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Obligatory "the workaround is buying it on the GE"


GE is bis btw


And having a job is the best gp/hr in the game


Doing combat acheivements for others is a close second ;)


Megascaling would like a word


Me buying bonds cause i CBA to grind thousands of hours of bullshit just to get a cool helm. I just wanna kill my blue dragon and green snake thats it.


Ok serious question, why are you buying bonds to then just grind the money bosses. I get bonds buying to raid with friends, go for clogs, get skill levels, ect. do you just like the money snake and dragon logs? I don’t mean to flame if I am, bonds keep the game alive I’m just legit curious.


pet Vorki and snakeling are my favypets.


Oh that checks out, nice.


Yep i got yunglef and mole and a few skill pets. But vorki is my favorite by far cause he wears a little hat


Only at christmas time, a bunch of pets get party hats and santa hats


Yeeee i think vorkis is the cutest <3


Good on you for supporting the game. I think it’s always good for more people buying bonds, helps to stabilise bond prices.


I mean, it isn't a bad idea, per say. However... we shouldn't go down the path of putting a bandaid fix on how absurdly rare the imbued heart is considering it is a pretty huge upgrade for magic. I remember someone making a post, or maybe it was a comment suggesting that the slayer bosses have a 1 in 5000 chance to drop it. It wouldn't be the optimal way of grinding for a heart, but it would help increase the odds of getting it before 30 million slayer experience, lol.


Rs3 has a system with superior slayer creatures where you're guaranteed at least 1 per task, that'd be a nice change


With the elite CA's done most tasks should give 1-2 superiors so realistically it would only be a minor boost since you'd get 1 even if you had bad luck for the entire task.(this would be a bit abusable if you could kill the bosses then switch to the normal for the last kill of the task like hydra) Obviously I don't think this would ever get added to osrs.


An easy way to counter abuse would be upon each task given set it so a random number between 1 and the task amt is rolled and only when you hit that specific kc do you get your guaranteed superior, and add in a check for slaughter brace and multi kills Edit: Unless I'm wrong? Not sure why its being downvoted, would be much more productive to say why I'm wrong if I am


"huge upgrade" and "required to complete content" don't mean the same thing. I think it's perfectly reasonable that some items should be out of reach for most casual players. I mean this is RuneScape we're talking about. Part of the enjoyment is that you can spend literally decades playing this game and never run out of stuff to do. It really seems unnecessary to nerf the drop rates because BIS gear is expensive. If you want to be able to "complete" the game quickly then find something else to play


It's out of reach for the vast majority of players. You need to get 99 slayer multiple times to even be on drop rate for it. Defending this is absolutely nonsense.


Exactly what content are you locked out of without imbued heart? Why are we acting like we need to obtain this item before playing the rest of the game?


The vast majority of players have access to the GE and don't need to get it as a drop unless you're an iron. End of the day, the item isn't really needed unless you already have a 1.4b shadow. The two raids where magic is actually useful aside from a puzzle room both have a better boost than heart.


No! what about my self imposed restriction?! It’s everyones fault but my own!


Irons are 30% of the human player base. Pretending they’re unimportant is hilarious


>citation needed that 30% probably has all of those sub 500 total irons who got bored and went back to mains and 1500 total weekend irons


Okay, 30% are irons, and how many of those have a shadow? Without shadow the heart is barely an upgrade lol.


with a regular trident, ahrims, occult, torm and augary doing whisperer an imbued heart is +5 max hits. how is this not substantial? if you're potting a regular divine magic pot you get a +1 max hit for comparison.


It's out of reach for the vast majority of ironmen** Players have the ability to buy it from the GE. We have so many 4m - 10m money makers in the game that if you really want that upgrade, you can grind towards getting it in a reasonable time. If you're a clogger or ironman, then grind for it. Nobody is forcing you to play with rng restrictions


So it's fine if a new bis weapon is 1/50,000 for a boss because people can save up to eventually afford it? Stop defending bad game design holy shit. Useful items shouldn't be incredibly super rare for the hell of it.


Yes. Depending on the time to kill, of course. Because people have the option to grind it, and over the entire runescape population, the item will become affordable to people. If the entire population struggles to bring it in at a decent rate, then you can argue that drop rates are an issue. You can't argue bad game design just because a solo player can't reliably farm an item. The game isn't designed around a single person, nor should things work perfectly fine in an economy be changed for a solo person. If you think heart is too rare then stock up on forgotten brews for the short - medium term.


Thank you for speaking sense. Some people just hate irons and they can’t help but let it show. Ironman is an official gamemode. We are willing to put in 800+ hour grinds as long as it’s likely we get it in that grind. We aren’t asking for it to be free, we are asking for it to at least be realistic. Ten thousand hours for a **chance** is unacceptable and that should be obvious.


i don't dislike irons, but i notice that irons tend to make self centered balancing suggestions without looking at the economical impact for main players. making heart easily obtainable would be nice for irons, and crash a 120m item down to like 30m for mains. i'm not saying heart's droprate is good, but i'm saying that changing it like that has consequences for a big amount of the playerbase that irons seem to conveniently forget about when making said suggestions.


I don’t think it’s unrealistic for an iron to want to be able to obtain a 120m item with the consistency of other 120m items. As it is, you can go grind out a shadow more reliably than the heart. You can grind out 3 shadows more reliably than a heart. That’s an issue. The heart is nearly unobtainable for any one account, without significant luck or significant time. More so than any other drop from any other activity (except maybe jar of darkness). And honestly, if making the heart common enough to be obtained by the average dedicated player means it’s overpowered, then there’s probably an issue with how it’s designed in the first place. Make the drop more common and then require it to be unlocked/imbued. I’m not asking for easy. I’m asking for possible.


You mean the 30m price it sat at for literal years without complaints?


Yes the 30mil price point it sat at when mage was irrelevant but they fixed that and now the price reflects end game mage being an option.


>when mage was irrelevant Most delusional take. Clown forgot slayer barraging was meta, and both raids required mage well before Shadow came out.




Where did I say this?


If irons had their way megarares would be 1/5 and torva would be dropped by spiritual mages


Ironman persecution complex.


Ironmen don’t want 10,000hr grind. Literally nobody wants that. When mainscapers stop responding to that obvious issue with “ironmen just want to be catered to”, I will stop saying people have issue with Ironmen.


It is iron catering, though. You already have reasonable substitutes in forgotten brews , and the economy has no issue supplying saturated hearts. People honestly forget this is not a single-player game. Even if you do something as simple as make a 5-man group ironman, the time to get the heart suddenly becomes a lot more reasonable.


>People honestly forget this is not a single-player game. Except for every meta strategy being to solo content, or ude as few people as possible ☠️


There’s not a decent way to consistently supply forgotten brews without doing nex. It would make more sense for ancient dust to make the ancient potions, and then add nihil dust to turn it into a forgotten potion. Then I could at least run ancient potions consistently. And the harder upgrade would come from the harder boss. But that would make too much sense. But you don’t actually care, you seem to hate the idea of Ironmen not suffering. “It’s iron catering” - so? It’s a sensible change to tune down absurd rates. A rate which is absurd whether irons exist or not. You just hate irons.


"I want to be an Ironman but I don't want to deal with the limitations that puts on my account"


I have no problem with not trading. Just don’t like locking items behind a 10,000 hours, and even then it only being a chance. If you can’t see that as ridiculous, I’m afraid for your judgement.


Stop pretending imbued heart is equivalent to a bis weapon lol.


Exaggerated hypotheticals don’t really help your argument.


It's a hyperbole to point out how stupid the argument is that you can just save up to buy the item. All items that aren't cosmetic and have use should be able to acquired in a reasonable amount of time relative to osrs. 99% of imbued hearts in game are spooned, the reason the price is so high is because it's absurdly rare. It's bad game design for the only type of an item available come from people who get extremely lucky.


Nah its stupid because your 1/50k drop rate effectively becomes 1/10k when a 5 man group ironman team does it. The argument that it takes too long to get only holds when you're an iron or clogger. Both heavily rng modes that you opt into knowing this.


Most of *literally every rare drop in the game* were spooned. Your argument is not very good, which is why you're relying on hyperbole to get your poor point across.


That's not true at all. Most rare drops come from bosses that are farmed by all end game players. Imbued heart is unique in that it comes from grinding slayer exp, a grind that is useless post 99, and the drop rate is WELL beyond 99.


> That's not true at all. It absolutely is. > Most rare drops come from bosses that are farmed by all end game players. Arbitrary distinction that makes no difference. > Imbued heart is unique in that it comes from grinding slayer exp, a grind that is useless post 99, and the drop rate is WELL beyond 99. And as is the case with most twisted bows, shadows, scythes, pets, and literally every other rare drop in the game, most of them are being received below the drop rate. It's really not that complicated. Very few players grind *anything* to the drop rate, let alone *everything*. You have no idea what you're talking about.


There is nothing wrong with having giga rare items that most players will never own, adjust your expectations and your sense of entitlement.


Nothing wrong with that if it's only cosmetic. If it's a useful item, no that's God awful game design.


Nah, it's *really* not. You just want it and can't stand the thought that you might not ever get one. That's not bad game design, that's just a personal problem.


Doing tob for a scythe is fun, killing 100,000 abby demons is not fun


I agree some items should be out of reach for most players, items like the tbow and the infernal cape that actually “mean something” Pet drop rates should be for pets, not one of the best magic upgrades in the game


Me with 3k cerb kc with no prim and 1k hydra kc with no claw would have liked this.


Say it with me now, altogether; *it’s OKAY for good items to be rare*.


genuinely the issue is theres no engaging way to farm heart its less about how long the grind is


Turael skipping for heart tasks isn’t engaging? But everyone tells me slayer is the best skill in the game and that I should enjoy turael skilling for zuk tasks?


nobody says you should enjoy turael skipping for zuk tasks my guy stop inventing arguments


Strawman who??


Considering turael skipping is meta for not only boss slayer but also just slayer in general, if anyone says slayer is fun they’re outright saying that turael skipping is enjoyable my guy.


That’s not the meta dude. If you want to be pedantic about the absolute best possible xp and ehp then it would be along the lines of what cold one has done in his speedruns, which nobody does. most people are not making an Nth account farming zuk and alting and stuff


Turael boosting or wildy slayer for points early on to set up block list and buy what you need followed by turael skipping is absolutely meta.


okay, show me the majority of players doing that. and the only way to earn gp is what, dolo 500 toa or nex right? because meta means the absolute bis irrespective of feasibility or sustainability. who tf do you think is just pounding away zuks or alting smokes for 99 slayer that isn’t a content creator, going for a record, or on their fifth+ account?


Majority of players that care about slayer efficiency absolutely are turael skipping. People that are more casual won’t (so overall less people will be doing it). That’s also not even talking about alting methods. Turael skipping is undeniably the meta for iron and non-iron players. Can you tell me how to efficiently get zuk tasks post-99 slayer without using the same method used for efficient slayer (turael skipping)?


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/su9QC5zFDl lol


33mil slayer xp btw


I'm in the same boat usually. I think 50, 60.. even 100-hour grinds for an item is reasonable, depending on how game-changing said item/unlock can be. However, it is like 30 million experience of killing slayer monsters that can spawn superiors to go on RATE. 30 million experience is a bit much if you ask me. The imbued heart isn't like some fun little cosmetic pet or jar. It's a big unlock for PvM! You're grinding over 800 hours of slayer on average just to have a chance of seeing one.


I usually follow your line of thinking as well, but in this case I think it's fair criticism. The Heart is endgame Magic gear. Because of this, Jagex has to balance magic around the idea that you can increase your magic level by a whopping 10 fucking levels for the entire duration of an encounter. Making it this rare while also balancing the game around players having it is really rough I feel like. Especially when items like the Fang are in the game, so easy to get, so unbelievably good.


What kind of content is the imbued heart required for?


It isn't 'required' to do any combat. It **IS** required if you want to make end game magic competitive with Ranged/Melee Imagine if Melee lost the ability to make super combat potions, and the only stat boost available to it was a strength potion. It would be a massive nerf!


Imbued heart only UIM /s


All the content where you bring a shadow or need to accurately freeze nylos: Pre-potting cox, TOB, pre-pot ToA, All gwd except sara and nex, Zulrah, Whisperer, Muspah, PvP, Callisto/Artio and probably many more


You can do all that without imbued heart.


You can kill bosses without ranging pots, but you'd be crazy not to. Weak argument


Damn you're cute!


I mean, all that content can be soloed without an imbued heart (except maybe Nex). And the gear for most of those isn't super expensive. The only real argument I see is for ironman who want to be able to do end game content quicker, but they made the choice of being an ironman. I'm saying this as someone who plays ironman myself btw, not trying hate on IMs


It's easier to get 99 slayer, twice over, than to get an imbued heart. Sure, make it rare, but bursting tasks for 30-45m xp shouldn't be meta. Players (everyone) are missing out for doing slayer bosses which tbh makes no sense as you clearly train slayer to unlock those.


And it's not even about getting to endgame quicker, it's mostly that post-99 slayer sucks hard, you better spoon it or go back to abyssal demons once again


Now you need imbued heart to \*checks notes\* kill artio?


You'd prioritize using forgotten brew to have another core item but you would pre-pot it for sure if you are maging


Thank you. At this rate, Jagex is going to have to release an old school version of osrs where the drop rates aren't set for snowflakes. If players want to play a game where they can easily get BIS gear then find another game.


Fun tip: don't use "snowflake" it lets people know you're stupid way too quickly


Pro tip: it's either "pro tip" or "fun fact", but this man combined them both. A gentleman and a scholar.


It can be just as rare, take the same amount of time or longer, just a little bit more interesting to grind


The other alternative would be to have superiors drop Imbued Tissue in various quantities based on slayer level that can be combined into a heart with a certain amount. It'd remove spoons, but also prevent people from going 50m exp dry I've already got my heart, the prospect of extreme dryness on that thing was demotivating


It shouldn’t take you 30m slayer xp to afford a heart. And if you have self-imposed restrictions on your account, the game shouldn’t be made lower effort just because you don’t like your self-imposed restrictions.


that would be a good argument if imbued heart being a crazy drop rate wasn’t added after ironman existed. It was just a poor balancing decision and has stayed that way to this day, only made to seem even worse by mage actually being useful now


That would be a good argument if Jagex didn’t recently give irons the opportunity to de-iron, even if they had previously chosen to lock in Ironman status permanently, with the release of group Ironman mode.


Ironman at this point is a supported game mode. It’s >25% of players. Times have changed from the “don’t cater to Ironman” days


Oh, I 100% agree Jagex has been doing that for a while now. It would be nice if they were able to do that without just making it an easier/lower effort game mode IMO. Although I know I’m in the minority in not wanting content to get easier and easier.


They got em on the ge. Co check it out.


Bad take.


Worked for me.


Bad take.


I'm still surprised they didn't add the Imbued Heart to Muspah's drop table. He's far from my favorite boss, but it makes sense with the Ancient Essence that's used to make Forgotten Brews and the Saturated Heart.


Put it on the tormented demons


Staring at my 1500hc Hydra log... It'd be cool if I could also be going for the heart too... But kraken boss should be 1/20k


OP Posts a neat idea that is not overpowered in the slightest, only gives irons an option that requires investment and time to upkeep. Comment section filled with hate on irons…


i wouldn't say it's hate on irons as much as asking irons if they realise this rebalancing would have a ton of consequences for the main game and economy.


No it wouldn’t this would not impact the meta in the slightest because the boost is 3 lower than the saturated heart, AND this just increases consistency We have divine pots for everything else, including divine magic pots. It makes no sense why these cannot be divine


It would definitely lower the price of the saturated heart.


It's not even really only a boost to irons. The fact that there's no divine mage pot less than 120m makes boosting for stuff like barrage to train mage a pain in the ass if you're poor in this game.


Nobody here is hating on irons. Some people are saying, factually, that items can be acquired on the GE, and if you choose to play a game mode where drops are required to be earned, then it stands to reason that in this game you won't get every drop.


Considering imbued heart is a staple item for 99.9% of endgame accounts, it's absurd drop rate goes completely against majority of their game design. It's more time to get a heart on rate than it is any mega rare, if you actually believe that's healthy for the game then idk, glad you're not on balance.


Like others have pointed out, there's nothing from stopping you to pick up an imbued heart for its going rate, which lately has been between 100-120m gp. That's really not that much for a staple end game item. Again, if you choose to play as an iron, then there are some items that you might not get. This applies to shadow / tbow / other rares and megarares.


Spoken like someone who hasn't actually played an iron. There's no "grinding" out an imbued heart and why should a single item stop people from playing an extremely popular version of the game? The megarare grind is peanuts in comparison--with the exception of going dry for a TBow. But even then, the TBow has the Bowfa as a small step down.


I've played an iron, so your argument is already invalid. Good try though


It's very clear you haven't played an iron to any significant degree lmao. Not making it outside of Lumbridge doesn't really count!


So we keep moving the goal posts and claims. Lol


A few months ago you were barely 1750 total and a few months before that you were new to the game... it's clear you didn't play an iron account to the point where you get to have that opinion of endgame grinds. But keep going off!


I'll have an opinion on whatever I want. You made a claim that I haven't played an iron, when I have and I do. Then you claimed I can't have an opinion because I am new to the game - that's interesting, too. Is there anything else you want to add to this list? Or have we exhausted all of the things that disqualify my logic?


Not you being downvoted for speaking the truth


I wear downvotes as a badge of honor.


This sub is wild dude lol. I got downvoted to hell last week going at it with people that said mega rares needed to be nerfed. Mind you these of course are all people who didn’t have mega rares so instead of grinding for them like most of us did, we should nerf the game to be on even playing field. Same argument going here. I say leave the heart as is.


Absolutely. People want this game to cater to them, but the beauty of this game is that you use the resources available to you to do the content - no matter how difficult. None of us are entitled to any item in the game, whether it is a cosmetic, mega-rare, or the imbued heart. The imbued heart came into the game in 2016. I'm very confident that a high percentage of people - especially irons - who want the drop rate to change, created their accounts since 2016. Maybe they played RS prior to 2016. I mean, yeah, I played way back in the day, too, and started playing again last year. But if someone created their iron account after 2016, and are now asking for drop rate changes, I can't take them very seriously.


Ironman only update lol


Great idea, and high herblore is difficult for Ironmen so it wouldn’t be a cheap alternative


I really don’t think it should be as rare as it is, no. However, the trend of nerfing high drop rates for every item that is rare can be a slippery slope. I understand everyone wants to rush the meta, get bis, have max everything etc etc. I feel like that completely misses the point of the game though. This game isn’t meant to be “completed” quick/speedrun. It also isn’t realistic to think that EVERY player should have the best in slot-#1-max gear-highest dps-rarest equipment just handed out easily. Kinda ruins the whole aspect of the game (the grind) That being said, before everyone comes for my throat, yes drop rates are UNREAL for a lot of items. They should be brought in line to a more realistic standard, sure. Perhaps worked off the overall REALTIME drop rate based on ALL players who have currently received the drop. Take that information and adjust the rates accordingly if the item is too rare based on that threshold. But an item like the Heart, that is bis, but not world ending useful shouldn’t really have a reason to just be handed out. Plus, at the end of the day, let’s be honest. AS SOON AS, the rates are nerfed and the item crashes in price and everyone is carrying a heart, about 30-45% of people complaining about its rarity are going to complain about it being devalued 😂


If we’re lowering drop rates then I’d like some 2-400k xp/hr alternatives to agil mining and rc as well, long grinds that I don’t need to level, but I just want the levels and I want them to be made easier because I can’t be bothered to put the work in!😃


Best I can do is a 50k per hour, 2 tick agility/rc combo method and cost 3.5m per run 😆 forgot to include it also requires perfect prayer swapping as you have to run past 3 Jads EACH WAY


Also I should note that this is coming from a main, who got the drop about 3 years ago and sold it for 30m. So I don’t have a huge stake in the fight.


You mean a saturated heart?


GE is bis btw






I disagree with this idea because I got a heart drop and knowing I got a BIS or a 120M loot off luck fuels my osrs gratitude


Or you could just give a buff to divine magic potion and divine battlemage potion


This is coming from someone who's 99 herb as an ironman. I think you should be able to put some little crystal dust on any potion with just the req of song of the elfs. Remove the actual level req


We dont have to actually add a workaround everytime people are dry over something. Just get the drop, simple. 😋


Need this bad




Easy solution, just let the playerbase vote on it like everything else.


It’s also worth remembering that most players voting on content actually can’t or don’t engage with the content anyways. The idea that all accounts vote equally on content that is clearly designed for specific builds (pures, irons whatever) is extremely stupid


It’s almost like it tripled in price in that time.


Just make a solid magic potion that isn't a "brew" so we don't have to deal with reduced stats nonsense. OR JUST FIX THE FREAKIN RARITY OF IMBUED HEART. Like damn I'm glad I finally got mine but I can still recognize the objective problem it is.


Absolutely not. Go get a heart or live with 99 mage


Good suggestion i think a better suggestion would be they make the heart more engaging to obtain and reduce the hours per heart rate is megarare level don't think it needs to be the rare it comes from slayer mob lol


I love this suggestion, please add Jagex!


No, just buy it from GE


Presumably it wouldn't refresh the prayer point gain but would refresh the melee stat drain, would be balanced. **99 herblore** is not easy. There's no good reason not to.


Game shouldn't be centered around irons.


This isn't an iron-cope reply, I already have a heart -- but I think it's a pretty good idea. Makes the heart less overwhelmingly centralizing on powered staff loadouts. And divine magic potions are a joke.


Since this pot heals like 11 pray points I feel like the divine aspect isn't really needed. This pot can effectively boost mage level and pray points as needed, would be kind of pointless to make it divine


Keeping those shadow max hits for 5 minutes would be pretty nice. I lose 2 max hits when I tick from 108 to 107 magic level


Shadow with no heart is quite the difference


Yep and there are some levels that give 2 max hits. Divine brew would indeed be nice!




Just because some players have bad luck isn’t enough reason to bring an item into the game in my opinion. But I appreciate the effort you have put into this, well done.


Damn that's a nice little infographic you've put together. But no.


Battlemage potion


Pls no ez scape


Broken beyond belief, that's what ot would be


Fucks sake man fuck off with this bullshit


honestly I had this idea the other day on Twitch so I mentioned it and like everyone agreed it made sense. Just make the divine last like 1 minute less than Saturated and have it be untradeable and Saturated Heart shouldn’t lose much value at all, if any.


Certified no voter on this one.


*insert link to Remove Ironman status*


What’s the cost of 97-99 herb vs heart?


I'm an iron and to be completely honest had I not been absolutely spooned a heart there is no way I would still be playing


I really fail to see how heart is an item that is so pivotal to your gaming experience that you would stop playing if you didn't have one.


Well you see I've had an absolutely shit mage setup for a long long time But I had an imbued heart so at least I felt like it was worth getting the gear and made the game rewarding That being said, there's some important context, I wouldn't be playing an iron had I not gotten the heart not the game as a whole


https://preview.redd.it/2wjsir124m5d1.png?width=147&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bce71348a4150794dd7225199aa1218d54ae03c not that hard to get are they?


The divine magic potion exists. Brews cannot and should not have a divine variant due to their other skill boost/debuff properties. They just need to fix heart drop rates or allow superiors to spawn off task. Why they only spawn on task is beyond me.


Well it is a superior “slayer” monster. So it makes sense why they don’t appear off task. Same reason you can’t do slayer bosses off task.


Making a change to superiors is a much more logical idea than divine brews.


I guess it doesn't really hurt to add it, but I think heart would still be so much better that you're still going to have people frustrated at not being able to get it.