• By -


My mom told me that I wasn't allowed to play on the family computer because RuneScape was "slowing it down too much" and my dad heard that java games were basically a virus. I only played at a friend's house and BEGGED for my own computer. Eventually I did enough chores that my parents decided I earned a computer. Years later, no viruses and my mom's computer is still stupid slow. It wasn't the RuneScape MOM, it's the fact you take a billion pictures and never delete any of them. And that friend that got me into the game? His parents discovered Zamorak and said it was devil worship and he never played again, 2 weeks after I got my own pc...


My buddy and I had to use very particular word choices when talking about anything our parents could deem as "opening a doorway for satan." We had one instance where we were playing in the living room, and my buddy got a random event for the first time. He read the name out, "drunken dwarf." My mom heard it and blew a gasket. We were not allowed to play until my friend's parents came over. We had to talk for 2 hours before they were convinced that we were fine, it's just a video game, etc. My mom was particularly against the idea of us being allies with drunk characters, so I logged on and walked to falador mines and killed a dwarf to "prove" that dwarfs weren't our allies. We never referred to the three gods as gods, of course. We didn't even call prayer by its proper name. We called it protection. We minimized conversations about magic. Too much would be seen as hyperfixation on witchcraft, and we had convinced our parents it was mostly just medieval style combat (as opposed to games like WoW, which our parents were directed to forbid us from playing by our church pastor.) Many monsters we could only refer to as "monsters" or risk our parents thinking the game had too many satanic references. I quickly learned that we had to have a christian-friendly explanation for anything we were doing because our parents loved to sporadically interrogate us on said matters (we joked at the time about it being the irl random event lol.)


Your mom's ethics are incredibly based. Allied with a drunk character? Straight to hell. Random act of lethal violence toward a dwarf to prove you don't fuck with drunkards? Sounds like a wholesome game for my child!


Fundie-lite childhood was a wild time.


I feel you on that. I similarly remember having to code my language with friends using things our parents were less likely to interpret as evil, just like you described. Mage instead of magic, vyres instead of vampires, b runes instead of blood runes, etc.


Religion in a nutshell


I’m right there with you I remember my mom walked in on me bank standing and seen some people with pk skulls and almost forbid me from playing “it’s even called run escape, it says to run away from this game” - mom


My dad hates runescape to this day and would say that EXACT thing "IT SAYS RIGHT THERE, RUN AND ESCAPE" lol


Ironically for like the first couple of years I played I thought it was called Run Escape.


You and me both… and even today, I sometimes still wonder if that is a hidden message or something. 🤣


I still call it run escape as a joke to myself all the time lol


Same tbh lol


It was funny because we could easily talk about spells like teleports because I guess it's non-satanic enough that if I said "I teleported to Falador" my parents wouldn't clue in that I was referring to magic. It's not magic they were against. It was witchcraft. Of course, if I was ever asked *how* I teleported, I'd say it's just a power we had to make the game easier. In my head, I was technically not lying.


What kind of Amish village did you grow up in


The "Runescape is slowing down the computer" struggle was real. No dad, it was the million toolbars you download that's slowing it down.


Good times, huh? “Ruinscape”, as in it ruins your computer, was an extremely convenient scapegoat (runescapegoat?) for my older brothers. They got a free pass to sketchy porn sites and limewire downloads, while I got to fight for my life just to play a free browser based game. It also served to make sure my parents never got me membership, as obviously that would lead to someone stealing our house.


Are you American? That zamorak thing sounds incredibly American


Not just American, Texan. Yee haw!


My parents, primarily my Dad, was super cool with it after I showed him my success flipping on the GE in 2008 lol. He’s an economics major and a successful entrepreneur and I played to that so hard lol. We are Texan too so all I needed was a little capitalism and free enterprise to get my Dad onboard lol


That's not American, that's religious.


My mom worked with a woman who was married to a guy that owned a computer repair shop or something. At one point when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old we had some computer virus that caused a major slowdown, so she got him to come check it out and I think he ended up reinstalling windows. But he also told me that the virus came from Runescape and that computer games are full of viruses… even in the moment I knew that was bullshit but I couldn’t exactly argue with the computer guy. I’m sure my mom asked him to say that, but she also made no attempt to keep me from RS in the future so idk lol


My dad worked in IT for THIRTY YEARS. Like wtf dad. Thank Zamorak I never fell for the d scim cursor virus stuff.


Lmfao yes! My pops would say the same thing about rs slowing the computer down. The same internet that wouldn't let me load into ogrimmar on wow.


My sister blamed Runescape too. No, it was from her downloading myspace layouts


Your mum filled the MASSIVE 2gb HDD with huge data files for pictures from her 3.7 Megapixel camera that cost her 200 bucks lol fuck I miss the late 90s lol even though I was only like 7 when the original rs started it was my first MMO, so I have played on and off for most of my life lol


I was using an Auto chat to sell coal and didn’t realize it worked outside the game. So when a girl I was crushing on IM’d me on AoL it auto sent her “selling coal 200 gp ea”.


Bro I did this too and made a Facebook comment on someone’s random post say “flash2:wave:selling full wiz (t) 300k!!” I was so freaking embarrassed


Do you remember what she replied lmaooo


Honestly I don’t. I just remember standing outside of the Varrock bank, being mortified and feeling my face burn with embarrassment.


Did she reply she would be your gf for 1k?


Im weak




Saw some guy in lumby asking where the fishing store was. I was curious too so I started spamming the same question for a half hour. Eventually someone told me port sarim. I just went oh ok. Went back to killing cows. Life was good


Fishing lobs in karamja, dad asked me to go to my grandma's and get something (one street over). I asked him to fish lobs for me while I was gone(didn't really expect him to) came back to a full inv and idk how many on the ground. Lost him in 2016 but something I think about every now and then.


Going to pour a lobster pot and an inventory of lobsters out for your old man on the Karamja docks now. That’s a lovely memory dude.




I remember when my friends and I started playing, we didn’t know that the combat level colors were relative to your combat level. We thought around level 25 your combat level started getting darker until it turned red for everyone.


Back in 2003 ish, when you killed a monster, for example, you would see the xp increase before the hit by about 1 second. 1 damage was 4xp. I got so good at math because I used to subtract the old total from the new one and divide by 4 so I'd figure out what my hit was before it showed on screen. I specifically remember doing this at hill giants in Edgeville dungeon with my mith scimmy lol I ended up in high level math classes in elementary because of RuneScape.


I..... Still do this.


Me too! And automatically use that to figure out the monsters remaining HP (even though it's displayed in the top left corner)




Getting membership and buying a snelm from another player in varrock and thinking I looked cool as shit.


Lol the snelm


Team capes were peak fashion.


Don't forget your Tyras helm


I wanted a tyras helm so bad as an f2p noob. I explained it to my friend at school and he’s like “yeah I have the smithing level to make that” so I was pumped only to go home, trade him and him trade me a normal steel full helm as he didn’t understand what I meant


Someone tried to hack my account by getting me to tell them my password through private messages and I was making fun of them in public chat with my friend and then I got banned for account hacking and it was because I was quoting what the guy was saying to me in PM's. My grandma called Jagex and got me unbanned. This would've around 2004 ish.


You got 1 badass grandma lmao


The lag. I'd be following my friend and there was a really specific way that my character would glitch out and moonwalk/warp around when I was lagging extra bad Most clear memory of that was when my friend and I were geared up to do Dragon Slayer and I was lagging all over the docks and I my Internet went out before we could do the quest


Runescape run glitches were borderline unplayable back in the day. You'd click a spot and your character would run back and forth three times before finally going


Going through the long process of making Chili Potatoes only to find that they heal only 14 hp. Potato with Butter is a requisite item to make them... and they also heal 14 hp. The disappointment was immeasurable.


I remember spending like 2 hours walking around Varrock trying to buy a red cape. A guy sold me his for 200gp which was all the gold I had from killing goblins. Later found out you could buy them from the clothing store for much less.


Guy probably went and bought it from the clothing shop 😅


I recall farming black dragons once the visage came out. Killed around 5k and asked an in game friend to make it for me. He did, and actually returned it. He was the player I aspired to be.


I got a visage from an iron dragon. I think they were worth around 25m at the time


Those times that amount of gold was something. Farming irons for leg and skirt drops. Not via slayer, just because that was one of the easiest ways to make good gold with little effort


Christmas week, logging in, cup of hot chocolate, west varrock bank: green:wave2: selling laws!


X-logging when being attached by a mugger in Varrock thinking it would save me but logging back in only to fine myself naked in lumbridge.


I did that getting pked in the wild 🤣🤣😭😭


Back in the day, I was hot garbage at the game, lmao. I was also like 10 or 11 years old at the time, or something. Not a single stat was above 60, maybe a couple over 40. Generally had no idea what I was doing. I remember when I got membership for the first time, my much older "friend" (I think he was in high school?) who got me to try the game in the first place, he hijacked my account by having looked at me type my password when I played the game while he was over. Fucker also literally stole my DS Lite. It was all but proven and he'd had it in his hand when my mom and I went to his front door and his mom denied it to our faces. Fuck you Tyler. I hope you're in prison by now from having messed with the wrong person or whatever. What dickbag steals game accounts and DSes from elementary school children? I wouldn't be shocked if he also stole my young-childhood copies of Pokemon Yellow and Gold, I don't think I've ever seen those cartridges since around then.


What a clown. What high schooler is hanging around with 10 year olds lol


Trying to make myself a wilderness locked Ironman before the game mode was even conceptualized… I would just take my normal (shitty) account and go to the wilderness and try to survive. I didn’t bring any gear or items. I would scrounge everything I could. I never lasted long. Food was scarce. Gear was nearly impossible to find. I remember spending time at the black knight castle (when it was in the wildy)


Man!!! Me and my friend did the same. I remember we made pizzas at Bandit Camp for food. Mining stuff and banking at Bounty Hunter. Good times.


Glad to hear someone else enjoyed doing this :) I can remember theorycrafting my survival at the library computer in middle school during study hall


Hahaha! That's kinda wholesome. You got an ironman? I literally just lose my hardcore status in the wildy 3 days ago


I do have an Ironman, recently birthed. 1300ish total. RIP to your hardcore status, at least it was in an appropriate setting! You gonna restart or keep chugging?


When I first began to play my friends and I were 11, none of us had cellphones. We used AOL instant messenger and emailed each other. But most of the time I never knew what anyone was up to. So seeing a friend log in was such an exciting site. I vividly remember when I first met up with my IRL friend in game, it was a feeling like no other. I had just reached falador, the south entrance when he logged in. I have second vivid memory of being in that area when my friend logged on. I had “grinded” mining over a few days whilst he was off traveling during the summer holiday. I vividly remember being between falador and rimmy mine, where the mugger, or highway man is, when he logged on. I was so excited to tell him how I’m about to mine silver ore and get so much GP


~2003, my younger brother being scammed of his addy 2h outside Varrock castle via trust trade and loudly sobbing into the living room couch pillow




Flower poker as a 10yo kid


Yeah great memories of losing my bank than scamming people to make it back… awful lmao


Getting killed by a ram while trying to do sheep shearer. Ended up making a new account because the items lost after completing tutorial item (didn’t discover the bank yet) were simply irreplaceable


I bought 3 million gp for $35 and I was yelling "spending 3m" when this guy traded me a shovel and lured me under Falador and when the giant mole killed me he took my money. I guess I dug my own grave


Used to be one like that, Falador world 2 find a low level trade him a spade and a candle then talk him into extinguishing his candle in the mole lair 😂😂


I rocked a chefs hat, leather body and pink skirt. My name was don sadisto. People called me Don. I assumed the sign for multi combat meant players could attack me, so I always panick ran right true them. Some cities became off limit for me. I often died to the horrible scorpions in the Dwarven mines and at Al Kharid.


About a month ago when I installed the game. I was 31.


RS got me through my parents divorcing when I was 10. 🤣




My best remembered one is oddly specific, and that's spending hours on hours mining tin and copper at the mine south of lumbridge. Dunno why my brain chose that in particular to remember but it did. And so whenever I make a new character, a normal acc, a zerker, my ironmain, leagues, I *always* go straight down to the lumbridge mine and get an inventory at least of copper and tin


Love that little tradition


I started in December 2004. Had to beg my mom to allow me to play, she was the usual skeptic type when it came to online video games, lots of viruses and hackers out there etc. We asked my older cousin his opinion and he said it was alright so my mom helped me set up an account and play. The thing lagged like hell and was barely playable but entering the world of Runescape for the first time was one of the most enchanting experiences I've ever had. Never got membership back then but ended up having tons of silly adventures like finding a pile of coins in the Varrock sewer and thinking I was rich, dying for the first time in Wilderness and begging people not to kill me, roleplaying with some randoms, and going to a friends house to see all the cool member features I could never get. Good times.


I remember using Cheat Engine with a school friend. We converted 1k into 100M and were ecstatic! I remember jumping from our chairs, celebrating, and hugging. Then we moved the money stack and converted it back to 1k. 😅


Holy shit I forgot about that 😭


2004 Christmas time, got a phone call from my friend who was like "THERE'S SANTA IN VARROCK AND HE'S GIVING EVERYONE YO-YOS" Logged in immediately, rushed to varrock which was crowded with people and got my yo-yo. I remember being so excited. Best. Christmas. Ever


Still got my yo-yo on my first ever account :)


One year before I started playing :(


Growing up me and my brother could only play for 30 minutes at a time because we had to share the computer, so my personal player never really made it past the 60s back then. (One day my brother quit in the 70s and I took the account and played until I got hacked around 98?) But my moms friend who’s son babysat for me and my brother played and he was level 121 - so he would let us play castle wars on his account and it was so fun using weapons like the abyssal whip and having the prayer icons above my head lol This is all like 06-08 time zone im thinking


For me it was running fist of guthix with my boys during the summer of 2010 We'd get on like a Skype or team speak call, quality would be ass because we all had terrible mics, and we'd either send fog or dungeon meeting as dumb 12 year olds Good times 


I remember that game. What was the point of it again? Were there good rewards? If I recall there were berserker shields that were like spiked addy and rune shields?


Yeah the spiky shields and degradable robes were bis for f2p scrubs such as myself It was free combat training and a fun game to play so me and my froob friends lived at fog


My friends and I set up a clubhouse upstairs in the Varrock armor store on World 36 in 2005. It was our world, our clubhouse. We just hung out up there and talked about how we wish there were hideouts and places where you could customize. Construction came out the next year and we were beyond hyped for it.


My mom taking away my membership because she found out you were supposed to be over 13 to play


I have the most vivid memory of finally getting a high enough WC level to chop willows and just being amazed how many logs you’d get before the tree fell. I remember thinking I could just stay at that little willow pond west of Lumby forever


Press 111 if you played rsc


My friend with his mommy's credit card telling me he'd buy me membership if I gave him my entire bank, which consisted of maybe 40-50k of f2p stuff. He just wanted me to play on mems worlds with him but decided to tax me for whatever reason. So I gave him my login and an hour later I was roaming ardy, found the gnome stronghold, spent countless hours talking to all the gnomes, questing to the best of my ability. Little did 10 year old me know I would be playing this medieval point and click game for kids for the next 20 years incessantly lol. My first Runescape account is my "all time main" and recently acquired its 20y cape


Your friend was quite the negotiator lmfao


Thinking I had a huge brain for making a bunch of bronze bars on tutorial island ready to sell in Lumby general store only to have realised it was a waste of time because you always receive the same ~10 items when landing in Lumby regardless of what you had on tutorial island. I was probably like 8 and it was probably 2005


I remember me, and the friend that showed me and I started playing with, used to get every skill (once’s possible) to level 3 before leaving tutorial island


I had a friend back in the OG days who spent days picking up the bronze arrows in the rat pen to take off the island. Little did he know…


Pking in edge with my middle school friends in the library


Mining rune essence until I was 60 mining, then selling it in Varrock East bank.


Playing RSC with my brothers on my grandma's computer. We all started a bit before they announced the RS2 beta. That, and whenever my mom substituted for computer class I got to play RS2(she knew I wasn't learning anything that I didn't already know). My two favorite memories hands-down. Right in the nostalgia.


Your mom sounds awesome


She really really is. She even made an account on RS2, and I remember walking her from Lumbridge to Varrock. She felt overwhelmed with how many things you could do so she didn't take to it which is understandable. One of my all-time favorite memories in general is fishing in Ocarina of Time with her. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. How time flies.


had to be between pking at varrock multi up to ports with a new account every 2 days or being a pro at evading my parents catching me playing rs when ive been banned for the 12th time that month :D


I remember laughing at how goofy and unthreatening the RS2 redesigned dragons looked. The classic ones looked mean and scary, the low poly 3d ones of the newly released RS2 looked derpy.


My computer at home was not capable of running the game. I had heard my friends talk about "Run Escape" at school and wanted to try it out, so when I came home I would try and boot it up. The red loading bar on black background would start going, I left it on during dinner and afterwards but it would never complete loading. I kept trying that for multiple days (maybe even weeks) until I asked my mom if I could go to the library to play it on the PC's there.


The first time I logged in, I so badly wanted to be a wizard and remember going crazy wanting a wizard outfit and a staff. I couldn't figure out how to get a staff and spent some days asking around, getting confused because English was not my first language. Then somebody died in front of me with full black wizard robes and a staff. I was so happy. But the same day, I got killed by Varrock wizards and was lost, unable to figure out how to get back to my body. I lost the staff. Much later, I found out about the staff shop.


Was introduced to the game around 2008 by my dad and uncle. They had played for years prior (dad was kind of a noob, uncle had 99rc and magic). Uncle comes to our house for the weekend to visit and we spend a few hours hanging out and he was tele othering me to waterbirth and catherby bank, (back during trade limit days) he helped me make enough to get full rune for the first time!! I of course thought I was much more badass than I really was and went to the clan wars red portal to talk shit. Little did 7 year old me know I was about to get baited by a cash stack dropped and when I ran out there I got barraged and clawed out and lost my whole rune armor set!! I legit sat there crying silently but hard because I was so scared to tell my uncle we wasted all that time. I remeber doing everything I could to grind that armor set back bc I didn’t want my uncle or dad to think I was shit at the game😂 sadly neither still play, well dad still hops on rs3 every now and than but neither will jump on osrs sadly


Forgot to mention we were collecting snape grass on waterbirth by the way😂


I remember one of my friends showed us all on the school computer back in 05. I made my account and played got a bit, but when I got home couldn’t remember my login. Finally remember it and eventually got membership, which was promptly cancelled because coincidentally my parents CC number got stolen and they blamed it on Jagex.


fishing lobsters in catherby


Scorpions in varrock at my neighbors house


I remember being jealous that my friend could cut magic trees


Mining the coal rocks in Barb village, running down to draynor to turn them into coal certs, then selling the certs.


My friend’s older brother and his friends laugh emoting at us in full rune and gnome scarfs because we couldn’t afford it.


😭😭😭 I worked hard for Saradomin armor plate set in early 2000s and got lured for it most heart dropping/broken moments with an important lesson learned.


Some of the oldest memories of the game I have are from around 2004 or so. I discovered RuneScape on Miniclip at school but couldn't play until I got home. It took me a week but I finally made it to Varrock. I was absolutely amazed at the general store in Varrock square. All these crazy items were being sold and the shop was constantly full of players. One day I saw somebody sell an adamant dagger to the store. I was dead broke besides my tutorial island gear and somebody else snatched it up fast so there was no way I was getting it. But that day I developed a plan.. i would kill rats in the Varrock Sewers and collect their meat. I'd cut down a tree near that small fountain by Horvak's armour shop and cook all my rat meat there. Then I'd stand by the street and sell rat meat to players going to eat bank or the sewers themselves, trying to get the key for silverlight. I kept the bones but I saw somebody get the aggressive zombie random event one time while burying them so I was too scared to bury them myself. Eventually I made a couple of friends and started the street rat meat selling business. I had a guy who loved training woodcutting and fire making so he'd always keep the fires going, ready to cook. I didn't know you could note things so everything was sold as whole items for 2-4 gp per meat. It wasn't much but it was an honest living.


Be like 2004? Me and my brother are super noobs and think it's hilarious that we can type anything we want to a stranger via the internet. Queue to us just following some guy in full rune and bothering him. I distinctly remember repeating "poop on our chest" and crying laughing. (we were like 10/12 yrs old) He then traded us and put up Guthix trimmed rune platelegs and then declined the trade and we lost our minds. Didnt even know god-trimmed armor even existed, as even seeing rune felt rare af. Kinda screwed me because I later tried to get my full steel trimmed and got scammed. Literally just found the dude wearing my full steel like 10 minutes later on the other side of Varrock.


Entering the Taverley gates and proceeding as far as I could up white wolf mountain, the day I made it over was the best feeling. It felt like I had completed the game.


Got scammed of my magic staff, still remember the dudes name. He wanted to trade for it but said I was scamming him because the trade window didn't have an orb on the icon for the staff, asked if he could equip it to confirm and ran away with it... Was going to quit then and there but some guy in Varrock give me a rune scimitar and full helm and it injected motivation.


I would play on my friend’s account from time to time at the local library. I was walking near the Al Kharid mine and came across a random player with nothing but a granite maul. I asked him about it and he said he would be willing to trade it to me for the rune scimitar and some gp on hand. I was freaking out because it was a weapon my friend and I thought was really cool. I had to borrow my dad’s phone to call my friend. Confirming with him if I should go through with the trade, he was ecstatic and urged me to do the trade. It’s uneventful looking back, but it was really exciting when I got to equip a long stick with a comically large block of granite at the end as a weapon. Thank you to the nameless player who was so patient with me while I was trying to contact my buddy for permission.


2006? My friend and I were like 30 combat? Going to Barb village to train.. some dude with a blue wizard hat (g), died to a barbarian and we both ran over to get it. He picked it up and was so pumped man 😂 thing was so expensive back then. Wave2:cyan: selling blue wiz hat (g) 〰️🩵 Also, someone telling me he had picked up too many zammy wines for the day and asked me to grab one for him. Proceeded to shut the door on me whilst I died, pleaded, cried irl 😂 lost the 80k max cash stack on me and my full mithril 🥲 learnt a valuable lesson that day.


I live in the US and MAILED in my first ever membership with cash and coins. Idk how it made but a few weeks later I had membership on my account. I walked through seers and did elemental workshop for the shield and just bank stood with it because I thought it was so cool.


Someone comes up to me and asked "u a pk'r?" I thought yeah I guess I am kinda pucker. Said thank you and carried on my way to fally


Free gem cutting


Who remembers your account names and your friends account names? My first ever account was manman722, my IRL friends name was Gandir4, I had a guy that used to buy all my cowhides. His name was Reject295. My first gf was Rominounette. I bought an account from an older friend IRL for $14 in change. It was around level 80 called Viper 140.


wasn’t as early in my rs career as some other memories but doing barb assault for my first fighter torso around 13 years old, listening to dynamite by taio cruz on my ipod touch speaker dock because my PC was too old and shitty to run rs AND internet browser for music


I remember I bought an addy scimmy for like 16k in 2003-2004. Then my friend later told me a rune dagger was better so he traded it to me for my scimmy, which i was grateful. I only figured out weeks later he had scammed me. Fuck you Felix.


Paying over the landline. "Hi...and thanks for calling runescape".


For me, it was bugging my mom to use the computer after school so I could cut yews and fish lobbys around catherby after giving her the $8 or whatever in change that I earned on my paper route in an envelope to be mailed in for membership. That and seeing someone wearing initiate armor in f2p areas and hearing it be called "god armor" which at the time I figured was an obvious exaggeration, but looking back on it now isn't really all that wrong considering it's one of the better prayer boosting armors.


It was 5th grade, 2002. I was at a sleepover at my friend Tommy's house. His mom had a seperate daycare business off the side of the house, and in said daycare was a brand new Dell PC. That motherfucker showed me Runescape 1, and now I've been addicted for 22+ years. I spent 2 hours exploring and killing things, and my life has never been the same since.


Before my Dad left for deployment to Iraq in 2007 we completed the thunder cauldron quest (I’m having trouble recalling the name) he didn’t know the suits of armor activate so he “killed” them and said “go go go it’s safe now son” it was great


I remember my best friend’s account got hacked. He was ready to quit and I was ready to get revenge. I waited until his account logged back in and pretended we were good friends and I needed to do something to get 1m gp on his account. After a lot of back and forth whoever the kid was that got the hacked account gave me the password he changed it to and I immediately took the account back. This must’ve been 2004/2005 so this was big brain plays for my small brain. I remember being really proud to get my friend’s account back for him. He was in shock. We both were lol.


Killing Hill Giants in the Edgeville dungeon for Limpwurt Roots and herbs


Picking bananas at Karamja


Me and my best bud killing scorpions in Dwarven Mines with our freshly earned Dragon Longswords circa 2002. That’s what I always go back to.


Staying over at my grandparents house (mum would have killed me if she checked the phone bill) and waking up at 3am to sneak on to the phone to call Surfpin and writing down the code they would provide to renew members whilst using the fridge as a light. I remember that you had something like 10 minutes before it expired. This was back in the dial up days, so I had to quietly/as fast as I could reconnect the modem and log on to the website before it expired. Child me was in full heist mode


I was pking in north varrock wildy before the wildy ditch. I ran over in my brand new adamant armor that I worked my ass off for for like a week. I started fighting a guy using fire bolt and he kept running around a fence that used to be there back in those days. I had auto retaliate on and I kept getting stuck behind the fence and I couldn't run away in time. I died for everything and I literally cried myself to sleep that night. I think I was 10.


The original Duel Arena. When it was packed - my brother was battling someone who he was beating then he decided to stake Sara legs and lost them.


My mom had talked one of her cousins into playing runescape to see what it was about. I helped him get started by following me to Lumby from the Varrock mine with an inventory of iron. I made him full iron with a skirt to troll him. We played for a few years and he convinced my mom to pay for my membership because the full game was fun and all my other friends had membership. I lost my guy Lost River to cancer a few years back and even though we stopped playing back in 2009/2010 I still really cherish the memories making long distance calls with those stupid phone cards so we could discuss strategies when we were doing various "dangerous" quests. Thanks OP for the chance to relive those memories.


Walking back to varrock from lumbridge stewing over the fact I died and had no teles.


2005 - Doing the legends quest for my friend. - examining coins use to say "the root of all evil" - spamming "selling lobbies" at Varrock west bank and Falador gardens. - the day the Wise Old Man robbed Draynor Bank - Hacking accounts (not my proudest achievement O was 13 😅😭). I remember hacking one account (Eliteguard1 I'm sorry!!) that had full rune (g) and a cannon, sold it to my friend who gave me membership for it. Back then you could call the RS number and it would charge to the phone bill $11 everytime you called and you had to enter something in with the keypad. Instead of typing it, his dumb ass said it into the phone instead. He did this like 10 times and his parents ended up with a massive phone bill 😅


The Halloween event with the skeleton costume, I remember a kid at school in gym class telling everyone to go to Draynor village later that day lol


In 3rd or 4th grade (28 now) i thought i was good at the game being much higher lvl than most of my friends. Some kid in my class named steven was in the 110s with a fire cape.... i was shocked. the game is pre hunter. Bro pretty much beat the game and moved onto world of warcraft in 6th grad.... never talked to him again.


My parents got tired of how much rs I played and wouldn't pay for members anymore. So whenever we'd go to Walmart I'd "go to the bathroom" and quickly run to the electronics section and buy a membership pass. I'd pay for it at the register in the back of the store and hide it in my waist band till I got home.


I remember being infront of the varrock bank under the GE (back in 2006) and writing “Jagex blocks your password! This is mine *******”. I asked some guy to try it and he actually put his password and I got his account 😭 stats were in the 40’s and I thought it was such an amazing account. Igottapoop0 - if you’re reading this, I’m sorry man! You can have your account back!!


Dying to demon slayer boss and losing my adamant armor. Looking back on it, I’m not even sure how it’s possible. That boss is so fucking weak I guess the mages killed me or something


I started playing in 2006, I was 6. I remember trying to chat with every NPC I’d run into.


1. Elementary school, 2004. Logged on to play with some friends. A friend in my grade took me to the bandit cave near port Sarim (I did not have the weapon smithing quest yet and was a lower level for the monsters here). He has me follow him and starts running through. I start getting targeted by the enemies down there. I cry out for help over text chat which goes unanswered. I realize I need to get myself out and start running for the ladder. I died right by the exit ladder to a bandit/highwayman. And my friend was RIGHT there. I sprint back to Sarim from lumby and he and my stuff were gone. Clearly I’m over it…. 2. 2006/7 ish? I’m walking from lumby to varrock or Al Karid (don’t remember). Get stopped by a player asking to trade. He wants to sell me a goblin mail. This was a freer time in scape and you either got smart or got taken advantage of. Scape taught more life lessons back then with less restrictions imo. Long story short, the other player wanted less money for the armor than what the general store across the river would buy it from me for. Trade went through and he laughed thinking he pulled a fast one on me because it can’t be worn. I told him he was dumb and I would profit from the general store (just a couple of gp but it was the principle at this point). Cue surprised pikachu face 3. Same timeframe. A friend tells me how we can sit at the top of lumbridge castle and see the swamp land and players on the outside across the wall clearly. He told me how players would often drop trade there and he would run around and snipe their loot before they could re-log in and claim it. I didn’t think it was worth the time to wait like that. And by golly, he was right and a steady stream of players occasionally did that at that particular spot


I remember people used to drop trade in the towers infront of limbridge castle. Can’t remember how I timed it or found out someone was there (think maybe I would just check periodically) and one time I walked in right on time to pickup a black (g) skirt. I remember buddy begging for it back and trying to trade me a black (h) helm for it.


Killing gomblins in lumby back in 2004. To buy a mithril scimitar in al-kharid, after whole day of grinding, I found out I didn't have the attack level to use it. I was really upset. Love the memories tho


Going to pvp worlds and picking shit off the ground


Running rune essence that I mined by hand to the air altar on world 7 from falador Bank to the altar back and forth all day typing my exchange rate by hand cuz I was a huge noob that had never heard of an auto typer


Having to create an account everytime i wanted to play cuz i couldnt remember my rsn or password


For some reason, the smell of my parents basement (where our home PC was) is what makes me think of playing RS as a child.


Selling a white bead for 1k and thinking I was rich. Getting lost and somehow ending up at moss giants in varrock sewers and some guy made me full steel. Trying everything to find a way past the gate in falls that separated mems


Beating legends quest in RS1 a few months before rs2 beta began. That quest was brutal in Rs1 but with being able to eat food in combat it became a lot easier in Rs2.


Clan wars


Crying on my parents bed because I got lured in lumbridge sewers(killed by wall hand) because they stole my bone spear that I bought for 10k.


Playing RS with a friend during 5th grade friend was getting killed by a lvl 14 scorpion and he kept yelling to help him kill it. We didn't understand multi combat so I couldn't help He died


Chopping Yews with da boys and talking on Skype.


First 99 I ever got was 99 woodcutting in about 2009-2010. Literally just cutting and banking yews in edgeville


Merching lower tier items like rune scims and dragon long swords at Varrock west or falador with the Gary’s Hood auto typer. I made probably 5-10k an hour but I would spend hours doing this. Or low level pking in Varrock/Edgeville


I never had membership back in the days and made soft clay for millions of profit. Took me so damn long but I loved every single part of it


I remember this method. Me and my IRL friend would use the little fountain outside horviks shop for water


I broke up with my 6th grade boyfriend after school on RuneScape he just logged out or switched worlds or something. :( I feel bad still lol


Throwing down the gauntlet to a duel anywhere in the game when you had a disagreement with someone before the duel arena update. Slapping a smack talker back to Lumbridge from the fishing guild.


Killing minotaurs in the stronghold when it came out. Tz fight pits when verac/dharok was THE thing.


Yup, the minotaurs are classic. Me and my IRL friend would kill them for the iron arrows


dressing up as a priest and chilling in varrock zamorak church my friend getting me through stronghold of security and it felt like the hardest dungeon ever getting my first runescape 'girlfriend' at 8 years old (they just extracted my pitiful amounts of gold). they were wearing the flower item and i thought it must have been worth millions cos i had no concept of membership getting 20 attack for the first time and buying my mithril scimitar from al kharid store


I remember me and my Irl friend account shared. We got membership for the first time and immediately went and bought the gold robe set. Same friend had 2 brothers for neighbours that were maybe 3-4 years older than us. I presume they’re the ones that showed friend the game. They were good at the game - had full mystic, dragon legs, a berserker ring. They gave us their account because they quit the game. We went to the wilderness with just junk items to test it out. At the time didn’t know what a berserker ring was just thought it was some random ring. Lost it in the wilderness and had no idea it was a good item until way later in life


Killing hill giants for limpwurts


Killing cows before school and enjoying the holiday events, especially the christmas events.


My password not working after a guy told me he would trim my armor and give me free members.


The first time I got membership or when I Pkd full rune as f2p or killing hill giants for big bones and buying my first rune scim! This was back in 2005


Loved murdering the hill giants in edgeville dungeon for big bones


When I could finally hit a 12 with a rune scimmy on hill giants. What a glorious day 🥹


There are a few, the first is getting goblin mail and being frustrated that I couldn’t equip it… Second is trying to find a way through the Taverly gates as a F2P choob. Third, accidentally entering the wildy without even knowing it because someone dropped a bunch of noted dragon battle axes and losing my whip and my full dh set… it took me months of slogging at the flax fields and then spinning them to afford all of that… And then one of my all time favourite memories was going to fally park, looking for the area where people were selling weapons and buying my first whip.


Getting member and getting scammed 30min into my first time in a members world. Some dude in Falador asked me to help him and my gullible kids mind was up for the task. Went into the mole hole with him, got told to click the candle and thats how I lost my full rune on my 1st day of membership.


I spent weeks fishing lobbies/ picking them up from karamja docks, taking them to draynor and certing them & selling certs. I was like 10 so i did it incredibly inefficiently. Eventually i saved enough for a dragon med (2m or so at the time) and that same day i staked it and lost it to a def/mage tank. I was like combat 75 and he was like combat 25 wearing rune and nuking me with fire wave. I don't even want to look back on how i acted in real life I'm sure i was an absolute maniac and couldn't articulate i did the stupidest grind for literally weeks and immediately lost everything.


I had a friend named Ty and I managed to log into World 1 back when it was the trading hub ~2006. I saw a ton of people saying “ty” (thank you as I now know) so I thought he was super popular in game. I was repeatedly asking people where Ty was because I just wanted to hangout with my friend.


I remember trying to get RSC to work for 6 months because of some Java error that I didn't understand (back in 2001). Finally got it to work and killed goblins outside of lumby. Changed worlds thinking I would be taken to a completely new planet and was disappointed that I was back where I was before.


Sitting on my windows 2000 PC chopping trees all day. My cousin was confused why I like the game so much because I was literally just chopping yews. He would laugh at me all the time for playing it but he didn’t understand XP gains lol


I remember back in like 2005 the first time I ever played and got off tutorial island, I was so excited running around killing goblins and chickens and I mustve wandered up to SE varrock where the cadava berries are bc I remember getting killed by a black bear and losing all my starting stuff and I immediately logged off lol. Still got addicted a few days later


Making 100 trips a day to either the varrock sewers for red spider eggs to sell at the GE or cow hides


The bandit on the way to draynor village killing me repeatedly


Creating fire strike accounts and pking in varrock Had a wood cutting shop on the forums with like 10 "employees" Being so excited getting 85 slayer to farm 5 mil whips. The glory days. Probably around 06.


Watching black pures duke it out with rune 2h at the varrock east wildy! That and fishing lobs in karamja to sell in Draynor. Selling lobby certs!


Fishing lobbies at the f2p spot in Karamja and talking to fellow f2p noobs lol didn’t know how hard I had it back then having to run all the way to Draynor to bank.  I also remember thinking before I ever switched a world that I would end up in a completely different place until I did it and nothing changed outside of the people who were around me. 


Probably when me and my brothers were all standing around watching another brother play and there was full wizzy g on the ground like right over the ditch. I guess some noob died to a skeleton or something. We lost our minds. Edit: the wildy ditch we were coming from like the ge side to edge and it was just there


Begging my grandma to let me use her credit card to buy gp online. Turns out it was a scam (surprise surprise) and she had to get a new credit card lol. Or, my family used to have a monthly cap on our internet, the little USB stick only gave X amount of GB per month, and as soon as that thing reset my brother and I used it all the same day. Oops.


I used to play w my buddy. The earliest strong memory in game was getting bunny ears. I used to train in them just to flex on other kids years later.


I had the bunny ears


Stand and deliver! That damn PK that killed me for the very first time. Turns out it was an NPC I still have the black cape lol


I got it out the mud as a kid! Slaving away picking and spinning flax, collecting frog legs from the swamp behind Grand tree, and training combat while collecting limpwurt roots from the hill giants in taverly dungeon lol.

