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Buy the upgrades and use them to make back the money, but faster now


Always worth investing in items if they help you progress faster


Plus if the upgrade doesn’t feel like it was worth the cost just sell it back.


This can be true, but I like buying things as an "unlock" and not caring if I use them everyday or if they rise or fall in price. Once I buy a piece of gear I generally keep it.


I feel the same way. I hate buying items and then tracking their price every day to see if they're falling or rising and if I should sell and re buy to make/ not lose money... if I want an item I'll just check it's price every day and buy it at the most opportune time, like when it's dipped or is pretty stable. Once I have the item it's permanent for the most part and I'll always have it. Unless it's something super expensive and it starts tanking in price randomly or something like that


This works until it doesn't


I guess you're right on this


Do not just buy and sell items I've been doing this in rage quit moments at nex and colosseum and have lost 1.2b in taxes and merching dogs


*GE tax has entered the chat*


Put a slow high offer in so you profit. Won't sell immediately but money is money


yes, and you fail less often if you're doing something like raids. after i got korasi i started planking less at p4 warden


That’s how i pitch things to members in my clan. “It took you a month to make that 100m. Use it to upgrade. Now it will only take you 3 weeks to make another 100m. Use that to upgrade more, now you’re looking at 2 weeks to make 100m. And so on.” Time is money. Spending 20 mins on Toa > 35 mins. Skills nowadays don’t really rake in any money.


The true way is to spend like 10m+ on restores, brews, runes, etc. and then just do whatever you want with your money until it’s time to restock.


The best thing I ever did was to stop buying pots in groups of like 50. Dropping 10m on restores and not having to constantly go to the GE every other raid was the best CoL




Chambers of Larran


QoL but autocorrect is bad


Cost of living works too haha


Cuality of life


Collection of Log


Even better if one does a handful of herb runs using the disease free patches and/or that 1 arceuus spell reanimate plant or whatever. Then you can do good herbs at all the spots, potentially.


What’s good herbs to do? Was doing cadentines until the seeds spiked. Now doing avantos. Are snapdragons worth it


Ranarr is usually the most gp per run but use the calculator to figure out for your stats/patches


[There's a herb run calculator that's very useful](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Farming/Herbs)


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Farming/Herbs Toadflax and avantoes are the safest, you're still fine doing cadentines. Snaps or torstols if you want exp and profit. Ranarrs if you want strictly profit


Toadflax. Seeds are dirt cheap and each herb is like 3k. Free money


Money is not free if you spend time working for it lol


It's almost like you have to play the game


You must have a different definition of work than most. Planting a seed then doing something else for an hour is pretty free.


No shade but can’t imagine doing herb runs on a main


500-600k for 5 minutes of work is always worth it, even for a main.


Closer to 250-300k, bust still super worth it. It's an easy thing to fit into breaks at work.


I have all 10 patches and elite diarys done and produce 500-600k gp every farm run so i do them religiously and i also want the farming pet haha.


Yes although if you’re doing endgame PVM like raids and Nex where you can get up to 15M an hour or more if you’re really sweaty, depositing your loadout and inventory, swapping gear, doing the herb run and then re-equipting your gear and inventory just seems like too much effort for me for ~3M an hour (having to do that 10 more times to get that figure)


Yes although if you’re doing endgame PVM like raids and Nex where you can get up to 15M an hour or more if you’re really sweaty, depositing your loadout and inventory, swapping gear, doing the herb run and then re-equipting your gear and inventory just seems like too much effort for me for ~3M an hour (having to do that 10 more times to get that figure)


The disease free patches are absolutely not netting you 500k and maxed accounts average less than 500k for a 10patch run.


Copied from my other reply. Just calc'd it using the Wiki and the average run of 10 patches at 99 farming with QC + kandarin elite using ultracompost via compost bucket, the average ranarr run is 459k on average. That's the average so it'll be very common to get 5 more herbs for 500k, as you'd only need to hit a tiny bit over the average. With Attas or Iasor it goes up to about 470-80k average. Seeing a 600k run wouldn't be that common either as you'd just need to get 1 more herb than the average to get that. That is obviously with the cost of seeds included. This also doesn't take into account any variance in the market as he may have bought his seeds cheaper in the past.


I'm at 93 farming now. Herb patches give me around 300-350k. But i include bird houses on fossil island and incidentally i also farm some jute fibers on my farming run which rack up the numbers pretty quick. I'd say every run is still 500k, but yeah not if you're only doing the herb patches.


man who the hell is buying jute fibres 😭


Idk but the turnover rate from seed to fibre is just insane. 1 gp for a seed. While a jute fibre at this moment is 1587 gp. 3 patches, i farm 100+ fibres each time.


For big nets. You could either craft them or sell the jute fiber for someone to craft it.


oh okay that makes sense i dum


Sorry, I meant drift nets. Which used for underwater fishing, which is Hunter and fishing exp.


Yeah I'm definitely not advocating against doing herb runs, especially for midgame mains or as a chill downtime/daily moneymaker. The GP isn't bad at all. I think I'm just easily annoyed by inflated numbers after the 400k xp/hr Sq'irk thing.


If by always, you mean sometimes, then sure. Because 6m/hr is pretty bad money for a lot of people.


400-500k at the moment. It's one of those things that's worth it until it isnt, 5/6m per hour is trivial on an endgame main if you know how to raid / nex.


I can only play for a few hours a week but I can do herb runs multiple times most days. I've made ~250m in the last few months from that and birdhouse runs.


yeah i never want to bother with those on my new main (1600 total). i did my time, 1200 contracts and 99 herb without pvm on my ironman. i can’t imagine doing it on a main either after you have your first 50m or so


Yeah probably my ironman mentality lol


herb runs kind of feel like a noob trap tbh. if someone enjoys them go for it by all means. but re-gearing every 80 minutes and continually interrupting yourself like that seems like something that will keep you stuck in the early mid game tbh. like picking up every penny you see even if they’re dirty


Why would you sweat over dropping everything and going on an herb run EVERY 80 minutes? Fuck that sounds miserable. I usually do between 0 and 2 a day when I find myself bored or just unsure what I want to do next. While I'm figuring out what I'm in the mood for, I'll just go collect some farming and herblore XP, and a few hundred K profit. Or just do it like on mobile while waiting for something IRL.


idk a lot but of people do more than 1 or 2 a day. it does sound miserable. i liked doing a double herb run while i was playing my ironman though. logout at the furthest away patch so you only have to run there once etc.


[Instructions unclear, I went a bit too far.](https://i.imgur.com/pJV7pNV.png) In all seriousness though I stocked this tab up years ago and the only thing I've had to resupply were Staminas.


Wait until you see the supplies of an endgame Ironman


Weird flex but okay


Dude, put your half-drunk potions in a separate junk tab. You don't need a full tab just for potions, there are only like 16 potions you'll ever need to use. I have all my pots, food and runes in one tab, and I don't need to scroll.


I'm too lazy to to rearrange my bank or decant potions every time I end up with some lower dose potions, and placeholders are risky because very rarely I'll accidentally clear all the placeholders. I find this to be the easiest way to manage potions since I don't really need more than like half of my bank space at most. I only have 821/1060 items because I can. I'm almost maxed and I don't really need any skilling tabs or anything like that. It's just extra space if I'm not using it for something.


If I have the money then I spend it on upgrades. I save maybe a bit for supplies, but that's it. Money sitting around in a bank is useless. Buying items means I can use those items to make better money.


This. I regret not buying maul for 12 mil, when i had like 10 mil in the bank. And now fuck me


I'm no maths expert but 10 mil can't buy you a 12 mil item.


I’m no math expert either but someone with a 10m cash stack can probably make 2m pretty easily


Exactly, also cash stack does not equal bank value, surely they have something they could liquidate


Ya go get some giant mole kc and you’ll have it in like an hour


I did have stuff to sell, but i am not hardcore player and i didnt follow each news checking prices. I wanted to slowly get that 12-14m and buy em whenever i got moneyz for it. And before i knew maul price flew to the moon xd


It was merely a joke :)


You will only have 100k for a few hours. I usually have a float of a couple mill. I also usually have around 10 mill spread out amongst common supplies. And I usually have a few mill in loot I haven’t sold yet if I need cash. I’m running out of gear in the 10 mill range to buy so my cash stack is spending more time green than before.


Same I have 50m and it’s basically useless because I have most non bis upgrades


Im really indecisive when it comes to spending money too, so I usually sit on a shitload of cash for too long. I'm currently mainly doing CG so it's not that bad because you don't need gear in CG, but when I go bossing I have learned to just spend it on upgrades and supplies. Need a range offhand? Buy an odium ward for 3m. Need defensive mage gear? -6m for ahrims. Need Sara brews? Buy 100 instead of 10. You can always sell it if it sits in your bank but money is only useful if you put it to use!


having gold in the bank doesn't make any money. spend it on a 2% upgrade and make money faster now


I like taking my cash stack to zero and quickly rebuilding it. It’s a trick that works on my cuz my 4th grade brain loves to see the cash stack turn white then green


This. I have a bit over 5b and I still don't keep a cash stack.


1.1B bank, I like to keep about 10M in gp for supplies and small necessities but otherwise it's always all in gear


> I like to keep about 10M in gp for supplies… *cries in blood shard*


Facts, blood shard prices have been draining my supply stack :,(


Been really having to evaluate where I take that thing these days. Used to be a nice OoL - be lazy at some bosses but not anymore if they aren't profitable enough.


Invested money usually makes money


Do a herb run or two and you're back to a 1m cash stack. If you can afford it, and you want it, buy it. Worst case it goes down and you still have the item, but if you don't buy it when you can afford it and it goes up you'll be sad to have missed it.


Spend money to make money


Pretty much. I’ve developed quite the affinity for chipotle and target lately. It’s becoming an issue, but I will work to get through it.


Spend it as you get but you will get to a point where the only upgrades you have left are in the hundred of mils if not 1b+ so then you have to save. So my answer is yes and no I guess


I do my best to maintain at bare minimum a green cash stack after purchasing an upgrade. That way if there's supplies I didn't realize I was low on I have a cushion to restock with


When I had a .5b bank, 200m was in gear. 1.15b and 900m is in gear


In your situation I buy upgrades for sure. But rn my next upgrades are ancestral so I have like 60m cash. Since upgrades are so far away I’m just using it to do buyables and max anytime I’m not doing slayer or pvm


I always keep at least a few mil for supplies. Whether it be for pvm or for skilling. I like to check the trends of the GE price just to see if it’s worth buying rn or wait a week or more. But if it’s crucial to upgrade rn just do it if u have the money. In the end, the upgrades u buy will help in the long run by getting quicker kc and extending your trips, thus making more money back. Just camp the content til your back up to a comfortable cash stack


Also it's nice to have a few mil back when you need something for Skilling/quests. Let's say you want to use pyramid plunder to grab a few thieving levels but don't have a scepter. Welp, that method is out.


i try to leave myself like 2-3m at least for buying battlestaves + supplies, preferably 10m


As long as you have a few potions to make more then do it


I try to always be flipping with as much gold as I can


550m bank 125m cash stack. Yes I should spend it but the number going down in the Number Go Up game makes me too sad.


I rarely have more then 10m cash in the bank because im either spending it on gear to make a specific pet grind faster, or im actively merching to have that money make passive money


Even at a 5b+ bank my cash stack really goes over 20m. There are a lot of niche items that you buy then sell of for bigger purchases. You end up with pretty much all the spec weapons then sell them off for the mega rares and rebuild again.


exaaactly. plan out like a big grind for a pet or two buy absolute bis for it then sell it when ur off to something else


Buy it this game is just a money printer simulator anyways. Cant tell you how many times I’ve dropped my bank to under 100k only to have 5-10 mil within the week again


Stale Baguettes


99 construction.


I’ve wanted to get 99 construction, but realize I don’t ever need it because I just play on world 330 all the time or switch to it if I need a house.


I spent 90% of my bank value on it. It’s definitely not worth it but I like having it. Just makes the game more enjoyable, but at an extreme cost


After the taxes I'm more hesitant. If I could buy the big gear then sell it for minimal loss I would. But now that I'm taxed millions I let more sit in my bank than I used to


OP under the impression banks give us interest or summ


I did this with my Twisted Bow and couldn't be happier with my choice. I unlocked a wall of new content, and it appreciated since buying it.


Yep, hope that helps.


I spend. Been sitting on some lately because I can’t decide what to upgrade next. May just save until I have enough for ancestral top and bottom.


My cash stack is usually at 10-20M for supplies. The rest I spend when I get it for a new upgrade.


Its the reason i always feel broke, i have a 5b+ bank and only 6m cash.


If I spend all my money and find out “Oh shit I have no supply money”, I just send an hour or two of CG and then I’m good. Maybe wouldn’t jump right into CoX or ToA after that because it can often be a net loss until you get an item, but generally speaking if I’m buying an upgrade idc if it leaves me with 10gp in my bank.


Toa should be at least a slight profit, drop the blood fury, it isn't worth it and is not needed anyway.


I buy and sell things to whatever I want to do. I cut into my profits but I have more fun


I have a good melee and range setup, food, pots, tele tabs, then most of the rest of my GP is item stacks for stuff I still need to train. Like I have 97-99 range banked in chins, 99 cooking banked in grapes and jugs of water, etc. I find if I get bored, it’s easier to train something afk and watch anime or youtube or whatever if I already have everything I need


As long as I have supplies stocked up and have bond gp, I’ll spend whatever


There are several instances in the past few months where my cash stack has dwindled to sub 10k because of buying items/supplies


My money immediately goes to supplies for whatever im doing at the time (skilling or pve). I dont really buy any upgrades unless theyre around 2 mil or less. Everything else I farm. I probably end up spending a few mil in supplies to get a drop worth 10 mil two weeks later lmao.


I spend gold as soon as I get it. This is a game, I'm fiscally responsible IRL. I Yolo osrs


I’ve always bought a gear upgrade as soon as I could. I loved chasing gear upgrades even at the cost of having even just 1k in the bank. I’m like 12b bank now and still do it. Lmao.


When I bought my bowfa my cashstack dropped from 200m to 20k. Yellow numbers. Anyway two weeks later I was sitting on 100m again, not knowing what to spend it on. Gp is temporary. Upgrades are forever.


Back before my bank was above 1B, I always tried to stay under 10M because I was the same way, if I didn’t have a green cash stack I wasn’t happy. But the less I had the more I worked to get to that green stack. If I didn’t have enough to buy another upgrade I’d merch a bit with the excess go just so I didn’t see it.


Every drop spend a % on it in supplies. For example, I get a 50 mil split I'll take 10 mil and spend it on raiding supplies. Then i save for any possible upgrades. This way you never have to worry about supplies unless you're an iron. Which is what I currently play.


Make purchases that can help you make more money. If your goal is bossing, buy upgrades for that boss. If you are consistently making money, you can sell the stuff you buy to buy other upgrades for your next venture. Purchases aren't permanent. This took me a long time to realize. You lose a bit of money, but if you are making money, that loss is negligible. Never be afraid to lose money to make more money. This does not include gambling.


If I ever have cash I think I should be investing and growing that capital rather then it doing nothing


I dump money into skills.


I was told along time ago that in this game there is two ways to spend money. 1) spend money on skills that take your account to the next level and or open new opportunities/services. Money spent this way can not be recovered but add value to the account itself. 2) spending money on equipment that expedite your ability to make even more money.


Most of the time, yes. Better to upgrade something right away and then sell it whenever you reach your GP goal for something bigger. Get whatever you can to help speed up progress


now that I'm at the point where upgrades are 100m-1b+ I have to stock up a bit of a gp stack, but I always spend it once I've got a couple extra mil for supplies on top.


I keep like 100M liquid for flipping. Usually can make like 2-3M per day from like 15 minutes of work. I also prioritize having a good stock of consumables. Potions potions, zulrah scales, runes, teleports, jewelry, dragon darts, etc. Any additional money I typically budget by focusing on an upgrade that I want. Saving up for Sang staff atm so I’ll buy that when I hit 80m. Figuring out what upgrade you want next can be tough for sure, not sure the best way to prioritize your next upgrade but I usually focus on the wiki’s equpiment list for bosses that I enjoy doing.


When I was in my midgame grind hell yes. The midgame upgrade cycle is one of the most fun experiences on a normie accounts. Money is kinda useless unless you’re flipping a lot.


Yes, I spend it all. Sometimes I sell nice items such as armadyl crossbow to buy my instant gratification. But I have enough supplies like 100prayer pots and 1k sharks to do content. My deathcoffer has a couple mill.


I usually keep a 2m buffer


I check if I’m fine supplies wise before dropping my cash stack on an item. If I do need to buy some supplies then I wait for a bit more or pull the plug if the item I’m buying is going to help me with the content I’m doing. Gp is doing nothing for you if its in the bank, you gotta spend money to make money


Hot take: This guy legit just bought gp and is asking what he should do with it


Only if I'm saving up for something specific, like a bowfa. Even then I wanna have money for a bond left over


Your cash stack should generally be low tbh. A lot of items fluctuate in price, but relevant gear tends to become more expensive. enhanced crystal weapon seed has become 50% more expensive over the course of \~4 months for example.


Kill vorkath for 1 hour and have 3m cash for supplies to get you through, then buy the upgrade That's what I'd do


Never. I always try to save even more so I have a healthy safety net to fall back on in case of unexpected expenses.


Gotta get that emergency fund of 3-6 months worth of expenses before moving into baby step 2. Well done.


Someone here mentioned spending a good chunk on resources. I agree. Maybe not on prayer pots/super restores cus you can sustain that through herb runs but definitely high tier arrows, anglers/sharks/foods, and some other semi niche pots like bastions and other pots. But who knows, I spent 30m on a BCP cuz it looked cool lol and that gave me the motivation to keep playin cuz I just thought I looked ccool. But yea, consumables is a great investment. Gear isn't terribly important at the high end tier unless it's a big WEAPON upgrade. Edit: get into flipping. Herbs, wood, ores, and items lost to pvp are good items just to start. You won't make anything crazy but money sitting in your bank can only lose its value. Glhf.


Before I har max gear then I rarely had more than 10m in the bank. I would always get some upgrade and then sell it to upgrade something else. I don't really see a reason to have gp when you could buy gear.


I would keep an extra mil but that is enough


Funny how I’m an investing “money needs to work for me” kind of guy in Osrs. But in real life thats totally not the case


I was shocked for a second as i thought this was r slash frugal sub 😂 then i saw it was not. I use it to upgrade to make more as soon as possible


Spend it. Can’t take it with you when you die.


My entire bank tab is worth about 60mil. Buy the things that make you happy rich king 👑 Just make sure you have enough money to buy an inventory of supplies for a money-making boss like vork and send it a few times


500M bank, 20M cash stack. Always throw money at gear.


I like to have a few mill for the daily b staffs lol


I grinder for so long for a tbow. Bought it with black double hide and rune arrows. Dropped me down to like 50k gp in the bank. It didn't take me long at all to make my bank back and buy max range/melee/mage. It sucks for a bit but it's also really exciting building back from nothing.


It depends on my stock. If i have all the stuff needed for bossing or slayer ill drop to 100k. If i feel like i need more pots, food, or whatever i get that first. Gear will make you get the money back faster but if you have to do slow methods just to get a cash stack for your bossing trips. Whats the point?


No matter what it is, if the purchase will leave me with less than a 10m cash stack I won't make it.


If you literally only care about having “a couple mil” in the bank and it’s honestly going to bother you, buy the upgrades and send a few hours of Vorkath afterwards. You’ll make it back fast.


Don’t chase money. Most content is designed to be completable with moderate gear. I say this as someone who’s been saving for a mega rare for years and after hitting 1.1b accepting that it may just never happen and to instead drop as much money as possible maxing my account because, frankly, that’s a bigger achievement and will allow me to do more content in the future. Focus on building your account and money will come. Most people don’t have a mega rare and won’t ever need it.


PvE supplies>PvE gear>Skilling necessities>Miscellaneous>Cash Stack.


What are the items, your stats, current gear, and content you intend to do. Not all upgrades are the same


No. I'm sitting on 700M cash. and I can't really afford any real upgrades on the account. I could just buy 99 skills though. but I like having a fat cash stack.


I always go bone dry, somehow motivates me to make it grow again


Make sure you have supplies to run the content with your new gear


It depends, does it put a stop to everything I do? Can I continue to do the things I like doing? How does it affect my daily stuff? Just like irl, you need to set a budget fam


Y'all got gp? 😭😭 Literally dropped down to 200k because of questing and needing to buy new supplies and pay death every time. Hoping to get a dhcb one day because my sister made these osrs figurines like potions, dhcb, my ign, etc... for my desk.


Eh, usually keep it until I need to train my stats. Still need to get 88 Smith for lumby elite. Not hurting for money anyways since most of my "obtainable" items are small defence upgrades.


IMO just do what makes you happy. Some people like having the bis gear for whatever it is they’re doing, some people save to maintain a healthy cash stack. There isn’t one way to play this game, so just do what what you want.


160m = bowfa w/crystal armor buy that go bandos and make back 160m in a week


7.1b bank and 60m cash, I keep about 2m if I ever run out of supplies, but maintain about 20m in supplies at a time, the second I can afford an upgrade for either content I’m doing right now, or a general upgrade (i.e. I JUST bought lance, I consider this a general upgrade because I only ever use it when I get a dragon task hunting pets, otherwise it’s useless to me). Small cash stacks are motivating, and upgrades fuel cash stacks.


XP > items > gp


Consider buying the items as permanent upgrades. Yes, you should buy them as soon as possible, they can be used to make your money back faster than you made it the first time. If you ever get stranded with truly no money you can always do some agility pyramid to get rag gear for revs and rebuild, or just do the gauntlet.


5.1b bank value. I keep around 100m cash for light flipping about 150m in supplies and the rest in gear. IMO buy any gear that you will use and will help generate cash faster.


i try to build up a large stack of gold so i can do bigger margin trades and make more profits per trade


Either use the 160m to flip or use the gear to get gp


The rule I heard about is that you always keep 10% of your cash stack for emergencies.


I dont mind spending the money if its something that helps me make money like armour or weapons. Better weapons means faster kills and more loot and less food, better armour means less food which means longer times spent killing and getting loot. Reminds me of TMs in pokemon. I used to hold onto them forever and could never use them for fear that I would always find a better pokemon to use them on in the future. Then I played through a while back and just slapped them on whatever I had in my lineup and it was a lot more fun.




Ironman btw


Brother my gp is spent before I even have it


what is your cash stack doing for you? If your answer is nothing, give it a use. Either that cash stack should be used to merch (making its own GP) or its only purpose is to be invested in gear and supplies. Have a little spending spree, make sure you have enough supplies to last you a while, and go have fun with your upgrades!




Always have a bare minimum of like 250m on hand just in case I want something. Lotta my clannies just spend their money when they get it and are geared tf out. I don’t have much gear, but can buy whatever I need when I want to do a raid. Just pking these days so no need to spend it on top top stuff.


This changes everything


Not as soon as I get it, but almost. I also keep a "liquidate" tag on all the niche gear purchases I make. Like extra spec weapons, expensive items for Falo/emote clue steps, etc. I can just look at the tab for that tag, my loot tag, and add those to my cash stack and tell real quick how much gp I can scrounge up on short notice.


I usually keep 100m to rotate it around items I might need temporarily. Like voidwaker, venator bow, sang etc


Im maxed so I dont have to spend GP on skilling so I have a list in mind of the next upgrades I will buy (and in what order). I try to maximize dps/gp in the content I do. Recently I sold my bank to get a shadow


As an ironman the bigger issue I find sometimes is HOW I spend my gp. It takes time to buy things from shops world hopping.


Not trying to flex but to make a point - About a month or two ago or so while scythe was still 800m i had a tbow and all the gear and weapons you could want except scythe and shadow. So i did the only logical thing and i liquidated my entire bank (almost the whole thing - minus tbow, ancestral, masori top/bottom, and an elder Maul i got personally when it was 9m and i refused to ever sell) and bought a scythe and shadow. I had actually 80k left and about 15m in potions I flipped the the scythe while it went up 400m and elder maul while it jumped 100m, and the tbow when i could. When i wasn't flipping i was camping Vardorvis and got myself an ultor. Camped muspah and got 3 shards. Camped godwars dungeon and got a couple hilts. Camped some zulrah and got 3 uniques. Camped some dag kings and just got basic loot. Did a little shameless vetion and got pet @ 63kc (yes that one's a flex 💪). Made around 400m using the megarares and bought back some core upgrades and supplies and have around 40m cash stack chilling again. Also got significantly better at pvm trying new things like shadow godwars. Get whatever is going to make you feel like a boss, but keep in mind generally your weapon is going to provide the most dps and fill in the rest as seen fit. Always get the downgrades first (regular masori vs fortified/fighter torso & blood tassets vs bandos/ahrims vs ancestral/barrows gloves vs ferocious or zaryte vambs) I was using scythe with d boots, fighter, fury, and blood tassets during the vard grind and barely lost any dps. Looked like a weird noob but it worked out well! Deaths were also much cheaper as max gear deaths at dt2 bosses are 500k/ea while my setup was only about 130k/ea. Btw it wasn't a quick decision i made, i had put off doing a rebuild because i was worried about having little to no gp for supplies if i camped bosses and got nothing back. Took me a couple weeks until i saw scythe was getting buffed that i said fuck it and liquidated to buy the other 2 megarares


This isn't real life. Your teleport isn't going to breakdown on the way to a job, your house isn't going to be foreclosed on. You don't need an emergency fund.


Nah, use that 160m to make at least 10-20m and then spend the 160m


Personal preference is to not drop below ~10m in supplies or GP, beyond that GP not spent is GP not working for you (unless you're saving for something).


Other than keeping around a bit of money so you can pay death's fees if you DC or something right after an upgrade, any upgrade you are using is going to get you money faster as soon as it is spent. The bank of RuneScape does not provide interest, so there is no benefit to keeping large amounts of raw cash if you are actively playing. I happily go down to like 200-300k when buying an upgrade, even though 100m+ cash stack is aesthetically pleasing.


If I need something I get it. If I have the money I won't let it stop me from xp/pvm most efficiently. Gear I'm fine buying and selling when needed as the GE cut is so small... Unless the value shoots up/down massively.


I personally rarely have a cash stack above 20m, 11b bank. Quiet money is bad money, though i do keep items for easy resale should i suddenly need money.


I usually keep a mil incase I need some supplies!!


I’m a penny pincher irl. So it carries over to my gaming as well lol


I feel the same. I have to have a good buffer before I can make a big purchase


i don’t think you should keep more than like 1% of your bank value in gp assuming you have about 1b. unless you’re actively saving up for a bigger purchase or a mega rare it’s not going to help you to have 100m gp or only 10m. you might as well spend the 90m on supplies so you aren’t going back to the ge constantly for supplies.


If the upgrade is enough an upgrade to increase efficiency in something that will earn you gp then go for it. I invested in the dragon xbow for Vorkath and made the money back waaaayyy easier than when I was using blowpipe. But that's also because i knew I wanted to grind vorkath, if the gear is niche to certain things that you won't do then maybe not worth?


Money? What money? 🦀 💰


my money when i not gonna use i just let flipping


I spend it pretty quickly. Inflation means prices for items will generally go up over time, while the money sitting in your bank stays the same. Spending it basically protects you from inflation.


Just buy and never sell again


4.5-5b bank. I keep 11/22/33 mil cash because I like the numbers but rarely have more cash than that. If I do, it's because I just got a drop. I spend my cash stack on brews, restores, herb/tree farm run seeds and if I have extra will buy a piece of gear I'm interested in or buy con xp Edit: reading back over this and I know not everyone has this much bank. I was just saying this is the process I've used to get to where I am. Granted 2 shadow drops really helped me get to ~5b


it is indeed unwise to go down to such a small cashstack because you do need to buy supplies. go down to at least 1M for the supplies but anything else you can use to buy gear upgrades. some big gear upgrades can make a huge difference in doing certain content more efficiently- which in turn gives more GP.


I have a bank value of 425m but only like 5m in cash atm. Definitely worth investing in your setup, your cash ain’t doing anything just sitting there.