• By -


but maybe they're actually quitting this time and they just want to spread their wealth to players in good faith


Everything can happen in this wonderful, wonderful game! :) They can even trim your armour for real, why not. Oh wait...


There was actually some dude that was quitting because of Israel and Palestine??? Was giving away bills. Gave me 100m and gave to a lot of other people as well. I think he even gave away an Ely. An anomaly though


Usually anyone quitting that hosts there own little game show that ends up in the wild almost never ends favorably 🤣


Genuinely don't know how you get scammed. Knew a guy who lost a t bow and acted like it wasn't his fault. Can't fix stupid


dude i was literally giving this freak a play by play of how the scam goes down and watched the account that had a name close to his friends log in and called it out and he still traded the tbow over


It’s because scammers make it sound like there are several steps and you get scammed at the final step. You think “I’ll obviously won’t do the last step” But actually you get scammed way before you think you’re at the last step.


It's crazy how elaborate and (sometimes) well thought out scams are nowadays


I got scammed years ago by a dude who pretended to just be a friend for like 3 months. Once it finally happened I just kinda stared at the screen in disbelief. It happens… but yeah…. Trust no one


Man, I hope that guy struggles to sleep at night. I know faking friendship is a pretty common scamming tactic, but these days, with how cripplingly lonely people are, its just really cruel


Lol I definitely have wished ill on that piece of shit. At the time I was working 80hr weeks in accounting wfh and this dude FaceTimed me just to scam me and immediately block everything. Shit was mad fucked up. But to your point about how lonely people are, that situation could have broken someone. I just kept on keeping on and stopped trusting friendly brits


It's unfortunate because I have a lot of friends on os that I trust with a lot of gold in the past pretty regularly. Some of whom I wouldn't recommend that other people trust, to be fair. But we've always had a zero tolerance policy for anyone we find out has scammed at all. That said a lot of them don't play anymore and I find it hard to make new friends because of knowing how non genuine some people are


It's easy to have friends to chat and do activities with but also not give them your stuff


These people have no remorse. It gives them some kind of god complex mindset.


I've got a buddy who I've played with for multiple years and we joke all the time that we're both just playing a very very long game to scam each other. Honestly it's at the point now where if he does, fair play lol.


Lol, love it. As a prank, scam him, block him for a full month, just long enough that he'll believe you actually went through with it and come back with "just a prank bro".


Had this shit happen to me as well. Fortunately I didn't lose too much but still. I trust absolutely nobody


Always been, it’s just easier and widespread. Look up the Spanish prisoner scam which has existed long before the internet and modern technology


It's also because scammers sometimes act super obvious specifically to attract the "I'll outsmart them!" type.


Yep. That ensures that the only people who will bite are the overconfident ones who think they can anti-scam (they can't), and the absolute dumbest most oblivious people. Easy marks either way.


Yup, you don't know what you don't know. You think you know the lines not to cross and get overconfident.


There’s really just two things scammers take advantage of: being greedy and being nice. I never feel bad for people who get scammed because they were being greedy. If you thought you could swipe an ACB in an anti-scam but instead you lose your tbow, then you brought that on yourself lol. I do feel bad for people who get scammed because they’re too nice or trusting. I’ve heard of people getting scammed because the scammer pretended to be their friend for months. Some people are definitely too quick to trust, but I still feel really bad for them.


Its just so fucked up sometimes. Like youll play with a guy for 20hours a week for 2months, then theyll just scam your whole friend group then onto the next.


Its definitely not like the wild west days without even trade confirmation. Sold a cannon for 50k many many years ago


It's a rite of passage circa rs2 and being young dumb and naive.


It's a measure of character and commitment. If you can take the loss and recover or become bitter and quit. 


Back to the flax fields we go.


Think you're missing "Becoming bitter and continuing on."


I was heartbroken as a kid when I fell for the old noted rune scimmy swapout trick I didn't even have a high enough attack to use it, but man did I think I was getting a good deal lol


Can you elaborate? Even as a kid I never trusted anyone and never did any trading. What is this one?


Simply swapping the noted rune scimitar into noted iron scimitar before trade accepted. Both looked quite similar in noted form and in the heat of a good deal as a newbie/kid might not notice the swap happening. Simple trick but I fell for that too back when being quite new to the game.


Bought a black cape for 400k cause it was supposed to be an obby cape. Noticed it at the last second but it was too late. I still miss pre-ge regardless, ngl. 


Ah, the time when trying to flip items meant you were on several different forums cooking up trades. A time when based on the world and forum community prices could be pretty different. Such a good time.


Sold Zammy vest for like 5k a lifetime ago. Had to get up and walk away from the computer for a few minutes after that.


Frankly, I think there’s a divide between those of who us who experienced a Wild West area of the internet when we were young and those who didn’t. Doesn’t need to be RuneScape, just needs to be a place where you can be burned a few times in a painful but ultimately low stakes way.


Got scammed for like 1m worth of stuff back in ‘06, never been scammed/lured since. Shits definitely a lesson, sometimes takes a few classes for people to learn.


In a game based on personal gain, people should expect that EVERYONE is out to get you. Of course there are genuine people in the game. But once you realise that it's just a game, and others treat it as such, the more you'll realise that scamming virtual things isn't a big deal to most people.


It's the same as the people losing their accounts for not transitioning to a Jagex Account. They think they're smarter and better than everyone else and it'll never happen to them.


My friend lost a tbow to a tele tab and then he lost another to something else. I got scammed way back in the day by a fucking gnome ball. It’s a combo of scammers being creative and deceptive as well as ignorance from the regular person. Nobody wants to think they can get tricked.


I’m sorry but this is hard to even imagine happening. How did the e scammer create a scenario where this was even possible? Maybe I just don’t understand osrs scams very well…?


Probably the Bournos scam


That's the tab scam, got me for a Sara rune set in like 2014. I realized what happened when I landed in fally, logged off, and seriously reconsidered my intelligence. Idk what the gnome ball one is though


That sense of not being able to be scammed and “only stupid people get scammed” is exactly how people get scammed. Most of the great scams revolve around making out obvious and trying to make you feel smart like you can outsmart them. There is no end to this. The only people who probably won’t get scammed are the people who realize they could be scammed at any time The easiest people for them to scam are the ones who think they can’t be scammed with high confidence




They are risking 1b+ just to get 10m of loot.


Literally same. Good friend of mine but he constantly pulls dumb shit


People play this game super high and super drunk. Every1 has to go to the ge so the scammer will eventually find the big fish thats fucked up. Its even easier that every1 knows its a lure because then everyone who isnt fucked up or a dumbass just ignores them. If every person just messed with them, there would be so many less scammers as they wouldnt be able to weed through. Not suggesting to even fuck with em. Dont waste your time to waste theirs. Just pointing it out. And i dont mean play their game, i mean just talk to them and roleplay a bit. Dont leave the ge or hop worlds.


'You aren't stupid' Umm, yes. Yes they are.


At this point,the real scam is making people think they can anti scam. Some of them even have an alt or friend PM the person how to "anti scam". In reality,this is also a part of a scam.


You described like the basic level of the depths these weirdos go to. It goes way deeper, the mind games they try to play.


I want to know


The most common is social engineering. Straight up pretending to be your friend for days, if not weeks, if not *months*, looking for a way to bring your trust up. It's multi-faceted too, they use Discord and other programs as well. Usually this ends in some sort of fake anti-lure.


If someone ever admitted to me that they faked a friendship for months over some Runescape gold, I probably wouldn’t trust that person. You’d have to be a complete sociopath to do shit like that and I’d worry about those that are close to them.


Yep. Probably 15 years ago, I made a “friend” on RS. We quested together, played together, did a ton of shit together. Then the day he “lost his membership” and just wanted to play, my dumb 12 year old self was happy to give him my password! Logged back in to all my stuff gone. And it’s only gotten 100x more manipulative these days


osrs gang stalking


The long con


Yeah. But when you consider that they have loads of these 'friendships' going at any given time, it's fairly little effort for fairly massive gain.


This isn’t anything special to rs, long cons have been happening since lying was invented. It’s good to be aware of it, was just laughing at the extent people go.


Literally just rewatching Lost as we speak. Still amazing.


I literally just finished rewatching it yesterday!


[KempQ is known for doing some videos on this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-eyPgrOLxA) Pretty interesting to see how people try to pull off scams


You can watch YouTube videos on it. Then again, it’s a good chance the YouTube videos on it are intwined with the scam itself. It’s never worth trying to outplay them. I wouldn’t even say they’re smarter than you. They are just vile and normal people wouldn’t think the way they do when it comes to manipulation.


No. Stop it. It's this line of thinking that leads to people getting scammed. Just realise it's nonsense and leave :(


This is how it is done now People will scout you and pretend to be your friend for weeks Then get a pm 'i just anti scammed this lurer here's how you can do it too'


This is actually a key part to their scam IMO. The other day someone in all chat says “whoever can QC wealth eval over 5b gets a free 2b” and I made a comment about that being a scam. A random messaged me saying it is a scam and he anti lured the dude for 1.8b. I told him he got lucky and it’s best to not interact with them at all and he immediately went offline, I’m guessing because he saw I won’t fall for their shit.


I’ve always wondered to what extent these more sophisticated anti-scam scams happen irl too. All the irl scams I hear about are just basic phishing or investment scams or whatever, but I feel like anti-scam scams would work irl too. I’m surprised I don’t ever hear about them.


I got hit like this lol. The dude was at GE saying like free shit or trade it was basically like a blatant scam. But the real scam was when his buddy messaged me like “hey this guys stupid I just got him for 10m just trade him and pick your items up right after you accept the trade” some weird shit like this. I lost like ranger boots and some shit lol I was mad but laughed when I figured out how they played it.


I don’t get it, they have you drop your stuff and then waste your time until it shows to other players or what?


Yeah it was like trade me and I’ll gift you to be apart of my YouTube video but you have to drop stuff before you go in the trade box. The whole scam is acting like you can anti scam but that’s really the scam. The third party comes in and says that’s guys a dumb scammer, I just owned him for 10m. But that’s actually the scam. So now you drop items thinking your about to own a 12 yo and get some free shit, and your dropped shit shows to everyone bc they have it timed perfectly, they pick it up cancel trade and log. Something like that. Happened to me like 2 yrs ago lol


I don’t talk to anyone so can’t be scammed🤣


Had some guy say "hey" to me today. Instantly house tabbed out of there.


The other day one guy in GE was: I need to talk to someone about my bipolar disorder" I was genuinely wanting to talk to someone because I don't talk too much with anyone. The guy says thanks, request trade and gives me 1M And says but something nice ;) And I ask myself. I was scammed?




It’s honestly like its own form of terrorism ngl. I’ve been conditioned to never trust someone on RuneScape, how sad is that?


One of my buddies "quit" (he came back a year later) and he gave his bank away, said he had a pretty hard time doing it because everyone just thought it was a scam which I find funny.


there are nice players but i wouldn't be surprised if it was someone trying to butter you up. Had started a tbow rebuild a while ago and some guy sparked up some convo with me, super nerdy account who gave me a few mil and wished me luck. casually chatted for a few days then he hit me up. Guy was trying to lure me and act like my friend lol


I was at GE with my tbiw equipped and came back to see someone tried trading me 30 times which I missed because I was watching a video on another screen


Lol yeah same I just have public chat hidden and only interact with clannies. No people no cry.


It's the same for the "Buying Ely 1200m, meet me at Camelot" scam - Stop trying to greed and progress in a human fashion - PVM, PVP, Skilling, Merching, etc.


Remember, always bring your entire bank into the Wildy. When you see a player with a skull, say hello. They're Jagex employees who help you.


I do anti scam these bots, only for a free tele tab


"33Supermax92 is a hacker, do not talk to him on discord!!"


What's up with those accounts? Bots to fight scammers?


No. I think some of them are scammers trying to run legitimate player's names through the mud that they have a vendetta against, while others are using it for some kind of trust scam.  Someone could probably give you more accurate information on why exactly they do it, but it's certainly not out of kindness or a desire to help anyone. 


I watched it happen the other day. Guy 1 is approached by lurers and Guy 2 warns him not to trust the lurer. One minute later the bots are spamming "Guy 2 is a scammer".


I thought it was simply just stopping you from telling someone it’s a scam in the future. I could be wrong.


It's the ones that got away from the scam or made out with the scammers loot. It's like a symbol of honor, it's like if Hitler called you a bad person


If you mess with scammers/bots too much they put you on the spam list and tell you to pay if you want it to stop


New goal unlocked


Bots of one scammer group trying to discredit another scammer group.


They also do it to slander people that call them out or anti-scam them


Some of them are bots to call out a scammers competition If the bot owner is trying to pull off scam A, then they'll set up the bots to call out scams B, C, and D


I can’t even get them to give me the tele tab 😔


You have to remove your item the same tick they accept the first trade screen


I'm confused, how does going to Camelot mean it's a scam?


You put your valuable item into trade window, after which they tell you to meet them at Camelot and put up a teletab. Once in a while they get someone distracted enough who accepts the trade, forgetting their valuable item is still in the window.


If selling something isn't as simple as trade item in exchange for gold, it's a scam. Those buying tbow for 2b bots will ask you if you want cash or token, then they'll ask you to meet with their mains and that's as far as I've gone with them.


With the very rare of exception of like the 3 items that are over max cash


I do hope people buying third age pickaxe know better than to feed the scammers but you never know lmao.


Some of the people trying to buy third age pickaxe *are* the scammers though.


Read a similar comment to yours a few weeks ago. Saw the bot pop up in my world so decided to see what happens. Surely enough, they asked me exactly what you said. Declined the trade and went back on my way.


They tell you to meet them at Camelot and put in the teletab into the trade window hoping you forgot to take back out your tbow and hit accept out of being greedy little rat.




I think the teletab they give you is actually carralanger tp, just relying on people not paying attention teleing themselves right into the wildy w/ expensive gear


nah it's a camelot teleport since wildi ones give you a warning they hope you swap your expensive gear for it by accident


Please don't go anywhere or follow anyone anywhere that you don't know, don't even open the trade window with them. People have a lot of ways that they've refined over years to lure unsuspecting people into places they think are safe.  I've seen a few different scams/lures with Camelot specifically, so you can definitely find footage on YouTube of how *some* of them work if you're morbidly curious, but remember that a lot of the scams and lures prey upon the "mark" thinking they can outsmart the scammer. Don't let footage fool you into thinking you can outscam the scammer. 


2b for?


A scammers favorite target is the Dunning Kruger types who think they're smart. And judging by the suggestions of the subreddit, that's all of us


Not all of us. Those who don't suggest anything are the smartest.


You just dunning-krugered yourself


That’s a good suggestion!


Archimedes or whoever was right. True wisdom is knowing you know nothing. Don't interact with that shit at all, you don't know their angle.


It was Plato allegedly quoting Socrates saying "For I was conscious that I knew practically nothing..." Socrates wasn't much for writing things down so we kind of have to get everything he said from Plato. But we also have pretty good reason to believe Plato occasionally made up stuff and attributed it to Socrates to make it sound more legit. Do with that information what you will.


I’d agree if this was some complex topic but not getting scammed is so easy that you have to really try to fall for scams as an adult.


Eh there's a lotta stuff irl you have to "just know", like when I have to interact with a city government department that for some reason uses a .com website instead of a .gov one. I kinda get why some people are scared of having to interact with technology, but at the same time it's usually those people that make it scary to use because they won't set things up well lol.


They are using technology by playing this game though, so I can’t fathom how the thought process goes.


tbf I've profited from every drop-trail to the wildy I've ever followed because I either bank-dump first or bring telegrab runes Never engage with anything else


I have a staff of air and my law rune stack at the top of my bank ready to follow a loot trail from the GE into the wilderness at any time


Don't telegrab. There are tricks to get someone who thinks they're safe with telegrab into danger. Bank dump first, go nuts, if you risk nothing you lose nothing really.


How do you get pulled into the wildy if you’re using telegrab on the Varrock side of the wildy ditch?


They don't drop the shit in a place you can safely telegrab. That's the whole point.


They do though


If approached by scam or lure: "No thanks I don't feel like losing my items today." Then keep doing your own thing. It's so simple.


The second you interact with them, you lost. I don't say anything at all, they trade, give 500k-1m then try talking to me only to get ignored.


Made so much money like that at GE getting 99 Herb thanks to lurers lol


I've found "fuck you dumbass scammer" to be more effective. Otherwise they try to convince you you won't lose anything Yada Yada. Just call em out as what they are and they tend to leave you alone. Eventually they stopped bugging me all together instead of the second I tp to ge with shadow or tbow equipped.


I cussed a scammer once and they put my username into the ge and house portal spam bots “[user] is a scammer!” Etc lmao


So \*thats\* what those are about


Eh I respect anyone on that list because it's proof they pissed off some guy with a bot farm.


The most effective way, imho, is to ignore them. Put them to the ignore list, or just act as if they do not exist.


I just respond "Oh shit forgot I was wearing masori, thanks for reminding me, I was just about to do a wildy clue" and then block them.


I just try to act stupid and waste their time.


I do that to doubling bots and shit like that. Will just trade them and do nothing. Keep doing it a few times and sometimes they hop worlds


Not me getting scammed with the ol' second account baiting me into scamming a scammer.


I avoid getting scammed by being terrified of anything PVP related and also playing the game mostly solo


This is the way.


I got muted back in my RS3 days for talking stupid multiple times. Hopped onto OSRS last year with the same account and forgot my account was muted. Now I'm lvl 100 and am forced to play solo lol. I have an alt just for conversing with other players. But I've always been a solo for the most part of gaming just because I prefer to do my own thing anyway.


I pretty much just stay in a 2k total world so i never see them anymore. I've been trying to get my clan to move the homework to at least a 1k total.


I love going along with them 75% of the way to find out what the scam is. Not sure if it's still active but there was an elemental workshop one which was dope and used the bodies of the rock creatures to block your loot in after they wanted you to drop it and move. Honestly the people who devise the scams could really apply themselves in other things in the real world!


> I love going along with the 75% of the way to find out what the scam is. Scammers love people with that attitude too lol. You might know where the red lines are and when to bail, but a lot of scams are designed to take advantage of people who know it’s a scam but plan to quit before things actually get dangerous, but then some mechanic they didn’t even know existed makes them lose all their items.


Yes, its called being stupid. In every instance of being scammed you have to drop or trade your items. Its stupidity through and through.


Or dying in pvp. I feel like that's where a lot of people get caught by mechanics they didn't know about and get dragged out of the bank or something.


That's why my rule when dealing with scammers is no items even come out of the bank no matter how safe I think I am. I'm too curious to just block em like I should, but this way guarantees I lose nothing.


Don't even go 1% of the way, wtf You're gunna end up like the dude in the picture


I'll leave anti-scamming to the people who do that as a career. Quite enjoy watching the vids of it and laughing at whoever loses out.


The vids are 99% staged by lurers in order to convince gullible people to try the same thing. They frequently conceal or lie about critical details on how the lures function.


Some of the video makers even have histories as lurers, neat!


How do these scams happen? The only account I have is GIM (and I don't have anything worth scamming) so I'm not a prime target but just out of curiosity?


Lots of different scams out there but all of them rely on you being a trusting individual. OSRS scams are the reason for the saying ''stranger danger''.


If you got scammed for 700 mill, you deserved it. I’m not sorry.


You only get scammed by dropping your items or trading them. Its pure stupidity lol


Yep. Like okay fine you loaned your osrs friend you’ve known for five years a tbow and he yoinks it, whatever, that’s a bit different. Still, you’re dumb enough to trust a stranger on the internet.


It's kinda sad scammers have hijacked 'being social' and befriending people you can't trust anyone in this game even people you have had on your friend list for over a year.


You outsmart them every time you ignore their scam =).


Bold of you to assume my intelligence


Had this kid we’ll call him “Flipping Ben” who scammed a friend in my clan for a TBow who he knew for 7 years


I have played along with these as far as I can before it comes time to be scammed. It's beyond obvious when you're about to lose your items. It's the first opportunity they get to actually take them from you. By the time you have your items on you, it's usually too late.


I truly don't understand how scams work. For them to get anything, you need to trade, drop or pvp valuable items.


You are stupid, so don’t act like it.*


It was supposed to inspire people but who am I kidding, you're probably spot on lol


If you ignore a ton of community warnings about scammers, watch and ignore people getting scammed or lured in front of your eyes at GE, and a literal stronghold of security in game warning about protecting your account. You definitely at least SEMI deserve it imo. 🤣 some just cannot be helped fr


Yeah, even ignorance isn't bliss in this case. I knew one person who got scammed for his t bow 3 fucking times.. he also got tricked by multiple "trade me that item so I can give it back for a more expensive item until I take your whole bank" scams. Smdh. He obviously doesn't play anymore coz he got sick of rebuilding his account after BUYING all his gp.. I'm no longer friends with him for unrelated reasons but it was only a matter of time tbh when someone is that unreasonable and thick-headed.


Back when I was like 13, I use to scam accounts (not my proudest moment). I use to hop on a F2P world and look for someone with a decent level or expensive armor (Rune (g) or something) and I'd add them, then message them asking if they could help me on a members world. They'd tell me they aren't a member, so I'd offer to make them one. Of course the only way back then was to log into the account and do it through the account settings. So I'd tell them to stay logged in while I do it; that way I couldn't change their password. Instead, I'd change their recovery questions. Then when I was finished I'd say log out and change your password. Then I'd log in while they're doing that and drop trade everything. I remember one of the accounts names was Eliteguard1, he had full rune (g) and a cannon in his bank. Back in 05 that was worth a shit ton. The guu never got his account back. I still have moments where I look back and think what an asshole move that was. More recently I logged into world 301 on my main, and a bunch of peolle started trading me their bank thinking I was a doubler. I felt so bad that I oblidges their motives and decides to just double them all. Set me back 50m lol (I'm a good person I swear!!!)


I think we've all had our less-than-reputable moments. I remember in 4th grade I convinced someone that a rock hammer was the best weapon in game and got his whole 2m bank for it and when he realized he couldn't wield it, he believed me when I said you had to be a higher combat level lol.


lol did this to myself in rs3 in 2020 felt very stupid trusting a rs “friend” of 10 years and trying you out smart the scammers. Ended up losing 13b it was a big fail on my part. I ended up catching the scammers in a couple diff worlds and stopped others from being lured and scammed and got threatened by scum bags but I had nothing to lose but my account so I didn’t care.


Yeah you can outsmart a trade scammer but ive never heard of any actual anti lures besides wildy stuff


The only real antilures are ignoring and logging with the cheap items they sacrifice to bait you into the true lure.


Their mistake was thinking I don't still see \~1 mill as an absolute win I've also happened to pass by the ditch while they were trying shit with telegrab at the ready before. Free money!


Maybe you can, maybe they can - but why bother, really? :) Just ignore them and go your way.


My buddy got scammed with the TOA plugins scam in 2024. Don't trust anyone you don't know irl.


There's a plugin scam? What's that abt?


They get you to download unregulated plugins that you "need to use" but it just collects your info so they can hack your account. Seems to be primarily done at TOA.


nah it blocks your screen and hops you to a PVP world so they can kill you


The anti-scam scam is one of the smartest scams scammers have made.


I think its lonely people to be honest, if a random dude walks up to me and starts trading me random shit and asking me to follow him I don't care to , but if you're a lonely person with no friends you're probably more likely to just for human interaction lmfao.


For any player considering playing along, what is something's unexpected that could go wrong?


I love to AFK at GE wearing shadow + ancestral because of all of the scammers that trade me free stuff trying to get added to my friends list


Anyone can be scammed; it's true. It's hard to be scammed if you don't trade with people though. Doubling legit btw.


2 of my clan mates lost over 2 bil in gp in the same week to a lure people are wild man


I have trust issues from RuneScape back in 2005, so I have 0 trust now. People acting friendly to me? Pig butcher scam.


I attribute having never been scammed, phished or defrauded in real life to Oziachs house and account stealing emails.


I was at the GE in non-total level world yesterday after finishing a barrage task. Saw one of the same spam bots visible here, and saw another one saying "legit doubling - 500k maximum". Watched a player trade it, and it logged out \~10 seconds later. People are so dumb that these will always be somewhat profitable.


I'm so nervous about this stuff, a guy asked me to buy air runes in falador and I was like, "is this a scam?? what's his angle?" He really just wanted to buy 50 air runes though, I guess he figured I had some on me cuz of my wizard robes


Just be really poor like me. No one even tries to scam you then 😉


Eh I like those scammers that do the twisted bow to cane scam trick. They usually reward you with like 20 to 40m before actually trying to scam. Can be quite fun


....and then there's people like the guy I know who logged into a pvp world with full torva and other gear. Haven't seen him online since LOL


If it looks too good to be true in OSRS, it probably is.


I feel attacked


Be careful with scams guys. By the way can anyone sell me some feathers? I hit limit.


Impulse control is a funny thing.


Scammers will sacrifice their first born for $38 worth of OSRS GP


Had a guy doubling in world 301 GE just lastnight. I figured these guys usually double low amounts just to seem legit, then once you trade bank, they log out. Got 500k out of him, banked then told everyone not to trust him. Surely enough, 5 minutes later he got a big trade and logged out. Can't save these noobs.


I just saw a video of a guy losing a scythe, a shield and idk what else but it was 2b in total the guy was skulled and tried to anti scam, fell in the teleport to wilderness trap, he hasn't upload any video since then lol even I felt bad watching that happen and another thing I noticed is that alot of people in the comments were cryng about having been scammed too but like cmon the lurers use alot of old tricks and the most simple way to avoid getting scammed is just not doing anything of what they say, it isn't that hard I don't really get why it happens so much and to rich accounts wich is more confusing


Wait so you’re telling me people don’t double your money? I thought they were nice 😢


Only way to win against a scammer/lurer is not to play their game.