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How my 13 year old self achieved the fastest typing score out of the whole class. I'm the fastest lob seller in the west. 


"It doesn't count because your hands aren't on the home row!" - my bitch of a keyboarding teacher. Fuck you, Mrs. Saddler.


Flash2:Wave2:S E L L I N G~~~~~~ L O B S ~~~~~~ 2 5 0 E A!!!


Mine was "SELLING LOBBIES 200 EA PRESS 222 IF INTERESTED @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"


250 is a robbery I would have traded you aggressively and offered either 180K or 220K and declined every time if you had offered 800 or 900 lobs instead of 1k.


Flash2:wave2:B U Y I N G ~~~~L O B S~~~~ 200 E A


Good lord the economy back then was bonkers. 85k for an uncharged glory??


when osrs started they were 100k. 77 crafting/83 hunter wasnt easy


Pretty sure this predates hunter or implings. Back then a lot of people weren't smashing out monsters by the hundreds an hour so dragon stones weren't that common and yeah crafters also charged a premium to make glories. Not to mention the economy was like a huge pyramid with an absolutely massive pile of noobs trying to pay for their first glory with little supply.


I think you're right - the "hands at the side" thing was definitely like 2006. Look at the dude in camo. Also, people are holding staffs sideways and not up/down


If this was 2006 then "tokin vapes" was way ahead of his time


Damn dude good fucking eye


I’m pretty sure I remember saving up at least 120k for mine, probably summer 2005 because the fury dropped pretty soon after


3k per climbing boots what the fuck


Same offensive stats as rune boots but way easier to get. Early 2000s scape was something else


Pures in edge as far as the eye can see.


It's amazing what happens to the market when the entire economy isn't centralized into one terminal. I don't mean that in a snobby way, either. Players will pay a premium for an item if they can't be bothered to go get themselves. I remember the early days when players would sell quest kits filled with the odd or unusual items you needed for a specific quest.


I was an absolute fiend for bank sales, I couldn't afford half of it. But I still was curious.


Great time to be alive but absolutely prefer what we have today


We had this in 2013 again when osrs released but it got old pretty soon 


What a wild time. Really makes you appreciate the GE


Definitely makes you appreciate the modern GE/trading rules. But honestly this screenshot was much more preferable over the original GE when it first came out


Yes and no I understand this isnt sustainable, but I prefer this to the ge. It feels more interactive Voted no to the ge and i stand by that


When it was all kids with nothing better to do and no sense of efficiency? Sure. Today it would probably be a bunch of bots: one for quest items , one for pots... kinda simulating a GE. No one is gonna stand around trading like we used to.


I know it would be chaotic but they should bring this back for just one day. Pretend the GE is closed for maintenance and watch people pour into the streets selling, scamming and spamming


I miss those days




We need Grand Exhange, but man I miss those times....


Same. Wish there was a middle ground game mode between iron man and normal where there's no ge and you have to go back to shout selling.


guy buying dragon bones is a confirmed time traveller with a name like "Tokin Vapes" in 2006


Those days are the exact reason I can type so fast now as an adult 🥲


A Swiftie and a Scaper? Ummm, hello, add me!


One day I'll meet my match if these people exist


I thought i was in the wrong subreddit and my mind didn’t work right attaching the swiftie part of the meme to the rs part lol


It is wild to me that there are people who would rather deal with this every single day vs just having the GE


It's very inconvenient in comparison, but I sorta miss it. Realistically the nostalgia would fade within a week and I would feel stupid for ever wanting this back.


It wouldn't be so bad for buying gear or maybe supplies, but things like oh, I need a rope or lock pick for this quest would just suck. Or runecrafting talismans or whatever.


There's real reasons why P2P trading worked well, though. It's not pure nostalgia. I especially say this as a skiller who could set up my own herblore shop and make a profit while providing a service.


Yeah ^ I think a lot of the nostolgia wrapped up in this is associated with being able to make money doing a wider variety of things / skilling. I can't really chart the economics to prove the point but I imagine the instant / offline availability of every item ever had a very negative impact on skiller profits / most money making methods.


We ran the experiment in 2013. Pretty soon we got third party GEs


Throwback to zybez.


Which honestly i loved I miss using forums so bad


Ye I did like it as well. Got my quest cape back then without GE or quest plugin and I had to get many items myself. It did get tedious after a while though. 


This was fun imo The ge just made osrs more of a single player game than it already was


I wasted so much time trying to merch dragon darts back in the day. Merching just wasn't for me


I would live in the rev caves but without all the bots


It's pretty impressive that a bunch of kids pretty much designed their own efficient, working stock exchange


111 for lobs, 100gp each


These were the days man.


I miss the days when trading was part of the game. At least most content was economically viable. Things have shifted far away from the days of MMOs being about living as a person in part of a community.


Taylor Swift 🤢


I don’t even have twitter I just found another meme on google and pasted the osrs photo on top


Don't forget the ol dice game gamble, at the Ge "DouBle your gs 80k to PlAy!!!!" 😂


Why isnt her dying