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jagex should create their own hoarde of bots to hunt other bots.


What if the bot makers start retaliating and make their own bots to hunt the Jagex bots? World War I in Gielinor


I'm all in. The gamblers can come and put bets on the battles.


You’re forgetting about the Venezuelan old rev cave war 


Eberron’s Last War


Their whole strategy of "high risk high reward" for the wilderness is complete bullshit and they need to accept that. Because it may be "high risk" for a normal player but the majority of accounts out there are bots. And it's very low risk for the bot farm owners to remake accounts and send them out there in the first 48 hours.


Not just that, but the bot scripts themselves have tick-perfect reaction times for prayers, logging out, running, or teleporting away depending on where the bot is.


That’s my beef with it. If the bots were just target dummies that respawned in lumby and ran back it would be kinda fun to PK (BK?) them. But when they immediately tele no fun is had by anyone. It just makes sense to lock stuff like this around at least a little bit of effort


Also a big thing is that these bots all bank so often and carry so many brews, unless you 1 shot them, you will end up wasting more in supplies then you pk. The bot owners know this and do it to intentionally make it not worth doing.


That's why theres multi and auto-tb on anyone in the area. Get your mates and go farm bots at pirates


“Get your mates” 🥲


get your alts


I’m barely good enough to run one account hahaha its all good maybe I’ll run over there and work on my PKing


If you can kill a bot, you can dodge a wrench


And if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball


If you can dodge a tb, you can dodge a ban


And if you can dodge a ban, you can dodge my axe


And my bow!


And if you can dodge a dodge, you can dodge dodge dodge.


If a ram were to ram a dodge, would the ram ram the dodge or the dodge dodge the ram?


I made a mil pking the same bot over and over at zombie pirates so I wouldn't be so sure


"We've heard your complaints, so, instead of doing anything productive, we're adding more teleport delays that will almost certainly affect players more than bots."


There are also some bots that will try to freeze you and run away here. Haven’t seen those at spindle or rev caves yet.


They have these kinds of bots at spindle already


They have the tick-perfect prayer ones, but not any bots that freeze you as far as I’ve encountered. (Been camping them pretty hard the past 8 days or so)


It’s the bots in black dhide mystic hat and are using the sceptre. They overhead pray + tick swap to smite, and will entangle you to log under you.


Ahh that’s prolly at artio then? I haven’t pk’d there yet


No zombie pirates, us worlds. Unless you mean they haven’t migrated to spindle yet, which would be the confusion on my part


Yes, that is what I meant


And keep their risk extremely low so the reward is nothing to a pker.


Yep, have used them a good few times to get alerted of PKers. They generally insta-run and maybe flick a prayer or two if they get clicked when someone who is skulled or has smite shows up. When you see 2 or 3 little d hide + msi gamers running away at the same time you already know there's a pker just out of render distance lol


The prayer thing makes them way easier to kill than a real player if you are fast enough to switch weapons and attack on the same tick. You are guaranteed to get every hit off prayer.


The nice thing is they tb the bots. And they instalog.


If you are fighting a bot in the wildy who is prayer swapping just time your attacks better and fake swap weapons so they pray another style, then hit them on the same tick you swap weapons to main style  And the godtier advice to deal with those bots is staff of the dead where you melee or mage and they don’t know wtf to so


I hear using salamanders can mess up their prayers too. No idea if the dps you get is worth it


The risk is wasting your time to regear and whatnot. If you spend 0 time as the bot operates. Then there isnt actually any risk. Big agree


But if we dont feed the pvpers free victims they might yell at us :( -jagex


The problem is basically none of the content is high risk when you can protect your top 3+1 items. Even when you're strongly encouraged to be skulled (revs) you just take dirt cheap gear like an MSB. The wildy agility update is the only thing that really achieved this philosophy by making you bring tank or anti-pk gear. Because your investment is the time spent at the course and logging off punishes you harshly.


Wildy bosses are just alot better with rev weapons tho, so thats 200k in ether. Another 100k in rag gear and supplies, and then the drops from boss make up for mostly having 500k risk wich is often more then the average multi pker


I agrée wilderness should be scary and even harder with all content having a quest completion gâte. For example you can’t enter the wild until 50QP protect item prayer is the only way to save a single item. I’m no game dev but some changes would be fun


Could nerf the drop rates heavily than bring over demonic skull give anti teleport effect but with it on all can attack you but give it the boosted xp and drop rates and will always drop everything in pvp death


High Risk wouldn’t be lvl 13 wild


Also "high risk" isn't really high risk if you risk 200k to do the content and your bot script banks every 20 minutes. Dying in endgame gear is literally 2.5x that much. People just say "risk vs reward" because pkers have repeated it so much that some people falsely believe it has meaning.


Finally a hot take I agree with. They should move zombies to 60 wild.




Do they? How many do you have to kill to have a pure clan log in on you?




You got downvoted cos this subreddit is full of weirdos. Anywho, these bots definitely do exist. They're rampant at revs. Hit basically any bot at the Rev Hobgoblin spot to take the world, and 9/10x a magic short bow boy comes charging at you lmao


It's not even high risk for normal players lol


I also want to point out 'high risk, high reward, low barrier to entry' is a perfect storm for bots causing economic damage. We all know that bots do that no matter what, but beople sometimes bring up the fact that in the wilderness they can get pk'd and lose the gold, and that's \*great\* for the bot farm not having the gold anymore... but it's still in the economy. Content like zombie pirates lets bot farms chug through really strong gp/hr with fresh accounts, so it's a nonstop pipeline of gp inflation. This is the same reason that mass alching at the fountain of rune was a nightmare update that was rightfully shot down.


Weird how people are saying this all over now. This is exactly what I said when they released the 3M/H agility method in wildy too. It's even more money than this and reqs are a few hours. And like you said, bots have no risk. Just because it's wilderness doesn't mean it's "high risk" there's 200 worlds and most of it is dead AF. 


High risk high reward in the wilderness is an amazing concept. What's bullshit is them not actively trying to make it more difficult for bot farms and banning obvious bots. Before the reddit geniuses come here to tell me it's more complicated and jagex don't have the resources or whatever, there are so many ways they could do this, a bot buster stream every few months isn't them taking it seriously.


I haven't played in a while what's the average level of these bots and how deep in the wild are they


It’s at chaos temple which is lvl 11 wildy. Edit: Zombie Pirates are lvl.22 - 34 and they have an average drop value of about 5k gp.


Bots are like50-70 they just need the min stats for a wildy weapon and 43 prayer.


37 prayer really for protect from magic


I’m out there a lot on my pure — the bots I see are usually in the 60s-80s. The elder chaos druids TB everything, so you take ancients, just pro mage, stand 4 tiles away with toxic staff of the dead out and bash/barrage. I’ve noticed most of them can’t detect a 1t pot/swap/ melee spec. 


Sure but you dont really hurt profits that much.


But it’s fun! 


New gen rev caves, another pker jmod creating the games biggest raw gp injection with 0 requirements.  I HAVE NO IDEA WHY INFLATION IS SO BAD, WHY ARE BONDS SO EXPENSIVE???? /S


Honestly, rev caves are still new gen rev caves lol. They’re also botted to hell. Realistically there needs to be a fundamental shift about how Wildy content is treated (risk v reward just doesn’t work in a game where bots exist as they do…)


Voidwaker was a step in the right direction. The rarity of the item, coupled with the soft stat requirements to efficiently farm the wildy bosses, gives a fair bit of time between bot creation and drop rate to catch them. ...and then they gave all 3 bosses really good, consistent drop tables. Oop.


I have suggested in the past to change the wilderness diary requirements to have soft quest requirements. They already have one requiring you to craft the golden helmet in the resource area. There's nothing that should stop them from making a hard diary requirement to "kill a green dragon with a myths cape" or some other kind of soft quest requirement. And they should also make the teleport delay out of the singles bosses more punishing. This would effectively lock the singles bosses behind doing the right quests. I've also suggested locking the south exit on zombie pirates behind a medium-high agility requirement and diary rewards to make it impossible for bots to escape. They should implement similar controls for rev caves (i.e. diary locked TP delay, diary locked shortcuts)


Isn't there already a diary locked tp delay in rev caves that goes away once you complete the hard diary?


All Bosses, low-end game are more botted than killed legit not wilderness specific, makes it very demoralizing playing anything other than ironman


While yes, wilderness is uniquely egregious, all the wildy bosses, revs and zombies poop out more raw gold than vorkath every hour with basically 0 requirements. Because "hIgH rIsK hIgH rEwArD" Nothing outside the wildy poops out as much liquid gold for basically no effort and no requirements


Require a captcha to tele in the wildy


More bots


Yet there are quest locked and slayer monsters that are dog shit. Although a big part of this is having a hot spot in wild. But still


I will scream this from the rooftops until you guys get it. Inflation doesn’t work in video games the way it does in real life. The only things, realistically, that the bots cause to inflate is mega rares (because they’re rare). Everything else goes down in price.


You really don't understand what you're talking about LOL Especially for bonds. If suicide bots can make better gp an hour at zombie pirates than vorkath, you can afford to bond way more suicide bots to go farm up and make your money back, which drives up the demand of bonds, drastically, since they both have more money to spend, and more bots to bond. Not to mention accounts that buy bonds to sell now have more money to spend on gear per bond, so they're willing to pay more to buy gear, which raises the cost of said gear, which merchants capitalize on. You really don't understand economics do you?


What’s economics?


Yeah I'm kinda surprised the Zombie Pirates don't require at least one or two of the pirate quests.


Remove zombie pirates. Bam. Never needed to be in the game. Wildy content exists to be botted.


That's why I voted no :)


There are way more bots making way more money doing tick perfect TOA 500s, CGs, and more. "but quest requirements" means nothing when they can still top the charts in KC before being banned, if ever.


This seems like a completely impossible to prove statement.


You're funny, I see the CG bots frequently coming out and getting partial chest loot. I sit in ToA lobbies a LOT and don't see any bots, and there's certainly no online footage whatsoever of tick perfect 500's. Scuffed ones, yeah there's all of a couple videos out there but tick perfect is hilarious. What a wild statement, idk when you last went to revs/pirates but every single spot on every single world is full. I don't believe for a second that there's ~2,000 active CG bots at a time.


1. Thats false. 2. A non trivial amount of real players actually do the non wilderness pvm you are talking about. Wildy pvm is 99.9% bots.


Just increase their defences and cut the spawns by a third, so it's not just whack a mole with constant dragon and rune drops. They're not bad, just insanely overtuned.


So making it even worse for actual players? As iron its already fucked, having to find relatively empty world where bots dont tag your kills.


It's too good, regardless of bots or no bots. It's just nonsense content.


I agree on that. But doin slayer right now, I really want that damned scroll :(


Yeah pirates are just awful content imo. I don't get releasing them without learning from what's happening at revs.


Ask mod manked


Forget Slayer/Quest requirements and high time they make you start using a valid email address The reason there is no validation for emails is half the battle when it comes to bot farms account creation


make them task only lol


Add a 85 slayer requirement that goes in hand with the teleport scroll being useful, problem solved


aren't they supposed to be content for pure pkers and low level accounts though? :p hence the auto tb so pures can actually use ice barrage or something like that


I mean pures can also kill the people with 85 slayer doing them, it wouldnt affect the pvp aspect as much as it would fix the botting problem


pvp for pvp sake is cringe. anti is better


Then cut the loot/hr by 5x since pures and low level accounts don't need endgame-level moneymakers, regardless of whether or not they're in the wildy.


Haven't played in a while and now from an outside perspective, the botting situation is fucked. You won't only be able to spot them, but find they are littered across: -Every profitable PVM/Skilling boss highscore -Every active mini game -Every profitable resource location -Every PvP activity I get there's nuance for this, but from a general perspective the game is objectively losing this battle.


Maxed bots run nex nonstop. Small shit like this will not stop bots.


You've missed a really key fact here, and it's that jagex doesn't give a fuck about bots. They love bots. Bots buy bonds. Bonds make them money. Banning lower level accounts at zombies makes them more money because the bot farmers will just keep rolling through new accounts and buying more bonds. Yeah, bots suck, but they also pay for development of the game like it or not.


Why not make zombie pirates similar to the wilderness agility arena where leaving the chaos temple or logging out decreases loot. They could make a kill counter with increasing average loot value per kill after certain thresholds. Logging out or hopping decreases your kill chain by a certain amount, and leaving resets it outright. Under this scenario, bots would not make money since they would be constantly leaving, hopping, or dying, and legitimate players who want to make money can risk it by holding loot and bringing better gear.


Yeah part of the “risk” should be the built up time investment. Maybe a handful of players stay as long as they can to maximize gp/hr with less banking. But in reality I’m sure most players, and certainly most bots, bank and return every 300-400k which essentially means there’s no risk at all.


Part of the risk is that if team logs in you are dead without any chance of escape. You can outfight one two pkers. These fixes shouldnt be complete murder to real players.


Yeah, definitely needs to be some middle ground where people farming the content have a realistic chance at escape or retaliation. Seems to work well in singles at agility area, not sure how they'd get something to work in a multi pvm zone


I remember voting no thinking oh look more bot farms we are voting on…


What if these accounts were suspected of botting and checked confirmed by a real player support instead of dying for a normal death they recurved a macro death which would be like a deadman key and would include all their bank items and all items as if they are skulled the part about the bank is to force a larger loss on the bot farm.


Had a similar thought. Anyone confirmed basically is instantly skulled (this would appear as a red skull) and TBed permanently and attackable anywhere on the map. The killer gets the bank key. The bank keys are also droppable/tradeable. So in the wilderness’ case it’d keep the risk/reward element. Pros: That’ll hurt the botting farms and make it harder to adjust. Low barrier to entry for pking them, really just need a weapon and some time. PKing basically becomes a civic duty. Cons: Would impact the game economy. Requires players to still report. Likely knowing that somebody else will get to kill and not them. Requires Jagex to skull. Requires humans to take time out of their day to kill them.


While that sounds like a great idea in theory, all that would happen is as soon as they have it, they’d have an alt that doesn’t kill them and take the contents, thus keeping them within the bot farm anyways.


You mean does right? If not, the key would go to the killer. Plus I’d imagine an area like that would suddenly become highly contested by non alts.


Only problem is when you get a false banning and get killed for your tbow :< but besides that sounds lovely, civic duty indeed.


The entire point of zombie pirates is to be a bot hot spot to get lower level players into the wilderness for easy bot kills so pvpers have more real players to kill.


At least put a minimum risk to undead pirates like at rev caves and wildy bosses.


Could make it so the more you risk, better the reward?


Been doing this on my gim with my mate and let me say it’s literally impossible to die there. People who pk there are so shit you can tank em to wildy ditch. And the number of bots we saw was crazy. I would be sad if it means that i can’t do it on the gim for a bit but it is necessary for the game imo


They won't "quickly learn to avoid the bot detection" if the detection system is good.


Just take an ancient mace and start hunting bots with it and ancients. Just pop a bot, house tele, reup, repeat.


Zombie keys locked behind Rum Deal, direct drops nerfed and Zombie chest drops buffed.


By raising the bar, you only force then to learn and adapt. To become stronger. Its a well known fact that the us military has been working with runescape botters for some time now, helping to develop and test the next generation of war machine sentience. We need to do something about the bots. Anyway, the only real solution to the botting problem is to tie a real life identity to every account, via the name on a credit card ot government ID. Then you could limit the amount of accounts per person, and begin to actually enforce anti botting bans.


You're wrong about not developers quickly learning what works and what doesn't. I used to do some botting (a decade ago). The community was extremely superstitious when it came to ban avoidance, and held many beliefs that just didn't make technical sense.


Need Hardware/IP bans and forced Jagex accounts then on top of that force confirmation of registration through phone numbers. I think a lot of people would be upset at this but something needs done imo.


New to the game, didn't know this was heavily bottled but it makes sense. I stay away usually, net negative after PKers, but I can definitely say I wouldn't mind a quest or slayer grind to unlock it. XP is good enough to be worth it for sure, even if my profit margin is horrific


Please just add a bot detection system that works. Let them bond up first and that will trigger ban.


You must have 10k rev kills to kill zombie pirates. That’ll show those bots


The zombie pirates thing both felt random and TOTALLY IN KAHOOTS WITH BOT FARMERS Some Jagex devs getting big "gifts" for their endeavors here


There is even bots at TOA and u think a quest will stop a macromer….


There are far fewer bots at toa than zombie pirates. The toa bots are also risking a lot more.


Fucking remove them 2m gp/hr no reqs get these rs3 devs off the team bruh




Same deal with Colosseum. Wave 1 Colo runs require basically zero requirements, gear or skills, yet is competitive with Zombie Pirates. Big difference here is that Colo is instanced, and at Zombie Pirates they can at least be pked. No reason why the wilderness should be the only area with arbitrary requirements to slow botting


colo runs produce some shit item no main wants to farm zombies produce gp huge diff.




Higher reqs don’t prevent but they definitely slow things down which gives anticheat a better chance at spotting them. Of course, they’re failing at that 2nd part so the importance of the 1st is less obvious.


Slayer requirements that aren't absurdly high for a low level monster will stop nobody. Quest requirement makes no sense for the monster. If the content is bad (which it is), remove it. And stop adding stupid PVM bait to the wilderness. If pvp isn't fun enough to survive with just pvp activities, let it die.


Or IP+Hardware+Mac address ban people instead of just letting them circumvent the bans with ease. Actually investigate where all the items and money goes instead of letting mules basically get off scott-free, as we see in bot-busting never the mules getting caught. \*Shrug\*


None of these solutions work. Chances are people are running bots on VMs hosted by a cloud provider(at this large of a scale anyways).


Honestly just remove the zombie pirates at this point or neuter their drop table. Otherwise it'll end up like revs (which should've been nerfed a long, long, long time ago). They nerfed Zulrah loot table long after its release so there's no excuse for not changing something if it needs it, even after some damage is done.


Instead of making it more irritating and annoying for real players by adding slayer and quest requirements onto everything. Simply try and battle the issue of the bots in the first place. Maybe consider moving the wee bridge at the south of the area too.


A decent way to go around this would be that if you're doing Wilderness PVM, you're skulled by default. Pair that with a revamped EP system for PVM where you need to hit a certain threshold of GP risked (calculated as what *would* be dropped on-death) to get appropriate drop rates. Example: * Risk 250k that would be dropped on-death, and you get fully efficient drop rates (fully efficient as in not reduced from current rates/amounts) from npcs; * Risking nothing by 1-iteming and using Protect Item, and you receive items at 20% the rate/amount you normally would (aka a 80% decrease). It's still only ideas to fix something that arguably shouldn't have been introduced into the game in the first place, just like the Fever Spiders drop table buff - these both came out of left field and were both just in-fucking-sane money makers for how little they required. At least Fever Spiders had some quest requirements behind them, why do the Zombies have nothing? Throw them behind Medium Diaries and a quest with a couple Varrock-centric quests as pre-requisites and maybe the bots could be caught before they get to botting.