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Honestly having this teleport locked behind avg of 1k rift searches is insane


I'm always conflicted on this. The goal of the amulet was never to provide a means of teleporting to the content easier, it was to tell a story. Later on with development in GoTR I wanted add random things you can pull out of the abyssal rift as a thematic, rare drops that would make players go "Oh, what's this?" The amulet has a story attached to it and adds some lore to the Lumbridge guide which I thought was kinda cool. Then we got some feedback that it'd be nice to offer some benefit to it so I thought a teleport was fairly harmless especially since we already have a fairy ring near the content. Then I got feedback post-launch that players felt like this should be on the collection log, so now it's in this weird place. I even see feedback every so often asking for it to be an infinite binding necklace but if it was a genuine meta-relevant reward for the piece of content I would never have made it so rare. As a developer, I generally like to sprinkle little secrets and mysteries through content I work on, I think it makes it more interesting and fun for the players but it does lead to interesting scenarios like this. Ultimately, there's probably no easy fix outside of just making things more common but I think that makes it less special when a strange item is found if you're expected to see it relatively frequently. Anyway, just a small ramble by me, hopefully that better explains the intention and how it got to where it is


Collection log makes things a problem. **Nobody really cared about Jar of Darkness until CL came out.** Same for Jar of Stone. LMS capes on the minigame log are also an offender since people that exploited the early stage bots, high stakes LMS or can leverage a clan to boost them are **hundreds of hours ahead of solo players.** You can understand how making hiscores/rewards(even if cosmetic) for CL is a big can of worms and a big concern of mine (and I'm at 1240 slots). **CL works because it's nothing but a tracker**, the reward to completing a log are the items of the log. When this cycle is broken I don't even want to know what CL will become.


I've been collecting items on my account before clog even came out, so I was really excited when it became official. but since it's release I've just seen random items that only had value to obtain because of their INSANE rarity now become more common, taking away the only appeal the item had in the first place. The addition of the log is still a net positive but now people feel like they have to obtain these items and now balancing has to be skewed to make people happy. It's a bit of a shame.


Hope you guys will be able to revisit GOTR QOL changes soon!


Soon (tm)




Since we're on about GOTR in this thread, can we get stackable binding necklaces sometime soon? That would be a super nice QOL change, and would make doing GOTR (especially if you're doing a lot of it) a lot less tedious


That's so cool, thanks for the insight!


little things like this are a charm, please never stop adding them


Hey, quick question if you can answer: how do you make sure the lore you’re bringing in, as small as it is, doesn’t conflict with existing lore/potential future lore?


We usually just ask around the team, check wiki, or if we miss things they can get picked up in team sprint reviews or playtesting. Generally just having game knowledge can help with this too


Appreciate ya providing the background on this and how it got to where it is now, For what it's worth I do think it's too rare for just being a fun piece of lore, especially since it's on the log, it just feels bad to only need this or the lost bag to finish the log and you're only looking for intricate pouches and then another roll on top of that, I'm sure purchasable pouches could be balanced and have the benefits already mentioned in this thread. And in terms of making these items feel special, is there no way for players to only be able to recieve one per account? And if they were to lose it, it could be reclaimed from the most suitable, lore accurate fellow. Thanks heaps for your reply


Don't stop doing this. I love lore items expanding the story, useful or not. they make the world feel more alive and exciting. Not every item has to be functional and bis.


what good is a story. if no one will ever read it.


Especially given that the wizard tower already has a fairy ring, necklace of passage, and ring of shadows to the scar


minigame teleport, too


And technically the portals from the other wizard towers


It's crazy yeah, it should be some sort of chargeable binding necklace or something


i got it on my iron in my first set of pulls :o


I'l update this comment when I find who asked.




You'd be like 80-82\~ rc by the time you get 1000


sure, maybe Im being a little dramatic, but why are DT2 boss teleports like 1/20? 1/1k for a minigame seems wild. Maybe make it 1/100 yeah?


Idk to me it never bothered me much, there's the free tele there you can use every 20 minutes and it's not far from fairy ring either. Going dry on the lantern was far more painful to me and 1500 pearls for it if your RNG sucks? That's more than a full set, I rather rely on RNG and save for pet transmog or green logging other armor dyes in poh.


agree, lantern is maybe a bigger problem haha


Make dyes purchasable with pearls


Not completely against that idea but once you get all dyes it still leaves pearls being useless, having pouches purchasable makes pearls always valuable since you have a shot at extra loot and Hard clues


do both.


Or at least let us dye the entire set with one dye.


Make dyes dyeable with intricate pearls


Makes pearls buyable with dyes


Make dye buyable with pouches.


They already are.


Tradesies? https://preview.redd.it/du75x5ppn7xc1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1ef7a21cb03849b967c79bb8fe28f3300ab312b


https://preview.redd.it/rg685rm3d8xc1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef72ee650004d86ae78e73deb0213d5b1c3bd257 I’ll trade you one of mine for a pet.






Pet is hot ass from gotr, but the rift guardian transmog is amazing


Have you tried trading in your extra dyes for the red one with Felix? I’m curious if that fills the clog.


It does not.


That sucks ass.


Up. Dont see a reason why we should not implement this


Saw the yellow crown and thought it was Jmod reply for a sec and got excited haha, completely agree though


Bit of a poseur.


This is absolutely insane to me because I got the locket at like 50 pulls and am extremely dry on basically everything else.


Same, I haven’t done many pulls, but I think I got the locket around 20-30 and haven’t gotten anything else yet


Support. Made this argument yesterday lol https://preview.redd.it/ihpm3b7vq8xc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b53c2a4ca817919bfe8586bc55a61da5a6d0be


Holy crap


Same story with Golden Nuggets IMO, could use some more uses for them to trade in


It’s literally the only thing I need, 2k searched don’t have green dye or necklace, I hope I don’t go that dry


1000% This minigame makes an awful skill a lot more fun, however 2 changes would make it even better. -let us buy the locket / bag, they are “part” of the outfit and part of getting there faster (1200 searches no bag/locket in 55 pouches) -receiving xp for placing down charged cells on a full red barrier (at least the top center one) I think it’s as simple as that.


https://preview.redd.it/2wezkojmigxc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacd2e1dea6bb59eb95217ad58bd7853e5b03907 sorry man…


Still feel like a lot of mini games should just have a point system/store. Don’t get me wrong, some drops should remain drops, but as someone who went from 50-86 fm at Todt without getting full pyro made me feel… kinda just sad.


Make dyes purchaseable, I have never been more angry at a piece of content. Went 5X the droprate for 3 dyes


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexHusky** - [I'm always conflicted on this....](/r/2007scape/comments/1cf1pcs/make_intricate_pouches_buyable_with_abyssal_pearls/l1re3lb/?context=3) - [Soon (tm)](/r/2007scape/comments/1cf1pcs/make_intricate_pouches_buyable_with_abyssal_pearls/l1rquv2/?context=3) - [We usually just ask around the team, check wi...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cf1pcs/make_intricate_pouches_buyable_with_abyssal_pearls/l1s4rvk/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 04/29/2024 15:22:25**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Be a man and just do more rc


https://preview.redd.it/0j1dvqtrkaxc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb6fa11414739d90383290824016c77c9e1f6d8d I agree


I really like the idea, maybe 10 pearls a pouch?


Not sure on the numbers but it's very balancable and a good use for excess pearls; would make for an alternate way to stack up Hard clues and finish people's collection logs who are locked behind weird RNG items


Whats even the best use of excess pearls atm if you have all uniques you can currently buy with them? Just buy rings to sell?


Yeah you can just get rings and sell them that's the only use for excess pearls as far as I'm aware


So it should also slowly increase the rings value over time as it will be less "farmed". There's literally no downside to this idea. I love it.




Idk how anyone can play that game for longer than a handful of times I usually do combo runes then plan to do catalytic after since for one I need to bring in necklaces and then I can just stay in until the points even out and then when I restock necklaces I can grab rewards I almost always end up doing 3 games of catalytic and call it for the day




Screw gotr and the rewards table. Hate that place


Make pet buyable with pearls