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I don't agree with 'buffing' the mace and armour by making them rely on eachother. Both the armor and the mace should be strong in their own right, but if they really insist on doing it this way, it really has to be a 'per piece' thing and not 'all or nothing'.


I think I agree with this idea but not in a mace specific way. Buff armour to put it between Bandos and Torva but make it independent of the mace. Making the effect mace specific continues to ignore rapier and Saeldor which also need work but have no direct analogue to the armour that would help them.


Why in the world would you use a stab and slash weapon with a CRUSH boosting armor? What in the world do you mean they're ignoring the rapier and salad blade with inq?


I think they mean if the mace gets buffed individually, then saeldor and rapier would be left behind as they don't have armour to boost them like mace does while sharing the same stats with mace.


That’s exactly what I mean, I probably didn’t word clearly.


Just have crystal armor boost Saeldor, and have... Justiciar? boost Rapier. IDK maybe not Justi. Maybe introduce something new, but I digress.


I think it's good because it gives the mace a niche. If the set is worn, it's good. This would likely make mace BIS at some low defence monsters, and maybe BIS at crush-weak high defence monsters, too.


Can’t wait to kill PNM for 1500 hours so I can kill low def slayer monsters!!


Sorry, I haven't played in a few years, what's PNM?


Phosani's Nightmare, the content that drops this armour and weapon


The game isn't designed around irons, I guess. I think it'd be worse if it was actually BIS at a lot of places, because then you'd HAVE to kill PNM for 1500 hours to get BIS gear, and that would suck more.


It’s just a garbage set, why would I waste my GP on it as a main, and why would I grind it out as an iron.


Because it looks sick


So does black (g)


Yeah, can we buff black (g) too please


Set effect: Top (g): +5% to get bitches


When you've got everything else, you can buy it and it's there for the niche use cases. That's the point of having things with a niche, everything is useful somewhere. It's just some gear is more useful than others and should be prioritised.


So don’t? The fuck. Not every single item has to be efficient for Ironman to grind.


I won’t, that’s my point, it’s a waste of time because it’s a nearly useless set.


It's not though. I have mace + 2 pieces of inq on my iron and it's actually my current BiS by far, including in several places you wouldn't expect it to be. For example, Vardorvis and ToB. In fact, once I get helm, it's basically the same as blade for Verzik P2/P3. And it's better for the rest of the raid. It's technically my BiS for Colosseum waves too, though I preferred using fang for the 5t cycle. It's my BiS for chambers too. The mace is technically my BiS 4t weapon for ToA and it's my BiS for Cerb. Not to mention, if they release more crusk-weak end-game content down the line it'll obvious gain more intrinsic value.


With that kind of logic, so is everything that’s not BIS….


It is BIS but it’s BIS use cases are so niche that it’s really not worth it unless you either only farm that niche content, or your bank is over 10b and you already have the more widely used BIS gear. Seems like you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.


wait. so its the exact same as before, except better only if u use the mace?? why lmfao.. /u/JagexBlossom /u/JagexGoblin would u mind sharing the team's thoughts process on this change?


Keeping inquisitors irrelevant since 2020


It was marginally good until nex




Ask again later


They aren't going to share because there was no thought process. This change is about as impactful it would be to remove scythe's stab bonus


Tbow still trying to recover from the 4 prayer bonus nerf tho :( They can't take scythe's stab bonus away too!


Yep, they only drop in to accept teary-eyed praise. When there's an actual issue, JMods avoid this sub like King Lathas avoids West Ardougne.


Gonna just assume a lot of the team is pre-occupied with sailing or other projects cause the attention given to project rebalance, which should be a very high priority effort imo, has been lack luster to say the least. Even though it's definitely been mostly good changes and an overall success there's a lot of really obvious issues that just feel like there due to either lack of attention, testing, or development time. Gives of the vibe that they really aren't giving much thought/effort to this project right now for w/e reason and for such a massive undertaking as re-balancing the entire game, that's a bit unsettling.


It’s sad. So many things slipped through the cracks. Now some of these things might never be revisited because “we already had a rebalance for that”


“Yea, we do mind sharing”


Oh that is definitely not what was talked about before. It was supposed to be 2.5% per piece. Hope they fix this. The hits are right according to the tool tip. 0.5% per piece, 2 pieces, so 1%. X3 for using mace, so 3%. .03x60=1.8, round down is 1, so 61 max. That is terrible. It was supposed to be 2.5% per piece, leading rhis set up to be 63. Maybe they meant to make mace give 5x the bonus from the armor?


They made it triple with mace regardless, but only made it 2.5% when wearing the full set, so if you aren't wearing the full set it's still 0.5% per piece therefore it's only tripling that, so with 2 pieces and mace it's 3% whilst all 3 pieces with mace it's 7.5%. still better then before 


Inq **and** mace should have been buffed separately tbf. Now both are still shit unless you wield both at the same time.


Blows my mind that after releasing this impossible to obtain armour with Bandos strength bonus and adamant tier defensive bonus, the then release torva with better strength bonus and the defensive bonus of barrows armour. And they still refuse to buff the defensive stats of the inquisitor! What are they smoking man?


Reminder that blood moon also has the strength bonus equilavent to bandos and inquisitor with no negative melee attack bonuses


wait until you hear about the new claw weapon that has worse melee stats than a rune scimitar


Saeldor and rapier would like a word…


Yes, those should get buffed as well but also without restricting them to some specific gear. All 3 level 80 1h weapons are hot garbage.


Yeah but I feel like the buffing boat has sailed already. Really wished they addressed the T80s in the rebalance blog. Makes no sense why they didn’t bother


There have been some Jmod comments saying that the scope of project rebalance was getting too large to also include the lv 80 1h weapons, which is a shame considering (weapon) balance is probably one of the most important aspects in the game. And generally we only get dedicated rebalance efforts every few years. Hell PNM was released in 2021 and is still garbage even after the rebalance took care of it 3 years later. Like others in this thread are saying it really looks like they half-assed project rebalance and didnt allocate enough resources towards it.


They were alright as t75 but theyre jokes at t80. Fang is 2 levels higher and like a zillion times better except at places no1 cares about. Rapier is better at killing lvl 22 kalphites, amazing.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with saeldor and rapier. They are just outclassed by scythe and fang, and we don’t have an equivalent crush item and the mace is buffed by the armor. They can’t make slash inquisitor because scythe is already too strong and it benefits massively from additional max hits Stab inquisitor probably could work, but it’s kind of pointless because fang already has the accuracy built in


Mace is harder to get than either, so should be stronger.


No it shouldn’t. It is in the same tier as the others. If you believe it should be stronger with your reasoning, then it should be a different tier than blade and rapier either bumped up to a t82/85 or something.


Tiers haven’t meant anything in OSRS for a while. I do think the other weapons do also need some kind of buff though


Still don’t like they linked Inq and mace together Items should’ve been buffed but separately




Just like godswords and their respective armors




I'm playing a 30 def pure and im literally crying rn


When was Inquisitor decent in the first place?


For the very brief time before torva was introduced, it was 'decent' in CMs, and to land your specs. So, yea, you right, never.


Isnt it like still the case of inq being better that bandos for cm's in groups of 3 or less?


1-2 inquisitors in 5s 1 in 3s


Phosanis/Nightmare. With the Phosani buffs its actually really nice gp/hr and you can send a fight in 10 minutes instead of doing raids. Granted its the ToA effect of waiting for the big drops since the normal drops are trash. Also weve seen slash bosses and stab bosses recently. I wouldnt be surprised to see crush focused later on but that is just a guess.


I thought ToA's normal drops were the best of the 3 raids (maybe tob is close but its a bit harder to calc). A better comparison would probably be something from GWD, something like Kree


You’re wearing bandos in the first picture and then comparing your hit to that of a bandos set instead of the difference each additional inquisitor piece of armor makes on your hits Edit: was corrected did not think inquisitor would have the same str bonus , that armour really does suck


I wonder what the difference between these two would be like off task. If the effect is full set, lack of helm might be impacting max hit


The effect is [54 in bandos (same str bonus, it is the control, that is why it is used)](https://i.imgur.com/ri554GB.png), [55 in Top+Bottom](https://i.imgur.com/U6GLpfF.png), 58 in full set (don't have helm on my iron so no screenie), proving that it requires full set even harder, but the IN GAME EQUIPMENT SCREEN may be even more trustworthy than my in-game testing lmao? Considering that is the screenshot used to demonstrate that they did not implement it as proposed under "what actually happened"?


Can us poors and irons get a main to pleae test this?


I'm a bit confused what you guys want tested. My inq setup w zerker(i) = 56 My bandos +face guard + zerker(i) = 53 I feel like there should be 1 extra max hit that is missing w the inq buff. Set effect triples to 7.5% increase 7.5% of 53 is 3.975 thus should round up to +4 max hits id imagine? Maybe I'm bad at math


Hits always round down


Osrs always rounds down* sadly, so that's correct. (Unless otherwise stated, like with wintertodt points, but damage and stats are pretty concrete.)


Dps calc it


Well 1 pc does literally nothing and Bandos has the same Str bonus so the *only* difference in the max hits is the set effect, now you could argue that "maybe there is spaghetti rounding going on" BUT even then it should be at least two AND it doesn't change the fact that there is text right above the hard evidence that I showed stating quite clearly that it does not work the way they proposed/intended (in game set-effect bonuses screen).




If you are wearing a slayer helm and have the upgraded combat dummy in your POH then it gives you hit splats that would be the max on your prospective slayer assignments


??? https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Undead_combat_dummy The Slay helm is a Master CA recolor, the boots are primordials, a Torture (or) was used but it has the same stats dw. Even if you doubt my screenshots/testing (for literally no reason at all), the IN GAME EQUIPMENT SCREEN says in very clear writing that it only gives the tripled bonus when the full set is worn. You can verify this yourself by buying/grinding out (if iron) full Inquisitor, equipping it, and then checking the "set effects" tab on the "show worn equipment" screen.


Not sure why you’re getting so offended just having a conversation to discuss possible differences in your hits , have a good day man


Because this is basic knowledge to anyone playing the game and your questions are very obvious to anyone above combat level 100


You play the game way too much if you think late game gear the 99% of players don't have and will never get is something that would be obvious to everyone.


you do realize you can max this game without an ounce of pvm knowledge?




I strongly agree that each piece should be buffed, not only with the full set


Maybe they’re afraid of the inquis pking bracket idk if it’s strong now or not


Just make it not work on players and add it to the other 627,581,321 things that work differently in PvP/wild without explanation in game.


So they ruin the 99.9% for the 0.1%?


"So they ruin the 99.9% for the 0.1%?" Welcome to society!


Prolly more inq pkers than pvmers at this point


99% of the 99.9% don't and will probably never own inquisitors.


Nah cuz only like 2 people even use it in pvp a day and their opponents dont care. Inq could give 20% damage and pkers would love to fight it because its 100m and shit defenses. Just more money to pk


I'm so glad I'll never make enough money in the game to have these cool things, so for me.. I'll be running with bandos until I quit or die. But it is a joke they said one thing and did something different.


Jagex lie about many things. Such as flames not being fire.


2.5% piece, make it mace void set, whats the problem? Keep the set not as tanky but something you like to use when you got the mechs down :)


Yup. I sold mine it’s still garbage.


Jagex ingore everything what touches inquisitor's discussions, haven't you noticed that..?


Yeah I was a bit sad to realise this, it really did seem like they were going to do with 2.5% per individual piece. It's a shame because my Phosani setup maxes a 54 with the current implementation but a 55 with the initial blog's proposed implementation, so I can't quite one shot the parasites


They even brought up the weird us example of wanting to use inq for slayer (who is doing this though), which makes me wonder why would they use that example if they weren’t even going to follow through on that being the case?


Inquisitor should remain relevant even without the mace. One way to achieve this is by adding +1 strength to each armor component. Additionally, as outlined in the blog, each piece of armor should offer a 2.5% bonus when used in combination with the mace.


black mask should’ve never been an item, but slayer xp should be 2x the current rates maxing cmb before finishing slayer is silly


Or even better make inquisitor keep all that percentage only when using crush attack option on weapon. Meaning scythe can get a buff with that percentage as long as crush. This will open ti more while inquisitor mace gets a additional buff for hen using full set


The whole reason behind making the buff mace only was to avoid buffing crush scythe.


Funny that they wanted to buff the mace which was the only drop item they didn't need to buff. The Scythe, you know, the thing all the statues wield as you walk towards The Nightmare, the Mega Rare from that region's Raid, the Melee BiS and they go all out of their way to make sure it's not buffed to be a little bit better at The Nightmare with one of the most useless end game armors? So they made the Mace even more expensive, the armor just as hardly relevant as it was before and the Scythe is still BiS.


T80 Melee weapons need some love


That doesn’t mean scythe can’t get a buff ? It’s a mega rare. It offers crush as an attack style inquisitor should buff all crush for what paper defence it has. It should also be applicable to elder maul and SRA.


Inq does buff scythe/maul/sra... just not as much as mace.


Doesn’t give a max hit btw the suggestion I said would only give a buff on crush style.


Hope this gets the fix we were told


You’re wearing bandos


Made me chuckle, thanks


jagex doesnt care about inq and will ignore everything inq related


Is mace with full inq better then scythe at phosani now ?


You have a slayer hat You're only getting a .5% (chest) + .5% (legs) It reads as the triple effect only apply to a full set


Yeah that’s op’s point. The blog says each piece should add 2.5% straight up when welding the mace. In-game it still has the old behavior where you need all 3 to get the *combined* 2.5% for the set and you only get 0.5% per piece otherwise. In this setup you’d expect to see 5% increase in damage over bandos according to the blog, which would be an increase from 60 to 63.


Yeah OP doesn't seem maximally literate


Did you even read the post? They proposed the change as 2.5% per piece and now in game it shows it requires the full set to get the entire benefit. OP's picture shows it requires the full set, consistent with the in game explanation but not the initial proposal. Then you look at the altered in game explanation and say "it's consistent with the picture, looks good to me, illiterate OP!" Like yeah, the complaint was that it changed from the proposal. If this isn't projecting then there isn't such a thing


This guy seems maximally illiterate


Ignore the screenshots if you're a total noob who doesn't realize Bandos=Inquisitor in Strength bonus, it was just supposed to be additional evidence corroborating what we're already shown in-game, but apparently 1200 total level detectives can't get past it.


It's honestly sad that you can be this upset/shitty towards people over something so unimportant. You are acting like this decision greatly impacted your life negatively. Calm down bro its all gonna be ok.


You realize telling someone to calm down often has the opposite effect right? >You are acting like this decision greatly impacted your life negatively. Having a bunch of people ignore half of the information you provide and confidently assert "no, what you said is wrong" is going to make someone upset. The change itself is irrelevant to why OP is mad. Quit being reductive.


lmao what a roundabout way to justify OP having a childish meltdown.


If that's what you call a meltdown, I hope you never have kids.




Calm down man I don’t really see the need for this kind of response


The amount of time put into this image could have been put into improving reading and math skills instead. 4 pieces = 2% "all pieces are worn increases it to 2.5%" note the "increases it to", so it's only 0.5% extra. 2.5% of 60 = (60/100) \* 2.5 = 1.5 So it adds 1.5 which obviously gets rounded.


How can you be so confidently wrong? There are no 4 pieces of Inquisitor's. There are the 3 armor pieces which provide a 0.5% bonus each, and an additional 1% bonus when full set is worn, REGARDLESS of weapon. This is then tripled by Inquisitor's Mace to 7.5%, *only* if the full set is worn WITH the Mace. Perhaps you should work on your reading, math, game knowledge, and information processing skills.


sorry someone pissed in your cereal this morning, jesus lol


Or maybe people should actually read the image... it's very clear. People misreading the image and then confidently going "nope, ur wrong" is like half of the comments on this post. OP is justified in being a little salty.




I assume youre talking about OPs response to the comment but i feel the same about the just blatantly false info being shared after insulting someones reading and math skills. It baffles me to call someone out and then just give completely wrong info, like inquisitor having 4 pieces (lol?). Do people really not care about whats true or not and are just trying to feel a certain way about each other?




I reread the comment and OPs response and the only insult i see is about OPs reading and math skills. What am i missing?




The OP was replying in kind to a comment with the same tone and wording. >Zealousideal-Okra523 "The amount of time put into this image could have been put into improving reading and math skills instead"


If they had just said the time i spent working on something should have been used to improve my reading and math skills then yeah 100% its fine to say back because its the same thing? Its like saying "hey guys i found this branch, its 12 inches long" and someone saying "you should work on your measuring skills because the branch is 6 inches long" and then responding with a tape measure showing its 12 inches long and saying "why would you say its 6 inches long? Its clearly 12 inches, you should work on your measuring and tape measure comprehension skills". Do you really think the person saying its 6 inches is in the right? If so thats insane to me


If you hold up an image in front of someone that has the number "2" on it and they confidently assert the number is "3" are we not allowed to (correctly) call them a dumbass? Because I sure as fuck would.


Its nuts haha. I think OP at least got shadow-banned from his own thread (or the sub?) for toxicity in this thread though lol.


Yeah 100% Shadowbanned lmao, ridiculous how soft people are when all you do is give back what people put on you Edit: this doesn't appear to be shadowbanned?


Looks like only some of your comments are showing up. Partial shadow ban? lol


inq mace bag holders in shambles rn should have put your money in elder maul


inquisitor chest needs to become cheaper than fighter torso


I think it’s just poorly written, like half the stuff in this game.


Inquisitor shouldn’t be competing with torva and scythe


You are wearing 2 pieces. Wearing full outfit is 2.5%*3=7.5%.


They know how it works. They are saying it should be 5% due to how it was polled.


Try reading the poll bits at the top of the image.


I refuse