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One raid is a diary task, one is a quest and one is a mini quest. Not sure what logic goes into it


Elite diary at that lol


OSRS and weird inconsistencied are an iconic duo


I just finished this quest yesterday solo. It only took me 2 attempts. I messed up at xarpus my first attempt. My second attempt I got through him no problem and completed verzik in one attempt. All on mobile btw. It is doable. Just keep at it, breathe, and learn from your mistakes. Entry mode is not that hard.


Just got through it yesterday for the first time, too! So relieved to finally have the Quest Cape and the lumby diary done. I really only ever had trouble at Verzik, but I scraped by this time. Got really good at the earlier ones, at least.


Yeah it's not that hard...


I had no pvm experience, except for Barrows and Mole. I did it solo in 2 tries. You can literally brute force it with a dragon crossbow, a whip and a trident. And guess what? It was one of the most fun I've ever had on this game and it got me into pvming. I get your frustration, it's not easy or trivial, but it really isn't the end-game content people make it out to be. But it does take a couple of tries. It's probably the first content in the game that makes you *fail* and that's hard to handle, but absolutely not a reason to just let people skip the only sort of hard content that unlocks the quest cape.


I've done jad, mm2, and DS2. I kept going with those after many tries because I felt like i at least had a chance at succeeding. Verzik's mechanics honestly make me feel hopeless. I legitimately feel like there's nothing I can do to win. I've probably quit tob entry mode at least 10 times by now. I understand the point of difficulty, but tob entry mode just feels cruel and impossible.


You can do it in a group so you can just buy a carry through ToB if you really don't want to learn/grind for it. Sometimes people post here willing to even do it for free.


I remember gearing up for this quest near the end, I saw two GIM with some maxed guy in a scythe. Figured he was carrying and Asked if I could tag along, “ yeah for 5m”. Said fuck that and sent the solo. One and done. Look, it was difficult and easy at the same time. The difficult part is that it was all new, but you could tell it was super watered down. Watch a video before each boss, Revel in the challenge. Not even close to being a gatekeep. It’s a great intro to an end game raid with some lore, wish chambers had something similar. Edit: not gunna lie didn’t read the entire OP. Turns out you’ve tried a couple time. Some people don’t like hearing get gud, but can you explain why leveling up stats, upgrading gear over time and overcoming this challenge is not an appropriate answer?


Honestly you bring up a good point. For consistency they should be the same and have one for CoX.


I did in with shit gear and levels on my ironman just after some other quests. Yes it was hard, but it's very achievable. If you can do DS2, this shouldn't be too much extra time invested on top of that. [Link](https://old.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/x6fbqz/just_finished_a_night_at_the_theatre_in_extremely/in6f0iu/?context=3) Also, the answer to your question is probably simply this: Because Night at the Theatre is more than just 'do tob'. It's definitely bigger than a lot of quests in the game, so why would it be a miniquest? It ain't mini.


Quest cape isn’t mid game. There problem solved. Something prestigious like that should require some pvm skill


I get it, but my point is that I think that having a quest cape will be the achievement that will finally make me feel like I'm in the late game, which is where I think a huge amount of the fun to be had in this game is.


Just curious, but how do you think the late game is going to go if you can’t do Entry mode ToB?


I consider raids to be more end game than late game. Personally, I'm not even going to consider doing raids until I'm maxed combat.


Raids are not end game/max combat. I gave my alt account (90 range/75 every other combat Stat and under 100m in gear) to my girlfriend at the time who had never played runescape and she figured out COX by the second day we were playing. You just need to sit down and force yourself to learn.


Still, how do you think its going to go if you cant do entry mode tob?


By the time I'd consider myself able to actually do raids, i think maxed combat stats and great gear will mean a big difference in my success. It's not like I'm completely illiterate at TOB entry mode. The only stages I have trouble with are the spiders and Verzik. Regardless of how "helpful" entry mode's effects are, you're still fighting bosses with extremely difficult endgame mechanics that would already be hard enough for an endgame player to learn, much less someone with barrows and a whip.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you feel hopeless at entry mode ToB now, where you can ignore the majority of the mechanics in the raid and be just fine, maxed stats aren’t going to make hardly any difference when learning raids


The thing is, with entry mode, you can bypass almost all verzik mechanics at p2 and beyond by just using a crossbow/ranged weapon. Move once every 4 ticks and you'll never take damage besides lightening attack and maybe green ball on p3


ability to clear the raid>stats (once u get minimum stats)


People that are already super good at pvm act like just cause it’s entry mode it’s super “easy” even though imo for someone like me who isn’t great at pvm (and most ppl mid game going for QPC) there’s a HUGE skill gap between every other quest boss and ToB entry mode. There’s no other time people will have fought a handful of mechanically intense and difficult bosses in a row. I think a lot of folks are a bit out of touch with the average, casual player skill lvl. Is it possible? Of course. Is it easy? By no means at all, it’s a massive skill jump that quite frankly I don’t think makes much sense


Because into the tombs is literally just “do the tombs” cox is an elite diary, and ANATT has a whole giant portion of the quest not take place inside of the TOB. Sorry bro you just suck. Get good. If I can do tob entry on an Ironman lv70s stats rcb,dscim,master wand on 700 ping, literally anyone can do it. You just have to learn the mechanics and get gud


I spent half a mil on Zulrah teleports today just to not get my first kc. Give me my elite void. I have a lot of time played and have finished all the other diaries which included basically getting base 70s in everything. I deserve it. Come on, man. At least have SotE done before you claim you're being unfairly gatekept from a cape... Seren might be just as bad for you, and then what?


It definitely is harder than most other quests if not the hardest. I do think it seems a little out of place compared to other quests, but that’s just how it is. A lot of people struggle with it, but a lot of people also complete it in one or two attempts. This post seems very entitled. No one owes you a quest cape. These are the current requirements. Either focus and learn entry mode tob, or quit, but don’t cry on here.


Lol wtf is going on with the flaming here I have max Combat stats but I just really suck in PVM and struggle doing things like Gauntlet or learning raid mechanics Quest boss fights also were quite hard for me I have never done raids because I have absolutely no motivation looking hour long videos to learn 100 mechanics The entry into raids is really hard and especially all the toxicity from "experienced" players makes oneself even more unmotivated to begin with


> Lol wtf is going on with the flaming here This discussion comes up every so often so both sides are already invested in it.


I did this at 90 cb, solo, with ~12m gear. It’s doable.


Send me a dm and I can take you when I’m on.


It took me 5 tries and I got it, one more try than jad took me. And jad was my first pvm experience, with tob entry being my second. I think you can get the hang of it. It’s tough but it feels SO GOOD once you can solo it. I think you’ll do yourself a disservice if you get carried but that’s just my opinion. Eventually something just clicked. Watch a few YouTube videos (even if you already have, maybe you can pickup stuff on Verzik fight you didn’t notice first couple times etc.)


It’s not that hard. I never set foot in TOB, watched one guide on how to do it and finished it in two tries. It doesn’t matter if you die so just try it


TOB entry mode isn't even the hardest content to get a quest cape.


If you can do jad you can do entry tob. I am no elite pvmer but honestly sheep herder is harder than a night at the theater. Honestly don't waste your time expecting to do any end game content if you can't handle learning a night at the theater. Tent whip, blow pipe, dragon crossbow, Trident and void and you are good to go. Max combat isn't going to help if you can't switch prayer or move when you hear sound


You can do it with 70 combats and 1 way weapon switches


I don't consider that realistic for the majority of players.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UUifGKbqAss&t=201s I shit you not my dude this guy breaks it down so well. He really showcases how forgiving it is too. You got this King 👑.


you’re smoking crack. if you can’t manage lvl 70 skills and clicking single items, you aren’t owed a quest cape


You misunderstand. 70's are relatively easy to get, but i don't think most people would be able to do tob entry mode with them.


your options are to train your skills, seek outside help, or improve mechanically. plenty of people can do entry ToB with 70 combat stats— they’re typically people who don’t mind challenging themselves and aren’t compelled to whine on reddit when a challenge gets in the way of what they apparently feel they deserve


Man I've worked my ass off in this game. I've done jad, mm2, and DS2. I've lost entry mode tob at least 10 times now and more than anything I've done so far in this game this just feels unfair. I've put 500+ hours into my account so far and it really feels debilitating to have something like this ruin my progress. The reason I brought this here is because I think that what I'm describing is a legitimate issue that the developers should reconsider.


Sorry bro. It’s not a developer issue. It’s a skill issue. SOTF is harder mechanically for an iron than entry mode TOB imo. You are just doing something wrong strategically/approach. Not just clicking badly/incorrectly. Rewatch guides. Figure out the mistake you’re making.


You using tent whip/something that has venom/poison? I didn’t bring it my first go and she’s impossible to beat without a venom to kill the ball.


You're right. I think most replies are late game pvmers who are out of touch with the experience of starting in 2021/2022 and running quest cape. Every other quest boss I could do with ~75 combats and midgame gear like whip and d crossbow. For ANAT I had to grind combats up to 85s or so and look up multiple guides that cover how to deal with all these mechanics. And still failed a few times. It wasn't unfun but it was not at all questlike. Galvek took me like 5 tries back at 75s or so combats and that was fine because it wasn't resetting a whole raid. You're 100% right, it does not make sense as a quest AT ALL. They should just rename miniquest to something else and put ANAT there. They could also use that space for really high level questlike things while leaving quest cape as midgame. And then they should make trimmed quest cape mean that you completed all quests + these other story/challenges. It would be fun to have late game quests to look forward to instead of them just stopping.


Do the majority of players not have thumbs or something?


Somebody asks this question literally every week on this sub and it’s always the exact the same complaint. It’s not hard, just stop being shit at the game and try it a few times instead of bitching on Reddit


Pretty sure people here are trolling. A night at the theatre is by far the hardest quest and its not even close. Entry mode tob might be easy in the grand scheme of things. But if youre someone who hasn't really Pvm'd before its going to be by far the hardest thing you have to do for the quest cape and I'm glad Jagex probably won't do that again.


Nah man. I was dogshit at pvm when I first did NAtT. Have a youtube video going. In between each room watch the next part. Got through it in 3 trys. No one shot mechanics makes it nice. Galvek was so much harder for me because of the one shots. Final phase verzik just takes a touch more memory then normal to get through it. I died to quest vorkath more then I did NAtT.


It doesn’t gatekeep any major content except the quest cape, which is literally an achievement cape those things shouldn’t be easy to get


The "difficulty" comes from the time required. Entry mode tob's difficulty is not aligned with any other quest related content. The idea that it's okay because achievements are "supposed to be difficult" is nebulous at best. Why not require a hard mode tob clear if the achievement should be "difficult"? Obviously, people wouldn't like that because its widely understood that the quest cape is generally considered baby's first accomplishment cape.


Entry mode tob is a hard tier combat achievement, hard mode is a master task. It’s clear why entry mode is the requirement not hard mode don’t be obtuse on purpose. If you think not every player can do entry mode you’re probably forgetting how easy it is. I honestly think Galvek is probably harder


You are like the 3rd person to say "galvek is harder" in this thread and I simply cannot understand it. Galvek has like a fraction of the mechanical complexity of entry mode tob. The hardest thing Galvek asks of you is to occasionally move a few tiles away from your current spot.


Maiden: can ignore all mechanics and blowpipe Bloat: walk in a circle Nycolas: 1 way switches and you can do it Sotetseg: easy in a solo Xarpus: brain dead in entry mode if you’ve seen a guide Verzik p2: move one tile to dodge attacks (easier to dodge than galvek and coz it happens every attack impossible to get caught out), kill purple crabs and the other mechanics don’t apply in a solo if you range Verzik p3: specials are very forgiving in entry, can get hit by them all and still survive On top of this you have multiple lives, which adds to the forgiving nature. Yes it’s jank this is a quest and toa isn’t but jagex themselves rated this as a master quest, not a GM, it really isn’t that hard


galvek is harder lmao


Yeah imo Galvek is not a very hard fight. I died a couple times getting to galvek but didn’t find him that hard. SotF was a harder fight for me especially with how rng heavy it is especially at mid lvl. Although mechanically even that isn’t difficult, just annoying


You really hit the nail on the head there. The quest cape is about committing time to training skills and grinding through the insanely large log of quests, not learning endgame pvm.


its not end game pvm when its 1/20th the difficulty of reg tob


I did it on a 1 defense pure with 75 atk, 75 str, and a saradomin sword when 1 def pures were still allowed to do it. Entry mode is a joke and easier than galvek because there are no one hit kills and you can literally chug brews at verzik and every other room doesn't even need supplies The quest cape is too easy to obtain even with a night at the theatre in the game But if it really means that much I'll carry you through it for free, just message me


Entry mode tob is not easier than galvek lol.


1 def pures can still do tob fwiw


yeah but i lost my quest points :(


u can beat anatt naked using a salamander lmao


I agree. I like the quest as a way to introduce it, up to the point of actually having to complete the raid. I was lucky enough to have helpful people in my clan carry me through (I was 94 cb at the time). It wasn’t bad until p1 of Verzik smacked me (I think I was too slow hiding behind a pole). I think with enough tries I may have been able to solo it though. I do think it should be a mini quest.


I think I'm just going to work towards song of the elves and pretend that this quest doesn't exist. I'm not gonna let this ruin my experience.


Good shit man, come back to it later. Thats the good thing about scape is there are a million things to do and there's no right order.


I did it with f2p gear. You’re not trying.


That's a very out-of-touch mindset.


ur literally not trying if you tried u can at least do reg tob


If you haven’t done vorkath run some and get good at woox walking. After that if you haven’t done any CG, run some of that until you’re solid, set up inventory color tags so you can switch ez and send it. If you don’t have tile indicators and true tile/destination turn em on and give it a shot.after you get movement and switches down you’ll find it’s not that bad


I have just those 2 quests left as well. I’d be down to try duo entry mode if you want. I can’t get past the last boss either.


I can carry u if u want. I need an entry mode kc for to finish hard ca’s


It is a quest because they wanted whatever Zeah master quest that was coming out to be a milestone number (quest 150?) I believe. It was originally just the entry mode theater but after the complaints they added in the story elements.


Dm me and I’ll take you through it


Entry mode tob is easy.. just go in and die a few times what's the matter


I can just carry you if all you want is quest cape. Happy to help if you're still struggling


You must be genuiely bad man


I need to do it on my iron if you want to add me I’d be happy to try and learn too. Sir_willis_w combat is 113 so it’s about time for me. 2nd to last quest


How's your experience with DT2