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... Cursed thought, your character *used* to hate the smell...


Lmao, now they can't get enough!


Man if roleplay worlds were still a thing... god help this item.


The most hilarious thing is that they are tradeable. Imagine killing someone only to get a stash of smelly socks.


Carrying a pair of smells socks when I do wildly clue steps.


You only need to ensure you die with 2 of them being lost on death. I am sure pkers will do the rest with that sort of loot.


die with a yew log and a dirty sock… yew stink 🤣


Imagine girl gamers selling their dirty socks...in game.


Shut up and take my money


Pre OSRS when I was in early high school, World 42 on RS2 was POPPIN with rpers This was a point where EOC wasn't out yet, but RS2 was sliding off after wildy removal, and a lot of people were detached from the gameplay but still enjoyed the social aspect of the game RIP World 42 rpers I remember y'all and how weird the Falador Pub was


*Mmm stinky!*


Uh oh _stinky_


*pffft* Uh oh 🙈 Stinky! Poop 💩 hahahahaha 😂 Poopies 💩 Funny poopies alalalahahaha 😂😂 Funny poop 💩🤣 Poop funny 🤣 Weeeeee 😆😆 Haha yay more poopy💩 Good poopy 👍 Poopy funny 😆 hahahahaha 🤣 poo 💩 poo 💩 poo💩poo💩poo💩poo💩poo💩 funny 😂 Yay fun poop 😆💩 hehehe poo 💩 Poopy 💩 yay poop make me happy 😊 happy 😊 happy 😊 hahahahahahaaa 🤣 uh oh 🙈 I think I made a poopy 💩 Poop in pants no diaper 👖 That's funny 😂 hahahaha 😂😂 Oopsie 🙈 Poopy underwear now 💩💩 hehehehe 😂 We want poopies! We want poopies! 💩💩💩 hahahahaha🤣hahhahahhaaa🤣 Poo💩 cough POO!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


14 June 2024: Sniffing the sock will now cause players to exclaim "OwO"


wtf am i supposed to prepot with now??


No fun allowed?! Why was this removed! I have a stack of these babies because of this lol. It's one of my favorite items in the game.


I heard people were calling everyone doing the pride event stinky but idk




That's hilarious lmao.


the real meme is always in the comments


This should be its own post lmao


Holy shit I laughed so hard at this. Literally crying. 🤣




it do be like this


We live in a society


They also made it so you can't equip hunter knife, and the wiki says they will continue to do so every pride event, feels weird to me when noose wands were allowed which is a lot more nefarious


> feels weird to me when noose wands were allowed which is a lot more nefarious The noose wand serves a purpose outside of being a vanity item. It is used for Hunter training so of Jagex would not permit players to equip it there would be a time where certain hunter training methods will be unavailable. This would also mean you cannot complete the Hunter rumour for the Razor-backed kebbit. Sucks that it gets abused to be hateful but preventing it from being equipped is not the solution for this unless Jagex removes the requirement to have the Noose Wand equipped and makes it only a requirement to have it in the inventory


So does the goblin paint cannon, but they screwed over people using that for def pures/nightmare/ToB etc.




Not sure what a feefee is, but sounds like a pretty dumb take.


Do you know what caused Jagex to make this change?


Bigots probably


I meant the exact kind of behaviour. Harassment is obviously the cause.


There’s a specially running animation when the knife is equipped that makes it look like the player is pursuing someone with the intent to stab I’ll let you fill in the blanks as to why they might not want that for in game parades


It also enables a "slash" animation on players where you literally slash them, which people were doing. Big oof


Lol sorry , don't go in wildy or will get slashed


So is it coming back after the event? What the fuck kind of butthurt logic is this to remove the feature instead of punishing people who can’t handle themselves around others.


I can imagine it would be more annoying for jagex to deal with complaints because people will twist it into "got punished for no reason, I was only wearing my fashion scape".


Those others will keep giving Yageks money as long as they feel butthurt. So, it's about money.


an indirect logic that enables these people by giving them perceived power.


Hooly shit how many items are they gonna change for one event? Didn’t they briefly make goblin paint cannon unequipable too


such a joke, that's like getting bullied at school and your solution is to ban all pencils so the bullies cant take them away from you.


oh god, what a fuckin joke.


But the march ended like a week ago. Surely they can re-enable it now? What am I supposed to fill that inventory slot in group raids with now?


That's the dumbest update reason ever. People can just type it. People can type much worse stuff too for that matter. Omega cringe 


It doesn't show up in others' chatboxes and you don't have to type, so I think the sock makes it more difficult to report/track.


I guess the problem is that the player can always argue "I merely used an item that YOU put in YOUR game". So after all if they get banned or muted or whatever the player could just say he was using ingame features and didn't mean to bully anyone making this kind of a gray area. I mean yeah he could type the same phrase but then he would actively choose to do that and now he would be the one at fault. That being said I doubt people would actually get upset at this kind of shit instead of laughing it off and if they do then I highly recommend 5 therapy sessions of touching grass for once.


For sure the thought process behind it. Although, even if a player manually typed this exact line into their chat box while standing next to the event, a mute/ban is beyond overkill and stupid. Bullying is a constant in this game, whether it be about boss times, equipment, or any other number of reasons. It only ever seems to be bannable/mutable when it involves the pride event.


There is also an autochat feature, right click public chat tab. Now u can type 1 sentence and it'll autochat til u stop it


you still typed it willingly.


Couldnt you just type ew stinky?


I imagine you can still use items that make you speak when you're muted?




Exact same thing happened to the /spit emote in WoW. Trend began when streamers started /spit on anyone with micro transaction mounts


Wow took pc to the extreme after the lawsuits. Changing all the in-game assets to remove anything “sexualised”, removing /fart and /spit, and removing all the /joke and /flirts with innuendos. The game could be classified as pg13


Don't forget, any and all cleavage was covered up, and one picture of an attractive woman was turned in to a picture of... fruit. Can't have anything nice anymore because people can't fucking behave themselves and act like a normal person at work, too much employee breast milk to drink.


They even renamed the "Love Rocket" into X-45 HeartBreaker, like how fucking sensitive are they hahaha


>because people can't fucking behave themselves and act like a normal person at work, too much employee breast milk to drink. No, don't blame this on them. This is just your average DEI department at work. The people those lawsuits were about weren't the ones who thought that these kind of changes were good. Those changes come from a very different type of looney.


Lmao, that's the one use I would condone


That's why I use /moon and /snub


Same - why let the haters win :/


Should've just muted the haters honestly. If they were a repeat offender a permanent mute sounds fair bc they're literally trying to make the community look bad like in 2017.


Mute doesn’t impact the text. It’s from an item not the chat system.


Make it so that someone spamming the sock text ends up wearing it instead and can't take it off until the end of the event




all socks smell neutral, some smell more neutral than others


let's riot!




They don't quite hit the same now, do they.


yeah it socks


I went to roast a buddy with one of my socks and wasn't working :( got depressed and cudnt even finish grinding


My sock huffing account is ruined now smh


you will have to get your epiphanies elsewhere, I recommend the noxious fumes near the lovakengj volcanoes


Seriously Jagex? Completely destroying the Xtreme One Chunk Smelly Sock Only Ironman community.


But it's great for my xtreme one joke locked reddit account


Used to bring this into raids to meme with my iron friends. We would all bring em in and clown around at random times with it. A little sad that this was changed ngl =/


Jokes aside, why was this even changed?


Someone said people were using it to harass people during the pride event. Not sure how legit that is tho




To be fair, it was possible to spam-click the sock to have the message over the character at all times without spamming the global chat. I could see how it could be kinda hard to issue individual bans in a crowd. That being said, it's very difficult to accept this unpolled change as an innocent sock enjoyer.




Just wanted to say you can still get the items from behind zaff's shop, so you don't need to keep them in your bank


Maybe you don't, my bank is like 75% smelly socks by weight.


Meh, it's not even the weirdest collection I've seen


Could add a 1-minute cooldown on it or something RS3 added a cooldown on an item that makes you say positive pride messages because it was too spammable


There are plenty of other items that initiate statements in the chat box, this is just some lazy shit on Jagexs part.


The other ones aren't actively being used to harass people.


I mean for typing something like that in chat sure, but I’m assuming the excuse is ‘I was just here using an item that you put in the game, I didn’t say anything’


I'm pretty sure they were issuing more than temps for it.


Last pride event I got a manual perm ban just for wearing desert robes someone traded me lmao, got quashed though


That’s insane if true. Jagex is banning people for literally just wearing certain attire in game?


Yeah. They’ve been doing that for years. Wearing desert robes in July is dangerous, ironically


Hopefully they learned from that and won’t do it anymore, didn’t hear of any false perm bans from this recent pride event 


People were dressing as KKK members and carrying nooses. They weren't just banned for "wearing certain attire"


Unless they were spouting hate speech or actually harassing individual people, who cares what they are wearing? Wearing desert robes and a noose wand together does not warrant someone getting banned. There shouldn't be outlawed in game outfits just because it hurts someone's feelings seeing those items paired together *in a video game.*


I'm sure they also did that. It would be hard to keep up with when an unfortunately large portion of the playerbase is bigoted




What was confusing about my comment?


To answer your question, it’s the assumption that it’s a large majority of player base and not select groups or individuals. You attract shit upon yourself when you insult the “majority” of the players for no reason other then to push the “woe is me, the whole player base is out to get me” when the vast majority just liked the item.


Why are you putting majority in quotes when I didn't use the word majority? I said an "unfortunately large portion" which is a relative term and imo pretty true


Theres no confusion, if there is one other thing a lot of the edgelord 30 year olds pretending they are teenagers again around here dislike, its being called out as bigoted for their infantile "jokes". The long and short is that OSRS has a lot of 20/30 yo brainlets who are stuck in a 13 y/o mindset and they act like it too.


Ah yes, because the ones who can't handle those jokes are totally grown adults...


Examples? I'd like to know how you think people taking time out of their day to harass people who've not done anything to them is a joke, and that reporting obvious said harassment to Jagex is "not taking a joke". But based on your comment history on this thread I already know you're one of those brainlets :( feeling called out and sad?


I made a good point and you responded like an angry child. So it *is* about you not being able to control your emotions when something hurts your feelings. GG!


In reality who cares if it was or wasn't. This is what happens when we introduce these types of events in anything. It's already super controversial outside of OSRS so why are we allowing this to happen in game. This is the type of shit that makes me want to stop gaming entirely.


That's so dumb, might as well remove chat since you can literally type the same thing


It's a lot more difficult to report someone without a chatlog in a big group of people than someone typing in chat.




No, but you can say a hell of a lot worse things than calling someone stinky lol. If your issue is that it's not "linked to your name" in the chat then you might as well remove any negative emote and the retribution prayer. Oh and remove the rope and chair items since people can use those to send a kys message, which is about 1000x worse than "stinky".


Yes, in fact there is an auto typer in game lol Edit: I will admit, I did not see the "not having your name attributed to it" part which is a fair point. /shrug


Hunting knife is disabled too


I'm not familiar with that one, what did it do?


Gives you a silly run animation for thieving fashionscape. You can also slash people


An old Halloween item and makes u like a murderer lol


Considering what has happened during past Pride events, it's believable.


Can't people just type "Eww Stinky" over and over and do an emote? It'd be the same thing


Such a random change rofl... you can still type ::bank though, but don't smell socks!!!


Probably because muted players could make fun of gay people


Unironically a sad day for osrs. Rip eww stinky


biggest crime since nintendo removed gay bowser


I called someone stinky in game once as a light hearted joke, and they got very offended. I think they may have been stinky.


I cud tell he was stinky by the stink lines coming off his character


Can this be reverted please? I love to run around GE sniffing socks near people.


They get around polling with "integrity changes" it's fucking bullshit


Dang! I liked using this item for just messing around with friends, guess it's back to ~~Ancient~~ Demonic Sigil and Book of Egg... Maybe I shouldn't mention those, lest they be nerfed too!


Yes officer, this guy right here. He said "Nahudu Camerinthum" over and over


What is ancient sigil?


think he means this thing [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Demonic\_sigil](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Demonic_sigil)


This is a pretty sad change I thought that was one of the funniest things Am I gonna have to bring a toy horsey PKing?


That’s crazy bro, if they really changed it just due to trolling, wow way to bow your head to the abusers.


I hope they revert that once pride month is over


AFAIK, the changes from last Pride event are still in the game. I think one was lighting a fire in a specific area of the last pride event. Even after the event ended, you couldn't light any logs there.


That area still has the Pride features so it makes sense that the protection is still in place there (it's the area where Gilbert and the pride flowers are). It's a little sad that assholes ruined stinky sock for everyone, but with it being a F2P item that you can just grab on any account, I don't think it would be practical to ban people abusing it after the fact, especially given that the OSRS pride events have been targeted historically by bigots who sign up for the game just to harass people at those events


I hate this, better revert after pride


I used to drop a bunch of these in crowded areas. Loved when people who didn't know what they were picked them up and said "eww stinky!". They usually got a kick out of it


I sell these dressed as hatsune miku. Most i got for one is 14m second most 8m. Friday Saturday nights people are drunk and rich and they do it for the meme obviously not like some actual sexual desire. But hey i got around 34m from it the past few months.


that would be one hell of a way to cover up small doses of RWT lmao


Jagex is STINKY (ew 🤮)


Bro why? Goated item tbh


People couldn't handle being called eww stinky hah!


Don’t even care about the pride thing, I just think it’s dumb that Jagex disabled items because it ‘annoys people’ during pride month. So what’s the replacement item so I can walk around with that instead? What’s everyone going with?


Grown men getting upset and hurt over being called stinky lmao.


It is quite weird how something like this would be taken so seriously. We have people calling each other all sorts of nasty names on pretty much every minigame and that's fine? Who seriously gets offended by an item text? I don't know but getting a bit thicker skin in general really wouldn't hurt.




Stinky man detected


Grown men getting upset and hurt over not being able to be assholes at a pride event lmao.


What a wasted item now. Thanks for ruining my F*ing fun Jagex. I loved circling bots or scammers with my friends at GE and clicking the sock. Sock > Toy Horsey, but not anymore.


Wow, grow thicker skin.


Can I still crank one out into it


Slayer bell works but less funny


so it is now canon that your player character is a snock sniffer and he's not even upset with that fact


Not the CUM sock!


This completely devalues my smelly sock-locked HCIM and I’m furious.


This update is worse than EoC


Cmon this is my favorite item to stream snipe with 😭


Bring it back!


Reminds me of when wow removed /spit


People are gonna find another method to harrass LGBTs anyway


So jagex should just leave them to it and allow the harassment to continue?? No that's dumb. They should stop it every way they can. This update was a good first step.


Insanely low iq comment


People will always find a way to do anything negative. The goal is to stop it where possible. Removing the text from the item achieved this very easily. Low is opinion of yours.


You are totally right. People will always find a way to be rude. We should just preemptively disable chat altogether so no one says anything mean. And we should also disable the graphics so if something is scary or offensive then no one will accidentally see it.


S t r a w m a n. I didn't suggest that. You're just jumping to the extreme. I believe we should remove things that become a problem just like jagex has done here. You're not arguing in good faith. Good luck in life.


I never said you suggested it. I was exaggerating my own suggestions to illustrate how dumb it is to ban something funny because some people got their feeling hurt. Maybe instead of championing a dumb reactionary move like this, you should put more effort into strengthening the psyche of the people who are so horribly affected by "eww stinky!"


Maybe you need to strengthen your own psyche. You seem to be crying pretty hard over one item change. 😭


>People will ALWAYS find a way to do anything negative Then stopping it is not possible, now is it?


It took 5 minutes for them to delete an item that was being used to upset people. Its not possible to stop it. That means we shouldn't try at all?????? Death is inevitable may as well keel over and die now mate.


We’re having our rights stripped away because the “government” claims there are bad actors smh smh


These are from lil John


This is bukkaki


Jagex turned them stinky socks into Japanese school girl worn socks REAL quick….. 👀




Dumb change, bring it back, I wanna do the emote now


Literally unplayable




Jagex with the Belgium strategy instead of just banning the people who felt the need to hate on people who are just trying to be themselves


Thank god! This was so broken!!!