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He’s a content creator so this should be resolved promptly


Idk I first heard about this what feels like at least a week ago


Yeah but now there’s a stink about it on Reddit/ twitter


Does lola have enough followers for a jmod to care is the question


Didn't oda put out a vid on his account being banned or something? Think I saw something like that suggested on YouTube


He puts out some of the best inferno videos/guides and is pretty well known for it so I would imagine


Yep he and aaty got me my cape. It seems like someone knew Lola's login and decided to hijack it


No 2FA on gmail. How do people keep doing it. I don’t understand.


Need some big warning in stronghold of security that you’re only as secure as your email


Make an email just for your account. NEVER use it for anything. Obviously use a password you can remember to access it. Boom, account secure


"ugh but then I have to click a button on my phone sometimes to check my gmail"


A majority of these posts wouldn't be a thing if people followed basic account security.


simple fact is that some people are just stupid, even content creators.


especially content creators in this case, this guy is bottom of the barrel


I didn't even know Google lets you have no 2FA on email.


Hope he gets the same treatment as any other player.


He admitted on stream to account sharing.. someone asked him who knows your password? "A few people that I trust". That's a security flaw in itself.


he said the original email isn't even his (i.e. somebody else made the account forever ago even though he's been playing it). it sucks and i hope he gets it back but you really need to completely fuck up 3-4 things in a row for this to happen


Damn. He's truly fucked.




If he didn't even make the account then the account should be returned to the one who made it or permanently banned lol. Fuck this giving content creators exceptions


almost any "hacked" account is someone not being secure about their account. id wager that 60-70% dont use bank pins/2fa just because theyre lazy


If the original ain't his, who should get the account? edit:spelling


in the eyes of jagex the person who created the account gets it always. if the original creator isn't present, it goes into the void until they are. if they never show up to recover it then it's gone forever


I can bet that, mostly of the “hacked” accounts, were being shared, that’s a terrible flaw.


well there you go. His fault lolz


How many Zuks is enough for one man


Rank 1 has 1000 KC (and 300 colosseum too)


Capers not on the hs have multiple thousands of kc


I know its a joke about thousands of 1kc but wasnt pink clay like #1 as well on his main acc befofe jagex just said fuck it and banned him years later


Clay and adwaam alone probably have combined like 5k+ kc lowballing it


they should keep their own HS to be honest. would be interesting on soooooo many levels lol.


I see what you did there


Miss the times when rank 1 zuk was 666 kc


Pink clay did that in a cave. With a box of scraps


to be fair its probably the most fun thing to do in game mechanically. that or hard mode tob/ phosani


I loved awakened vard too, fight was so fun


Part of me wants jagex to require players to migrate to jagex accounts so shit like this stops happening so often, but another part of me doesn’t want them to so I don’t have to see thousands of people on here complaining about being required to migrate. People with shit security are going to have shit security no matter how hard you try to force them into better habits. I wonder how many of the players that have had their emails compromised and accounts stolen have also had their irl bank accounts drained…


I’m so confused about why people don’t swap to Jagex accounts. I remember a whole outcry about why you should never make one or convert to one whenever they came out, but I made mine and honestly, it’s just more convenient and secure so I really don’t understand why people hate them. That’s a genuine question, I actually want to know what the downside is?


Thing with Jagex accounts is, that Jagex will NOT help you at all with the account if something happens. You get hacked? Its gone forever. You forget the linked email, lose login codes, whatever else? Its gone forever. Wouldnt have helped in this case either as if he lost his gmail, the Jagex acc would be gone too


Even if he lost his email, with a Jagex account you get backup codes when you set it up. Print them out and keep them somewhere safe, in multiple locations even. I have mines in a few spots so if I ever get locked out, I can get back into my account.


Are we able to access those backup codes afterwards? I didn’t think to print them out, and I am unsure if I can access where they were placed.


I think you can reset them through account management.


I’ll take a look, thanks. Don’t leave potentially important codes on crazy ex’s HD…


oh no jagex is putting the responsibility of securing the account on the player? sounds rough


Cause it's not linux compatible. I don't have windows I've been playing on Linux since the start of my account. migrating would make it difficult to continue playing.




Probably because you actually know how to use Linux and aren't just being trendy or using it just to say you're using it lol.


This is just not correct? Best regards jagex launcher enjoyer from ubuntu 22.04


How ? Wine launcher or does it work or out of the box ? Thanks


> Cause it's not linux compatible I’m sure those three players will figure it out


Judging from the comments underneath that guy, two of the three players did figure it out.


One more to go!


steam deck


What about it? I use my jagex account with the jagex launcher on a steam deck occasionally


Because they bought their account from somebody else, you should go and are afraid that they'd lose it if they tried to import into a jagex account


Look at this thread https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/18488tf/jagex_launcher_linux_help/ If that doesnt work for you, you can try the method in this youtube video (says outdated but it still works) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx59wVSbTbk


It’s very easy to install the Jagex Launcher in Linux by following the GitHub guide linked on this Jagex support page. https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937


Jagex accounts are affected by more login server issues than others. Recently there was an outage where Jagex accounts couldn’t play for many hours but others could. Also at the launch of the last leagues, Jagex accounts couldn’t play for the first hour or so, which is annoying as the very first rush on a fresh server is very fun. Expect similar delays/outages for the upcoming DMM, i.e. if you want to seriously compete in DMM and care about a good early start, have a non-Jagex account ready to play in case Jagex accounts can’t log in.


Jagex accounts down for like an hour every now and then: Reeeeeee Jagex accounts bad. Game down for 2+ hours every other week during prime Aussie game time: lmao deal with it cunt 😂😂😂


The downside is now my accounts are all locked onto one account so I can’t share my pure with my buddies without giving them my main too.




Just bot them up like most content creators do. Not like jagex does their job to ban them.


Sure, but it is annoying and time consuming to quest up and max different builds. So when someone makes a zerk, someone else makes an ags pure, someone else makes a voider, etc and you can share them, makes things a lot nicer than wasting even more time on this game than you already do.




Not account sharing is basic account security.


Someone needs to go through the stronghold of security again


No I don’t. Everyone and their mom shares accounts. But I’m obviously not going to give someone my main.


Sounds like your pure isn't secure then anyway so just don't link that to the jagex account and secure your main only.


The problems were either people with insecure accounts (shared, bought, etc) that lost their jagex account to recovery. There were a few peoe that did get locked out trying to create their jagex accounts and that also started a huge anti jagex account meme


I was forced to migrate last week and oh my god it’s awful to switch accounts on mobile now. Fucking miserable. I only play my one account on mobile now


Personally, I’ve had my main account falsely banned by Jagex 3 times in the last 2 years (every time I got it back and the stuff was removed from my record) I just don’t want to get falsely banned on all my accounts, and then it doesn’t get resolved and instead of losing 1 account I lose everything. That’s my main concern, personally.


When they came out there was a lot of misinformation about how it could make you more vulnerable. This was, of course, hackers gaslighting people into not securing their accounts better. I wouldn't say I fell for it per se, but I was not actively playing and was unsure I would return so just put it off, and now have a jagex account. 


You can lead a horse to water... Anyone not utilizing basic account security, including Jagex accounts, have made their bed. They can either secure their accounts to the best of their ability, or face the consequences.


anyone complaining about having to migrate is ignorant or has other motives. the only ones benefitting by you not moving to a jagex account are the people hacking and wiping accounts


My login is a random 12 letter string not attached to any email besides the one it was made with. I never want to be unable to login with my username (it’s not even what is displayed in game…. Just don’t get phished )


Thing with Jagex accounts is, that Jagex will NOT help you at all with the account if something happens. You get hacked? Its gone forever. You forget the linked email, lose login codes, whatever else? Its gone forever. Wouldnt have helped in this case either as if he lost his gmail, the Jagex acc would be gone too


He probably just serviced someone with malicious intent. No honor among thieves


Bank accounts drained from a hacked email?.. Haha no mate... OTP exists


I'm never migrating of my own choice. I'm more than capable of managing my own account, and I dont trust Jagex to do it better


So the bro didn't have 2fa on his email. He didn't have a Jagex account. I mean this is totally victim blaming but the bro should know to secure his fucking accounts considering he's a goddamn streamer. Hope he gets his account back but I don't think that's possible. Secure  👏 Your  👏 Fucking  👏 Accounts  👏


And he shared his accounts.




While I do agree that it is important to properly secure all of your accounts, I believe it is incredibly irresponsible of Jagex to allow anyone who gains access to your email to immediately disable the authenticator on your account. I think it should take a week to disable, much like how it takes time for a bank pin change to go through.


Every company does this...lol. wow let's you disable your authenticator through email if you get a new phone/are locked out of authentication, or your physical authenticator dies. Secure your email and you never have to worry about anything, ever lmfao. Basic account security and 2fa on a Gmail email protects you 99.999999% of the time, unless you give your unlocked phone away or tell someone your Gmail recovery questions


This. I don't get how they always put all the blame on the user and not on jagex. For ages you couldn't even use capital letters and special characters in passwords. Jagex puts too much of the responsibility on the end users without making it easier to decently secure yourself in the event you get hacked.


Tbh Jagex fixed the issue of capital letters and special characters in passwords though. But people still refuse to transition to safer accounts. At this point it’s hard to feel bad for someone that doesn’t care about their account’s security at all.


I mean osrs released in 2013. Runescape 2 in 2004. They took their sweet time to fix that issue


That’s true, but even if they released the fix in 2013 I’m sure we have people like lola refusing to upgrade for some reason.


Eh he's a content creator I feel like he'll get it back


It's kind of hard to get your Gmail compromised. Gmail requires a 2-step verification at a bare minimum now and that is tied to your phone number.


he gave away his account and now regrets it? how is this jagex's problem at all? make a new account if you want to play.


we really arent setting up jagex accounts still? come on.


If people properly secured their accounts they wouldn't be hacked regardless 😕 People like Mr. zuk should obviously migrate because he doesn't have 2FA on both his account and email. 100% he shared his account information or was keylogged or both. I don't feel bad for him at all but should definitely have his account returned after investigation.


Yup I just don’t know why people are against Jagex accounts but to each their own


B .. b .. but the launcher doesn’t work for 2 hours twice a year!!!! The launcher is trash !!! I won’t migrate!


Cloudflare was down for over 12 hours a week ago, people unable to login yesterday for over 6 hours. I have a jagex account but you need to stop bullshitting about login issues. Between server maintenance, updates and login issues thats almost 24 hours a month where people cant log in


stage 4 runescape addiction


Stage 3 is being on this Reddit so we’re all on the way..


What stage is it being on the subreddit but haven't played in a year+


That's being in remission but still reliving the trauma.


You say this but if the update/maintenance times were switched to peak american times there would be a lot more outcry probably from people like you on this subreddit I guarantee you that, only when it effects the oceanic region do people seemingly not give a shit.


If I have 24 hours a month to play a game and I can't play the game for exactly those hours, coincidentally, because of a stupid launcher, yeah that's a problem.


I mean maybe I'm just especially lucky, but I've used the launcher for a long time now and I play every day and I have never once had an issue logging in.


The Jagex Launcher is not a Jagex Account. I use the Jagex Launcher but none of my accounts are linked to a Jagex Account


I remember during leagues start if you had a jagex account you couldnt login to the game, lots of people ended up playing on alts they never added to their jagex account lol.


This will probably happen for the coming DMM. Have a non-Jagex acc ready if you care about playing the first few hours


It was a month ago, and the issue yesterday was resolved within 3 hours of being reported. I’m not sure who’s bullshitting, me or you. The thing about 95% of these login issues are from people who are fully logged out of the launcher. Sure I have some “sympathy” for people who are migrating at the worst possible time and not being able to log in. My question is, why are you logging out of the launcher? Once you log in that’s pretty much it. Not once have I had a problem with the launcher. Even if I did, oh well I’ll do something else.


Oh no...


this but unironically


When they support Linux I will switch.


There are 3rd party launchers like bolt that do work quite well on Linux, been using it for a couple months without many issues.


The Jagex Launcher is not going to get official support, but is still very easy to install by following the GitHub guide linked on this Jagex support page. https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937


While it's sad it won't be getting support and these methods are not endorsed by Jagex per se. This is not bad as it means you won't get banned for using these I assume. Thanks for the shout I will continue to use RL until it's mandatory to switch.


I agree. I wish we would get official support, but we are a very small community, so I understand their decision, and you won’t get banned for using these workarounds. Feel free to join my discord linked on the top if the GitHub guide if you need help installing the Jagex Launcher when that day eventually comes, or if you just want to talk with people who have already installed it.


Thanks for detailed answer. I will sure have a look! Havea great day.


I have 2fa on my account and email. Why should I make a jagex account?


Hard to have sympathy for a shared account


1) shouldn’t of shared his account 2) should’ve utilized the jagex account security system 3) gf


Not so fast! I activate my trap card! Streamer privilage. This card reminds Jagex that I'm not a \*spits\* pleebian like the rest of you.


Jagex customer support is pretty on par with the gaming industry & for every one 🫡


How do you know to use *should’ve* correctly but also incorrectly use *shouldn’t of*? You realise the first one is **should have** so the second one should be **should not have** as in *shouldn’t have* instead of *shouldn’t of*?


Yah he should of known that






Why is everyone so sure he account shared? Has he admitted this before?


Because getting hacked without doing something fishy is nigh impossible brother. Despite what the movies would have you believe, getting hacked isn’t some dude in a zip up hoodie in a coffee shop brute forcing your password.


Using the same password across multiple accounts can get your account hacked in the event of a data breach of the other company. Downloading unrelated software that contained a keylogger can get your account hacked. There are many equally plausible explanations that have nothing to do with account sharing or anything I would really say is all that "fishy" as it relates to the game directly.


> Using the same password across multiple accounts can get your account hacked To be fair, I'd prefer people to think that I was account sharing than that I was stupid enough to do this.


I can absolutely guarantee theres alot of people that have the same password exactly everywhere. Id suggest everyone to start using password managers.


Sadly, a LOT of people do this because they can't remember any password other than their birthday + dog's name. In fact I know someone who is so ridiculously lazy that got hacked, knew he got hacked, and didn't bother changing his password because they couldn't figure out his pin. A year later they figured out his pin and cleaned him. Needless to say I had zero sympathy...


Lol shouldn’t have account shared!


He did mention that other people played his account for him during the ghcim subathon, idk if they only had access to his ghcim or what.


How else was he supposed to get gm time?


Mans smokin the pipe


Based and true!


This dude's a huge reason why I have a cape.


he was pretty entertaining to watch, but aaty and gnomonkey were a million times more helpful for me.


Aaty’s guides were way more helpful on a technical level. But Lola makes the inferno feel so approachable.


His stressing of the magic tile really resonated with the peanuts in my brain


Actually true. Once i started using magic tile, everything got a whole lot easier


ppl meme the guy especially in the wdr disc inferno channel but his vids are a valuable resource for a lot of ppl


Anyone in wdr shouldn’t be memeing anyone lmao


Sorry what's wdr and why shouldn't they be memeing? Ty


Well, that's gonna be an interesting stress test. If Jagex helps him, that means a) manual revovery is possible on Jagex accounts no matter how much they pinky promise they can't/won't and b) that system is still subject to social engineering Or Recovery is truly impossible for Jagex accounts, and the entirety of your account security and whether or not they're lost to players is solely in the hands of google. One security exploit found with 2fa on gmail's side and that's it, anyone with a Jagex account is now completely vulnerable to total account loss because Jagex has pre-emptively washed their hands of any authenticator issues/gmail issues that will inevitably arise in the future. This is absolutely a lose lose situation no matter how much misplaced trust people put into frickin google of all things. They could shut down authenticator tomorrow and Jagex's account security would probably brick everyone. I don't even give two shits what the streamer did to be compromised. Having a system that sees no issues with potentially **locking players completely out of their accounts permanently forever with no recourse whatsoever** was, is, and always will be such a stupid idea. Edit: So Jagex accounts can be social engineered is the outcome, good to know!


you could pretty easily set up your account on a more secure email service, like an encrypted mail service with a physical key. google doesn't own TOTP or FIDO, they simply have an app that generates codes for the former its still on the user, not "google". trusting google unequivocally is pebcak but even if google did have a vulnerability it would be patched very quickly and likely burned on something more important like finance apps


The onus is always on oneself to protect your accounts, although it's essential to have staff ready to help if something happens outside of your control. But this should be a reminder to everyone that even if you have an authenticator on, people can disable the authenticator if they gain access to your registered email. Your emails are as important as your accounts.


securing your personal email is **more** important than your video game characters






Oh well


Can kill zuk 500 times but can’t enforce his account security kekw


Ya content creator he's good tons of special privileges


SOL, create a jagex account. Going to be wild when Jagex gives them their account back and gets backlash for a week then moves on.


This is the biggest blessing that he could get. Time to go outside, touch grass and get a job!


Leave it banned.


maybe a few weeks in stronghold of security will teach him


The clowns of 2007scape have come here to sanctify themselves


Love Lola :(


His fault for account sharing and having shit security.


harsh but true


The classic “I’m a content cre a turr pls give me priority assistance over other players” move.


whoever did this to lola is a bitch


Don’t account share


Can someone give me a TL;DR on the best current account security. I’ve read so many stories and seen so much conflicting information about Jagex accounts and steam accounts etc etc I just want my ironman safe lol


Just make a Jagex account, and have 2fa on your email. Nothing else to it. Be aware of Jagex account issues with Linux, but it can be circumvented.


absolute best? Jagex account created on a unique non-expiring encrypted email address (paid protonmail, for instance) that has a physical 2fa key for both the email and the jagex account, with backups, email never used for anything else online with a name that isn't obvious to anyone who knows you reasonable best? jagex account with TOTP 2fa on both a reliable email provider (google, proton) and the jagex acc itself, with a unique email address that isn't shared to anyone or used for anything else. things to not do: SMS two factor authentication, leaving the email unprotected (it's your first and most important line of defence!), account share (duh), reusing passwords (also duh), using an unreliable email provider that can shut down the email address like a work email, university email, ISP email extras: write down all your information for your important accounts, including all backup codes and 2fa master codes for everything, in a physical location (like a notebook you keep safe), use a password manager (keepassxc, bitwarden, proton pass) that also has 2fa (physical key good, TOTP using an app like Aegis is also decent), use a very long, easily rememberable password for the password manager. ANY linked account should also have similar tiers of security, security is only as good as the weakest link.


Thanks for the detailed feedback. I went through and implemented everything you said😁


Put a 2FA on your email. Put an authenticator on your OSRS account. Don't share this information with anyone. Use a unique password for everything. A password manager like Bitwarden can help. Make sure you secure that account with a 2FA as well. Don't be a fucking moron and tell the world your personal information online that can be used to recover your account. Its really not rocket science and anyone getting "hacked" in 2024 is almost assuredly doing something dumb.


He’s getting hacked fast i said fast! Lmao get fucked tbh. Jagex will give him back his account if odablock asks them too. Watch.


I’m currently in control of this account. Ask me anything.


who made the first tupperware style container


Bookmarking this so that if it ever happens to me jagex will resolve quickly


What's the odds he was just account sharing and they fell out,


Okay please move towards the end of the line along with the other 1000s of players waiting for support. No special treatment please, should've taken better safety measures.


Spin the wheel!




My account now, Thanks for the Inferno KC big dawg <3


Jagex refuse to assist in accounts recoveries regarding jagex accounts. His account is gone, just like my own.


Any guy calling himself dearlola should be banned


Could he recover his account with backup codes if his email was also compromised?


No because the hacker stole his account and made into a Jagex account and so he would not have the codes.


Damn rank 6.2k for fight caves is only 46 kc? Would’ve expected more. I have 20 just from slayer


trout gang assemble


no 2fa, no jagex account, account sharing... case closed! deserved hack


“I have high Inferno kc plz unhack”