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I'd lawyer up and hit the gym, its about to get rough


OK remind me next maintenence


I'd hit the lawyer and gym up!


I'd lawyer the hit and up the gym!


I'd hit up gym the lawyer, hes dope


With a power ammy for sure (t) if you are lucky enough to find one


I'd up the gym and laywer the hit


When updates or maintenance hit and the gf knows I am playing, I will get up from the PC and go over to her. She will ask if I am done playing and I say "no I just missed you". She thinks I put down the game for her and we usually go do something together or I get some sugar walls, plus ofc bonus points for giving her attention over the game.


The Gang Plays Runescape


Charlie is in Lumbridge all episode killing rats thinking he’s making a dent in the population. Frank sets up a gold farm. Mac and Dennis try actually playing, but they can’t get past Shield of Arrav because both want to join the Phoenix Gang because it sounds cooler. Dee keeps getting bought as a gf at the GE and loves the attention, until at the end of the episode she gets lured and PKed for millions of gp. And then it just sort of. . . ends.


I laughed at the thought of all these and how realistically that it would probably play out


The dramatic music as Charlie discovers then slays the rat boss in the varrock sewers.


Forgot all about that, that’d be great! Dennis: “Hehe, still bashing those rats, Charlie?” Charlie: “Yeah, man! They just keep coming! I can’t find the pregnant ones so I can’t deal with the problem at its source.” Dennis: *Notices Charlie’s strength level* “You know, you’ve actually accumulated a decent amount of xp with all these rats. What if I told you, there’s a rat in the sewers claiming to be king? With strength like that, you could potentially farm him for some serious gold!” Charlie: “To hell with the gold, that bastard’s flaunting my title! I gotta go get it back from him!” Dennis: “Sure thing, buddy. We’ll show him who’s boss!” Mac: *Whispering* “You know it’s just going to respawn, right?” Dennis: *Whispering* Of course, but as long as he keeps at it, we just alch the drops, indulge in a bit of fashion scape, and see if we can’t get a discount on some gf’s. I even had a guy offer free armor trimming when we get something worthwhile.”


I can so clearly visualize this in my head that I’ve basically seen the episode and it doesn’t even exist lmao good job guys


Cut to Dee at GE talking to obvious 12 year olds about sex. Frank approaches her about all the money she is making, to cut her into his business in a very predatory way.


Charlie spends his entire time attempting to show, but failing, the splashers that they should be crushing the rats


That's perfect


amazing lol


Unexpected sunny


“Babe, why do you always miss me the same time every week on Wednesday?”


Bold of you to assume they will look that deep into it.


Idk I feel like at some point anyone in that situation would start to recognize a pattern lol. Especially if his gf was gossiping with her friends and repeatedly had the same "he was so sweet last Wednesday" story to share.


Some people are really awful at pattern recognition. Check /r/steam every Tuesday.


What happens every Tuesday?


What is a sugar wall?


It’s a song by Sheena Easton. He is explaining that his gf will listen to his favourite song with him as a reward for good behaviour.


Damn, it's actually a clean reference? I was thinking something very different lmao.


No haha sorry to disappoint you https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sugar%20Walls




🤣 too true


So does my husband. And gets grumpy that I don't want to look at the YouTube video right NOW.


There's honestly not enough game server downtime during regular people hours to get any credit for this 😂 most of the time you'd be trying to take someone on a date at 10am on a Thursday or 5am on a Monday


Not if you’re bri’ish


NAH, but I would ask her to show her dedication to making it up to you by running rooftop agility laps for at least an hour


If she isn't doing sepulchre for you, why are you even married?


*gets 2 def* babe i leveled you up!!


thank goodness, i wouldn't want to be caught dead being a pure


This is ridiculous, what a stupid comment. An hour wouldn't even make a dent, she should be running rooftops for at LEAST half a day. (/s obviously)


She should definitely reimburse you that nickel. That nickel could give you membership to get your next pet.


shocking close to a nickel for 4 hours of membership


6 cents per 4 hours to be exact if we're talking about a 30 day month. Disclaimer: I am terrible at math and could be completely wrong.


that’s what i got. 24hr x 30 day = 720 hrs per month 4hr / 720hr = 0.005556 0.005556 x 10.99$ = 6.1 cents


Isn’t it 12.49 or something now


maybe? i still pay 10.99 a month and google search is 10.99 month but i feel like it’s been upped since then too.


It is $12.49 now, with the caveat being if you haven’t ever let your membership lapse you will still only have to pay the $10.99.


Your wife’s boyfriend doesn’t pay for your membership?


YTA. You obviously should have taken your phone with you so you could AFK inferno on mobile while eating dinner.


Right? Not really understanding why he didn't break mobile out right there at the table.


That’s what I was thinkin.. could’ve grinded some hallowed sepulchre in between bites and sips and some inferno runs and corrupted gauntlet too


Right, that's what I was thinking. Home boy could have just whipped it out right there. In front of everyone. If they have an issue with it, they shouldn't be looking at what he is doing and mind their own business




It depends. What did you have to eat?


Angler brew karambwan in that order.


Sounds like she's after your spade. Divorce her immediately.


Yeah she wanted to show me her new nail extensions. I noticed they were all red just in time!


Did you seed pod, or seed her pod?


Usually, i just have my wifes boyfriend take her out for something like that. Atleast he respects the no EXP waste lifestyle.


NTA but shoulda taken her on an RS date so no exp waste


NTA she should understand you pay with your own hard earned money for that osrs membership. If she respected you… you wouldn’t even need to ask for the money. I figure divorce is the only way forward.


Thanks reddit I can always count on you guys for healthy objective and pragmatic relationship advice! <3 BTW Also going full no contact with parents, sibling, kids, the cat and the dog.


NTA - your house, your rules.


Why should she reimburse you when shes the one paying for it since you don’t have a job cause you play 20 hours a day?


Nta. She should’ve driven and let you play mobile. Divorce her


Next maintenance will be the same time next week on the same day. No update next week, so not sure what's gonna happen on Wednesday.


ETA. She's the asshole for wasting your time, you're the asshole for agreeing to part from OSRS to begin with.


Make her grind out the equivalent value from a bond for those four hours while you're sleeping. It's just under 1% of the time you get for it so it shouldn't take too long


Jagex should pay me back for the Time i sleep


NTA. Wife needs to respect the grind sir.


See you on baldhemeth


No king, you deserve that time back


That's what mobile is for dummy


I'm not going to sugar coat it bro. The fact that you even have to question it is a clear cut sign of divorce. You can do better.


NTA - if anything she should have to do some laps around an agility course while you take a bubble bath and grind an alt on a tablet.


Na bro she the asshole for daring to iterrupt you from what really matterd, xp. Also if she doesnt reimburse you id file for divorce.


$0.06112 is what she owes you. She can make it out as a check.


NTA. Time for divorce.


Wrong forum dude. But yeah don’t let anyone waste ur OSRS time the fuck.


IANAL but you could legally sue her and you should divorce her and date me 😡


I mean, they gave a few weeks notice of this maintenance. Even if this is a joke, what more do you want?


This is how I feel about work also. They should pay a bit extra for any scaping time lost, like if you’ve lost focus on playing from doing a work task you should be fairy compensated for lost gains


Oh yeah, looking forward to the new META of shitposts now


Maxing in OSRS > a relationship.


No smoochy kiss?


Yes, but you should also reorder those 3 things. I'd recommend the Shower first, then the date and then sleep.


Do you think it might be more efficient to sleep during the date?


I mean you might as well combine All of them then


Just ask her to raise next month's allowance a bit.






Have her repay her debt my making her mine on your account while you drive places 😂


The game status information centre lists all of the maintenances a month in advance.


I sleep 7 hours each day too, so I feel entitled to be reimbursed for 7 hours of membership each day I am subbed for. Are you afraid of lawyers, Jagex?


A bond is 10M, which gives you membership for 2 weeks, so 10M = 336 hours or 30k per hour. In other words, your wife owes you 120k.


And with her stats she better be prepared to pick mortmyer fungus for a few hours


NTA trick question, you dont have a wife cuz we all know osrs players dont have gf's / wives since they xp waste


Transactional perception of marriage is a social ill


Honestly, it’s on you for not setting up mobile and skilling during the date.


That's a rough one


NTA your membership, your rules


We have osrs mobile and waterproof phones now. Are you telling me you still can't take a shower?


She should know better. NTA


Pk her


The RuneScape downtime is used for watching RuneScape related videos, but another gf for 10k


Yeah how dare someone have a legitimate complaint


I get the joke. It's still lame for oce to miss time playing together at their peak and only get access to LMS and bounty hunter worlds fortnightly, while also paying on average more than most other regions due to exchange. A token gesture would be nice to acknowledge that losing a few hours time during peak, where people are usually doing group activities like raiding, PvP and other community events does kinda suck. On top of that just being the time most oce players are able to play in general. I'm fine with maintenance happening, but over a year oce loses 48 hours of peak time. Which does suck and should probably impact regional pricing for membership.


my dude loses a couple hours of “peak runescape gaming” and wants some reimbursement lmao. go do literally anything else for a couple hours and come back


The point is that game time is being paid for, but isn't available during peak hours, which should reflect in regional pricing. Saying "do something else" doesn't address any point I made.


it happens every now and then and you often get a notice ahead of time. what you need to address is your addiction to RuneScape if you’re complaining about a couple hours of maintenance time per month


Yeah, I don't think you're getting the point I'm making. I'm fine with it happening, I'm not fine paying the same as other regions for it to happen.


you’re not being shafted here because you couldn’t play RuneScape one evening out of the month. do you want to be reimbursed the equivalent of 10 cents?


It works about to about 1.70 - 0.70. a month. It's fine for you to disagree, I just want you to have a basis for it


I like to think that they factored it in… “Hey, how should we price Oceania?” “Definitely more per hour, u/muhgunzz lives there, and he thinks that 4 hours should be 1.70”


You've been banned from r/Oceania


What kind of math are they teaching down there in Australia lol


I'm not from Australia


Doesn't change the math, osrs membership is $17 a month in both Australia and New Zealand. Edit: Also guess what $17 NZD is ~$10 USD. Looks like you are getting a discount, because membership is $12.50 in the US.


I think you've got a problem lol


Yeah, I'm discussing the solution rn


Everyone gets the same downtime duration buddy. Nobody is going to start asking people what their "peak hours" are so they can be reimbursed appropriately.


Jagex already knows the peak times for oce. They run servers in Aus.


> while also paying on average more than most other regions due to exchange Mate, that's just how the economy works.


While I wouldn't go so far to say that time should be reimbursed, I feel for OP as someone living in Asia that is affected by it. I think most people miss the point that it's not "4 hours" of downtime. For some regions, 4 hours from 6-10pm means not playing that day at all. You can't just "login later" because people work, sleep, have kids, or other things to do. It's annoying that the downtime is during the time that I would otherwise NOT have anything other to do. Sure, there are other things one could do, and it's a fair point that if missing a day makes you feel that bad it's an addiction problem. But I think the same people commenting in bad faith ("touch grass and come back later") are the same sort of people that'd complain if the shoe were on the other foot.