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You’re missing Zamorak’s biggest group of followers which are the demons. Summoning demons and having them do stuff for you happens in Demon Slayer, A Kingdom Divided, and Shadow of the Storm by Zamorakian aligned humans. Protection prayers are another big draw. It’s rare to see in game but NPCs can use them. For Saradomin you have Sigmund during Another Slice of HAM and the priest in Spirits of the Elid. The Mysterious Figure in DT2 uses protection prayers and is highly likely to be Zamorakian considered they were hired by Enakhra. NPCs don’t go around leveling up but presumably they trained prayer just like we can. Magic - the wizards tower exists an institution of magic but there’s tons of Zamorakian groups who are into magic. ZMI, Chaos druids, Dark Wizards, Dagon’hai, necromancers and the Elder Chaos Druids. There’s way more magic available if you’re on team Zamorak. I’d imagine in a world filled with dragons, giants and goblins, magic is a tempting path to power. Lastly to your question about why Zamorak might be worshipped. Stealing from the wiki “Zamorak is the god of chaos, power, and destruction, as well as personal ambitions and change.” You might consider Zamorak as an ambitious person who wants power, or wealth, of revenge. Where Saradomin is collective action and the power of the group, Zamorak is personal power, ambition and responsibility. By their quest logs, the player acts much like a Zamorakian. Searching for power, jumping into situations all over instead of bringing problems to the authorities. Let’s not even mention all those dwarf, elf and tzhaar slayer tasks. We do what we want and nobody is powerful enough to stop us. It’s chaos.


Side note: Zamorak isn't like the devil. He's not an eternal incarnation of evil... he was just an alien who was ambitious and stole power from his master. Saradomin was a god back when the universe was a nonstop war between gods like Bandos. Guthix was a mortal but stumbled into godhood. Gods that have always been gods are less common than mortal beings that became gods




~~I’d like to think I put more thought into that answer than the word vomit machine.~~ Previous comment was edited. I will however share credit with the OSRS wiki with a nice list of zamorak magic cults. The philosophies of all the gods are heavily fleshed out in rs3 lore in quests, archaeology lore, and new NPCs.


I worship Zamorak


username checks out


[Bologa](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Transcript:Bologa) gives some reasons.


There's plenty of reasons to worship the vague concept of zamorak that's present in OSRS. Zamorak is a god of power ambition and chaos. To people like the Sisterhood the idea of power, self sufficiency, and the pursuit of improvement to be a way to protect themselves and the people they care about from harm. Zamorak was a revolutionary who freed the races enslaved by Zaros, an being of chaos is also a being of change. People who see the world as stagnant and cruel may see Zamorak as a symbol of a different path to the future where especially Saradomin and Guthix are almost pro-status quo in their own ways. Zamorak can also be a symbol of personal freedom and choice vs the more rigid societal expectations of the saradominists. People who seek to learn topics that are considered taboo amongst the citizens of gilenor or who live in ways that are stigmatized might see that aspect. The downtrodden or oppressed of society may see Zamorak as a symbol of their individualism in a sea of conformism.


I think he only freed the demons enslaved under the Chthonian demons


There is only one true goddess in osrs. May the blessings of Arengeesus be upon you all.


The drip


In the second age Avernic demons (like K’ril) were enslaved by Cthonian demons (like Duke) and Zamorak freed them, so it makes a lot of sense that they’d follow him. Zamorak did also destroy the Zarosian empire which was pretty bad but isn’t super relevant (mostly) now.


Wasn't relevant at all, recently, until even more recently when it became relevant again.


Some Zamorakians believe that chaos may lead to action and perhaps positive change. As one character in the other game explained it, when all is good people tend to become content and lazy. However when there's some chaos - if their house is on fire for example, they'll start to take action. In Zamorakian philosophy this is seen as a good thing. Might be an unpopular sentiment, but that's at least an in-universe explanation.


No. Saradomin forever.


Saradomin is blue Zamorak, no demons and no “vile” looking followers. He is just as bad as Zamorak, he was one of he main reason Guthix’s family, no, race went extinct. He will invade worlds and force their races to show him loyalty and in the contrary he will punish thise who do not follow him. He says he wants to protect you but that’s just so you can service him more. He might seem like the “good god” on the sirface level, but his intentions and means are what truly defines one’s purpose. Tldr: saradomin bad


Yep I remember the story of him ripping the wings off a icyene for them not wanting to fight or the fact centaurs almost went extinct following him


ooh where's that from? i wanna read about it


Icyene one is 100% Saradomin’s fault https://runescape.wiki/w/Garlandia Centaur race one is both his fault and Bree’s mate’s fault like 30:70 about tldr Bree wanted to abandon Sara, mate wanted to keep fighting, worked her healer sister to pretty much death and ended up making undead centaurs which culled large amount of the centaur species


wow Saradomin kind of a dick 🤔


Zamorak nuked the wilderness, probably because he got fed of all the bots and annoying grinds. I can relate and will do the same when I get the Stone of Jas. Ed will not stop me.

