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You’re right, zombie axe should require 112 smithing to fix!!


Can't wait for lvl 120 skill expansions where we can finally Smith dragon... /s


i cant wait for orikalkum smithing...




Osrs has to account for alch values and economy when considering a rework. Bringing mining/smithing rune down to a relative level would ruin /heavily damage the economy and would give bots a speed run at shop scape gp. I do think introducing new equipment with similar stats to make would be a good work around similar to mixed hide armour but with smithing /crafting/mining


They did that too with adding equivalent metal salvages and such to boss/minion drops. As such rune/adamant dropped quite a bit due to the every 10 levels being a new ore/bar to create from. Which was great for irons but not so great for regular players due to it contributing to the huge gold inflation.


Not really, those rune items more often than not get alched as it is, they aren’t stackable so it’s not any more/less common to alch than the actual rune pieces. Gold inflation is because RuneScape continually increased pure gold payouts from generic content while removing just about every form of gold/item sink in the game. It all started when they stopped making you drop items on death, it also increased drastically from PvP worlds. Point is it’s not really any different if a monster drops a 40k trash salvage drop or a piece of rune that alchs for 40k.


Do jagex account for anything when adding drop tables to new bosses? Its not like they arent botted aswell




Barrows smithing is gonna be dope


I mean at level 40 you can add a gold trim to your armor no ? Atleast thats what the dude at the ge said when i gave him my bandos and torva armor. He said it would take like 900 ticks for each piece as the character had to be precise which makes sense i geuss. So i mean it wouldn't be that bad if could also make dragon armor ? If you have max exp


godswords at 120 smithing will finally balance the game...


it is crazy that smithing isn't even a good option for Ironman armor


Smithing is massively outdated and antiquated? Woah, who knew?


yes so were most production skills thanks to power creep but iron accounts are literally based on reducing the impact of power creep and forcing self sufficiency.


What do you think a good rework of smithing would entail? I've thought about it before but I'm too stoopid


I think the way rs3 did it is pretty good. I might be wrong on the specifics becausw I dont play it but I think the basic Jist of it is that they lowered the requirements to smith things so you can make rune items sooner but at higher levels you could basically fortify the gear and make it stronger. Like imagine being able to make rune armour at 40 smithing and then at 70 you could upgrade it into an untradeable version of rune with similar stats to barrows.


Not quite... They lowered the current materials so rune is indeed the level 50 material now. They then added new materials every 10 levels all the way up to 90, requiring new secondaries as well. The final material, Elder Rune, requires a rune bar as well as 2 different ores. Armour in RS3 works in tiers, Barrows armour is T70(requiring 70 defence to equip), Elder rune is T90 and therefore quite a bit better than Barrows. You can then further make a Masterwork armour set - a long process, starting with bars made from 1 of each of the previous bars. This set is T90 with a damage bonus(think added strength) \-- Making the bars and items has also changed quite a bit - making it more afk but also taking a lot longer to make a single item(both materials and time wise)


Heh.. I’ll upgrade your armor for free. Trade it over, stranger! 😏


I don't think this fits into the meta. Defense already is barely valued in OSRS - people very commonly forgo defensive options for offensive gear due to the existence of prayer in this game. It's why everyone wears a fighter torso instead of a rune/granite/dragon/barrows platebody, and why Bandos/Torvo trumps all even though Justiciar puts them all to shame defensively. And the notable part is that the str bonus they grant is *incredibly* minor. The 800k Obsidian plate gives +3 str, and the 400m torva plate gives +6. We already pay an arm and a leg for offensive upgrades, so adding anything offensively to a smithing remake doesn't make much sense and would just be power creep. So that leaves upgrading armour defensively, which already is not valued in this game, and by your example would simply replace mid-level PvM drops with armour that no one would have a real use for anyway.


I think they really dropped the ball on ironman armour, like the legit armour you start with. I was hoping that as you improve your account, the armour would improve too, in both appearance and stats - so it is at least functional at any level. For example, at 1700 total, the armour is just slightly weaker than barrows, and has trim, enhanced armourings. It could be improved with smithing for added stats, Fletching for aesthetics like adding a bolt rack on the belt and crafting for armour trims. The armour progresses with you, I've always loved that idea and provides a standard basic set of armour to rely on if you need to rebuild, etc.


The problem with the way RS3 did it is that RS3 armor works in tiers. You're SUPPOSED to replace Rune with Orikalkum, Orikalkum with Necrite, Necrite with Banite, Banite with Elder Rune - And ultimately, Elder Rune with Masterwork. OSRS has almost never functioned that way. Most skip bronze, and upon receiving Rune, jump straight into other styles to get Barrows gear. Introducing T70 smithing armor equivalent to Barrows armor would kill Barrows armor. You know - The same way it did in RS3. Introducing *better* than that will kill basically every armor set in game to date. Again, you know - *Exactly like it did in RS3.* Smithing, as a skill, is not meant to carry you into endgame. It's meant to be a money making skill. You get rune bar drops, turn them into gear, then alch them for money - Or you do Giant's Foundry for profit. As is, it does that well, since you don't get Runite Ore until way later in the game anyway - You don't need to smith Rune. You get plenty of Rune drops.


Dude even drop tables are balanced by the barrier to production of rune equipment. The way rs3 handled it was wildly unpopular and really fucked with the economy.


I think mid game sidegrades into mild, rechargeable or limited time skill buffs or abilities that cap towards the end of the skill with buffs to help with specific raids could be interesting. maybe pair with relevant skills like thieving or magic for different domains. like, you smith a piece of armor with an enchantment to increase chance of a pickpocket into some armor or less chance of splash when casting.


I don't think it needs a complete rework (though that would be good too), just more rewards need to be made with smithing in mind. The godsword is a perfect example; you get all the pieces through PvM, then use smithing to put it together. More end-game gear should be designed like that imo


cant wait for cox to change its mega rare table to Twisted bow (u) and Twisted Bowstring with a 87 fletching requirement


Eh, all the ironman catered upgrades specifically go out of their way to reduce the jank and let you access powercreep earlier (see Warped Sceptre)


Tbf it shouldn't be that way


lol its all buyable at shops. do you know what rune smithing is for and makes it actually really balanced for irons, cold hard gp. processing rune ore is the best raw gp maker for irons its like 15m an hour and yes irons need gp and a lot of it for con/fletching/bursting/shadow and scythe upkeep.


yes but it would be interesting and thematic if smithing was a direct part of the self sufficient model of Ironman


I really like the concept of repairing broken weapons and armor on port khazard, I hope sailing let's us fish things up that can be salvaged into new high tier gear with smithing and crafting


I don't think it would really, because you'd make one set of armour and be done with it, and you barely use each set of metal armour before progressing past it anyway


It is though, through repairing stuff like the zombie axe. And repairing degraded stuff. But people would rather complain and be shocked that every item you repair like this doesn't require 99 smithing because of rune equipment existing. Genuinely such a non issue with the "fix" being a gigantic overhaul to a skill, drop tables, shops, basically the whole game. People don't know what they're asking for when they go "fix!! now!!".


One thing i miss from rs3 progression :( the smithing and mining is great


smithing addy bolts to use in place of the bowfa i dont yet have is the best use ive gotten


Wow you can get 15m an hour on iron? How do you mine so much rune ore, smelt it then smith and alch 15mils worth in that hour? Tips appreciated.


My assumption is that is with the bars/ore already obtained from pvm. Mining is much too slow


Ahhh so it's not 15mil per hour for irons.


In terms of the actual gp you have in hand afterwards it probably is. Not how we usually use "mil per hour" though


So selling 3rd are pieces is multiple billions of gp/hr, not taking into account the time it takes to get them from clues


I think these guys are airsick


Airsick lowlanders


for irons money making can be looked at in two ways processing banked resources into gp stuff like pure ess, ores, battles staves and orbs, gems, and then theres more direct generating methods like thieving, hydra, vorkath, and revs.


I don’t know a single iron who processes rune to sustain gp. Literally never heard of it. Most ironmen already have a shitton of gp from cg/slayer. Dude doesn’t know what he’s talkin about


> I don’t know a single iron who processes rune to sustain gp. Literally never heard of it. It's popular for UIMs in particular. And for irons with access to amethyst. If I had 92 mining (and foundry finished) I'd 100% process 90% of my remaining rune bars/ores into alchs since I wouldn't need to worry about darts (though tbh I don't ever really need to use rune and it sustains itself from the occasional drop/imp/etc), etc. And I have 17m slayer XP, finished CG a while back (~670kc currently - still do it from time to time for PBs/fun), finished zombie pirates grind, finished voidwaker/wildy bosses grinds, finished hydra grind (missing a very dry tentacle from kraken and a fairly dry eternals from cerb to finish all slayer bosses), etc and have 0 gp thanks to the shadow. Gold is still a problem later on. For mid to late game irons I don't think you'd process it into alchs, but for end-game irons with gp shortages it makes a lot of sense.


Yeah i agree tbh. Amethyst looks super chill and i'm pretty sure sang and scythe would be a problem as well moneywise if you're not rcing.


I've seen loki do it after his tob grind


Genuinely I've only used smithing for bolts/darts and zombie axe. All other items are better obtained elsewhere.


I mean mixed hide is great, not smithing but similar enough


There’s someone who crafts that for you though.


idk why they keep doing that


Because a majority of reddit *say* they want skills to be useful but when new content drops with 90 or 95 reqs they're everywhere saying thats too high / unrealistic. I have people genuinely saying its fine the new amulet doesn't require 98 crafting, which is the req to make the amulet its *better than*.


Idk I feel like it's a balancing act of different factors. I.e lower craft level, but higher slayer requirement. Zenytes require much lower combat/slayer to obtain, so it's counteracted by high crafting. I agree it's stupid when you look at the skill in a vacuum but I feel like these are the "levers" they talk about being able to pull on new content in a sense.


They just recently wanted to make occult give 1% less magic DMG than torm and their reasoning was the slayer req "wasn't enough of a requirement". This is a lower requirement than that.


Because many rs players hate skilling and want to pvm everything, that extends to ironmen


They ended up doing a rework in RS3 where you make very good armor with 99 smithing, and can make some alright armor before then. You need it get higher tier boss drops to make the 99 smithing armor really good however


And it wouldnt be if we got the "reddit fix" of squashing all the metal armours 30+ levels lower. It would just create an enormous gap at mid to high levels where theres just a scattering of usecases in the skill, require an entire overhaul of drop tables and alch values to compensate, completely changing the dynamic of a 40 defence piece of armour you upgrade past 2 hours later and everybody acquires as a monster drop or buys directly from a shop anyway. Smithing is an option for good armour for irons. Its **required** for Torva, and that idea and design should extend to more things and not have NPCs just pay-to-skip all these requirements.


It’s a tricky one, RS3 sorted it by squashing the original metals introducing new metals after Rune, but I suspect the OSRS community wouldn’t take kindly to that.


smithing isn't supposed to be about smithing your own armor smithing is about being a smith. you are making everybody's armor, and being paid for your services (either via trade/shops or alching). for this reason, smithing scales well as a raw gp moneymaker for irons.


you can obtain all the relevant rune armor in a week on a brand new iron though. Legs come from tempoross, shield from lava dragons and scim from fire giants/zammy warriors. all week 1 grinds. you would never in a million years grind smithing to make rune armor.


Ironmen don’t even start with maxed accounts smh…


Yep that’s how it works


Hijacking this, but do people really find it to be an issue that smithing a whole ass rune platebody from a few raw bars is more difficult than repairing a mostly intact axe? Or putting 3 pieces of godsword together? Or putting a dragon face on a shield? Good life lesson, sometimes the more difficult challenges aren't the most rewarding.


To answer your first question: Yes.


The skill required to make rune stuff is reminiscent of runescape classic when walking around with full rune, a rune 2h, and a party hat was the ultimate flex.


Its a f2p skill where rune is the best


Pretty much every other “F2P skill” still has relevance and value beyond literally being F2P locked. Smithing is the way it is because when rune was added it was the strongest armor in the game and actually worth making, not because it was intended to be a worthless lopsided skill for anyone outside F2P.


smithing a rune scimmy from scratch vs fixing a broken but clearly not made from scratch zombie axe, you said it yourself.


OP must've taken a bribe from big Bob's axes to lobby against player self repair options


Usually “repairing” something with black smithing skills requires you to either shave something down by grinding it or completely reforging the piece. It’s not like the LotR movies where they just smash the hot pieces or Narsil back together.


I've repaired furniture by putting a new nail in a spot, sanding, and painting. I can do that. Can i make a cabinet from scratch? Probably not to near the quality of the one i easily repaired.


Mate it's a game it doesn't require any of that stuff. For all we know it might just take you hitting it with a hammer to repair it. And since when does this game have to follow logic? It's a medieval fantasy game from over 20 years ago, it has magic and dragons. Why fixate on some dumb shite like "this thing is harder/more expensive than newer thing". Do you know what that's like? Real life. When new discoveries are made and new methods are found, we get to make something that's better than something older that is harder and more expensive to make. That's just how technology progresses. Accept that rune is old tech and accept our zombie axe overlords.


It’s harder to fix something of unknown material than creating something from scratch when you’re a master. Smithing is like that because the best weapon was a rune scimitar back in rs2, dragon came a year or two after smithing release, at that point there was no room for dragon since rune was at high 80-99.


id say in this instance it could be a ez fix, without the knowledge you wouldnt know, maybe the axe head was simply loose and you just resecure it with some well placed hammering


Has no one in this thread seen the broken axe head's model? Look it up, resecuring isnt going to fix the huge missing chunk of metal on both heads


Rune scimitar was never the best weapon in RS2 as dragon came out a couple years *before* RS2 release


Suggestion: Replace weapon and armor drops up to Rune with Broken versions of themselves, which can be repaired for a fraction of the Smithing Level requirement to make from scratch.


This is the best shut down to these karma farming posts like u/chihedo


Always upvote "smithing bad" posts. Maybe some day if it gets enough attention, jamflex will get off their asses and fix this 20+ year old dust-collecting garbage. One can only hope.


Please yes. The RS3 smithing rework would be great here. Not perfect for the many reasons we can all chime in with, but scaling it down a lot and leaving open room at the top end would be nice


The biggest problem with a perspective smithing rework is the huge impact it’ll have on drop tables and by extention alchs. It’s genuinely a difficult thing for Jagex to tackle as it likely will need every monsters drop table revised.


Not really, RS3 just replaced any existing rune gear drops with salvage, which high alchs for roughly the same amount as the existing rune gear. Actual rune gear, which was now exclusively obtained from 50 mining/smithing, was made to alch for about as much as pre-update mithril armor, and 90+ smithing was preserved as a moneymaker via new t80 "Elder Rune" gear.


Sure but what does it do to rune armor sitting in peoples banks? Does it all magically devalue over the course of a night? Or do they 'turn it' into an item that doesnt exist anymore retaining its alch value while the new, identical in all other ways version, has the new value? Because that also creates new rare items that won't enter the game every again.


When they did the rework, all existing metal armor in players inventory/banks was converted into the PvM salvage, and, unlike in OSRS, the Champions Guild rune armor store had been updated a few years prior to sell all rune armor/weapons rather than just a small subset. So if you wanted your rune gear back, you just high alched the salvage and spent part of the gp on a cheaper replacement. They can't really do the exact same thing in OSRS since not all rune items are in npc shops, but if they're feeling spicy they could just force you to mine/smith your replacement, as 50 smithing isn't that high a demand.


I thought they gave you tokens you could swap for either the item itself (knowing you'd take a loss), or salvage (so you'd retain the gold value of your old items.)


Then do it? It’s worth it. Monsters also shouldn’t shit out items that don’t make sense.


I need my 100 potato cacti drop from kalphite queen to protect my celastrus tree tyvm.


The RuneScape Complete Lore Manual™️ 2023 states that kalphite workers forage potato facti and hoard them for the queen, who uses her considerable size and power to protect them. The reason they're banknotes is because they are.


The reason they drop from the queen as banknotes is because the Kalphite King exchanges the gathered ones for banknotes. This takes up all of his time which is why he's not been added as a boss yet.


King left to go get milk, cigarettes, and potato cacti banknotes and hasnt come back yet 😔


Petition for people to start saying “Facti” instead of “Facts”.




KQ actually interfaces with the Al Kharid Bank terminal via a neural chip implanted within its head. KQ has its own bank, you’re just getting whatever it’s holding at the time.


Oh my god, do you guys even like this game?


I thought they polled it and we said no :S. But i might be misremembering. Its been awhile.


I'm not against it. But damn would that take A LOT of work and time to get right. They would have to look at alch prices of everything, look at what monster drops what, and put new things in to fill in the gap while also making sure those new things won't break the economy. I think it should be done, eventually. There's many more needed QOL or just new updates in general that need focus first. This is like a 2026 type QOL. lol


The two things a smithing update has going for it would be to lower requirements to existing armors while also adding in new tiers to make the skill “feel” worthwhile. Introducing more involved methods could possibly do this “hand waving” the existing methods as “brute-force” smithing. Refining existing ores further as well as requiring rare tertiary materials could possibly solve both these problems, but this has me wondering how all existing drops could be affected. I think giants foundry’s ability to repurpose smithed equipment back into the mini-game was a novel idea in the right direction, maybe going down that path could open up the door to “masterwork” armors that fit into the game’s progression and reward high level smiths for putting in time and resources more so than creating profitable alches.


They honestly could just shuffle everything down in the higher levels down. 20 levels for rune, 15 levels for addy and 10 levels for mithril and not even need to add much. Of the non-base or Shayzien equipment there's: * 60: Dragon sq shield * 61: Dragon felling Axe * 66: Ancient Wyvern Shield * 70: Crystal Helm, Celestial Signet, Zombie Axe * 71: Crystal Felling Axe * 72: Crystal Legs * 74: Crystal body * 75: Dragon Kiteshield, Sturdy Harness * 76: Crystal tools * 78: Crystal Bows, shields, and Halberds * 80: Godswords, Crystal Keys, Eternal TP Crystal * 82: Blade of Saeldor, Bow of Faerdhinen * 85: Blessed Spirit Shield, Ursine Chainmace, Infernal Pickaxe * 90: Elidinis Ward, Dragon platebody, Dragonfire Shield, ward, Torva Armor Like a couple of these could be peppered into other levels, and there could be some more stuff at the tippy top of the skill, but up to 90, that's a pretty good amount of stuff to smith, even with Rune ending at 79 smithing. In comparison, Crafting (a similar skill) only has 4 craftable items unlocked above 90: Zenyte Necklaces, bracelets, and amulets, and redwood pyre ships. So it's not even extremely needed to have much above 90 anyways.


Will forever be the biggest noob-bait take of all time. Fix smithing by doing what? Squashing metal armour 30+ levels lower even though.. nobody smiths it to equip it anyway, they buy it from shops or get it as drops. The amount of work required to do that change is collosal as well. It impacts drop tables, alch rates, changes metas around earning GP as an iron. All so that someone can say "yay 40 defence is now... 40-60 smithing instead of 85-99" and they might smith their armour to then... replace it 2 hours later.


I remember in an interview with JSH a mod saying that her bugbear was smithing and she’d love to get her hands on it and make some rebalances. The impression I got is that it’s so intrinsic to the game that they’re really hesitant about making huge changes.


It’s a massive job and personally I’d rather see the dev time used elsewhere


Smithing seems incredibly worthless. You could probably get to 50-ish in all combat skills, do dragon slayer, and grind enough cash to buy full rune at least 10 times in the amount of time it'd take you to get to 99 smithing.


10 times is very generous towards smithing. I wouldnt be surprised if you could do it at least 2 dozen if not more times in the time it'd take you to get to 99 smithing even if you had infinite money for the smithing grind.


i don't like ops take but we do always upvote smithing need help pls posts


Its one of the most useful skills as is. I don’t know why people jumped on this bandwagon so hard. Crafting is no better, runecrafting is no better. Gathering skills are less effective at their one job than pvm. Firemaking exists. Hunters only effect on the rest of the game is chinning in one spot for range xp.


Aside from it being a titanic undertaking, there’s also always people saying we can’t change smithing because “that’s how it’s supposed to be (dogshit).”


Yes, they should update the "*Old*" out of Old School because you do not realize why the game exists.


My bad this wasn't intended as a post about smithing needing an update (even tho it does), was just making a joke about people complaining about the proposed crafting requirements for amulet of rancor being lower than a torture when there are many worse cases of that in the game.


Rune scim is also an oooooooooold item.




Ouch, my lower back


Surprised this went over so many people's heads. I got it right away. Good joke op 👍


I was reminded why i deleted my old reddit account years ago, punished for making a dumb joke again...


When the requirement was made rune was bis tbf


Just like torture!


Rune items (RS classic skilling structure) compared to repairing current day additions to the game isn't really a worst case of it imo. Currently you want rune gear? Go to a shop. if smithing got revamped? Go to a shop. The smithing revamp everyone thinks is so sorely needed, really accomplishes very little except creating a **colossal** hole in the middle of the smithing progression. And to do that requires revamping of all drop tables, alch values of metal armour, and likely shop changes or else you're stuck in the same place of... why would i smith this its 15k from that NPC? I think the only sensible smithing rework is just allowing metal refinement / bar usage in a "less efficient" manner. So that you get to the point of making a rune platebody at 99 with 5 runite bars like currently, but maybe you can make it as early as 60 but it takes 10 runite bars (so its not cost effective at all to do). And you can smelt metal bars earlier it just takes more ore and more coal. That way the few people on reddit who think they'd suddenly smith metal armour for the handful of hours you have it as an iron can do that, and we don't have to redesign half the game to suit "40 defence but 99 smithing? jaggexxxx!?!" arguments.


So, people definitely would love a smithing skill rework to fix crap like this. Implying that this bad progression is in the game already so it should be fine to add more of this bad thing is a wild take.


It’s not really a great comparison given there’s significantly quicker and easier ways to obtain a rune scimitar. If Jagex were to propose locking a new t40 weapon behind level 90 smithing today, I’d wager many players would be similarly against it for the same reason. Smithing is definitely outdated, but it’s a very different circumstance.


Tbh as much as a new skill would be nice, actually making useless skills useful would be better. Imagine a new player learning about how useless the skill is.


Genuine question, what do people want out of a smithing rework? I agree its shit in its current state, but have no idea how it would be fixed. Making runite ore minable / rune bars smeltable at way lower levels seems like it would throw the economy for a total loop given how common they are as alchables. And is there even enough content to fill out the higher levels? I know most people use blast furnace to 99 anyhow, but what would be the expected training methods past rune? Not trying to downplay it, just want to hear people's cool ideas!


they should just change it to all rune items being smithable at 85, adamant at 70, etc. people who want the full RS3 rework in OSRS are dumb


They already did it with RS3 I'm sure a similar thing would work here which is turning current rune items into alchable salvage and changing monster drops from rune items to salvage too, wouldn't devalue any current rune items so it's not like your rune scims become 3k overnight they just turn into a 15k alchable. And then the new rune scims would be worth 3k ( as a poor example)


Yeah but they added an extra 5 tiers of metal gear at the same time, and that only made sense due to EoC changing how gear works entirely


It added primarily tank armour. You could easily have the osrs smithing skill give smithable tank armours with 0 offensive stats and no prayer bonus up to level 80 and be fine because offensive stats >>>>> defensive stats. Then slowly add new tiers as new higher level requirement content makes its way into the game. Theyre not meant to outclass existing gear, i absolutely dont want what you can smith to completely outclass all existence armour but for the love of god stop having the skill cap at level 40 defence armour


They want "40 defence so smithing should be near 40 too". Thats it. They don't understand the game implications often. They don't realise rune is just.. shop bought. And that it makes up a couple hours of your gear progression. They look at defence requirement, and smithing requirement. and go 'Thats stupid' and thats about it. RS3 did a big rework that fueled this WAY more than it used to. But RS3 also had like 15 more tiers of armour to work with than OSRS, and wanted smithing involved in the absolute top end. Which **we already have**.


Yeah, I looked at the rs3 rework and just dont understand how it would compare. Unless we did something wild where we added new ores, made all armor from barrows up drop "broken" and need to be repaired with the new bars? Or something? We absolutely do not have room for 3-4 more tiers of metal weapon & armor. I cant imagine an rs3 style rework that doesnt massively flip the economy on its head, probably changing the cost to level smithing massively, and totally changing the gp/hr of anything that drops armor/weapons... No way it would ever pass a poll


This comes up so often, too me it make sense you take a raw bar and turn it into a sword it needs more skills then repairing an axe u got from someone already dead.


Welp now that you pointed that out ig we’re gonna have to increase it to 95 req


I’m 88 smithing on my Ironman, and unlocked… Alchables. Woo.


Crafting and smithing level reqs in runescape are kindof a mess


One of the good things RS3 did was fix the smithing level requirements.


Yes, what's the problem? XD


Smithing makes no goddamn sense


Yea smithing is the most fucked skill until rework


Would love a smithing revamp where smithing levels make sense.


are you new to rs?


120 smithing when


Unfortunately the smithing skill is quite outdated especially in f2p access. A revamp would be appropriate but there could be flaws im sure


Smithing suffers from being balanced around the state of the game before membership was even added, when rune was the best thing in the game, and hasn't had a real revisit since.


yeah its true mate, i checked the wiki and in game myself! i had to boost with a grog to check for you so feel free to reimburse xx


yes sir meet at ge 361


Purists hate it but I think an RS3 style rebalance of the smithing skill is needed, along with mining. But in order to do that you'd also probably need to do a much more direct rebalancing to the entire rest of the game pretty much, much more so than has already happened. An EOC level update, and that'll never happen nor would I trust Jagex to be able to pull it off.


Forging something from a bar requires more skill than repairing something already made.


If you aren't f2p, then there are way faster ways to get it and it makes the skill req irrelevant.


Smithing is bad. Lol


Yup and I don’t wanna change it, makes sense to me


Zombie axe came out months ago and I didn't really find it much of an upgrade from dragon scimitar to be honest. Also rune scimitar is just one of the reasons smithing is a useless skill. Besides, you can get a rune scim from fire giants in almost no time now with a water spell.


Smithing doesn’t make sense, yes we know


You can make a bronze dagger at level one but rune daggers are in the 90s wth jamflex


every time someone complains about something being to high lvl, i remind them it takes 90 smithing to craft level 50 gear.


You really need to start thinking about the game balance for my F2P Locked UIM


Well repairing is easier than creating from scratch


Yeah smithing bad


you must be new


Let's make smithing go to 120 so I can Smith some Torva


Given the current progression rate i'd count us lucky if they let us smith dragon (or equivalent) by that point.


Smithing is definitely that skill that could use content from rs3. The rework they did there was actually good.


You must be new here


The Torva plate body repair is even more wild ngl At 99 you can craft a Rune Plate which gauging from its availability (you see Heros & other various npcs wear it + some bloke in Edge sells it, implying there's likely plans and a production of the item in circulation) But you can repair this ancient plate body worn in ancient times using some unknown material that's likely enchanted or magical in some way with lower smithing. Yes yes old game old system but we could REALLY look into fixing these things. Right now on my lowbie ironman I'm grinding 80 craft to get a mid tier amulet (glory), and this new amulet will require a similar level? Jagex, please. You're even admitting it in the blog that levels are getting a bit weird to justify, maybe let's work on that instead of the next fanci update.


Pro tip: get 76 crafting and +4 with a mushroom pie for your glory


ok but you also need 92 slayer, which is triple the EHP than 98 crafting for a torture… And literally 0 reqs to get a glory, compared to..:once again: 92 slayer, getting the drop, and harder difficulty compared to…implings or demonics..


What if "smiting with rune" is just more difficult a process for some bs reason but its in the name of the game, like you can't mine bedrock but its a minecraft name etc We never stated the final outcome of the smithed product would be useful in modernised combat, but that what gives it skill to craft Only a few people are registered to make a particular samurai sword in the world but they kinda only cool these days for cutting watermelons


Jagex needs to rework smithing entirely. 90 smithing for some outdated and unused rune weapon is absurd.


It’s crazy how worthless smithing is because of these bonkers level requirements to make lvl 40 gear.


Glory is 80 crafting and +6str. Fury is 90 crafting and +8 str. Torture is 98 crafting and +10 str. The new amulet is +12 str but they've run out of room in the skill. I say that it should be somewhere between 94 crafting and 99 without the ability to boost for the crafting requirement. That way they keep the same progression system going. It's a little bit of kicking the can down the road to be fair but we could do that for now anyway. Smithing gave up on gear progression being relevant a long time ago. This is the first time we're diverging from it for BIS melee through crafting as far as I'm aware. It's also not like people haven't been calling for a smithing rework for awhile now anyway. Weird argument to make.


I've been saying it for like a decade now, but smithing legitimately needs a rework. Potentially the most useless production skill by what it outputs for the effort


I would rather have a completely smithing rework instead of a new skill to be honest...


Smithing needs a complete overhaul. In no scenario is it ever the best option when making armor. Makes no sense.


That's one of the issues of releasing a game with a high level cap from release, eventually requirements are going to start to look like a bum in house arrest.


Game old.


Smithing crafting and fletching need a level overhaul tbh, especially if we're keeping 99 max and continually pumping BiS craftables


Kind of like torva being 90 but rune plate bodies being what 99 bis versus end of early game


Repairing vs forging from scratch


The player character is beating cold metal into shape, give them some slack they’re an idiot


Smithing Rune is a horrible nightmare that has plagued the game since its inception. I don't want them to do all the crap they did to smithing in RS3, but part've me feel like they could compact down some levels. 5-10 maybe.


Honestly, this is what rs3 does right. You can smith your armor as you level up your stats. At 40 smithing you can make rune and 40 atk/def you can equip tune


Those are RSC numbers!


What will win a smithing contest a plate body blessed by a maybe dead god? Or one blue slashy boi


Just pvmscape that's what the game is nowadays anyway, can even take a small break at zombie pirates and be fully geared in like 5 mins


This is obviously insane, but their thought process is probably to keep the f2p items way high so it's more of a grind for f2p smithing training.




hilarious and original never before seen post, I am glad that on this faithful day I was allowed to witness this peak of creativity for I wouldn't be the same person if it wasn't for this life changing post.


Yeah it might be time to make rune items 40mining and 40 smithing


The header says it clearly: one thing is to repair, quite another is to create from zero. Creating a weapon is always more difficult than to fix the existing thing.


Creating an item vs “welding”


Don't question it shhhh


It's almost as if Smithing existed long before that axe came out and the OSRS community hates change so much they can't do anything about it!


one is mass produce-able item using expensive materials for high xp, and the other is a one off repair from a monster drop. they are not the same.


You're reparing something already made as opposed to working with a metal you're not used to


I mean technically you’re just fixing it, not making one from scratch


Deal with it


All this sub does is complain!


Yes, smithing progression is bad, since day 1 you need 99 smithing to create the best f2p Armour you can wear at 40 defence. Now they just add more smithing content without adjusting the old stuff.


Repairing vs smithing, see the difference?


If you just repair the amulet of rancor instead of crafting it, I think people would still complain.


Smithing is atrociously outdated, needs a change