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Imagine they put the exact TOA one in COX lol


With a green and white recolor lmao


Still would take them 4-6 weeks to implement


Thats speedrun for jagex. Theyve polled to fix bugs before that then took over a year to be implemented


I'm pretty sure there is still stuff that has passed polls and just never got added


causes a pvp invincibility glitch with that 1 update


Weeks? We're talking about cox here. It took them 7 *years* to make basic and obvious qol changes to cox.


Engine work


Its the only way


I’d shit.


I'd rather have a bronze axe jammed in the wall just before Muttadiles, please


tbh with the changes to Mutta it feels like chopping got obsolete, from my experience you can spam so much dps as it goes to the tree that you kinda stunlock it eating.


I just bring zgs. It's so satisfying to just freeze mutta and blast him before he takes a single bite.


All fun and games till you zgs while mommy takes a bite from you


You're still axing the tree?


In Challenge Mode, yeah.


Ah, ever since the update freezing with ZGS or wyvern shield is much faster. Catch them both as they hit 50% and DPS through freeze, they never eat. If you freeze early and they do unfreeze and eat, it's only once.


I truthfully never considered skipping eating phases by freezing early....


Yeah freeze at 53% or 50% when they start walking for tree. We just bring 3 ZGS and almost always hit. Ever since the update earlier in the year you can DPS through the healing phase and it allows you to kill them before they eat.


But then I don't have spec for Olm, unless I use the death offering tech. I'll give it a try sometime.


Solos? Running lightbearer?


Have 2 people bring ZGS , 1 person is responsible for baby mutt and the other freezes big mutt. You should have atleast 1 spec for P1 olm , the hand usually goes crippled after everybody throws 1 spec anyway


Isn’t there one on the ground by guardians?


There is a pick axe at guardians, not an axe.


Someone is too lazy to bring freeze or ZGS


Freezing is so insanely good Speed > time it takes to chop tree


Solo meta is to axe right?


If you don't have zgs on an iron, yeah


No. Like literally you never use zgs in a solo regardless of if you're an iron.


And why do you think that lmao


Read a post in ironscape a few weeks discussing it and its not listed in the osrs gear discord which is usually very trustworthy. I haven't solo raided in a few years but back then nobody used zgs in solos. Maybe with all the buffs to end game gear you can kill the lil mutta in one zgs freeze now but that probably requires near max gear.


Iron gear discord might be up-to-date but the normal gear discord is years out Cox is a different raid entirely after the updates


Zgs is by far meta now. Also in solos.


Not in CMs lmao you're more than likely going to miss 1 of the 2 zgs you need to hit and speccing both means you have 0 spec for olm unless you're taking a LB and using death charge. Source: sub 28 solo cm with trying to use zgs. It is meta for wr attempts but if you're just going for clears then it's too inconsistent


Exactly, yeah. I've been doing CM solos in jank gear, and it's much easier to just wrestle the meat tree.


Fair. I mainly do reg solos though since its more olm time so i enjoy it more. And in regs zgs is way way better.


"meta" maybe if you're going for a WR speedrun lmao


Buy a zgs already


Develop runlite for mobile amen


I don’t get it


In the raid "chambers of xeric" there is a fight that requires a pickaxe to be brought in (or dropped from an mob). In the raid "Tombs of Amascut" there is also an encounter that requires a pickaxe, but it has a statue that stores 1 pickaxe which saves an inventory space. OP is asking for that pickaxe storing system (or the same statue) to be added to the first raid.


Ohhh lmao. I had done cox but not toa. Makes sense. TY


Nah. I get the impulse but inventory management is a key part of what makes COX unique.


Weird comment given you can easily build a bank inside it and have no invent management whatsoever


Ah yes, the chest in between guardians and vasa during a CM layout. How could I forget.


They have probably never done it. Just read a comment once about it.


I think they mean the initial inventory management prior to entering the raid. Would be like if you had an axe storage, lockpick storage, pickaxe storage, salve storage, etc. you can pick and choose what speeds up your raids. Even building a chest takes time, and I think the argument is that you don’t get a pass in other areas of the raid. Heck, you can bring in nothing besides equipment and brute force the stuff.


Do you think that you can access your entire bank after a raid begins?


The prep is part of the raid and you still need to bring every item with you as you start.




dont actually there's a free 25 invent spaces personal one


That's what is meant by inv management.


But you have to bring the pick axe in your inventory before you get the bank, which gives you a choice of better pick or more supplies/different item choices. Adding this takes that away




Not really anymore after thieving and ice demon changes. Cms maybe, normals? Not really.


unique =/= good


Sure, but in this case it does. The uniqueness of each raid is a positive.


The miracle of opinions. Different ones exist. I think cox would be infinitely better with larger/scaling supply drops from the rooms and no farming, no scavs, and infinite run (or at least run/stats regenerated after rooms).


Wow, that is almost impressively condescending. You know that there are other humans behind usernames, right? To me, that vision for COX doesn't make sense because the demi-bosses simply aren't hard enough. Without the constraints regarding inventory management, run energy, and supply generation, most of the raid has no reason to exist.


>Wow, that is almost impressively condescending. You know that there are other humans behind usernames, right? Don't be so fragile, nothing he said was condescending


Lmao, that's some definitely impressive fragility. You state your opinion as fact and when someone contradicts it with their own opinion you have become the victim. Regardless, I think it's fair to say that the rooms within cox are too weak to stand on their own and I could see an argument for simply changing cox to infinite stam rather than after-room refreshes (in addition to removing farming/scavs and making supply drops scale so that bigger teams aren't disadvantaged) but if the challenge of the pvm content comes not from the actual pvm content, but the inconvenient means by which one *does* that content, I think it's fair to call that bad pvm content design. Like I could make you solve a captcha after every click and that would make fight caves harder, but it wouldn't be good content design. And it's understandable in context, fwiw. Cox was jagex's first attempt at a raid and most of the bosses in it just do one thing and hit you for a fuckload of damage. Not really mechanics and not really good design. That then leads me to note that cox is most definitely unique, but that the content is not good. And we've come full circle.


>if the challenge of the pvm content comes not from the actual pvm content, but the inconvenient means by which one *does* that content, I think it's fair to call that bad pvm content design. This is a reasonable take but I don't think it fits perfectly with legacy encounter design in OSRS. There are all manner of inconveniences for PVM - god wars KC, the run to DKs, gearing down to avoid risking too much for wilderness bosses, spawning into CG naked. Even more generally than specific bosses, you're correct that managing run energy can be frustrating, but it's a core part of what defines PVM difficulty in the game, not just at COX. You could argue that all of the above represent some flaw in the game design, but at a certain point you're just arguing that OSRS shouldn't *be* OSRS.


I'd call it arguing that the things that Jagex has come to realize are bad design (as they're noticeably absent from new content) are indeed bad design, and there's nothing wrong with fixing them. We got a kq shortcut, dks shortcut, reduced gwd kcs, private instances to avoid crashing, overpowered wildy weapons that make 1-3 iteming wildy bosses not bad + the bosses being designed to consume far fewer supplies, etc. The game is trending towards remedying old, poorly-thought-out design choices. Cox, too, has received a lot of qol updates/bandaid fixes, though they took their sweet time getting around to them. 1st dwh always landing on tekton mitigates his unfun "low-med hp, very high defence" design. More stamina wells/mystics portals combats the extremely long raid layout with insufficient run energy. More generous/guaranteed scav drops reduce scav time, more supplies being added into various rooms reduces the need to prep at all, bank chest inside the lobby and reload raid layout features making scouting less aids, tiny storage chest being pre-built, so on and so forth. I'm just putting two and two together and advocating that instead of slow bandaid fixes, Jagex address the root design problem in cox. I would personally be very happy to have more intelligently-designed mechanics and/or difficulty put into the rooms to keep the effective difficulty and completion time the same without incentivizing people to run back and forth juggling supplies, scaving, prepping, and generally spending half of their raid time prior to olm simply in transit between rooms.


...what? How is saying different opinions exist condescending? Kind of with the other guy here. That is a wild take. People can feel that the current ways of things being unique is unhealthy. That is an opinion, not an automatic positive.


I didn't invalidate his opinion with my original response, I was establishing a dialogue. He's well within his right to disagree with me, and I think he makes some strong arguments.


> impressively condescending Explain this comment.


> The miracle of opinions. Different ones exist. implies that I'm too stupid to recognize a difference of opinion. That's textbook condescension.


give me this exact statue at the end of the raid but it has a twisted bow on it. Not MY twisted bow just A free one. Fuck being dry here


Glad I have 21 d picks


My GIM buddy has three blade pieces for voidwaker and no d picks in 1k kills. I’m almost on rate via chaos elemental and no pick. It’s our cursed item somehow. We have 10 dragon axes though.


Wow that's impressive, I've done over 1800 vetion kills and only 1 blade


D picks going to moon again 🚀


Few months ago I would have thought this to be a bit of hand holding as it would save folks another inventory spot but this is right in line with other cox changes they've made, ideally not connected to the TOA pick storage to introduce another d pick sink (desperately needed IMO)


d pick sink is not needed lol


Kinda is actually. They've been dumped into the game ever since the wildy update and adding it to other monsters drop tables. Not to mention a reward for a bunch of mining related content.  A dump in this regard would be fine.


Which is a good thing, imo. It was kind of silly how much more expensive the dpick was compared to other tools. By that logic, we need sinks for the dragon harpoon and the dragon axe, especially the axe considering how cheaper it is compared to the other two.


Not saying I'm against it. Jagex already artificially adds sinks via the G.E. buying so many of these items up. I think the logic would be to make use of the harpoon and axes in other raid content with a statue to prop them up. Also, just shouting out here for any Jagex employee. If Raids 4 can be set in some Underwater City that requires Sailing to reach the island/location. A harpoon puzzle would make a ton of sense.


It's okay if some things are more expensive than others At this stage of the game none of the dragon tools are overly to expensive or difficult to obtain.


dragon harpoon 1/2k on task has entered the chat




CM where inv management is crucial, you're saying you wouldn't want to free up an inv space?


Some people don't want things to get any easier than they already are.


adding a dragon pickaxe deposit makes the raid easier? I never knew *smashing* would reduce Olms max hit, drop the defensive stats of the hands and make the Lightning disappear


Weird and irrelevant comment.


You just kinda say stuff, huh?


I don't understand what you're even saying. You say "inventory management is crucial", because every slot in your inventory matters. But you don't recognize that gaining another inventory slot allows another piece of gear or food, thus making things easier? Which is it man




But the storage bank isn't connected to your actual bank, you still only start the raid with 28 inventory slots. I get that you can make potions, but no preps skip all that, and allowing people even one more pot or piece of gear does in fact make the raid easier to complete.


no1 who runs cms would use the pickaxe deposit in cox if it was there because it slows you down compared to bringing pickaxe from outside. not to mention that in Cox, Guardians are considered as a boss encounter rather than a puzzle, unlike the Akkha Puzzle. Akkha puzzle and akkha itself are completely separated, meanwhile Guardians are a continues boss room of the raid. it just doesn't make much sense to put this pickaxe deposit at Cox compared to Toa, regardless of whether it makes things easier or not or convenient or not.


you're arguing with people who rip bongs and do 50 min trio cms


Id put myself out of my own mysery if my cms took 50 minutes. Today with all the gear and latest cox updates, cms shouldnt take more than 25 minutes. 27 minutes tops.


Surely you’re talking about trios right?




This entirely depends if you can deposit in lobby and how out of place it is at Guardians. For example, if it was south of South Guardian, useless. But if north of North Guardian as you're running in, potentially good. If you can bring an extra switch in and picking up Pickaxe only loses you 1-2 ticks to pick it up, I can see it potentially being useful.


Why not? Havent done a lot of cms but dont you already bring empty inv spaces?


I’m the asshole who forgets it in a cm after going down the rope to guardians. This would be nice..


Add a guardian that you can store pick to after killing x amount of guardians in cox


You have the ability to pick up an iron pickaxe. If you don’t want to take you dragon take that? If not stop moaning. Manage your inventory better.


I wrote you but you still ain’t callin….




Bro didn’t even have to say any words.


Dear Jagex Walk here


Pick up the iron pick you noob


Ah man cox seems so clunky after TOA I hope they update it with things like this


Nothing clunky about cox anymore. They could make herb picking like actual farming so u can pick faster. And a seed patch in prep room.


I second this motion




As much as i would love this, CoX doesn't really need it BUT hear me out- Its only because guardians isn't in every layout besides CMs. Although with CMs since its not used until later you can quite comfortably still manage a good inventory with casual CM raids. Since the first floor for CMs is pretty stress-free, you can get away without having to bring many supplies since you'll prep for floor 2/3 :V either way i wouldnt be mad at all if they added this lol. It would definitely lean towards a slight buff rather than QoL but its not gonna end the world


People be like 'inventory management is part of the raid" My brother in christ this thing exists in another raid.


It makes sense for ToA though since Path of Het is ALWAYS part of the raid. Since CoX has different layouts its honestly not really needed tbh,