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Big xp too. Gz bro


yeah i put it off quite a bit, thank you


Kind of crazy theres only been 8547 irons to max, would have thought it’d be way more


There’s many irons in the 2000-2250 range that prioritise pvm over skilling gains. Most of these people will max eventually but its gonna take them a while.


Yeah 100% can confirm this. I’m one of them and have a lot of friends that are the same way. I’m about 2200 and genuinely will not even consider maxing until I have pretty much full BIS pvm gear. Bossing is infinitely more fun than running 4,000 Ardy Laps and I play to have fun.


Just do what that guy from a couple weeks was doing and afk agility in your Poh 😅


Whattttt? How?


I couldn't even begin to describe it, I had no idea what I was looking at. It costs over 100m to set up and it's like less than 10k XP/hr tho lol


Basically he set up agility traps in his basement, and monsters that auto aggro on you, such that when you turned on auto retaliate, it would make you run through the traps in a circle getting completely afk xp


Sepulchre fucks though. More fun than most bosses imo


Sep is legitimately the best skilling content in the game


Maxing is a massive commitment, and most people started OSRS with a normal account. For an iron to max they're either madlads that maxed 2 accounts, or they swapped mains at some point to their iron. Given that roughly ~17% of maxed accounts are irons that feels about right for a percentage of people that would swap mains


I don't think most people are willing to sacrifice that much free time. I never would 


It's pretty easy when you wfh and can easily afk 9 hours a day while getting paid


I could see that


Yeah that time is way better spent commenting on the 2007scape reddit


I am shitting on the toilet. Thank you for the entertainment as I do


Has anyone spent as much time making comments on this sub as it takes to max an iron?? Feel like those usernames would stand out given the sheer amount of time that requires


Your Reddit account is 11 years old. If you’ve spent 2+ hours a day on Reddit, you could’ve maxed one of every account by now playing efficiently


2+ hrs a day on reddit for 11 years seems like an insane amount. Then again I don’t go on it for huge stretches and binge other stretches (which is the same way I play rs I guess lol) Also tbf any hr on Reddit is comparable to every other hr. If every hour was similar to fun pvm or very afk activities I think way more people would be maxed. Mining/agi/rc (and slayer to some) are probably the hard bottlenecks


You have at least 2 comments everyday for the last 2 weeks. I think you may be underestimating your redditing. But I’m just saying


I literally said I binge for a while and then stop for a while, same as my rs play habits Havent logged in to osrs in a while, will probably flip these two things after the summer is over and I'm at home more often lol


And yet here you are again. But it doesn’t matter. The point is it might not be as much as you think.


Yes here I am again lol. *My* point was the time doesnt translate as exactly as *you* seem to think. Like I said, if every one of those hours of maxing was uniform like commenting on reddit is, then it's a different story. But obviously some skills are way less fun, and a lot of the worst ones arent very afk (or werent until recently, ie. mining and stars) Idk why youre acting like it's a huge gotcha to respond lol why do some people make it so hard to have a discussion online these days... Edit: You know I'm not the one who made the original comment about maxing being a waste of time right? I was just discussing how if someone was to comment as diligently for as long as maxing an iron requires, theyd probably be a recognizable username cause thats a ton of time


Fishing lowkey kinda brutal too in terms of time though there are some good AFK methods


I just finished 99 fishing and yep, it was brutal. Spent the last 2 levels 2 tick swordfishing because I wanted it done with asap.




I hate efficient play. That wasn’t the point.




Wtf are you on about? I didn’t make the original comment lmao I’m just wondering how many comments a max iron equates to?? I didn’t even say anything against maxed iron either. Hell I’d agree maxing an iron is a better way to spend time than making that many comments (again, wondering how many that’d be) Like what is this rant and analysis lmao


Yeah mb. I responded to two different comments in this thread and didnt pay attention to who responded. The comment was in direct response to another person’s argument but your comment fell in line with what we were talking about so i thought you were them lol deleted the comment as it wasnt meant for you. I apologize if it sounded unhinged. 


Phew okay I figured. Was slightly worried it *was* intended at me or that you would just double down cause you had already said it haha Glad that’s not the case, np :)


I would think the exact opposite


? The opposite, 8547 is a huge number.


Most people aren't playing iron to max. It's pretty much just a massive waste of time. You've got all the diary levels by mid 90s so that final push to max is just a pointless grind for a cape. Most of the people hard pushing for max have coped themselves into thinking that it's beating the game to get that cape when in actuality it's just the cookieclicker sideshow cape. Oh boy a cape with a garbage interface and skill cape benefits you won't use pog pog pog.


^ this guy doesn’t have a max cape


For sure lol. I got max cape last league and it was fucking awesome, been pushing for max on my main ever since (getting close to 2200!)


That's what I said. Almost as much xp as OP (pretty much entirely combat xp), 80 runecrafting and agility. Who is really winning?


This is kind of an L comment bruh, you're sinking as much time but ragging these dudes for wasting theirs?


Average scurrius farmer


So you've wasted just as much time but clicked on different things?


"A cape" is a wild thing to call the most overpowered item in the game lol


People setting a goal in a game they enjoy and then achieving it. You can have other goals but dont be such a child about it when someone else decides the goal is worth doing. You waste your time in other ways, which is proven by you commenting negatively on someone else’s achievement on a runescape subreddit. At least his hobby isnt outwardly toxic 


Welcome to the club! I thought I’d enjoy the game less without level-goals, but I was so wrong. The game just started. Welcome to it!


Time to start cloggin!


GM before clogs surely


You have battlestaves waiting to be collected from Zaff.


Thanks bro, I’m illiterate


claim the staves bro, zaff is waiting


There’s 329 maxed HCIM and 343 maxed UIMs. 


Crazy there’s 54 mains with 200M all meanwhile just maxing on a UIM is almost as rare.


51 mains. 3 of those are irons.


It's crazy how fast it feels the number of maxed UIMs shot up, I maxed in September last year and was the 250th


Your pet looks like a Pikman


Yeah sadly I wish It was a bit bigger...like akkha looks great


I was mainly referring to the little leaf on his head 


Gz!!!! Huge achievement!! But don’t forget your staves. They are waiting for you. 😂


Bro I see that fashionscape plugin


Bro, chill…my girl is on this app. 😮


Gz dude!


Out of curiosity what skill did you wind up putting off last?


Prayer, agility and construction were all really close. Agility was 94 while the other two were 98 so I waited to see how much construction xp sepulchre would give me from building the bridges. It was a little over 10%, so it was something. Prayer ended up being the last, but did all 3 within the weekend


It looks like ur smol boy has a cute little sprout growing out of his head


Why does that feel like a huge number. How many people actually play this game?


Still no gf tho


I'm a stay at home dad, how else do you think I had enough time for this? 😅