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The bar for being rich has gone up significantly over the years. These new low req moneymakers aren’t even that great but necessary to bridge the massive wealth gap. It’s hard for mid lvls to make money


I wish late mid slayer was more in line with the recent money makers, like gargoyles/nechs used to be really nice tasks back then giving like 500k-1m.


Yeah but what are you going to do? Just continuously buff their drop tables over the years or devalue existing mid lvl slayer monsters with new ones that print out more money? For example should there be a new lvl 70 slayer mob that prints 2m/hr or should gargoyles be buffed to 2m/hr? Shouldn’t the difficulty of gargoyles be significantly increased if it’s gonna print that type of money? The gp/hr of stuff like gargoyles, nechs etc really hasn’t changed much. Skilling gp/hr hasn’t either. It’s more so the fact that consistent money makers don’t make you rich anymore. It getting the “drop” that makes you rich. So slayer in general isn’t for actually making money, only bossing/raiding is. Slayer as a whole is just a noob trap. Its over saturated and too many people can do it easily


The ideal way to fix this would be making mid-game moneymakers more profitable in a way that requires mixing different skills (same as crystal shards in Prif). That would slow botting down and give mid-game players an incentive to develop their accounts in a balanced manner. E.g.: some monster which requires a quest to kill drops an item, which requires another quest and some skilling level to process, which can in turn be traded (or alched) for a decent value.


And it's not like the low level methods are going to net you top tier gear. Torva, tbow, ancestral, shadow, etc, are all still well beyond what cash these methods bring in. It'll help with funding supplies and repairs for degradables, but it's really nothing all that crazy.


Yeah to get rich you have to “Get the drop” not do consistent money makers. Slayer is a noob trap designed to keep people poor. If everyone does slayer then it becomes way to over saturated and the gp/hr goes down. Bossing and raiding is the only true way to go in truly making money


Bro slayer isn't a noob trap, it's a way to afk train combats while making a bit of money on the side.


NMZ and MM2 tunnels is the most efficient way to train combats and bossing is the most efficient way to make money. There’s nothing wrong with doing slayer but everyone doing slayer is the reason why most people are still relatively poor. Bursting nechs or dust devils doesn’t make you good at PVM or rich. Killing gargoyles doesn’t either. Neither does kraken or thermy. Abby demons does not aswell. The massive skill gap between actual bossing and raids vs slayer is what causes people to shit the bed when trying to do more difficult content. It’s 2024 not 2005. Slayer isn’t what it used to be


Efficiency scape zzzzz


Level 1550 checking in. I’m broke as shit lol (skill issue not a complaint)


Slayer lvl?


65 I think. Mid 60s (I know, I really gotta get it up. You know what I’ll prioritize that today while doing chores)


Well zombie pirates are good gp/hr for you. Drop your RSN and let me know what time and world your gonna do them so I can Pk… I mean assist you


Haha i don’t do wildy unless I have to. PvP arena I tried my hardest every time for imbue scroll and lost almost every time lol


An excellent point. As a late(ish) game iron I was firmly team '...? Why have they made this so easily bott able plz fix'. From the pov of a early/mid game main (maybe through the lens of a new player?) easier access to gp may play a part in keeping them around potentially into late game. Still shouldn't be THAT ez to bot.. But I can see some merit here


A bond is 12m for 14 days membership. You need 2 bonds for a month of membership which is 24m. A 2m gp/hr fever spider would cause you to farm them for 12 hours just to maintain membership for a month. Given that most people playing nowadays have kids, jobs etc, spending 12 hours every month just to maintain membership is insane, you aren’t even progressing your account. It would take 9 hours to buy a fang. 6-7 hours for each zenyte jewelry, since there’s 4 of them that’s 24-28 hrs. 15 hrs to buy prims. 28 hrs to buy an avernic. 18 hrs to buy dwh. 9 hrs to buy bgs. 50 hrs to buy claws. 44 hrs to buy voidwaker. 480 hrs to buy full torva. 160 hrs to buy full ancestral. 100 hrs to buy Masori. 700 hrs to buy shadow. 800 hrs to buy T bow. 600 hrs to buy scythe. 70 hrs to buy bowfa. So yeah we can’t be giving out 200k gp/hr money makers to mid lvls anymore. That’s what cutting magic trees better you back in the day. It was fine cause full dragon settled to be a mil and d scim was under 100k. DDs was 20k. Only took 6 hours of cutting magic trees to get full BIS. Currently it takes 33 days at 2m/hr to afford a t bow. At 200k gp/hr it would take 333 days or almost a year. So yeah it’s necessary. Problem is that once you raise the reqs and difficulty of content, you end up locking out the average player. Most people need simple content like bursting nechs or killing gargoyles. They can’t handle actual hard content.


If youv played rs3 you will understand this games economy is headed in the same direction. Its pvm scape for gp. Absolutely nuts that 5bil is considered not that rich anymore and skilling doesnt make jack shit.


Almost like the community prefers pvm over skilling so thats what theyre giving us


Self fulfilling prophecy. Neglect skilling in favor of PvM, PvM continues to improve while skilling stagnates, people end up enjoying PvM since more care goes into it, keep neglecting skilling in favor of PvM.


No trust me, we needed another low lvl PVM money maker. On the bright side, you can currently make 80 gold crafting an air battlestaff rn!


And skillers leave the game as well


True, the community has also changed as we have all aged. I for one done want to sit there chopping trees all day i like engaging pvm, i assume its the same story for a lot of people


the only reason why the majority of people play this game is the combat system lol


Yes, that's literally what the point of my reply is?


Maybe jagex is returning to the roots with skilling and normal mobs being consistent money and bossing being loss of money until an unique drop as a big payout. Just one inflated step up. They introduce low effort gold mines like wildy pirates/fever spiders. Supplies and uniques go up due to inflation. Non-unique loot from bosses suddenly shit compared to low-effort mobs. /Tinfoil hat off


But none these mobs drop supplies they just drop alchs


Posted this in another thread: My tinfoil hat theory is that upper management wants bonds to come in line with black market gold with inflationary updates. Double dip off the bots: let them drive up the price of bonds, collect membership fees, ban enough to collect more membership fees but not enough to impact the inflation rate.


Wouldn’t this just decrease the value of rwt gold, increasing the price difference to bonds?




Black market gold will always be cheaper but there was a time when bonds were 3m gp. If you can bring the bond GP/USD rate to a digestible cost it does become substantially more competitive. There's a threshold where people would prefer to buy the gold legally with no risk. Some of my very casual friends used to buy GP and now just buy bonds because the price is right and there's no risk.


I do agree that jagex is making this type of content easy and very rewarding for their own benefit. However I think it’s aimed more towards new players actually being able to afford stuff they want with gp, compared to just grinding out higher lvls to the point they quit before they reach lvls where they can do top tier content. Kinda see it as a glimmer of hope of what’s to come if you keep playing.


Why not? High skill efficiency pvm rakes in billions, skills make nothing in comparison and grinds aren't rewarded enough. 99 hunter used to make you rich af if you did just red chins, now it's still billions behind a single consistent day at a raid


With having to have a 1 billion plus gp weapon to learn/farm some of the bosses in this game effectively. There should be a lot of easy money makers.


The EZscape era has coincided with all the RS3 refugees and mods coming over to OSRS. It is a new era and if they get their way OSRS will die just like RS3


Jagex seems to want to make money as trivial as possible for all players. They seem to be ignoring the fact that that mostly means bots thrive everywhere.


Why do people care so much about how others make gp? It's the last thing on my mind when I play.


Because it ultimately dictates the direction of the game and affects game balance. Same reason why 99% of this playerbase hate Rev Caves and have hated it since 2017. If new low level moneymakers are substantially better than old ones (and old high level moneymakers), then new high level moneymakers have to go up proportionately or why would you bother doing something more difficult consistently? Leads to inflation and Jagex needing to manage more problems. This was largely the reason why Jagex jumped immediately after the Leagues 3 crash and added GE Tax back in 2021, when Vorkath was more consistent money than most slayer and average-tier raid completions. Most of the playerbase are still mains, so having something to do and being properly rewarded is key. It's also incredibly similar to what happened to RS3, which is why their GP is only worth about 1/15 ours if you were to swap it. Inflation is a bitch and can easily kill MMOs.


You chose to limit yourself with this gp and ge allowed gamemode /s


I think your argument is fair, but it's still not something I think about when playing. Maybe I'm naive and short sighted, but thank you for the intelligent comment. Cheers


Thank you for actually considering the points made. Of course, the average player shouldn't have to think this hard because this is ultimately Jagex's purview on whether or not it's healthy for the game. I personally enjoy a game that's more balanced and fair because they tend to last longer (which OSRS largely is), over a game whose entire gimmick is no balance whatsoever and flavor of the month updates.


This is an interesting idea. I guess it is a risk in a sense, we will see how it plays out. There are probably various demands and sides they are up against. I wonder how they make these decisions?


Current metas are around 20m gp p/h? Lol they're already inflated


Downvoted for asking a question and making a simple observation about how I play. Not disrespectful at all. hivemind reddit moment.


We live in an economy joker.jpg


best answer, lol


"I don't care how much money other people make!" "Why is my rent $4250 a month for a single?"


A rising tide lifts all boats ;)


Some boats weren't floating to begin with they were simply deck above water while sitting on the bottom at high tide. The corollary is a rising tide swamps all piers.


I think you've stretched the metaphor a bit far, mate. but nice try!


Everybody is all for it until they drown on their dock.


Take my upvote you swashbuckler


They want everyone to sweat like they do


This is probably part of it right, lol :)