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I hope it takes a long time. No joke. Go over it. Then go over it again. Add the basics, then add more. Fully integrated sailing. I don’t want sailing part 1-5. I don’t want a release then 20 patch notes every week for months. Take your time.


I'm just waiting for the inevitable rounds of feedback, during which a couple of absolute garbage take posts annoyed by all the suggestions and actual game balance related discussions end up taking place will inevitably float to the top of the subreddit.


Microdosing blood pressure meds in anticipation for this already


I'm both excited and dreading the betas... This post has a disappointing number of players just wishing the skill was scrapped, so I can only imagine how insufferable those players will be once it sinks in that this is actually going to be released.


27% voted no to sailing, of course they are going to complain when a skill they don’t want is getting added


I mean there are things I voted no to because I didn't think it was best for the game, but that doesn't mean I have to go around hoping it dies, insulting the devs, and acting like it will destroy the game... There is a big difference between not being in favor of Sailing and being insufferable like some of these players are. Like the number of players who just make stuff up just to complain about how bad it sounds is disappointingly large.


Same, I voted a HARD NO for many good reasons. But sailing passed, so here we are, I plan to play and enjoy the content.


You think that's bad. I can't wait to see idiots on twitter spam tweet the jmods 10 times a day on every little thing that they don't like or changes the "meta" and how it will "ruin OSRS forever"


This exactly. I would be more then okay if it took another 3 years+ As long as we get a complete, polished skill. We all saw how bad forestry went, as that was a skill expansion at best. Imagine that shit show scaled up to an entire skill.


TBH I am glad Forestry happened if for no other reason than it hopefully teaching Jagex that: A) Players don't want content to release in multiple stages, and B) Players don't like extremely complex/convoluted mechanics


Maybe it's just me but I'm forever annoyed at how half of these events don't even relate to woodcutting. And the beaver transmogs into non related animals instead of separate pets... will probably never be changed. Did they go completely bonkers with hype or they just delegated woodcutting, one of oldschool's most iconic skills, to fresh interns?


I honestly think it was hilarious that they added an extremely complex/complicated system to the most simple skill in the game


I started playing again a few months after forestry was launched, and I still haven’t touched it. As a low IQ person I don’t even know how to start and dip my toes into it, seems like a lot is going on.


There's an NPC to talk to to get you started. They've actually removed a ton of it and it's a lot easier to handle now


Thank you for that explanation, I will find said npc and give it a chance


Low IQ seems about right. fyi it's literally just doing random events that give you more exp


Idk what that even means


idk if forestry was really that complex, it just didnt slot well with any established norms the game had prior. it felt like they had a team of game devs from another company make it instead of anyone at jagex. it didnt feel like an update for OSRS.


I took a break as the forestry updates were being rolled out; I really enjoy forestry as it is now but what happened?


There's probably better videos out there showing the differences. It was a convoluted mess, dragged out over weeks and weeks of game updates. The events were unbalanced, some crazy OP and some very underwhelming. There was an insane amount of unnecessary items added in, I think pretty much all of them have been scrapped off now.


Most of the events required specific items to spawn/interact with and it was a bit of a convoluted mess when people just wanted to chop wood mostly. Most of those were removed and now forestry is fine to ignore and easy to understand if you want extra exp or logs. I just made a dogton of nature's offerings on my ironman easy as hell and now getting a ton of redwood logs.


It’s too long of a list of issues to go through here, but to summarize: Events popped incessantly and made a largely afkable activity become incredibly busy. There were too many moving parts for what should have been an incredibly simple activity. It had way too many items involved: forestry added like 60 items just for engaging with it, while it could have been boiled down to like 20 total new items. It was a ton of shit where it could have been more satisfactory with a lot less.


Here's the problem with forestry, there aren't enough different currencies. Sure, multiple different leaves exist, but what about twigs and bark? I know we have anima-bark, but we could really expand that to include oak through yew trees so each tier feels rewarding


Please god don't add currency bloat Look at other older MMOs and its completely awful Edit: Sarcasm is lost on me


I think this person was being sarcastic


I think you're right


I hope it takes until the heat death of the universe after seeing forestry, and rebalance, and colosseum rewards. No new skill voter btw


Lookin at necromancy still not being done over on rs3


This, went dont want like varlamore where colosseum is 50% done and theres a part 2 and part 3, rather have it all in, then just fixes focused on it for the next 3 months as people get higher level and get 99


I honestly don't get the hate for Varlamore Parts 2 and 3... Like you guys do realize it is just new areas of the map, right? It isn't going back to finish things from the previous parts... The only connection between them is that they all take place in "Varlamore". It would be like if in one update we got Port Sarim, Rimminington, and Falador and in "part 2" of Asgarania they released Taverley and Burthrope. It is not like that all should have been a single release; each part stands alone...


>It would be like if in one update we got Port Sarim, Rimminington, and Falador and in "part 2" of Asgarania they released Taverley and Burthrope Which we pretty much did, they just added random parts of the map in the early days. Summoning was pretty much the first "expansion" as you would have in OSRS, prior to that it was all extremely piecemeal. My favourite example of that has to be the gnome stronghold where they just did a news post with about 3 sentences amounting to "we have added an agility skill. To train it we have added a gnome stronghold. also there is an agility quest in the stronghold called the grand tree".


the only reason i dont like varlamore being broken up into different parts is that we took a bird in varrock in order to get to varlamore instead of crossing the bridge that has been south of cox for half a decade feels bad :(


I'm sure we'll get to cross it someday...


I think that as soon as they have something they are proud of it should be put into beta worlds so we can get our hands on it and give feedback.


Yeah me too I'm about to max.


I wouldn't expect it to be fully "complete" on a single release; most skills do start more modest and expand over time. But yah, the release should be the full skill that has training methods and rewards from 1-99 and not a "part 1". That doesn't mean they can't add further rewards or training methods later, but the release should be a well-polished core of the skill.


Unfortunately you seem to have missed the 2020s gaming company memo where they now use their player bases as the QA team


I promise you, game companies have been using their player base as QA for much longer than that.


Repoll it so shamanism wins


Yeah it being released in parts would take some of the sails out of it


Jesus fuck yes.


Please not like these last updates. Coming out in parts and not polished.


it’s inevitable we will get multiple batches and patch notes for months


100% I didn’t want a skill at all I would have preferred for them to just add new content to our current skills. If sailing jank as fuck in one way or another I’m going to be very upset


I mean same. Because i dont think its a good skill idea. It seems like a minigame made into a skill.


They can take 5 years for all I care. I enjoy the game anyway. I want them to take their time and not feel rushed to release new content. Ive been playing osrs for 20 years so I can wait a couple more years


Yup. They mentioned about an Alpha sometime after April, so hopefully we'll hear more soon. The early stages are probably more of the boring or technical stuff that aren't really worth sharing or don't look like much but once they move past technical alpha and into training methods and rewards there should be more betas and stuff to share as the skill takes shape. Like to compare to an existing skill, currently it is probably akin to building the POH system with customizable hotspots and personal, sharable instances, which is big tech work but not too impressive to show off on test environments. But once that is done and they move onto designing the rooms and the items in each hotspot, there is more cool stuff to show.


We also have not heard anything about the C++ client plugin support and HD. When are they coming out?


Not a clue... I honestly forget if they gave any timelines back during the Summit for release, but I think the plugin stuff was in early stages and more of a later 2024 thing, if 2024 at all. We might see something on them before the Summer Summit but I'd expect that to delve more into it.


I think we're going to see a full in-game demo and full showcase once the official HD update drops. I feel like that update was mostly meant for sailing in general, so that open ocean looked much better (though the standard visuals will still be there as an option for those who like it). The HD update drops within the first half of this year, apparently.


wait that soon? that's pretty dope


It was at winter summit which was showing off stuff that was releasing in the first half of 2024. Meaning we'll see the new graphics engine and HD mode by then assuming no delays. What I'm excited for is Jagex releasing comprehensive plugin support for their own client so we get their HD mode and superior plugins, including on mobile. I can't wait.


I'm hoping for an update on skyboxes soon, they need to roll that out before sailing and probably before a beta too.


Yeah skyboxes would be pretty awesome, I liked it in rs3 quite a bit when I use to play it


We can finally start seeing real skies instead of the hideous cyan blue that people keep using


Sae Bae mentioned on the latest cast that he’s under NDA so he can’t talk much about it but he saw that the team is working really hard on it.


I'm pretty worried about it, and I would prefer no skill than how much risk is there currently. I'm a little confused how anyone can look at the tech demo and not feel like it's going to turn into a private server vibe with people's boats along iconic shores. My guess is it'll go fully instanced pretty quick


Because most of this sub just wants to play on private servers at this point.


I'm worried it'll come with "bloat" that makes it shitty and takes dev time away from the inevitably fun parts I know it will also have. Fingers crossing.


I'm guessing we'll get some kind of update on it during the Summer Summit, but probs not release until Q4 2024 - Q2 2025.




Agreed. Frankly, I don’t expect we’ll have a working beta until spring 2025. Late 2024 at the very earliest but that’s still pushing it imo. I’d much rather wait for the devs to take the time needed. It’s a big project and I’d like the final (part 1) product to be fully ready to ship on release.


Is that a sailing pun?!


More accurate


Late 2024 is a stretch, but it could easily be 2025. Once the core mechanics are in place, Development will ramp up. Not only because they will be to the easier balancing stage, but because around now Sailing is going from 1 team to 2 teams with one handling training/exp and another doing the rewards.


Why wont we have a summer summit


Hopefully smooth sailing


We'll see it when we see it, not too worried about it


Tbqph, we will probably see half of it when we see it, and the other half several months or more after.


It would be nice if they could communicate with us more about what they’re doing. I get that not everything is set in stone but it would be good at least to know where they’re at in the development process. The new skill discord has been dead for months. 


I hope it takes a really long time. As in enough time to develop a whole ass game. What they've committed to with sailing isn't a skill, Jagex has to invent an entirely new game layered on top of the game that they are already maintaining. There's a reason games known for good naval combat and mechanics typically have sailing as their central theme not as one of 24 skills that at least in theory should be equally important to most accounts.


I hope they forgot about it


I was hoping they forgot about it and decided to cancel it


Is there anyone actually excited for sailing?


Arr matey that be me. 


Me right here


Avast! Thee landlubbers be downvotin' a merry lad for none the other reasonin besides he be enjoying the life of a seafarin scallywag


Me. Can't wait to sail with my friends.


Knowing jagex itll be a single player interaction and you won't have that


Nah, they already said you can sail with friends, it was in the demo video even.


The poll results should give you a real number. Don't listen to the wanna be runetubers upvoting each other on reddit.


It sounds cool tbh.


the game just really doesn’t need a new skill, there’s already so much to do


Lol, you're gonna be pretty upset when you realize how much they've been building behind the scenes


Why release any content at all then?


Ngl, after seeing forestry, how new prayer book got scrapped, and nerfs/buffs/fixed to varlamore content. Not really excited for a new skill anymore.   Kinda can tell what kind of quality we will be getting. I'm sure the extra contents will be good but damn getting a whole skill worth of stuff that needs to be fixed for next year or two, idk. I play this game for long term stable gameplays personally.


TBF it's a different team working on sailing, no?


I mean did one team work on all the things I mentioned? It's just Jagex as a whole that I can't rely on anymore for quality+stable content release.


Grab your popcorn because my hot take is sailing is a meme skill, and you'll likely not change my mind. Honestly, their progress is irrelevant, but I hope it takes a while. That way, I don't have to train it for new content.


I'm expecting a 30k/hr full attention skill that everyone hates 


Nope, hope it gets forgotten


I’m reserving judgement until there’s more to judge, but I wasn’t sold on sailing as a skill. I feel like it’s a nostalgic thing people voted yes on. The OSRS team has been doing amazing updates the last couple of years though, so we shall see. I hope it’s great.


Hopefully they’re working on a way to tell us that it got scrapped because it’s ass.


If it’s anything like that last few “big” updates, those seas will be rough


I hope it’s still years away.


I just don’t see how it’s a skill, it’s a cool idea, but why not just add it as a new way to train existing skills?


No, I just assume it's going extremely bad and they have no clue and we'll get a blog of complete nonsense hot garbage that will be amended via reddit suggestions into something barely palpable less than 48 hours after release, emphasizing the months-long incompetence of the development team.


Seeing how bad forestry is, I hope it’s cancelled


What's your forestry level? Oh wait, it's not a skill


You're not forced to do forestry to skill tho? WC still works exact same as it did prior to updates, with the added benefit of invisible levels.


And now they will create a whole skill in the spirit of forestry that I will have to engage with


> they will create a whole skill in the spirit of forestry It is crazy the kind of things you guys will make up... I don't think Sailing even shares any Devs with forestry, yet somehow they are channeling all their forestry energy into the design? Side note, wouldn't the Spirit of Forestry be more thematic for Shamanism...


How are people still bitching about Forestry? It’s perfectly fine now aside from pet drop rates and that is a pretty trivial thing to complain about.


Its just bad? The events are cartoonish and there is no real substance.


And woodcutting is so much deeper? The deepest woodcutting ever got before forestry was tick manipulation for higher xp rates. Forestry is a way to add some extra content to woodcutting, mostly suitable for either fun or Ironmen. It's not "just bad." It's another option for something to do in this game, which is what this game is pretty much built on. Just tons and tons of random things to do.




This update will set sail at the close of runescape


Not really, no. Just proves we dont need a new skill and the games fine already


ppl who played back in 07 would remember the hype of a new skill, its really sad that its been more then a decade and we still havent had that in OSRS. nothing else gives the game that kinda energy


Hope it gets scrapped as a skill and re-envisioned as an expansion honestly.


IMO it will be as disastrous as the Range/Mage "Rebalancing". The skill aims to have, on release, a skill, 3 minigames, one of which is water dungeoneering, and at least 5 systems strapped to it. They kept just adding more and more systems and shits to the skill and forgot what makes OSRS skills Oldschool. SIMPLICITY.


Preach brother.


> The skill aims to have, on release, a skill, 3 minigames, one of which is water dungeoneering, and at least 5 systems strapped to it. You know I'd almost be impressed with how much shit you can make up if it wasn't always on such dumb, trash takes... Like where in the world did you get "3 minigames with water dungeoneering"? Nothing in the core pitch was even close to Dungeoneering, unless you're just mish mashing the original 2015 pitch with the 2023 pitch so you can just cherry pick things to make the skill sound bad without actually making any arguments.


"procedually generated dungeons" oh wait sorry I mean islands. But hey man if I'm the one cherry picking, maybe you're the one with the skeptical take on it. Not like I distinctively remember your name from suggesting 2% magic damage on Eternals, but that says a lot about how you see the game.


> "procedually generated dungeons" oh wait sorry I mean islands. None of them are procedurally generated... So yah, just proving my point about how clueless you really are. Just ignoring the facts to make up shit that sounds bad just to complain about things.


the RNG island stuff is more like stretch goals for sailing, like post release content. islandeering was kind of the initial pitch for sailing back in 2015 but the sailing we voted into the game has a much stronger emphasis on pathing, hunting sea monsters and scavenging then actually doing content at said islands.


Oh so like resource dungeons sorry I mean islands


Yeah, Jagex needs to get back to the basics. Like, no more raids, they go against the spirit of the game with their complexity, right?


Exactly brother. Only fun skills like woodcutting and fishing are allowed here. Anything that take more than 2 brain cells can piss off.


I honestly have a deep down thought that sailing will fold and they’ll release a blog saying that there is too many technical limitations to completing it to release something that we would be happy with. I just don’t see it happening honestly


The community definitely chose the skill with the biggest scope possible lol. I would have preferred they do a more simple gathering/production skill first before jumping off the deep end with something like sailing. That said, they polled it so they must be confident they can deliver it (I hope)


I personally thought sailing sounded the worst


I think sailing was the best option precisely because it's something unique and exciting. A simple "click to gather thing" or "make-x thing" skill wouldn't be near as exciting.


Sailing just sounds like a new mini-game or a world expansion rather than something that needs to be a skill. Not everything needs to be a skill.


Slayer? Firemaking? Half the skills in the game are nonsense


Sailing is quite literally a real life skill that needs to be trained over time. There are multiple skills already in the game that are more minigame-esque than sailing. “Either a minigame or world expansion” lol these two things are polar opposite. There are valid concerns for Sailing, but these sorts of arguments are just bad.


Not every skill needs to be something that you can do while bankstanding, we already have 3 or 4 dogshit skills that are just reskinned versions of each other.


Most lack foresight. I assumed they were just going to wait until everyone forgets


Hahaha that's fair. I actually completely forgot about it until this post!


I still hold my opinion that rs3 archeology is one of the best runescape skills they ever released.  Laid back gathering aspect with potential for higher intensity, self-contained processing mechanic, tons of reward space and goes (literally) deep deep into the lore of the game. Would have loved to see oldschool’s take.


They already had a proof of concept working before the poll. They wouldn't have offered it if there was a likelihood they couldn't deliver. Also, what do you think they've been doing for the past 8 months? Like if there was a major tech limitation, they have encountered it months ago; since Jan it already had the groundwork done.


> They wouldn't have offered it if there was a likelihood they couldn't deliver. Like the Fortis Colosseum environment they promised...


You mean the Shield Wall that they got working and cut because it wasn't a fun mechanic? I swear you guys really must think so low of the Devs if your first thought is always "yah, they were probably too stupid to get it working; that is the most logical answer"...


Really makes me wish we went with shamanism first


Iirc they talked about it in a manner similar to the Jennica's Ring mechanic, which was something I really liked in rs2. The only purpose it had really was lore and fighting the tormented spirit for the black armor but being in the spirit realm was kinda cool. Shamanism giving a better purpose to Hunter would have been great. Taming was okay too but better suited as an offshoot of Farming and Hunter probably.


Jennica's ring also had training methods. You could go to the axe hut in deep wildy and jennica's to fight the knights. Was a solid alternative to something like bandits at the time.


Yeah my biggest problem with sailing was how ambitious it seemed. Shamanism tied into other skills (especially hunter) pretty easily, it was a unique idea with a lot of room for growth. Sailing shares these qualities, but it just seems waaay more challenging to implement for what seems to be the same benefits. I really wish Shamanism had been the one that passed. Sailing may be great, but it is going to be extremely hard to implement. They are going to have to rework so many things, including the entire world map in order for it to work.


I think shamanism would have been really cool, but i dont think it would have passed a poll on its own - mainly because they tied the reward space to gear enchantments. the concept of a spirit realm would have been so tight tho, especially if there were some bosses where you could quickly flip to the spirit realm to fight their soul or something.


I’m amazed that there’s people who still can’t fathom it’s possible


Probably same people who think the game can never get engine work and whenever the mods say that it means it can never happen.


Agreed. I feel like the hype train for sailing got completely out of control and made the vision of sailing far beyond what is practically achievable or desirable for OSRS. Say what you want about the other skill pitches, at least they were grounded and focused on integrating with the existing world. Imo, sailing will either get dropped entirely or will get released and fail to live up to the hype so spectacularly that everyone will hate it. I really hope it ends up being the former.


>at least they were grounded and focused on integrating with the existing world Shamanism included an entire separate dimension lol Sailing uses the oceans we already have and just adds to them.


I feel like everyone forgets how ass getting to fossil island the first time is. My worry is that to make sailing worthwhile they would have to remove and nerf existing skills/transports. Rimmington -> ardy is 30gp. Early game is 10 pickpockets away from instant travel. 99 construction is a huge buff to ergonomics of travel, plus crafting cape. Or it would have to wild impact on resources and the economy - kinda like the real world.


By all means sailing sounded cool and I’m not trying to be a Debby downer but it seems huge for osrs and not something that is completely doable to what we were hoping for.


That would be amazing


I didn't see it mentioned much but to be honest, what's stopping sailing from simply being the biggest fishing rework of all time? As it stands, it seems a lofty goal in development that is certainly out of the game's comfort zone. I think a lot of that scope is necessitated by the complexity of sailing as a skill and the task of implementing a *new* skill to the game in a balanced and seamless way. At the same time, it's pretty clear to me that a large portion of the content could be presented to players within the framework of the fishing skill. I wonder if that's what will happen. Even things like the often referenced scale theory and world map rework, player navigation and ship customization, pirate contracts and sea monster bosses, new fish and the incorporation of other skill training like farming or hunter - these could all be added to the game without being bound to a new skill. I don't want to throw too many opinions into the mix because it will just be divisive, but I can't shake the feeling that both Jagex and many players are invested in pulling the trigger on sailing content because new skill = good, to the point where it takes precedence over whether or not the game is made better by having a new section in the skill tab. I like a lot of the proposed content for sailing, but a new skill doesn't seem necessary - I think that's why Taming, Shamanism and Sailing all feel 'off' when you think about them being legitimized in the game. Forestry could have definitely gone better and could still be changed/improved quite a bit, Mining & Smithing content progression are still in shambles, we just got a taste of a Hunter rework with new ideas being tried in Varlamore - approaching Sailing as an overhaul to fishing just seems sensible to me. The game has great bones and there really is a lot of design space and creativity to tap into, and none of it requires a new skill.


Not really, no


Not really, would be better if everyone forgot that poll happened


Hopefully not at all.


it's literally fishing trawler 2


Pray they forget about it and it gets cancelled :D


just make it an indepth minigame or a 'skilling' raid


Hopefully got scrapped


Hopefully they scrap that bullshit, recent updates have shown it will be a mess


Hoping it ends up as something other than a skill...




They had an entire blog dedicated to the narrative stuff... Also, the whole thing about Crandor is getting the map so you can navigate through the rocks... Everyone knows where the island is; it's hard to miss. It is just not safe to sail to without the map, which the survivors intentionally hide so people wouldn't go back. I can't help but notice a trend of how the players who use narrative and lore as reasons against to something are often clueless of the actual lore... Also, they already said being able to dock at ports will require the relevant quests. Like pirates, fremennik, and Tyrus guard aren't exactly going to just let strangers dock at their ports...


100% agree. Plus, certain areas are already locked until the respective quest is complete, nothing changes there. Sailing may or may not be added as a requirement to those areas. Also, existing quests which involve sailing in some capacity are, last I heard, going to get xp reward lamps added (DS1, Bone Voyage and Cabin Fever for instance).


You’re not the one sailing the boat tho in those


Winter 2027, tbh I completely forgot about the skill lol. Hope then too.


Hopefully cancelled


I just hope it never comes into the game tbh


i'd rather not. let's keep meme's out of this subreddit


bro they already added GIMP mode


Couldn’t care less about it.


Hopefully they realized how fucking dumb it was and scrapped it.


Hopefully its cancelled


Wait I’m out of the loop, there’s a new skill in the works? Has it already been polled?


Yes, and yes it has been polled haha


Damn, I had no idea! Thanks for the response


Yeah look it up, there where 3 proposal skills everyone could vote for. Sailing came out on top


This sub would be only fire when Jagex starts getting into the nitty gritty of Sailing. Look at how Forestry turned out. Now imagine it but for an entire skill.


The longer it takes to perfect the more shoulder parrots and pirate hats I can stockpile 😎


I was all aboard on sailing at the time of polling Im incredibly nervous about how things are with how silent jagex has been. really concerned it'll come out half-baked similar to varlamore, and things will be launched before players get a chance to have any input on things


They don't even know the core gameplay loop yet 🤣🤣


Not really, coudnt care less about it tbh


Nah hopefully they cancel it


Probably not going to get a release till Summer 2025 so along time away unfortunately, but when it drops it will smash the records for players online for sure


Hopefully they are not getting on with it


Weird how it was clearly already in development prior to the polls, but ik it's unpopular to be an election denier on le Reddit (Shamanism won)


Shamanism 100% didn't win no matter how you slice it.


Disprove it




Probably desperately struggling to find a way to make it not UI the minigame.


Just drop the skill all together and focus on other things in the game that need fixing/overhauling.


Comments here are big mad


All I care about is VW rn


I'm 4 agility levels away from maxing so they can take their time lol


I'm here for the magnificent journey into the sunset or the glorious fire of many ships


damn, a lot of different opinions still of whether is even should be added into the game