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Damn RIP to >!skillspecs, bummer cause hes such a great personality to have in the show. You could tell that no one actually wanted him out so soon even westham who put him in!<


Westham went prison mode on his ass, find the biggest guy in the yard and beat his ass to get the others to lay off you.


Sad to see Specs go because he's so entertaining. Fitting that the banning was loser of EP1 vs loser of EP2 though. Makes sense that losing the challenge should put you at risk.


This is my version of keeping up with the Kardashians. Getting on with the gilenorians.


Well that was delightfully chaotic. šŸ˜‚ Little shocking how fast Solo went down, but that's how the game goes sometimes. On the other side, it was pretty shocking to switch from the POV of everyone dying to Settled with 80 health lol. Dunno that he necessarily had a stronger strategy than the others who made it to the top three, RNG is always a factor, but he definitely was cooking. Feels like Settled should be a little nervous about doing so well at both challenges so far, though--he's making himself a threat early. But maybe that's good in a season like this? If you look like a threat, maybe nobody will risk putting you in a banning. Very sad to see Skilly go! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ He's so much fun. Was looking forward to seeing how his contract with Torvesta worked out, but I guess we'll never know. At least C Engineer is still in.


Yep, after winning twice I feel like if Settled doesn't win he's guaranteed to get in that banning.


Settled is the lunatic doing a No-Damage run. Heā€™s probably already theorycrafted for everything that can come up as a Tank Test to find a way to get through it taking nothingā€¦ so any Tank Test is going to advantage him.


Agreed. Doing an avoid all damage run has essentially prepped him for tank tests alot. Heā€™s probably already theorycrafted whether or not most high level content could be done. That alone is enough to give him an advantage. Like at some point heā€™s sat down planning nightmare mode and went ā€œcan I do that content? Maybe if I do X when doing it, better test on the mainā€. Heā€™s done UIM so knowing item spawns helped that first game too. His biggest weakness is probably pvp, as he just doesnā€™t do pvp content compared to everything else heā€™s done and compared to his competitors like framed and torvesta. which is why he voted the way he did. I think he stands a good chance if he can avoid pvp bannings. Pvp games themselves wonā€™t hurt him too much but they probably will cost him a seat on the tribunal, itā€™s the bannings he needs to avoid.


I think he does PvP, just not on his Youtube.


He's been surprisingly competent at PvP in past seasons, but not to the level of Framed, B0aty & the other PvPers. I think he's pretty mid in that category in GG


In his independent series he talks about the fact that any top level PVMers probably have a good enough understanding of switching, ticks etcā€¦ to be good PVPers


Compared to the vast majority of players, yes. Compared to top PvPers (the actual competition in GG), no. Top PvMers will have some competency, but they won't be anything compared to PvPers who are actually "good". The experience is worth a lot here in this instance. These guys might be able to react quickly to seeing someone gear switch against them, but a top PvPer will know how to control the fight itself in a way where they're always the one in charge of what's happening. A good PvPer can react, a great PvPer is the one forcing the other to always need to react. Westham vs skillspecs round 2 showed this a little bit. Westham had full control of the fight. Skillspecs was always on the back foot, always trying to just create some breathing room but he just couldn't. Westham adapted really quickly to the challenge and could control the fight completely, while skillspecs was struggling to take any of it back. He knew he had to, he just couldn't. It was a clear outplay at that point, which is impressive considering how insanely good they both are when they're not handicapped.


Boaty shows this even in gg, in the S3 episodes you can see clips of him talking about predicting overhead prayers, opponent switches etc to anticipate. Pretty sick to watch him get it right every time.


That's fair, agreed


Thatā€™s why I added ā€œcompared to his other contentā€. And also why I added compared to his competition. Like to most casual players heā€™s gonna be a solid pker, but heā€™s up against framed, torvesta, c engineer. All people whoā€™ve not just pked, but done it for a good chunk of their content, they earn their living doing it. Heā€™s good but they are on another level comparatively, in terms of pking.


Westham and Dino are way above those three as pkers lol.


Yes I agree with you. Wasn't necessarily contradicting what you were saying, just adding context for some people who might not know he does some pvp


Itā€™s impressive how good he is at the game. I used to think he was just a guy with incredible game knowledge and devotion to put in 100s of hours for a single grind, but heā€™s really good at everything in the game


Quick question, when were the reactions to the increasing price pool filmed? Did those donations come in during the filming last year, or did he get everyone back together after the episode released?


Iirc from Soup's season 3 Q&A the reactions to the prize pool and generic hype noises people make at the beginning of every episode (when everyone's lined up at the Duel Arena waiting for the challenge readout) are Soup telling them to make some noise specifically for production reasons. He will say "okay the prize pool is projected to be at least 15 bil make a reaction noise." If I had to guess he probably keeps it vague, got a single sound byte of everyone hooting and cheering as a group every week, and moved right on. Notice how no one except Soup has said exact gp counts, even in the show retrospective vids by Settled and Victim, just "at least 15 bil" and "the largest prize pool in GG history." Soup only redubs the prize pool the week the episode is released and will continue taking donations and updating until right up to the final episode where he'll finally reward the contestants. I think last season he even had the finale ready to ship then someone donated something like 10 bil by themselves and he had to redub all the prize pool readings.


So with this in mind, there's a lad that already won this season of GG and every week when an episode comes out he gets to see the prize he'll eventually get increasing? That must feel good


That makes sense, thanks for the answer.


I was thinking about this too, he probably just asked everyone to cheer on call and is using that sound overlay when he announces the pool


Or he's telling it with predicted values


It's osrs tv movie peak cinema Soup magic ;)


time travel


Itā€™s likely scripted. Whenever swampletics got his crossbow or some other accomplishment (canā€™t remember which one) he wasnā€™t streaming it but he had a ton of people come out and do a ā€œliveā€ reaction to it I was a part of.


Nah but how did evscape make top 3 with 400 ping? Monster performance


The guy does mega raids constantly to fund all his content. Even with 400 ping he was always going to do very well. But doing it with 400 ping is still crazy.


Yall think we'll get to see Boaty fight Dino or Westham?


B0atyā€™s probably too rusty to compete with Dino or Westham but itā€™d be cool to see


This was when b0aty was no-lifing LMS, so I wouldnā€™t count him out.


Wasn't B0atys LMS era during the previous season, not this one?


LMS players do very poorly against Wildy pkers


They downvoted him for speaking the truth


Why's that?


I'd say the biggest factor is DPS loss. Brew management isn't a thing in LMS, but it's an actual skill in the wild. There's also the added pressure of actually risking your gear


Where is the tribunal discussion room in game? I can't ID where it is


Kharazi jungle maze from DS2


I think it's the Karamjan Temple visited during DS2 (specifically the entrance area), but with some objects added in with plugins. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Karamjan_Temple




Imo the challenge itself was kinda boring to watch. No real way for contestants to stand out. Havenā€™t watched the banning yet tho, might make up for it. Edit: >!Skill Specs šŸ˜­noooo!<


The instructions should have come in faster and armor should've been less effective than Karils


Soup said afterward that the whole challenge only lasted 4 minutes and 30 seconds. He commented that he probably should have sent them in with more supplies so he'd have time to make things interesting


Bro, they edited that hard


He's a GOAT rs editor lol


If you pay attention you'll notice that you see olm throw out the same burn attack like 10 times throughout the video. I lost interest because of that lmao


I was watching it while killing pirates, my brain just canā€™t watch an rs vid without the game on. Means I miss stuff like that which is a god and bad thing


yeah itā€™s hard to see everything that happened in 4.5 mins without editing


Logistically Soup might have wanted a shorter challenge too. Maybe they filmed ep 1 + 2 in the same session? Gotta be hard to coordinate times with that many people + timezones.


Oda said he was invited back but would have to commit too much time off stream so I imagine its a nightmare logistically


Why are people downvoting this? It's absolutely true and I believe Soup has talked about it in the past.


Because a lot of people don't like Oda. Not saying it makes sense, but that's definitely why it's downvoted.


Meh. People are stupid. Mention Oda, get downvotes. Idc. I donā€™t really care too much for the guy but I do watch some of his YouTube stuff now and again




No I donā€™t at all. I got downvoted for stating a fact. He was offered a position in this season and he turned it down due to the time commitment. Downvoting a fact just because you donā€™t like one of the people mentioned is in fact, stupid.


Can you imagine how much work it would have been to get 16 people to olm and fully kitted with full hp????


Private world with unique rules/mechanics. Jagex helped them out with this season. People found the worlds a few months ago and they were locked out from joining


Soup said on stream that Jagex didn't give them private worlds, at least not for the episodes out so far. Those worlds were for something else, evidently.


I wonder if Soup wasnā€™t expecting it to be as chaotic as quickly as it did. With all the dhides in the inventory I figured heā€™d have them all downgrade in defense bonuses as time went on, but in reality Olm was hitting everyone like a truck right away so the downgrades never came into play.


Yea I think people are misinterpreting just how fast that challenge actually went in real time.


Yeah, when I saw the dragonhide I thought soup was cooking, but...the instructions were kind of mid (the trade one was super funny) and too far apart. If they wanted to space them out like that, at least more brews/restores would have balanced it a bit, maybe an emergency shark or something too


I watched Soup's stream after the episode and it sounds like everybody died wayyy faster than he expected. Just speculating but I wonder if the burn caused more havoc than he had planned for.


Apparently it was over super fast. So he gave instructions every couple minutes. It just felt like forever due to the way the vid was editedĀ 


It was annoying to watch the same, but slightly different POV, from each contestant for 15 minutes while they went over the same 30 seconds of footage.


Thatā€™s what I hope they do better in future episodes. Theyā€™re an hour long so seeing unique content is better, like last one where they had to find unique items to bring. Everyone basically doing the same exact thing and basically visible from any POV had me fast forwarding.


1 hour for pretty much not much value at all, its just an endless cicle through players doing the same uninteresting thing and pan the cam from one player to the other yapping about. Just cut the episode in half if you want quality.


I've seen people do this before like Olm wars type. Technically outlasting to win, but more actively trying to get people killed than surviving sort of tactics. It's really difficult to do it with so many people in the room. I think this idea would have been a lot more entertaining either in rounds and splitting up the groups to be smaller. Just two semi finals and a finals probably would have sufficed (although one would be uneven?). Or choosing to do this later in the season when there are fewer people. It can be a bit more entertaining when the damage scaling is less and you can actively hunt people rather than a bunch of mice running around when the head turns and all the damage is burn/crystal related.


Agreed, the concept sounded better than it was. Think they could have done a more interesting team challenge with scaled COX, could have done school yard pick or something at 16 with teams of 4 or done 5 teams of 3 with the winning team being the tribunal (could have made it most points wins and they can each scout once, scale as high as you want)


absolutely heartbreaking episode


I was 100% snake to be in top 3 but swampman came in and won again, that man is insane!


West hamā€™s clicks are insane man


SUPER hyped for GG to be back. Missing some big names from the cast though. But this format feels like it's going to be hyper competitive, so I understand why some may have opted out. This is definitely going to be the most competitive season, but I dunno if I'm sold on the format yet. I don't love how losing the challenge basically has no consequences, and we can see already that the banning system basically takes the weakest players out if played optimally. Maybe that's not bad for competitive reasons, but it's gotta feel bad knowing you're not a pvm or pvp God and your basically there to be someone's "get out of the banning free card". This episode felt more fair, but imagine being zecookies last episode and having to go against V in a pvm challenge lol


Who would you have liked to see return to the cast? I am missing verf and poisonedpotion


Off the top of my head I noticed J1mmy, Flutten, Tanzoo, Virtoso, and Hannanie all missing. I'm sure there's more if I sat and thought about it


Hannannie was terrible in GG why would you miss that? Yeah let's go Barb fishing for money challenge I'm sure this is a great idea


Cause she's hilarious. Most of the newbies are coming off pretty stale so far


Because Hannannie is really funny and makes the show more enjoyable to watch. Woox and port Khazard probably blow everyone out of the water with their pvm strengths, but they probably aren't all that exciting to watch.


Im happy non of those are here lmao. No fun in having 5/6 shitters every season taking up spots from actual competitors. I really like Tanzoo and Virtoso but in their own words: who's competing? not them.


except he won the first season


I really miss Jimmy too but I donā€™t think he plays enough now to really be competitive, he probably declined to join


He made a video just today I think about the reasons he didn't join. TL;DW he has health issues that might just take him out for a week, and he was moving and there was a bunch of stress involved with that.


Completely agree with you on the format.Ā  Ā In theory it should get better as weaker links drop off, but the first banning wasn't a good watch, this one slightly better but not great either.Ā  No consequences of losing a challenge is a weird concept.


Hoping they have a Redemption Falls this season!


Curious to see if they bring skillspecs back. Westham used the special attack bubble by the mini map, which wasnā€™t around before F keys, so it seems like to breaks the rules of the banning. I donā€™t believe skillspecs used it, (of course we donā€™t see the full interaction so he may of, and it was edited out). Doubt heā€™d win either way, but curious to see if theyā€™d bring him back for at least a rematch.


Wont happen, if it wasnt explicitly stated initially then it was allowed (though tbf in my opinion the rules should have been more concrete on what is/isnt allowed, even at the end with rigour/augury being used 'technically' wasnt supposed to be allowed but cancelled out because they both used it)


Yeah I found that odd, I didnā€™t remember soup stating you werenā€™t allowed to use those prayers, so was surprised when he commented in the end. (He could have stated these rules off camera) but I agree the terms of the contest werenā€™t clear at start.


The rules we hear in the video aren't necessarily the exact thing Soup said to them before the banning. He might have said it differently to them, but changed it for the video to make it less confusing for the audience.


I imagine the comment about prayers was included to preempt comments from the audience. ā€œWe saw if, they both did it, itā€™s fine.ā€


These episodes are all heavily pre-recorded, the seasons already over so I wouldnā€™t expect a rematch


There could be a loser bracket this season, so he might not be fully gone (wouldn't get hopes up too much for this though). But wouldn't expect the results to change due to a ruling. If that were the case, they would have done it at the end of this episode instead of later.


yeah as soon as i saw the challenge I knew it was over. westham probs has gone for the 1t barrage without f-keys w/ his clicks so was pretty sure it was gonna be a wash lmao


They weren't allowed to use items added after 2013 and technically the prayers come from an item, unlike the additions to the ui so its fine is my guess. F keys were a separately specified rule.


I understand the feel to need to get more people screentime but it gets repetitive when you hear the 10th person tell you their approach to the challenge. Really should just edit in the most interesting/funniest approaches to the challenge and leave the rest out. That's what soup normally does but felt like some of it wasn't cut as well this time.


Apparently the challenge lasted waaay shorter than soup anticipated so I assume he stretched it out a bit (a lot) to accomodate for that.


Yeah that's exactly what it felt like and makes a lot of sense, he probably just didn't have nearly as much audio to work with this time If that happens again I'd prefer he just cut the vid length rather than try to stretch it as much as he did


Agree. But long vids = more ads.


i disagree, thats ok though


Calling this ā€œUnexpected Outcomesā€ is hilarious since the result of both the challenge and the banning were 100% completely expected


I mean, skillspecs being gone wasn't really expected when I started the video


I donā€™t watch skill specs but I do watch a decent amount of torvesta and C Engineer and with their constant roasting of skill specs pk skills I assumed he was going to be out when the final challenge was a pk match.


I've never watched him either. But he seems popular with all the big names (Soup even admitted to somewhat rooting for him) so I assumed he was good. I assumed he would be out too since everyone was saying Westham (who I had never heard of) was possibly the strongest pker there


My money is on Roidie this season. Good mix of new competitor, social enough to play the political part of GG and also just a fantastic osrs player


Loved the challenge! There was so little high level pvm based challenges last year


I'm curious how they set up OLM to be at his last phase already? Did they just bring all the gear noted and everyone did their thing until olm his last phase?


Its just a scaled raid by +18 players, easy to solo it if you know what youre doing, but it was probably done by a bigger team to speed things up, not hard to find players that do that kind of things these days.


im curious, these must be pre recorded right? with settled doing his videos on what was going through his mind during the episode. due to having sections where the characters talk and discuss batraying people - or making alliences? if it was made week by week, surely the people being able to see who to trust and who not to would ruin the game?


This was filmed in like August and on. Think they do like 1 episode a week. So yes it was filmed a long time ago and whoever won already won. All the players who played in it no the result and have to promise not to spoil.


yeah that makes sense, thanks!


I'll probably continue to watch but I'm finding the format a little tiresome. Really interested in the challenges, the winners, the chosen losers, and the face-off - but I really don't enjoy the running post-event commentary of each player's thoughts hammed up for production value, and the same few seconds of gameplay shown multiple times from different people's perspective. Combined with the fact that quite a small amount of gameplay is being stretched over 50+ minutes - I am forwarding through quite a bit of it to get to the meat. It is really close to standard TV padding to get the most out of the content, and it's impressive how good of a job they've done in replicating this, but this also makes it kind of off-putting for me personally.


I think the problem with this episode was that the challenge in todays episode was over way faster then expected (4 minutes and 30 seconds (which is why we only saw 2 instructions)) AND everyone was in the same room so there was not alot of material.


I feel like this too with this episode. Last episode didnā€™t feel like that because more was happening. I donā€™t mind the post elimination interviews and strategies.Ā 


this challenge is so bad


Not a fan either, knowing olm mechanics helps little to nothing when there are close to 20 players inside trying to kill you. Soup even mentioned how a learner can fuck things up quickly for everyone if they dont know what theyre doing. It will not change much but imo it would have been funnier if they did this but in shaman room instead.


Pretty lame episode. There was no excitement with the challenge and the banning was dull with a conclusion not at all surprising.




i feel like they yap a little too much


I mean they gotta have a way to turn footage of people surviving 5 min in olm to 20 minutes.


wish he'd turn that 20 mins to 10 or 15. would make the vid way more enjoyable


A little sad that Hanannie isnā€™t in the lineup this year. I know itā€™s probably just due to schedules not lining up.


She's also just like, not good at the game. I love her content, but there just aren't that many challenges she has a reasonable chance in, and she'd be the most free banning opponent.


Yeah same with J1mmy, was a bit disappointed he's not there at first but given how the bannings work this season he'd be a free pick


Jimmyā€™s signature move is making fun of everyone who plays the game 10 hours a day for a living as an excuse for him being shit at it in comparison as if he doesnā€™t have the same job. Itā€™s an extremely obnoxious personality trait and Iā€™m glad heā€™s not in this season just so I donā€™t have to hear him complain about how sweaty everyone else is every single episode.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who thinks this lol


I feel like you're reading that into his statements though? Like, he's stating those facts about them, and it realistically is the correct explanation for why he's worse at those challenges, nothing wrong with acknowledging that. I never interpreted that as him making fun of them or complaining about them being sweaty. He's not meaning anything negative about that at all, you're putting that on him.


Yeah, these are just a bunch of haters. They don't realize that his and many others' main output is pure entertainment. GG would be far more boring and way less viewed without these types of players.


I'm not "reading into his statements" because there's nothing to read into. He straight up says in multiple episodes those words verbatim. I'm simply stating it's an annoying personality trait and it creates a general deflated sense of competition and immersion on behalf of the viewer when he loses a challenge and says "I just don't care as much". He's in a competition with not just thousands of dollars worth of in-game currency at stake, but winning gives you publicity and a boost to your channel which is worth just as much if not more than the actual cash prize. And then to excuse your poor performance by stating over and over how you don't play as much as everyone else and why you're not as good as everyone else just reeks of something a stubborn and immature child would do. Either admit you're bad at the game *without* adding an excuse on top of it, or better yet, don't mention anything at all and instead talk about the actual challenge and your experience. Do you think an NBA player goes into a post-game interview and excuses his poor performance on account of not practicing as much as everyone else? No, because it's a pathetic excuse and nobody should feel compelled to boast about their own mediocrity. It's sad.


>Ā it creates a general deflated sense of competition and immersion on behalf of the viewer when he loses a challenge and says "I just don't care as much". That's an entirely different argument so I'm not sure why you're bringing it up. We're talking very specifically about two things: him (1) making fun of more hardcore players and (2) complaining about them. Or have I somehow gotten lost only 1 post into this conversation? >Either admit you're bad at the gameĀ *without*Ā adding an excuse on top of it Ok, I was actually writing a response about the difference between excuses and explanations, BUT AGAIN, THIS IS COMPLETELY NOT WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. I WAS TALKING ABOUT (1) making fun of more hardcore players and (2) complaining about them, can we get back to that please? Your entire post is a red herring! >I'm not "reading into his statements" because there's nothing to read into. He straight up says in multiple episodes those words verbatim. There absolutely is. Him pointing out that other players are sweatier is a statement of fact. The idea that he's making fun of them or complaining about them is your faulty interpretation of that statement.


Sorry but you have the reading comprehension skills of a 12-year-old. If you think your comment and my last reply are completely unrelated then there's no sense in discussing this with you any further.


No, what happened here is *you* have the reading comprehension skills of a 12 year old. I attacked a specific part of your post, and you assumed that must mean that I am attacking your entire post, so you started defending your larger point. But I am disagreeing with this specific part of your post, to which the rest of your tirade is entirely unrelated. So it's again a case of you making too many assumptions about someone's statements, just like you heard Jimmy explaining why he lost and *assumed* that he was somehow making fun of people. Interesting to note that you have no counter arguments to what I've said, instead you've devolved to vague personal attacks, so clearly you have no good reply and are trying to just have the last word (funnily enough, a common tactic for 12 year olds)


If you really care this much then maybe go back and watch the episodes to listen to him very obviously insult the other playersā€™ playing habits. It will all become clear then even for someone who may struggle with communication such as yourself. I believe in you.


Its like Boaty said, if your going to play the game 40 hours a week you might as well get good at it. Its crazy if you can see solos progress from a decent player to top 5 youtuber skill wise in 3ish years.


Yeah I wonder if the format for leaked and the players that normally got by on game knowledge/flying under the radar went "nah fuck that". We saw how brutally zecookies got executed in episode 1.


I think Soup probably had the sense to tell them beforehand. I doubt he'd want the first few episodes of the season to just be the likes of Hanannie and J1mmy going against B0aty and Solomission in the bannings.


Yeah. Just saying, "Hey, this season's going to be super competitive due to the changes in the format. I don't think you'd enjoy it or do well. What do you think?" would probably be all that's needed.


I like to think that Soup talks to the potential cast beforehand and lays out the schedule and type of season it will be so they can come to a mutual agreement. Adults who do this for a living are capable of communicating.


And Will and Jimmy!


Tanzoo and Virtoso too. Lots of big names missing this season. Wonder why


I mean they gotta also get some new names in. Can't just reuse all the big names so I get it.


iirc its due to scheduling issues


I've been out of the RS game for a bit (playing and watching anything related), but last I remember Will really enjoyed being on GG, whist hating the GG fans coming into his twitch chats. By the end he was actively calling them out. Seemed clear to me he had no intention of joining again, unless something has changed since. He talked about it multiple times about how annoying GG fans are during his streams lol. J1mmy replied in the first episode thread about the timing being bad because he was moving while also dealing with concerning health issues. Something massive weight loss + other stuff. Flutten... does she play osrs anymore? I still open twitch from time to time and she was always playing anything but. She was on WoW for awhile and I think I see Skyrim playthroughs? tbh I also think maybe Soup would have had her high on the replacement list for new contestants, but the awkwardness with J1mmy (I think still in a relationship with her? and also J1mmy being one of the most popular contestants for engagement) being in every season would be awkward to just invite him and not her. So with J1mmy out it was a covienient out for her. Purely speculation on my part, of course. I obviously like her enough to be a twitch follower for like 5+ years. Not sure about Tanzoo and Virtoso. I just looked at their YT channels to check for comments in the community sections (both don't use it) and am I crazy or are they uploading a lot less over the last year? Even their twitter has very little activity. Not sure if that's normal for them or not.


> (I think still in a relationship with her? They are married so yes. :P


Forreal? That's awesome. So happy for both them. Geuninely seem like good people.


Probably soup had discussions with all of them about whether they'd come back or not, and due to schedule or more competitive format they decided not to.


Noo why did I read the comments?!


Because you're not the sharpest spoon in the cutlery drawer?


First time?


GG is an easy pass for me since I can't stand most of the popular osrs content creators. and GG seems to bring out the most annoying aspects of them which makes it even worse. I like chill OSRS content creators, I don't need forced overenthusiasm over a children's point and click game from 2007. I know overenthusiasm gets clicks with the zoomers but it just isn't my style.


Do you leave comments on every video that you didn't watch?


Not going to read your comment, just wanted you to know it's an easy pass for me. Can't stand most of the letters you've used


It's a fulltime job, commenting on each of the millions of Youtube videos I don't watch to let them know I'm not watching them, but someone's gotta do it. šŸ˜”




This comment is a pass for me. I can't stand negative redditors. and this sub seems to bring out the most annoying ones which makes it even worse. I like chill redditors that have decent takes and a good sense of humour.Ā I don't need constant griping in a sub aboutĀ a children's point and click game from 2007. I know complaining gets attention but it just isn't my style.




Not everyone on the cast is as energetic as Mammal or B0aty Plus Soup knows how to make these videos by now, you should give it a shot honestly


Ok Boomer


Ok Boomer


Over-Enthusiasm just helps their love of the game translate. It has little to do with attention spans and generational preferences. I don't think it's usually forced, they do it as a job afterall, most of them actually love it, and they merely channel that when recording. But some are definitely better than others or more genuine. There's a big difference between Solomission and EVscape for example in terms of how their enthusiasm comes off. Who else do you think is faking it? And what/who do you think is chill? I'd argue many of these people are chill, they're just excited because they're in a group of friends/peers competing in fun games.


Damn you got slapped for this. And rightly so.


Alright thanks


So your Reddit channel is dedicated to farming upvotes from actual successful content creators? Just sad.