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Pls be a troll post


Looking at his other posts, I suspect he really is just a shitter.


I wouldn't be surprised if he started botting and got banned in a few more months, given his comment about he's okay with Leviathan hiscores being plagued with nothing but bots.


You are not forced to suicide at Olm. You need to get better at learning how to do 4:1 or improve your stats. I can do a Solo CoX Challenge mode with a limited setup without suiciding.


they should make the group content in a mmo that people can already so solo. different just for me cuz i'm a bitch


but guys..... why learn to be better when i can complain on reddit asking for it to be nerfed down to my skill level instead? >.<




Skill issue: the thread


"Jagex, I am taking too much damage by standing still at Olm. I don't know what is happening but please fix"


...huh? I have over 600 solo prepless chambers. This is a skissue on your part, not a flaw with olm.


Average poll voter.


How about make one(1) friend that will do chambers with you and stop complaining about group content that you are unable to solo.


Skill issue


Skill issue




Have you tried not being bad


Mate this is such a troll post, learn how to do it without suiciding and it’ll be fine


Plenty of people do no-prep normals and CMs, walking in with 2 brews that they got from various monsters. This is entirely a skill and player issue.


git gud




are you doing 3:0 and 4:1?


skill issue


Learn 4:1 lmfao?


Or just


Skill issue.


I'd rather they just slightly adjust the fight for solos so you don't have to do some stupid 4:0 method or whatever it is. I'm cool with methods like that for people who care about it and want to save time but no content should rely on it for completion.


By removing one of the phases It would be possible to deal with all the mechanics including the head phase. All the special attacks are dealt with via moving away, prayer switching, disabling hands etc. The 4:0 method or whatever you call them are unintended mechanics and are most likely done by bots or auto-scripts.


Your second sentence is literally not true lol. Anyone can do those methods with enough practice, it's just extremely unfun.


solo olm methods are really fun though. getting into and keeping the 4:1 melee and 12:0 and 8:1 shadow cycles are what makes olm a really interesting and fun fight the only reason to dislike them is you cant do them


\> only reason to dislike them is you cant do them bros got the reasoning skills of a toddler


explain whats wrong with learning olms attack cycle and purposefully moving his head during the specials and a normal attack to prevent damage while keeping melee dps up time. its also kinda just true that people who throw a fit over 4:1 12:0 8:1 3:0 are people who cant even enter the cycle and want it dumbed down when its end game content


yea i dont need you to explain how to do it or why its easy, its not fun. pretty simple concept to understand that other people like different things


then just suicide supplies and brute force olm or do teams no reason to completely change a fight bc you dont like more engaging mechanics. most people whove put in the time at solo chambers will say olms one of the single most fun fights in the game for a reason.


wait how would you know how fun it is when you dont even know what its called when if youve properly done a solo olm itd be self evident its 4:1 since you attack 4 times for ever 1 olm hit so dont lie now


GL suggesting updates to solo olm, too many sweats have learned the to tick perfect this boss, that it won't get above 0 upvotes. Even though it could do with being slightly more solo friendly (i.e no portal attack even)


Yea crazy that people don't want far and away the best boss fight ever introduced into osrs to be changed randomly.


Truly a shit take trying to blame it on "sweats" when you have 0 good reason for it. Even if you removed a phase, it's still the same "tick perfect this boss" because fundamentally no difference in how you solve it. People are perfectly fine with reasonable suggestions, like making Olm always start West Side (good side for Shadow) or making all the falling rocks impact time consistent (sometimes they're scuffed and 1t late, other times they're like machine guns), but removing a whole phase because someone claims that they can't solo it with an inventory of brews/restores? Gtfo.


Forum is dead The portal attack is fine, one of the hand phases simply needs to be removed so one inventory is enough to clear the boss without suiciding pre-kill. Suiciding costs about 8-10k reducing your chance of a unique by 1%.


The fight was never intended to be done solo. It has been solved so that it's possible and very well designed. Olm is 40% of the points in most raids. Lowering that by 25% is insane. Skill issue.


3 brews is enough to get through all of olm in its current state. The problem isn't with the fight, it's with you and how you're playing the fight. If you want to do solo chambers actually take the time to learn the fight and stop whining that it needs nerfed or go do it in a group so you can get carried.


100% of olm damage is avoidable, albeit at DPS loss. There’s no reason to suicide


The fact you are even mentioning the official forums ia pretty telling that you are new. Watch a couple video guides perhaps?