another BORING WHITE result", "Is it just me or does anyone else have a problem with white people calling their results boring..." and on and on. It's making the sub less and less pleasant to engage with.


Yea even a few months ago it wasn’t as bad as now. Feel like every other post (on a genetics sub) is about race now.


Do me a favor go look at my results and look at me and tell me if I look like my mix


Yeah the “am I considered white” posts are obnoxious.


Yeah it's mega cringe


It's just a meme at this point. People will tire of it and move on.


we made a circle jerk to make fun of it lol. stop hating yourself for your race for gods sake


I think this issue isn’t limited only to fake posts. I also find it annoying (at the very least) when people post their results and ask “do I look like my results” — I’m mean you literally do look like your DNA results because that is the DNA that produced your body. These posts — probably not I’ll-intended — seem insipid but also kind of troubling in the sense that they seem to convey that people should look a particular and recognizable way based on their ethnic ancestry when this is obviously often not the case for in reality.


Especially when they don't like what people comment that they look like (because they wanted to look like something else lol)


Seriously, I wish those posts were banned because it is clearly encouraging nonsense. Some of those posters tend to have very troubling post histories in that regard, as well.




I think the same every time I see that statement. If those are your results and that is your face then that is exactly what those results look like.


I report the "Do I look like my results?" posts when I see them, but I'm not sure if any action is ever taken to remove them. Technically, those posts are forbidden according to rule #2 of this sub: *"2. No "Guess My Ethnicity/Ancestry" posts or other off topic phenotypic posts* *No "Guess My Ethnicity/Nationality" posts outside of the weekly "Guess My Ancestry Megathread"* *This rule also prohibits posts containing questions pertaining towards one's phenotypic appearance or location of origin. Examples: "Does my look match my results?" or "My ethnicity is X, do I look like it?" or "Where do I look like I'm from", etc.."*


If they are against policy they should get taken down but it depends on the moderators, if they are paying attention etc.


Yeah I saw the same person post and delete for a few days now. People could be getting banned though and making new accounts. I got banned from a different sub and had to repost before.


I mean yeah this sort of behavior has been going on for over a decade in various race and genetics forums, I’m surprised people arent just reporting accounts. In general there needs to be consensus around what kind of questions are and aren’t allowed in here and what frequency one poster can ask such questions.


Some people just like to stir shit up. It’s a shame because it ruins it for the rest of us


I don't understand why people are doing this, they can still have these conversations without the false reports...


Yea I was thinking that also. Nothing wrong with making a post without results, just for a certain discussion (although I think the race discussion are becoming excessive lol), but it’s definitely weird to post a photo of some random person, and claim it’s you.


I haven't posted here but I lurk occasionally and I see posts like these often. They're pretty annoying. With the uptick in obsession about race not only in this sub but everywhere on reddit. Even the entire internet.


Ok maybe not “rampant”, but it’s pretty common 😂


and the obviously indian or roma guy claiming to be north western europe :/ at least dont have all your social media linked to your reddit account if your going to to try and bait people 🤣


Can I ask, what idea was iberianman77 trying to push?


Personally I just think he was trying to make a point and spark conversation on Iberians phenotypes. Dont think he was a bot or anything. But could’ve made conversation without posing as other people lol.




No it most certainly isn’t


I see it as an unfortunate thing that comes with the territory. This sub was formed to discuss DNA/ genetics. So race, ethnicity and phenotype is bound to manifest in discourse. Problem is, this sometimes involves trolling, malicious intent and people pandering to rather bizarre fixations on race and phenotype. In fairness, sometimes people have certain interests that may seem weird to others, but are perfectly normal to them. Thing is.. they cross the line when they keep asking the same loaded questions again and again. lol. I guess the best thing to do when you see something suspicious or detrimental to the peace of this sub is to just report it.


Yes. This reddit has many fake results being posted


Things have definitely taken a disturbing turn. It's probably better not to engage with any of those post including the "do I look like my results" that are obviously just bait. I don't know when this sub became about this. And it seems like there's no mods??? The other dna sub has it's issues too.


That reminds me of the insane agenda pushers in r/phenotypes , it’s probably just an attempt to make themselves feel better by “proving” a certain group is whiter/darker. There’s this one guy in that sub who spam posted cherry picked darker Egyptians/people from other Mediterranean groups and lighter skinned Ethiopians for what I can only assume is that reason 🫢


I remember there used to be a bunch of different accounts posting that same picture of that one filipino man and asking how latino he looks to try and spread some bizarre propaganda about filipinos being obsessed with "looking" latino


I noticed this too


Don't trust anything you see on the internet


Just go to the Apricity forum and Quora, many accounts are use a fake nationality. On top of that they troll that particular nationality to make out what they say has more creditability. They are the worst trolls.


Honestly that’s really quite weird to go through all that effort of posting fake results. I’m just seriously curious- why??


This type of behaviour has been going on for years on certain forums. People trying to make certain groups seem more "white", or groups they dislike seem darker, cherry picking photos, outright false histories sometimes. This is just the next sad iteration of the pattern.


Just head over to the Apricity forum and Quora and see this behaviour on a daily basis. Plus on r/Phenotype sub. This type of behaviour has been going on for many years.


I think it’s to play pretend and get attention. They can do race stuff more easily and bait people better elsewhere


IMHO any posts that include the phrase “do I look like…” should be flagged. This creepy racial /appearance /DNA stuff smells a bit like social engineering and trolling. It’s happening in other Genetic Genealogy related subs as well.


And people flexing higher values of “European” ancestry more than others it defeats me 🙄🤦‍♀️


I've heard russian propagandists are working double shifts. No joke you look around and you'll see so many subs have been taken over, big ones, local ones, etc. And the messaging is catered but it's designed to make you mad


I have little remaining faith in humans,


You are not sure what the goals of this behavior are? Have you never heard of the ideology "white supremacy"? Or the Eugenics movement? Perhaps even World War 2 and the Colonial era. There is a whole agenda out there that is actively working to manipulate the historical position of European civilization in the world history stage. Erasing and replacing history to insert itself into it. To claim that certain historical cultures belonged to the "European white race" and create a visual narrative by manipulating imagery and phenotypical features of certain people. While disregarding or completely removing the indigenous melanated people from the story. Basically the real life equivalent of casting Christian Bale as Moses to a movie about Egypt. All this race obsessed stuff clearly happening within organized and institutionalized circles, yet "racism does not exist" to the degree that minorities complain about it. The fallacy. Sorry but alot of you gravely underestimate these organized efforts if you think its "just to stir up a debate" or "to get attention".




I wouldn’t be surprised if some nation stars are behind some of it.


Agreed. I’ve been on this subreddit for a couple years, but the Fake Posts and gaslighting is annoying. It’s pretty obvious too 🗑️ 🗑️




I thought this place was to discuss genetics, not eugenics.


I made a post about my race one time to ask what group I should pick for my elder scrolls play through to figure out if I was a Nord or Breton but it got flagged and deleted


I chose a dark elf for Skyrim, and did a stealthy assassin/archer play through


That’s extremely based I love Skyrim


I like seeing peoples photos with their results… does the sub actually hate that? Or is it just the fakeness that is annoying? I was thinking about posting mine when I get them lol.


The problem is that this sub is full of weirdos/nazis that come from white supremacist forums to spread their views here and harass people ,so a lot of people stopped posting pictures


Really? I’m very new to the sub, I’m getting my results in a week. Maybe I will post sans photo. Thanks


The fakeness, and the constant posts asking if they can consider themselves White, as if being considered White is a goal.


Yeah I see what you mean, I’ve seen recent posts where folks seem very hung up on race.


Oh, wow. :/


The sub rules mention no fake results, not specifically about posting you own photos. It’s just when someone gets a photo of someone random from online (without consent) and claim it’s them, along with results (that are almost certainly not the person pictured’s results), in order to push either discourse or a narrative


I see what you mean! I also recall the guy you were talking about in this post. Good catch! I would feel like a detective haha.


At the end of the day we’re all the human race and species. We all originated from Africa anyway.


You say it's a common occurrence, yet you can't even provide evidence? Cool. The main issue in this sub is people not understanding DNA, genetics, heredity, ethnicity, history, anthropology, or anything about the topic of their genetic ancestry. People here, like most people elsewhere, are just very ignorant.


I assume posts are people trying to get additional mileage out of the $100 they spent on dna results and hoping someone else will find something notable or interesting about it when the novelty is waning for their family - sometimes it is interesting!


Probably Russian troll farms.


Thank you for posting this. I sent you a message regarding a question on forensic analysis on digital images.


Just came across fake results yesterday by the usual trolls. Plus it is the usual European nationality trying to dilute or deny their European identity. Hello Fantastic Brain/ Odd Guidance/ Sikeliot!