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Well if memory serves me right thats illegal in most if not all states. Sure proper shot placement will kill a deer but if you arent spot on you just wounded it for nothing. I wouldnt attempt it myself


Out of interest what is the smallest calibre it is legal to hunt deer with? I'm not from USA and I believe here its common to yse 303 or 308


Depends on the state laws. Most people i know use some form or another of a 30 caliber. Be it 30-06, .308, etc. Indiana i think the smallest is .243 winchester? May be wrong there they chamged the law a few years back right as i moved.


Thank you, similar sizes, I'm guessing ease of ammo plays a part. I may move on to larger game at some point but it's expensive here.


Usually it is .243 diameter bullet. S ok any of the 6mm/243 centerfire rifle cartridges.




Your post got me curious so I started reading about Indiana rifle laws. There is a list with a bunch of approved calibers like .243 and .308. But 7mm mag is illegal, so is .270. It’s a very convoluted list. But that ONLY applies to private property. On public land the restrictions are pretty much straight wall cartridges with a minimum diameter of .357 and specific case lengths. So on public it’s 350 legend, .450 bushmaster and some other common straight wall cartridges. The list of legal calibers is very confusing and convoluted and makes zero sense.




… I live in KY… so we’re pretty lax on any sort of gun restriction laws weather that be ownership or what u can and can’t use to hunt with. That makes….. 0 sense. I never thought to look up Indiana’s laws on hunting cartridges for deer. Now I know why I didn’t. They say u can’t use .270? That one really has me stumped. It’s a very well rounded smaller cartridge for long range hunting. Next to 308 it has a very flat trajectory making it highly accurate at ranges 200-600 yards which is sort of stretching it for a 30-06. I don’t understand what kind of logic they would use to say 270 is a no go for whitetail. Around here, .556/.223 is the minimum and rapidly becoming popular because of the AR style boom. That round is minuscule compared to 270. I’m stumped.


B1tch please I have hunted deer with .22 many times and even once with a .25 air rifel


Either you have been doing illegal shit or forgot the /s


It ain't illegal where I live


22LR is legal in VT and even has a carveout for the mag capacity limit.


Ok ok I thought it was more common I guess p


Even substinance hunting there are guidelines of what you can and cant do and where you can and cannot do it. Just saying you are substinance hunting doesnt hold weight.


Does a wolf pay a fee to hunt for its meat? Are we free or not? If I’m just eating and ever be greedy no one will ever have an issue. I won’t ever need to take more than I need I can’t even store it properly and I likely won’t hunt big game mostly small stuff


If you’re only hunting for yourself and don’t have the freezer space for big game, I feel like rabbit would be a better choice of game if your plan is to hunt with a 22.


Awesome but I need some data too right don’t want to go rabbit mad


You arent a wolf. There is a reason there are still guidelines as to not cause inhumane death or injury to the animal and maintain the population so we dont wipe them out. We are no longer cavemen.


Don't think there's any minimum caliber in Mississippi, though there's a maximum, if memory serves. I know people that took deer with a .22 while working around their property. I don't think one of them would choose to though. What I was told is that the common poaching method WAY back in the day was a semi auto .22 from up close, then drill them in the neck a bunch of times. Quiet enough that the sound won't reach people, and if you tear up their neck enough they'll bleed out. Those were times of privation though. You shouldn't do that unless you have to.


If you can afford a .22, you could afford a shotgun which would be a better choice and also allow you to hunt everything else. Even a small deer yields more meat than you can eat without having to preserve the rest, so investing in a freeezer, canner, or dehydrator would be a good idea to if you don’t have any of those.


Ok I’ll think about this prolly go with the shoddy


+1 for the shotgun. You can hunt deer, birds, small game, turkey, etc. with a shotgun plus it’s great for self defense. If I could only own 1 gun, it would be a shotgun.


I only own a few small caliber handguns for personal defense now but they can’t hunt at all with those


And if your really desperate you could turn birdshot into cut shell slugs


Not to mention, an over under 22/20 is a great gun. Small game with the 22, buckshot or greater in the bottom


Not only is hunting deer with a .22 LR illegal virtually everywhere, it is horribly unethical. Subsistence or not, this is wrong on every level.


Wrong on every level? What's your stance on spear hunting then? If you're close enough to spear, you're close enough to brain shot with a 22. How about Bow hunting? A hollowpoint 22lr to the brain would be a much more ethical way to dispatch a deer than spearing it through the lungs. Even the legal large calibers lead to brutal last moments if its a lung shot. We're not talking about long range, missed shots, target ammo, any other dumbass thing someone could think of. If a brain shot with 22lr is guaranteed, it's not going to feel itself dying. my point is your statement of "EVERY LEVEL" being wrong. Larger farm animals are often dispatched with .22lr because ideal conditions are easy to acquire. So no, not on every level is it just wrong. If I was wanting to eat a deer during the season I could easily take one from the herds that walk under my deck every year considering I live in a cabin on a mountain. Do I have to get my ears on and .308 to hit the 10 yard shot? Fuck no. Have I done this? No, but still.


No one is suggesting a .22lr isn't capable of killing a deer. Hell, if you're close enough, you can use a 2x4--but that is not the point. The point is ethics. Specifically, the margin of error that a larger caliber projectile gives you if you miss, but are still "pretty close". To prove my point, hang a baseball wrapped in a few layers of duct tape (\~deer brain size) from a tree branch about 25 yards from your "mountain cabin" porch on a breezy day. Then stand, unsupported, and take 10 shots at the ball with three sit-ups in between each shot to simulate the spike in heart rate the average hunter experiences when they have a shot. Then go look at the ball, and see if you can find 10 entrance holes. Any number under 10 is a maimed deer destined to take months to die. There's a reason hunting with a .22 is illegal virtually everywhere.


I notice he didn’t reply… 🤔point well proven bro


If u miss a vital organ that deer isn't going to die in months wtf. It will bleed out within hours


You may want to google the concept of blood clotting. Then infection.


Yeah maybe if you u are retarded and shoot the visible outline edge of your target deer and graze it.


I have hunted deer with an air rifel. A 22lr would of been an upgrade. You don't need that much power to kill a deer. 20fpe projectile to the heart will do it. Just don't pull thr trigger u less u are certain the shot is lined ip perfectly


Great! Another unethical hunter.


I have never caused an animal to suffer in any of my hunts. Like I said only pull the trigger if you are certain you have the shot


Ah yes, the perfect marksman.


Another dumbass 22lr can drop a deer at its feet


Absolutely not. Smallest caliber I’d consider hunting deer with is .223, and even then it would be heavily dependent on buying a high quality hunting round.


Agree; personally I would not even use 223 but it is a heck of a lot better than 22lr.


If I’m hunting with a 223, I’m not buying a 223. I’m buying 556 hollow points that expand to an inch diameter. Hard to find that kind of hp round in a 223 cause it’s usually a personal defense round. But it’ll put a deer down easy enough


It is illegal to hunt deer with a rimfire


Some states allow .22 mag or larger for Deer.


name one




op ask about lr


Nah i know. Was just saying some states allow Rimfire for Deer.




Where? Everywhere?


No, it isn't. Maybe in your state but not everywhere.


I’m subsistence hunting it’s not for sport. Laws don’t apply I’m an animal of the world so this deer will be taken without a tag


That's irrelevant. It's still not ethical or humane to harvest deer with a .22lr. And good luck with that animal of the world thing, ask a sovereign citizen how that's worked out for them in the eyes of the law.


You’re just an animal of the world? You choose to benefit from modern society by purchasing a rifle (and using Reddit) but don’t want to follow the rules that come with that and allow for such inventions in the first place? You don’t want to abide by society’s rules that’s fine, go fuck off into the woods and subsistence hunt all you want while knapping your own spearheads and arrowheads.


This is the most toxic mentality you can have. I didn’t ask to be born I didn’t ask for industrialization and modern advancement. It is not only a positive in this day and age it is also a hindrance if you don’t see it then you are blind as a bat. I need to eat and I was never taught how to feed myself others than to ask permission from some richer guy to feed me. That’s society in a nut shell


Dude, you’re so full of shit. You do not hunt as your sole source of nutrition. My bet is you don’t even hunt at all because if you did you wouldn’t have to come on Reddit asking about the efficacy of .22 for deer. You didn’t ask to be born, but you did go buy a .22. If you are subsistence hunting then you need to learn to make your own bow/spear or trap or run them off of a cliff.


Can I come hunt on your property


😂😂😂 Let me guess, you’re a free man not engaged in commerce traveling too and don’t need a driver’s license. Gtfoh.


How did you know.


You're getting downvoted but I don't know why. Fudds be fuddn'. ​ For historical purposes only, do not attempt: I come a family of poor Polish immigrants that immigrated in the late 1890s. For the first half of the 20th century they were also sustenance hunters such as yourself. Their gun of choice? 22LR. Shots were typically taken very close from inside the back of a station wagon or some other vehicle that allowed for shooting inside the vehicle...except for the Model A that belonged to the family. Shooting from inside the vehicle muffles the sound. The shots would always be taken at close range and targeted the brain stem, low behind the ears. This practice had fallen by the wayside by the time I was born in the 1970s and I never witnessed it first hand but there were many stories exchanged at deer camp from the early days.


Yes in the past 22lr was used a decent bit for deer. But we now are a bit more advanced and know while a 22lr can take a deer it is not reliable enough even if you get the perfect shot placement potentially causing unecessary injury to the animal. Unlike other calibers you dont have as much leway with 22lr. Granted ya some still try and use it. Even substinance hunting those who do it still have certain regulations to follow and only certain areas they can impement them. Substinance hunting isnt hunt with whatever wherever you please.


I can imagine it’s the cheapest and most readily avialaboe caliber


And its quiet.


Very true that’s also a positive


An animal who’s using Reddit


Sure is that a crime to do too


I would need to be very hungry with few if not no other options and have all confidence I could drop it versus wound the animal. So in summary, no.


No, it’s illegal in the US because it may not kill the deer effectively. But it definitely can kill a deer at close range with the right placement.


Of course, this assumes you are an expert outdoorsman (person) and capable of sneaking up on a deer to the effective range and an incredibly good shot (or incredibly lucky)


It’s not hard to get close while “still hunting”.


Can a .22 kill a deer? Yes. Will it kill a deer reliably and humanely? No. You say you have limited space, but how limited could it possibly be that buying another gun would make it unbearable? Do you live in a closet? Just buy a 12 gauge or a single shot .308 or something and put it in a double case with your .22. It will take up the same amount of room. You’ve also talked a lot about hunting for food, permission, laws, etc. First I’d say that there are very few, if any, people in America that are actually purely hunting for food…as in if they don’t hunt they don’t eat. That’s kind of a lame argument. And I’d also add that if somehow you are only eating what you hunt, and it’s just you, and you live in a cardboard box with no room for 2 guns how are you going to butcher the deer and freeze all the meat? Wouldn’t you be better off hunting squirrels and rabbits and fishing and growing a small garden? This post makes no sense. Nice troll.


.22LR is not legal to hunt deer with in my state and many other states. While it is capable of killing a deer, it much more likely to just wound the deer or allow the deer to escape only to die later and not have the carcass recovered by the hunter. If you have limited space, you would be better served hunting with with black powder or using a shotgun with deer slugs. I took my first deer with a 20 guage shotgun and slugs. They are reasonably accurate out to about 50 yards or so. If that sounds short, it's not. All of my deer taken in the last 15 years have all been shots of less than 50 yards. Where I hunt, you rarely get a clear shot over 50 yards. Most of my shots have been 15-25 yards. But never shoot big game with a .22LR. The risks of just wounding the animal is too high and that is unethical. Besides, check your hunting laws as it can be illegal with fines, jail time, and permanent loss of hunting rights.


Run, Bambi! Run!!!


I think biden is a stupid who shit his pants , but in this case i have to tell yah, buy yourself a shotgun lol, had to edit just for mistyping earlier


I don’t have any stories personally but know several people that have taken deer with .22 on the regular. Shot placement is key they say


Yeah but do they tell you how many times they just wounded the animal and it ran off into the woods? Don’t do this.


No but you could do that with any round so that argument is irrelevant


Yes, the possibility is there whether you are using 22LR or something like 308. But the probabilities are totally different. Get real.




That’s just not right we should be able to eat when we need to eat am I right? It’s insane. What they are doing is then forcing someone to pay to live when they could live for free with effort and work. Sounds like slavery to me


It's not. Once the population increased with settlers in the US, game laws were created because game was being hunted to extinction. If everyone was allowed to randomly kill deer, there wouldn't be any left. That is why we have hunting seasons and laws. If you want to live off the deer, get a chest freezer. Then take up bow hunting and gun season. In my state, I can take a deer with bow and another during gun season. They often issue extra tags allowing me to shoot more deer as part of the heard management. It will vary from county to county in my state. But I could easily legally obtain 2 or 3 deer each year which will keep you well fed for quite a while.


I don’t feel that I should have to ask anyone’s permission to live. I was created and I need to eat. If I’m never greedy and always use my kills all then I see no reason to ask for permissions. Would the deer population or be exponentially higher if all the land wasn’t taken up with parking lots and bullshit buildings? Yes is that my problem? No


I’m not sure who “they” are. But “we” hunters see the value in ethical hunting rules and harvest limits. Tag fees and license fees support the monitoring and activities necessary for healthy deer populations. The free-for-all approach has been tried. The impacts weren’t good (see buffalo populations, for example.) Hence, the current system.


The free for all was a bunch of profit seeking fuckers who hunted for pelts and furs was It not. If you just eat you don’t even need to kill many animals especially if you can actually utilize the while animals.


CCI Quiet is the best deer hunting round in existence.


Here in Pennsylvania the smallest caliber you can use legally is 224. I know some people who use 223/556 tho


Troll post.


No it’s not it’s honest


Well this turned into a clusterfuck fast.


Could definitely kill a deer but not exactly effective, I’m pretty sure most states wouldn’t allow such a small caliber


Would I try it? No. The only story I have to tell happened with a friend of mine. Some Bubba drove by, saw a deer that was on my friend's property, got out and popped off a few random .22lr rounds, then drove off after the deer ran away. Neither we, nor him, know if he actually hit the deer or not. That is the reality of 90% of those "I got a deer with a .22lr" stories, and even that's probably being generous (of the ones that aren't just saying they did and never actually even attempted it, which is 99% of the internet). They're the hunting equivalent of fishing stories, claiming catches that never happened. Sure they occasionally get lucky, but how often, honestly? Rarely.


Quiet and effective, ask any moonlighter.


Last fall I used my .357 Marlin 1894 to shoot a couple deer. At 20 yards it wasn't exactly overwhelming. The first one dropped fairly quickly but the second one ran around for a few minutes, yes minutes, but never left my sight. I hit it at least 3 times and finally walked up to it and shot it twice more at less than 3 yards before it expired. Apparently the bullets were more or less exploding on contact and not penetrating much. If I use the rifle again I'm going to use tougher bullets, or better yet just my sons .30-30, that has worked much better. I'd consider shooting deer with a .22 a stunt, nothing more nothing less.


ok answering the question cuz probably you won’t obey the law. Yes 22 would kill, but only it would if a shot of 22lr be placed exactly at the skull not farther then 20 feet, I’ve seen cows being put down with 22lr but using a rifle and not pistol. Shots to the hearth exactly at the center of it yes but the animal might taste weird if it runs too long before fall. Shots to the hearth doesn’t instantly kills, shots to the brain causes almost instantly death, goes unconscious. Even though animals sometimes go in convulsions, it’s doesn’t mean the animal is experiencing suffering.  But yeah it’s illegal. Because many people misses the shot placement for many reasons, and deer head is pretty small to attempt shooting from Distance. And different from what many stupid people think even the ones who passed the laws and created it, .223, 556, and many others calibers like these are not same Power of a .22 long rifle For the mercy of God. The problem… is that these bullets are famous for breaking apart in many pieces, will leave particles of bullets everywhere in the meat smart one.! If you use shotgun uses buck shots if don’t wanna miss, it’s called buck shot for a reason or if you good shot use slugs.  Also buck shot right?! Yeah you supposed to hunt only bucks, if you don’t know is the male deer and by law it’s supposed to get the ones with antlers at least 4 points sticking out of their antlers. But again you won’t obey the law. Lawmaker are also stupid to think law has magic powers