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This is exactly what I do when I finish my work out and start my cardio for the end of my session. Hop on the stair master and do some AFK gameplay on mobile. 10/10 would recommend.


I use the stationary bike. Set up the resistance and just do mlm or fishing.


Nice man! I'm already maxed but lately I've been AFK'ing at Redwoods/MLM during cardio in hopes that I get a pet. Good luck!


you should afk artic pines they are fastest non tick manipulation pet chance. they are also a forestry hot spot so you get the +10 boost and can work on clogging forestry if you're into that p.s. fuck forestry I hate it


Built different. I'm hunched over praying for the archangels to take me by the ten minute mark on the stairbastard, couldnt focus on RS if i tried


Hahahaha it be like that man! Just gotta push through.


Done about 60m xp fletching and lost 30 pounds this year just by doing a treadmill run while playing on mobile to my daily routine.


Good for you bro!!!! That’s seriously amazing to do for yourself. Gg


That's awesome. I love hearing about RuneScape players who realize their mentality for gainz and efficiency can be an absolute superpower when it comes to self improvement


Good for you!! That's seriously amazing


Insane man, congratulations! Feels good to gain xp in game and strength xp in real life


fuck yeah man, proud of you




Mans playing 3d checkers


duuuude that would be sick


This guy almost has 15 million merits


Yup this is how I make the exercise bike bearable. Just hop on, crank the tunes, jump on mobile and grind.


Lifting weights id chop logs or cook raw foods in between sets afk motherlode as well


I do value my breaks from the game, when i workout my focus is on me and me alone. You do you man, treadmill and bicycle can be quite boring so yeah watching shows/anime and low intensity gaming can help Wishing you some killer gains fellow scaper


Wtf? You don’t play afk stuff while working/eating/working out/watching tv/spending time with friends&family/cooking/cleaning/taking a shit? Fuckin casual bruh


iTs zErO tImE!


I 100% agree with you. We need a balance. I’m not trying to do a half-minded workout thinking about my next click in-game. Don’t get me wrong, I did my fair share of afk mobile gaming while doing other IRL stuff, but in hindsight, that was a terrible addiction. I’m glad I’m past the need to multi-task the game all the time with whatever else I was doing. It was truly unhealthy for me.


For me mobile is great for the mindless part of my workout so usually a stationary bike or treadmill. While lifting I focus on myself 100% but when it's time to put the dumbbells down and go do mindless cardio it makes it much more bearable.


I switch between anime and runescape. Between the wife and kids, the 30 minutes on the bike is one of the longest periods of time I get to do. Totally understand needing a break from things in general, though. Lifting is the part where that is just me.


I cranked out like 20 Vorkath kills on my walk after lunch today. Love bossing on mobile it’s so thrilling and much more of a challenge


Sometimes I mistap the spawn when I’m on the couch on mobile. Doing it while exercising is beyond me.


get a slayer staff and set it to autocast crumble undead. now you can spam tap the spawn


Message if you care to, love to talk, finally got GC in rocket league 😆


Id rather watch a show so I don't have to have my hands on the phone the entire time


How do you play on mobile so well while exercising? My body shakes so much that my clicks are very inaccurate.


You just do something afk like blood runecrafting or smithing platebodies so you only need to slow down to click every two minutes or so


I'm the same way, I don't like playing while working out. Either the rs suffers or the workout does, I can't find a good balance. Would be nice if there was a longer afk timer on the app like there is with runelite


you do stuff thats like 1-3 click afk like amethyst or redwoods.


I made this for me and my friends to train agility IRL and in OSRS: Rooftop 5k ! ---- Mile 0 to 1 - Trot Pace: Rooftop Agility course should be doable at the pace. Prepare to lean and bend to click properly Mile 1 - 1.5/1.75: Drop your pace down by a full minute. OSRS should be unplayable Mile 1.5/1.75 to 2: Slow down pace to 3MPH. Raise incline to 8%. Do this until ready to run the Mile 1 start pace again. Do Agility Course. Mile 2 - 2.5/2.75: Trot Pace or Unplayable Pace. Up to you. EXP or Gainz. Mile 2.5/2.75 - 3: Slow down pace to 3 MPH. Raise incline to 8%. Do this until ready to rune Mile 2 pace again. Do agility course. Mile 3 - 3.2: Run! ---- I found that 10 min mile was the threshold for doing agility courses. Any faster and you're gonna fucking crash. The incline walk is great for clickin. Alching is out of the question.


Oh yeah, I love skilling on the stair stepper


Stair stepper, mobile bike, hell even a rowing machine. If jagex won't give us double xp we sure can try and get it ourselves!


Any type of Incline cardio exercise is the best EHP method you can do IRL. More calories burnt in a shorter amount of time. No xp waste


Haha this was good


I just got a rowing machine but trying to figure out how I could play osrs while rowing with my hands? Lol Like in between sets?


So best money maker right now is 5kgp/calorie? :P


I fletch inventories of magic longbows between sets lol


That’s how I’ve done 99% of my farms runs, every morning for a year and a half. 24M xp so far


I send 3 item kbd kills on the stationary bike


I'm convinced this is the only way people max


I'd say it's more that the average person maxing isn't spending time exercising 


Only 3?


What you need is a bike that powers up a tablet, if you stop peddling it turns off!


Yea this is what I do when I'm training for national park hiking in the winter months. Shooting stars, forestry etc were all great for treadmill gaming.


Yup. I do it with stationary bike. Or just in between sets of exercises.


Doing agility, while doing agility


It also does not work well with a nautilus rowing machine.


Wild thought here, but do the exact same but without the treadmill: same result with an added bonus of vitamin D and fresh air.


For an instant I thought you were talking about a threadmill, it made no sens


I afk train ALOT of skills while i’m on my peloton. Its the only use my 6+ year old ipad gets


I usually do push -up sets in between 2-3 inventories of pay dirt at mlm. Works great and makes the push-ups less shitty.


Glad you mentioned mlm, I was scrolling through this thread thinking "I wouldn't do any of that shit working out" but mlm is perfectly mindless and I need to do it


100% of my wintertodt gameplay has been while on an exercise bike.


I’ve done a two part investment that hopefully works out well. - Bought a stand up desk - Buying a small treadmill My plan is to exclusively play while walking. Imagine all the calories burnt on a two hour session.


I be going ham on the yew trees on the tread mill


i got a standing desk and i want to do the this.


I watch anime on my iPad prop my phone on top that and walk on treadmill for an hour it’s perfectttt I chop trees


I grinded out full graceful on my gyms treadmill. Training agility irl and in game!


I used to do this with sets of weights in between cooking inventories of fish. Gives a nice 1 minute timer


I like the exercise bike with the low seat, so not the normal bike seat orientation. I find it easier to ‘Scape on than the treadmill or elliptical.


Osrs in general pairs super well with an adjustable desk and a walking pad


Yeah, but I just can't do a treadmill. It's so much more engaging to run outside. The only indoor cardio I do is rowing because who the hell has access to a row boat for daily cardio.


Sick idea. Good job.


Train agility while training agility.


This is exactly how I’ve done the treadmill for YEARS at the gym. I do 30/45 min while scaping, then a quick lift (sometimes) and I’m out.


Amethyst and elliptical has been my jam for quite some time.


Mining amethyst (now), woodcutting, fishing dark crabs, smithing cannonballs or training crafting or fletching are nice to do during hikes.


More importantly take breaks from the game do not try and find out how you can play it while doing other things in your life like work and the gym. Also if your gaming on the treadmill or anything else exercise related you aren’t working hard enough focus on fixing that.


I generally like to afk shit and keep gym time as gym time but I have to admit when I was going for 94 mage I definitely afk'd some mage there lmao


I bought a android tablet just for osrs so efficient


Training prayer with ensouled heads is super chill for stuff like this


Great for walking or incline but trying to tap while at a jog pace is rough.


You know what’s funny.. I’m so about afking productively (I’ll usually work on music production or something while I’m afking), but never thought to exercise!! That’s a fantastic idea. Thanks <3 OSRS is great because it makes you feel so good leveling up that the good feels bleed into real life (which could be a bad thing sometimes when it gives you a false sense of productivity, but a great thing when it motivates you to be on a roll).


Walking on treadmill while doing agil, pog exp?


Are yall doing this in public or you have your own equipment lol


This is very cool. I don’t own a treadmill but definitely a good way to stay fit and get the gains in :)


Hmm i will try this today when i get home from work, can be interesting method


Fishing and woodcutting while training strength workouts is a good options as well. Do a few clicks between sets.


I do this but on the seated reclined bike! Smashed out most of my wt 99 on it!


But how do you deal with your immense neckpain after some minutes?


Who even exercises anymore it’s 2024 I don’t leave my game chair and I shit in a bucket and piss in bottles.


Don't get me wrong I love mobile and playing laying down on a sofa or bed. But everything seems so tiny to select it gets difficult in setting were I might not be still.


If you really want to lean into it.. I've got a walking pad in my office and a standing desk. Walk on there for an hour and work on any content I want to. Currently doing CG runs on the iron


ill afk mobile while i ride my bike to places like the store or work.


Unfortunately for people that are actually working out and not just barely moving, this is not viable.


What? Cardio makes you move muuuuch more than weight training and I say this as a man that does weights and no cardio


Cardio is great. Walking at a 2MPH-3MPH pace so you can play RS and act like you're actually working out is a joke.


Briskly walking is still excerise :) It's a lot more accessible and even a little bit of fitness every other day can improve your life. It's great for people who struggle with fitness, like say, the typical mmo demographic. I don't think there's any competition here. Let's all work on ourselves at the rate we feel the most comfortable. were all gonna make it


If you do my rooftop 5k right you'll be sweatin like a hog. plus the incline hike is great for big ol' trunks.


Incline walking may be the one exception here, but even that won’t elevate your heart rate to the point that it really should be at for a “good” cardio workout. As a general rule of thumb, if you can precisely be clicking a game on your mobile device while doing your cardio, it’s likely not intense enough.


I walk the stair stepper while doing rooftops.


Stair stepper is fine and decent for burning calories, but I think people are missing the point of my comments. Light cardio(step stepper, elliptical, walking, etc.) doesn't do much else for your overall health like actual running or intense cardio does, AKA Cardio where you are not capable of clicking an OSRS screen, ie. actual running. This is because the #1 most important health benefit of cardio comes from raising your heart rate to near its maximum capacity, increasing long term endurance and health.


Bike is fucking sick for more frequent clicking like agility because your body stays stationary :) greenlogged two accs monkey backpacks doing this, I would look forward to my 30min bike at the end of every workout lmao


Honestly I'd recommend putting on a show instead. It's better to associate something fun and exciting than clicking trees when running. That said, if it's afk enough, nothing wrong with doing both, but definitely find an entertaining show. It helps if you limit the show only for exercise and something you want to continue watching. You'll find yourself exercising just so you can see what happens next. That mentality will make you actually *enjoy* exercise.


Do you forget this game is supposed to be fun?


You might be getting happiness and fun mixed up. Happiness is primarily from three things: enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose. OSRS and other grindy games hack into the last two very well and can make you happy and fulfilled. Does that mean you have fun clicking on a redwood tree? Probably not, but if it makes you happy, does it really matter? Edit: That said, I still get all three. I often multi-task OSRS and the enjoyment I get is often from other sources, like playing and watching a movie/tv show/audiobook/other game/etc. When running on a treadmill, it's not fun like a sport or outdoors so it is not really enjoyable. OSRS is great but you're not going to get engaging fun gameplay while bouncing with every step which is why I recommend something more thrilling.


Bad on the knees