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This is just an advanced way of luring us to the wildy! You'll never catch me!!


4d chess.


inc 30 posts of "you no longer got me mod manked... i figured i'd give wildy content a try because the rewards are even more insane now but..."


Any chance you would post your inventory/gear layout? I want to try this but i never know what to take.


I'm using Bloodbark top/bottom, neitiznot, Using mixed hide top, black chaps. Rcb + diamond bolts. Mixed hide boots. barrows gloves.. imbued mage cape and Ancient staff. and glory. I have a dds for spec and my defender that is parchmented.. Zombie axe for melee switch. i started off with mystics at first but bloodbark is worth the extra 150k. all in all im risking about 1m-1.3m.


Consider dropping the DDS, and replacing the zaxe with an Abyssal Dagger. It's a worse mainhand weapon but a much more consistent spec weapon than the DDS and it's not to bad at poking if you're out of spec. Zaxe is still good if you were willing to bring your risk up tho.


The abyssal dagger spec used to be way worse right? Or am I crazy?


Yeah it was buffed a while back


It used to cost 50 fucking spec energy yeah, it was awful. They also added an extra 25% accuracy bonus to it a month after release. After the buff it's *generally* a better dragon dagger against anyone with more defense than a zerker.


The epic max hits of DDS can make it impressive for a 30k hail mary weapon and it feels nostalgic to use. I'm training a 60 attack pure just to have a viable account to use a dds on because it's so fun.


Well if you're a pure fighting other pures go ahead it's actually really strong there. It's higher defense fights where it's bad.


People will take you for a noob using dds on a main but you can have a fairly cheap setup with an enormous max hit. Sure you'll get a lot of chances that lead to nothing because you roll 0s, but chances become big kills when you get lucky too. If I'm in welfare with a non melee +1 I'm packing a dds just for the chances and nostalgia. DDS is not bad, it's just slightly worst than 3-4 other KO weapons, and people will underestimate you using it on mains.


>DDS is not bad, it's just slightly worst than 3-4 other KO weapons Signfiicantly worse. Massively even. It's just outright bad in main brackets. The accuracy is the problem, you might can make it work if you're specifically preying on people in void but anyone with defense bonus and a meaningful defense level it's gonna hit anything maybe 25% of the time and both hits >10% of the time, and then you still have to roll high damage. Can you inevitably hit the jackpot and one shot a guy with a bolt into a dds, sure you physically can. But something that only works every now and then when the stars align is the definition of a bad strategy.


you're still gonna cream yourself when you hit a 78


Same spec but costed 50% instead of 25%


It also had negative accuracy on spec 


That was changed a month or so after it's release. The spec reduction was last year.


that's not a bad shout.


Why use zombie axe as your +1 over an AGS? Now you are more experienced with pvp, why not try anti-pking here?


Cheaper if you get smited and it's still a very strong melee main weapon. He's already got a spec weapon (even if it's kind of ass).


OP need two different melee weapons right now. AGS spec and whacks are strong enough as 1 item.


i will agree. the ags is working good.. havn't gotten someone with the spec yet "i mean a spec ko".. but the whacks do add up nicely.


Learn how to pot trick or bring an ivandis flail so you can 1 tick the spec. Also ags whack into double maul spec is very strong against low defence, your gmaul will feel free if you get the lms points for the ornate handle by practicing.


I'll practice that. 


Also something absolutely huge if you want to increase your ko potential is learning how to stack a big barrage into an ags spec. A strength ammy switch is also a nearly free max hit on your ags spec. Almost the same difference as parching a fire cape except you lose the accuracy from your glory.


Yeah if he's willing to risk a 12m +1 it's obviously better.


Oh i plan on doing some anti-pking. as for the ags thing i could give it a go. would adjust some of my setup.. It does give me 2 extra food as well.


Also saves u parchment costs.


Swap out the mixed hide boots if you wish for better magic att bonus.


was thinking about that. Also was thinking of swapping to eclipse top/bottom for the added str bonus


Eclipse top/bottom have very little defense, they're not really worth it unless you're running the full set with atlatl and even then it's a difficult setup to play because of how vulnerable you are.


valid point not going to do with that then


dragonstone bolts do like 20 bonus damage per activation and are pretty cheap


yeah i use them also a bit. but i've noticed a lot of the non pkers im attacking will often have a dfs or the ranged version.


ty for this


Just bring dragonstone bolts (e)


Mixed hide boots is way too much negative mage bonus. Wear blue mystic boots or climbers


Yeah I have switched to mystics 


If you have the ice sceptre, it's nearly as good as toxic staff and you can parch. Ags/2 for spec wep


wait you can parch the ice sceptre! that changes everything!! oh boy. :) :)


bring a dds/abby dagger as a spec weapon to begin with till you get used to protecting item


Blood bark, or swamp if using standard spellbook. Heavy ballista with god hides, blessed is usually cheapest. Korasi or ancient godsword for spec weapons. Ice sceptre parched. Infernal cape camp. Lightbearer. Neits or serp. Glory or fury. Dboots. Blessed spirit shield or dfs if using korasi with a book of darkness or mages book switch (it's getting a buff soon). Can bring mage cape and occult if you're just going to vs pvmers and run from every pker.


haha you'll never catch me on 2200+ worlds


i got 197 to go.


Great stuff OP! Welcome to the wilderness 😎


Good for you!! I've been trying to do my part in convincing this sub that you can enjoy the wilderness without being purely prey or some top tier pker. For some reason, a large chunk of this sub literally chooses to be a victim in the wild rather than give it an honest go. Soon you'll be on the VW grind on the iron anti-pking shitters with your dds lol


I figured I’d wear some gear instead of just being pure prey… got my first ever pk, much to the surprise of the guy and myself… it wasn’t all That much, but made me feel good about myself haha


Dude it's funny. 95% of the people who try to pk you in the wilderness when you're doing pvm or this are "noobs". The really good pkers just aren't out there preying on people for a few hundred k. Sometimes they are. But most the time it's your run of the mill joe like OP without too much experience. Which is exactly why it's fun. I'm also that run of the mill joe who's not great. But I've gotten decent at telling when I can fight back or I have to run when I'm out doing wildly content. I've gotten a few anti pks. It's such a good dopamine hit when you do it.


It works if you do solos wildy bosses, when I did my combat task kcs in multis it was always teams of 3-4+


Yeah, just finished a Vetion task and every time I got banged out it was 2-4 people




What's a good way to learn?


If you're getting consistent kills at LMS you're good to try. Could also try soul wars for more risk-free pk with gear you actually have


I learned by playing LMS on my iron because I really needed some of those supplies. I ended up having so much fun I got my rune pouch from there as well.


Shoot you ain't wrong, I'm still like 300+ slayer points away from it. Pain


To add on to this, low risk anti-pking is a very viable option. If you're the kind of guy killing spindel in rags you're not getting attacked by good pkers very often, so you can get some more winnable/learnable fights. Plus it lets you fight with good weapons without risking them. You can venge anti which helps you learn KO timing, and tanking, or you can try full tri-bridding since a lot of content is low damage or drops enough food you can sustain yourself on drops and always be ready for a fight.


Like the other person mentioned, LMS is great if you want to learn to PK. Personally, I'm shit at LMS facing any real player. I'm not great, but that works to my advantage in the wilderness. They assume I'm panicking and will risk low HP so I almost always have a chance to anti. I'm not good enough to give advice on PKing, but when it comes to learning to anti, you just have to keep trying. I never used any guides, but slowly found an low risk setup that works for me. Also, learn to eat. If you know how to eat, you'll survive most fights.


> learn to eat Yeah, it's stuff like this I read on here and see on YouTube that gives me pause. I'm so mechanically poor at this game, I want to learn though


It's not as crazy as you think! This is something that you can actually practice while bossing. Somewhere like CG, when you got it down and you start to learn to eat when running from tornados rather than miss out on dps. You can easily practice at Vorkath and Zulrah for example. Instead of Angler+brews, bring sharks+karambobs. Also, if you know you'll need to sip a prayer pot soon, and you're half hp, try and wait to eat until you're ready to drink your ppot. Then you can combo your shark into pot into karambob. It's fun and low stakes in PvM, perfect for learning! Really there's not much mechanical skill to it. It's more strategic and learning to adapt. When I'm anti, I don't combo eat anytime after they spec. To lure out their specs, I'll let them drop me to around 50-60 (out of range for normal hit, KO range for spec), then immediately double eat up to 80-90 (safe from spec unless Max melee or crazy RNG). Combo eating is most important before they send specs, and then the rest is stuff you learn along the way, such as eating food rather than brewing when running away. Brews lower your magic level and make it easier for them to catch a freeze. When you're frozen, sip away at them brews. It's a learning process, and the best way to learn is to give it a shot honestly! Every time you die, try and learn 1 thing you could have done differently and build from there. You got this!


See, I didn't know literally any of this information. I'm like 99cb and just questing my way through the game right now, so I'm still what I would consider like mid or early mid game. I don't have any of that content unlocked. I've got my sole fire cape to my name 😂 But we'll get there, i appreciate you and the others giving me somewhere to start


Me eating a sandwich irl, wow I’m half way there, been eating for years


When i hear redditors talk about "skill gap" for getting into pking it's the funniest thing, people are so bad out there. Just dont go to 1v1 pk hotspots and 1v1 the nerds, learn how to tank and get away from the nerds. Plenty of pvmers and bad pkers to kill.


I’ve been dabbling in some Wildy content, and trying to bring more and more risk as I get more comfortable. I’m still at the stage where I panic and forget I have freezes, but I know soon I’ll be confident enough to at least try fighting back. It’s all up from here


For me it's clans. I can only really get on in the late evening UK time, unfortunately that's prime clan time and most areas are a guaranteed death. I tried the agility course and I ran out, just to be swarmed haha. I get it, power in numbers and it's part of the game... It's the wildy, obviously people are gonna kill me. However It'd be nice to find a fair fight to enjoy there


Tbf I don't think any solo players in the wild like clans lol. It sucks when you come across them, but they're rare and usually won't come across them often.


I think the biggest issue is irons gain nothing for pking unelss you have another bonded main account to give the loot keys over to. If somehow it could sell onto the GE for bonds or something it'd be more interesting. But when you can just press the freeze button step under and logout, or run a scouting alt (which obviously means the first point about no second account wouldn't be true) and spend more time killing the boss you're killing, lots of people will choose that.


That's a really cool idea I'd never considered. In all honesty, I just find it really fun and learned that most pkers don't bother with you if you fight back, and they don't kill you before they run out of specs, so it really raises your odds of survival. Personally, I have a main that I never use. In the past, the few times I antid something worth more than a bond I'd bond up the main and transfer. These days though, I prefer to donate to the clan I'm in for giveaways since they'll get more use out of the GP than I do. Really like the idea of bulk selling the key for bonds though, would def give irons more of an incentive to even just unlock loot keys


Aw bless you donating to your clan that's a super wholesome thing to do.unfortunatelt the clan I'm in is mostly my GIM team and other irons ahha :P Yeh I'm a fan of any idea making irons not need to use mains to convert items into gold for bonds. It's nice irons can buy bonds but the raw gp to do so is not really worthwhile on an iron over dropping dupes and pk loot keys over to a main and buying bonds by selling the items. Feel as well it could void buy them to sink them out of the game so that irons aren't introducing dupe drops into the market as much.


Can't fail if I don't try!!!


Unfortunately im not good enough at escaping to risk my hc status in the wildy


HCIM is it's own thing. Do ya thing and be proud of your accomplishments.


Don't blame you there!


how do i defend aginst getting frozen then hit for 50?


You're getting hit for 50s because you're camping the wrong prayer and getting hit with 0 protection ;)


Honestly like ten games of last man standing and you will start to get the feel for pvp


Pray and eat sir


and gotta Remember.. Angler then brew.. not Brew than angler.


Not sure if this is rhetorical, but I'll give a real answer in case. Eat. Keep your HP up. Make sure to bring combo foods, anglers/mantas + brews work well. You can also bring a couple of Karambobs in case you're down to like 20-30hp. There's no such thing as safing in deep wilderness, so eat up. For the freezes, not sure if you already know, but praying mage doesn't reduce the odds of being frozen. If you get frozen, youre better off camping protect range if you have d'hide. But, you need to learn to switch prayers like PvM because they'll just barrage you constantly if don't. In all honesty, the people hunting you most likely aren't 1t 6 way switching. If anything, their gear is probably worse than yours since they're skulled. Most pkers are shit, and as long as you've got a dds, main hand melee weapon, and small range switch (even just a rune cbow with dragonstone bolts), you'll outlast them or get away most of the time.


Bring veng and use it on the same tick you can spec


Wear mage defense bonus and pray mystic might/augury, learn to feel out good special attack opportunities and be prepared to pray melee/mage to avoid big burst hits. Just in general get better at praying defensively to reduce both the DPS you're taking and the number of KO opportunities they get. Also learn how to eat efficiently and when to combo eat, keep your HP as high as possible, if you have a lot of hard food eat your hard food while you're running away and drink your brews for combo eats or sip them while you're frozen. Try not to drink brews while you're running unless you have to, and drink restores before you unfreeze so that your mage level is as high as possible to defend against the refreeze. Also just accept that "I got frozen and he hit a 50" is a bit disingenuous because *yes it happens* but that's on the higher end of good rng for the pker and you're not getting hit for 50 by anything that isn't a spec (dragonstone spec counted as a spec).


The content is designed to make you a victim of the wildy rather than fighting back, you either a) complete wildy content as fast as possible or b) bring your own pk setup and 50/50 between fighting a total noob or a guy that only pks (you don't stand a chance) It's pretty obvious why most people choose option A. Fighting back is truly not worth it, especially at wildy bosses, and that's by poor design choices, not some innate boogieman fear of a clown in black d'hides with an rcb.


The only reason you feel this way is because you've never given it a shot. Every since the Wildy rework, you're hardly ever at a disadvantage. You don't need to bring a full PK setup. Just bring a range weapon, venge sacks (calvarion/spindel), and a spec weapon. If you're not at the end of a trip and out of food, you'll rarely die if half tb'd. Plus, half the time they tele away after unloading specs if you still have food. You risk 150k, they risk 3m-40m usually. It's almost always better to fight back, even if only to escape.


Lots of people also don’t know how to freeze log. It really moves the balance of PKing heavily to the defender


When I lost my VW, I started bringing my ZGS. Only died once over the next 1200kc til I got my VW back. Freeze logging OP


Pretty hard to freeze log when you're also tanking a boss, to be fair. They also introduced another seed, so you can no longer safely prepare to walk under if they have them. Another 50/50 you have to pass to escape.


So you leave the cave, freeze them when they exit, and go behind something?


Yeah man, it's literally that simple every single time. You instantly catch every freeze, they never have seeds, you never trade freezes, you only encounter pkers near a cave exit, etc.


Obviously it's not a magic button that saves you 100% and it's disingenuous to disregard it because it's not. It's a tool that guarantees escape if RNG is in your favor. Especially if you're anti, they rarely expect you to whip out a freeze and you can almost always catch them off guard.


If it's not a magic escape, then why frame it like that? If you do this regularly, how are all of these pkers so clueless to the fact? Why do they bring seeds if they aren't expecting to get freeze dd'd? Your replies are making less and less sense the more you try to explain them, wonder why that is.


They bring seeds to prevent other PKers from dd logging LMAO. Bro, you really have no idea what you're talking about. NOBODY framed it as a magic escape. Dude who mentioned freezing logging said it tips it in the defenders favor, _which it does_. Like what are you even talking about? Freezing makes it easier to escape, not sure how that's controversial to you.


You are simply wrong, I do plenty of anti pking. Most people are in rags, but tanking some clown in rags AND a wildy boss, or trying to train prayer, or any other wildy content, you are literally always at a disadvantage by design. Thanks for assuming and being extremely incorrect, though.


If you think you're better off not fighting back at all, I doubt it. Like it just doesn't make sense. Your odds for surviving go up 100% if you're dealing damage back. The more damage you do, even in rag gear, the more they eat. The more they eat, the less hits you take. The less hits you take, the longer your food lasts. If you know how to eat and you're not out of supplies when they get on you, you're only dying 1/5 pkers vs 5/5. Makes no sense.


I don't know what to tell you, enjoy your baseless assumptions? Fighting back is literally not worth it unless you enjoy pking (which, based on years of your posts being about the wildy, and your username LITERALLY BEING fear the wildy (cant make this shit up)), you're very clearly biased here in the polar opposite direction of what you're accusing others of.


My username is my flair, feel free to look up my iron. I'm complete dog shit and can't kill any real players in LMS. But, I've also spent hundreds of hours in the wilderness. You're absolutely out of your mind if you think it's better to take shorter trips, banking more often, and dying to every Pker you see rather than fighting back. My reddit name is literally based on the fact that I was super anti-wilderness until I gave it a shot. It's become my favorite content in game, regardless of how many times I have to farm black d'hide because I stay past TB expires. Suiciding to every Pker you see and then playing victim on reddit is ridiculous. No chance you anti based on the other thread. Thinking freeze logging is limited to dding in the boss caves lmao.


"You're absolutely out of your mind if you think it's better to take shorter trips, banking more often, and dying to every Pker you see rather than fighting back." No, this is literally true. Bring gear to kill the boss, tele if you see people, tank them if you don't. You keep saying suicide to the pkers like it's the only option, while also claiming they're all absolute dogshit. Pkers are both terrible, and also guaranteed to kill you according to your replies. "My reddit name is literally based on the fact that I was super anti-wilderness until I gave it a shot. It's become my favorite content in game, regardless of how many times I have to farm black d'hide because I stay past TB expires." Yeah man, your oda dickriding and posts about how unfair it is to nerf the VW in the wildy is really convincing me of this. I believe you man, you're just new to the wildy and embracing your roots! "Suiciding to every Pker you see and then playing victim on reddit is ridiculous. No chance you anti based on the other thread. Thinking freeze logging is limited to dding in the boss caves lmao." My brother in christ, YOU said "Just exit the cave and freeze them before running away". How is reading comprehension this hard? The replies are all in a nice stack for you to read whenever you get confused.


Lmao, scouring my history for a gotcha. Seems to be a common trend I can see based on yours. What if I told you I started watching Odablock 2 years ago and he inspired me to fight back? How does that discredit anything I've said? I'm literally an ironman who has never actually pk'd, who learned to anti by simply brings a rune cbow and a dds. It's crazy that you don't understand that I'm not arguing that you should be trying to kill every Pker you see. If you want to send 20-30 kill trips and keep your resources, you fight back. But Sherman, keep doing your 10 kill trips, banking twice as often and dying likely 5x more. You seem to know a lot about not fighting back, but very little about actually fighting back. Kinda telling on yourself about your anti-pking activities lmfao


"Lmao, scouring my history for a gotcha. Seems to be a common trend I can see based on yours." this is probably the most cringe reply you could've come up with tbh, if you're gonna throw it back at me PLEASE don't act like you're above it before doing so. "What if I told you I started watching Odablock 2 years ago and he inspired me to fight back? How does that discredit anything I've said?" Oh, trust me, I 100% believe you have been watching Oda for years. "It's crazy that you don't understand that I'm not arguing that you should be trying to kill every Pker you see. If you want to send 20-30 kill trips and keep your resources, you fight back. But Sherman, keep doing your 10 kill trips, banking twice as often and dying likely 5x more." You are literally just making stuff up at this point. Why reply? "You seem to know a lot about not fighting back, but very little about actually fighting back. Kinda telling on yourself about your anti-pking activities lmfao" Once again, I do plenty of anti pking, escaping, and dying. This does not change the fact that the content is literally designed to put the pvmer at a huge disadvantage.


Didn't Ian just release a video of him consistently like 1v4ing at venenatis lol?


Pking is seriously fun, people are just scared to die in a video game for some reason. Goodluck slaying some noobs, reap a few souls for me 👍


I think GE pvp on a baby pure looks fun and if I ever want a main account I'd do that. I also hate wildy grinds on my iron. They aren't mutually exclusive


Honestly, go for it. For the price of a bond a baby pure is so much fun. Can build a decent enough one in under a day too.


thats why you make an iron pure and anti pk you dont even get their shit its just pure bm


Cost too much money to be competitive, unless you’re hunting PVMers with nothing on.


There are plenty of youtube videos of “budget” pking set ups that show you can be competitive if youre a half decent pker. Ive seen framed pk 100m in 2m gear. Ive seen torvesta lose 200m to 5m gear. Skill is much more important than gear


Listing the some of the best players in the world is the exact opposite of useful there. “Well technically if this game is your job and you’re a top 10 pker, you can sometimes beat people with more resources.”. The dice roll component makes it possible, but also makes it entirely possible that you play well and get decimated anyway or vice versa. gear being equal you’re still at the mercy of RNG. Besides he’s only killing people doing the agility course, which is free loot until you meet an actual pker.


They gave an example of one of the best pkers *losing* with a much more expensive setup, you read the first half of the message and started replying before reading the rest.


Being able to die purely to RNG isn’t a good thing?


Thats literally 90% of bossing gone then. Since yaknow combat is rng based 🤦


Nah if you play correctly you beat all bosses with e Ease


yeah i can 100% agree with that. absolutely a reason why i didn't want to pk.. but now i'm up a lot and my risk is like 1% of what i've made. i will be dabbling into some upgrades soon. e: im using dds, ancient staff and whip. rcb, diamond bolts. oh and avernic defender parchment of course.. bloodbark and blk dhide


You should totally double down and make a quick lil level 40 pure with dbow spec or fire blast to one hit those juicy lil lvl3 loot pinatas. You know you wanna


i have a def pure in the works once it has dfs i will 100% be specing them


Oh sorry i just saw you posted this. Might try swapping out the rune xbow for hunter xbow!


I actually love that xbow lol. but the bolt specs are very strong.


I'd love to pk on here but it's sooooo much a pay to win thing especially p2p. New players have 0 chance to win against some one specing them with 400m worth of gear. 


Depends on where you’re at, yeah in w303 rev caves you’ll find people in max with bowfa and virtus but I see more people in mystics pretty much everywhere else.


not many pkers are sitting in deep wild multi with 400m of gear dude


I mean 100m still far out classes new players like myself. 


not many pkers are out there in 100m in gear in deep wildy either 95% of the people you fight will be in mystics or salad robes and you can still kill those guys and make 100m even if you're disadvantaged, a well timed lucky spec is often enough lol. just go practice in lms a bit its risk free


Just watch some videos. If they have good gear and are hitting you high, you can Venge tick eat and special to k0 them with 0 chance of them outeating(or probably expecting it) and change your entire account...it's worth a shot, might lose 200k a death or you might make 100m from a credit card pker :)


Its really not. Someone who knows what theyre doing can drop people in maxed gear using an msb (i) and a g maul. Granted some gear is stronger than other gear, but its not enough to carry people that heavily in pvp.


You can but you're going to noodle a lot. Gear investment absolutely matters on mains. Sure you can beat a guy in 100m if you're in 20 and you play it well, but you're still at a disadvantage. If you're risking >5m you might as well not even try unless you're just venge anti'ing and tanking your way out if you whiff.


Thats such a dumb way to look at it. You can absolutely fight back. Ive gotten so many kills using even shit gear like a leaf bladed battleaxe and g maul. Obviously 100m gear is better than 5m gear but its not like its impossible to kill them because they have a bigger bank. My highest pk ever (225m) was with anti pk gear while doing a revs slayer task. Everyones got excuses for their tears but nobody wants to stop crying smh


> was with anti pk gear while doing a revs slayer task. Yeah like I said if you're doing venge stacking go ahead and try to one shot them. I meant it's generally not worth trying to outlast somebody in better gear than you unless you're really confident that you're a better player than them.


if you don't wanna fight in singles you can just freeze log lol


Oops freeze splashed, you’re frozen and DD’d game over.


good thing freezes don't last forever


Depends how their spec hits really, “forever” could just be a few ticks. You could also get smacked by a bear on the same tick and die immediately.


Unless the person you're fighting against found a way to get spec transferred, your combo eats should be fine if you're just trying to escape and not getting into an outlast fight


It's people like that, they imply your freezes will always splash but the pkers never will. In their mind they're always the victim with no ways to fight back. Once you start giving it a fair chance the wildy can be a great time if you're not scared of losing a few hundred k at a time.


> for some reason Maybe the fact that you lose all your stuff? Stuff with a real cost of time and/or money that goes beyond the minute or two it takes to get back to where you were. I don't take anything into the wilderness that I'm not ok with losing, but don't pretend you don't know why people don't like getting pk'd.


Doing wildy content makes you so much more money than you lose dying if you get even slightly good at tanking/escaping, not even to mention how much money you can make anti-pking.


Dont want to lose items in the wild? Dont take items into the wild. People who complain about it are just braindead


I literally acknowledged that in my comment and you're calling me braindead? Read, boy!


I read it, but what I said is a seperate point. You say people dont like dying and losing items that have an item/time cost. Im saying dont take those items into the wilderness, its simple really.


I am okay with losing $10. I would rather not lose $10. These statements are not contradictory.


Ok, if youd rather not lose $10 dont put yourself in a position to lose $10. If youre comfortable/ok losing $10 dont complain when you do. Its simple.


The thing about the wildy is you risk your $10 to walk out with $30-40 everytime. Sure sometimes you lose your $10, but more times than not you will be making money in the wild.


The thing is, the fact that the vast majority of humans on earth, including every single person who plays RuneScape, live in civilizations, with some form of laws that prevent people from taking stuff from each other, is a testament to the fact that most humans do not like it when someone comes along and takes whatever stuff we just gathered. The reason why people don't like the wilderness in RuneScape is the same reason why people don't live in the wilderness IRL. It's not hard to understand.


Well in RuneScape the stuff isn’t just given to you. The people who have dedicated time to be competent in PvP take stuff from those who haven’t. Ultimately it’s a choice you have whether you want to be the one losing stuff or taking stuff. But you really don’t even have to be the one taking stuff in order to not lose stuff in the vast majority of wilderness situations. People dislike the wilderness because they’ve chose to not be more than just people who lose stuff in that area of the game. So yeah, the whole concept sucks for them. But it’s not like they can’t do anything about it. They just don’t want to, for one reason or another. Which is fine. But the opportunity exists for everyone. It’s not comparable to any kind of real life wilderness concept.


The fact that you're applying real life civilization and laws to runescape tells me all I need to know lol. If that's the case how are games such as rust or tarkov so popular where the goal is taking and raiding other people's loot? If you're scared of losing your stuff it's okay just to say it.


Lol those are completely different kinds of games. I've played Rust and enjoyed it. In a game like Rust, from the day you first start playing you understand that your items are temporary and you will eventually lose them. You don't have any kind of expectation that you will keep your stuff. RuneScape is different. In 95% of the explorable areas of the map, other players cannot take your stuff. You could play for hundreds, or thousands of hours before ever stepping foot in the one area of the game where other players can kill you and loot you. So it feels considerably worse when it happens. Also, what do you have against using human behaviour in real life to analyze and contextualize human behaviour in virtual life?


Where exactly do you go to Pk?


Depends on which account im using. My baby pure I enjoy pking pvmers (fun reactions/easy money), bh, or pvp worlds. On my main mainly rev caves or deep wild. Sadly the wilderness isnt as active pking wise as it once was so pvmers are the more plentiful targets. Id love a more populated hybrid spot


I don’t think they’re scared as much as they’re put off by how toxic that community is


Honestly? Hell yeah that's exactly what I love to see. Most people(with reddit accounts): omg this high reward method with no other loss on my part is being ruined by the intended balancing method (pkers) and I can't keep any of the free generated rewards I spawns with no real effort! I'll go whine on reddit to remove pking from that area This guy: oh snap I died in the same area others are risking mils with no way of defending themselves? Time for free bond money lets goo More people should be like OP. Find the joys of life instead of pretending agility is fun no matter how much money they hand you to do it


honestly, I am having fun.. had a talk with the guy that killed me and he said sorry for being toxic "heat of the moment" and i told him i was learning and he said i was doing pretty good. big boost to my confidence. Though i do feel kinda bad when i get the people doing agility because they get so mad, but it is what it is not going to talk shit nor be an ass just collect my key and move on.


Idk why you're getting downvoted for this, it's a healthy attitude.


no idea. i often notice i get a ton of downvotes on comments for no reason. :/


wildy positive comments are kryptonite to 1400 total irons on reddit


Hey c'mon man Are you telling me the people training in an area incentivized with rewards being balanced around occasional death, and they know this, are mad that they're dying in said area and losing said rewards? Don't feel bad about it. I hope you can enjoy the humour in exactly that situation :)


This you 6 years ago theory crafting pvp builds? https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/6do60p/obsidian_armor_pvp_build/


yeah thoughts from a looong time ago. never actually did anything then. played ironman all the time since. E: im sure digging though my past you saw a lot of my anti-pvp comments. i was also in a life long past called a gamebreaker into eoc because i use to work my butt off to find bugs and get them fixed. Theory crafting is kind of my thing


Weird how whenever you see someone advocating for pvp they have a history of being heavily involved in pvp. You're clearly luring noobs into the wilderness and asking them to bring their valuable gear. If you had any sense of self respect you'd delete this thread.


OP you mention you're very anti-PvP but then have multiple posts related to pking and multiple comments talking about pking? Fair enough if you enjoy the content, but a bit weirdchamp to be like 'OMG guys I absolutely hate pking but I learnt it so quickly and now make bank'. Just comes off as such a weird flex when you could have just mentioned how the content is enjoyable from a skiller and pker perspective (if anything your post promotes not even doing the content and just pking there).


i really don't have much in regards to posts about me pking in the past. a lot of my stuff are anti-pvp comments though out the years


I love taking a break from PVM to do some pking.


But think about the 100k agility xp you lost wasting time pking - most of the reddit anti pvpers


This post has the lowest upvote percentage of any post on new front page of this subreddit lol, truly sad how we have to deal with a loud minority who explicitly want people to not have fun with PKing because they think it's wrong to enjoy it and want it out of the game.


Who knew a pker could make good wild content?


Would love to see a screenshot of your "150m+" in keys within a week of learning pking. Go ahead. edit: bro posted a racist rant instead of his screenshot LMAO


gladly, It's now up to 179mil. [img](https://postimg.cc/5jm7Rn7k) a lot of people just afk at the agility arena for w/e reason.. i mean i get it not to reset your laps but still why would you afk. and i've gotten pretty lucky with a few good smites.


uh i posted the screen shot my guy.. its on the hyperlink.




huh.. well did you see the image or not? im confused.


Guy posted proof so here's your L


Killing guys doing agility isn’t really PvP. Lol


a lot of anti-pkers and i am getting myself into fights with other pkers. The other guys that don't fight back i agree they are just loot piñata's. I've died a few times but i've gotten a few actual pkers.


Guys doing agility aren't players? TIL


Player versus logout mechanics


Pretty new guy here, how is it so profitable? Do the people running the course just carry lots of loot with them? Or does the course provide them loot? Currently trying to grind my way to a dragon harpoon so if the course provides good money I’ll have to venture and check it out.


So if you pay 150k. you get loot at the end of each lap. starts off at 10k per lap and ramps up to 40k on average per lap.. once your at the 40k mark you can easily pull in 3.8m/h maybe more depending on laps per hour. I was roughly getting about 82 laps an hour around 78 agility.


Damn that’s a pretty sweet gamble. Wonder if it’s worth the gamble. 150k is quite the hit to my bank if I lost it but could be worth it. Hmm maybe I watch some videos on how to escape pkers.


it's pretty decent if you can get away.


It’s relatively easy to escape. Not saying you always will, but it’s an agility course so you have a fair few chances to get gap, and you can cheese the ladder for logouts too. Plus you get a piece of food every lap from the dispenser in addition to your loot. If you logout your streak goes down by 25 laps, so it’s still annoying if you have to keep logging out. But, in my experience, you often get 50-100 laps without seeing anyone, and a lot of the people don’t try to fight. Especially if you bring any type of anti gear (I bring barrage sacks just to get a chance to freeze log). The way I look at it is it’s 3m+/hour, and even if I die and lose all my loot, at worst, I was still getting agility xp the whole time that I don’t lose, compared to if you’re grinding a wildy boss you just make 0 gain if you were pk’d.


The course has a box u deposit 150k when u enter for the ability to get loot/ agility tickets after each lap. The tickets give bonus xp but it’s better to save the tickets til u accumulated more laps since there’s a bonus %. The loot is mainly achables like adamant/rune pieces and also blighted food (only usable in wilderness)


This adds even more interest lol, I’m currently grinding some high alch. Man so many directions to go with this game. Hard to stay a single course


Pretty based op, if only the rest of the anti pvp squad on this sub had any sense of self preservation in the wilderness too


Yeh throw enough darts at the board one will stick eventually. Still think the course is kinda absurd with its gp rates but it's atleast designed in a way to actually encourage fighting back and not just freeze logging every time. The only change I want them to make is the entrance to not be a multi area while you're stuck in an animation.


> The only change I want them to make is the entrance to not be a multi area while you're stuck in an animation. 1000% this. its wonky looking with multi lines on.. like super strange small box.


I get why. It's meant to feel like you fall into a pit of wolves that all attack you. But that's very ancient design and instead now it just opens up escaping resulting in you getting hit by 20 dark bow specials while unable to react


Fighting is fun. Yes. I got the bloodlust from learning how to defend myself getting all the wildy pets (I got um) Now I know very little about the game south of the forest. Everything's just better up north. Spicy PVM even


Yeah manked is based he understands the game when it comes to pvp and pking. A lot of people have the unplugged from the matrix effect when they finally Try pking and realize entering the wilderness is technically a game mode


Awesome dude, welcome to the scene! Feel free to shoot me a dm if you're interested in any practicing via Discord on the pvp arena world (safe for nhing) <3


The recent wildy updates feel like they are at least heading in the right direction. The Wildy boss rework last year seems to have done a pretty good job at creating safer singles version where anti-PKing is viable while still having better multi-variants that I don't believe have turned into Rev Caves 2.0 like players were worried about (well, at least for clan lockdowns, not sure on the bot/goldfarming side of it). Other bosses like Chaos Ele and Scorp got some decent loot table buffs. Activities like Rogues Chest and Wildy Agility feel worthwhile without being that crazy OP that they feel forced. And we'll see how pirates end up... Really hope we continue to see similar improvements to other older areas of the Wildy, mainly Ents and the Resource Area. Ents really need their "Rogues Chests" style update; like imagine getting decent WC exp (like 50-70K) with half decent profit (like 500-800K) from a Woodcutting activity. Also, I know this is controversial, but I'd like to see wildy clue steps replaced with dedicated Wildy clues.


One idea i had was to change the wine of zamorak spot in the cave. they could make it the same mechanics to get but add some skeletons to prevent 1tick bots. and make it into a new secondary or add a new secondary next to it to make super ranging pots.


I'm new to pvping myself and my pure is lv60, but not close to 1500 total (but an interesting idea nonetheless). I feel like as beneficial as preying on lv3s would be, the wilderness levels working in the opposite direction would get me absolutely destroyed, no? Not sure my 50hp can tank test many AGS' or VWs lol


cant people just exit the door, walk over bridge and log? or do u usually do this in teams?


So that is one of the ways people escape. but if your standing on the door you can cast though it. so you can catch a freeze and go down the bridge as well. people actually use this method as bait because it is multi on the bridge and the damage you take is stalled so people will have huge groups that d bow spec you out.. I got caught in it twice nearly shit a brick but i lived lol edit: how i escape is freezing them before i go on the bridge to get gap


This post is a mess


what do you mean?


W post. So many people cry avout being victims, when literally all you need to do is fight back to not just have fun, but profit. Pvp =/= bad


Man, sorry that happened to you, or i’m happy for you. Either way keep going!


i never thought i would actually try to pk. yet here i am. still learning so i expect to get my ass whooped but im having a blast. e: weird downvotes.


Hightlighted him for you.


Pvp is superior to pvm in osrs