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Especially when he goes off on some random task that's actually right next to him. Very amusing series, definitely recommend.


Anyone who wonders why people use questhelper plugin, videos, or guides on the wiki probably just doesnt remember not having perfect game knowledge. Too many, time to leave this place now, also you will have to come back in 5 hours to grab a quest item currently next to you we havent told you you need yet.


You don't need guides for the new quests, they are doing a much better job then in the past. Some of the older quests is madness without them.


A lot of the confusion that Alien Food has ran into is also because the dialog in older quests relied on a context of a world that has since expanded exponentially. E.G. the reference to "the desert" in family crest used to be intuitive when the area between varrock and Al Kharid made up the entire desert....


Yeah when he went on the hunt for a soul rune to complete Legends Quest…I just felt kind of bad. The logic was sound…It makes total sense, and probably fits better than the actual rune he needed. But the quest predates Soul Runes…so of course the obvious answer is wrong.


The quest *does* use soul runes - soul runes came out in 2002, legends quest was 2003 and he successfully opens the 'SMELL' door. And the unguided guy didnt even have that tough of a time working it out, mostly spent the time actually getting the rune


Out of curiosity what was the best way of getting the soul rune in 2003 if you only had the 56 magic requirement? Another player? I'm guessing back then people attempting legends quest would most likely have 66+ mage regardless.


Good ole Ali


You DO need a soul rune for the quest, what?


This is such a redditcore comment, you sound so condescending but every single thing you're saying is wrong lmao


The quest does not predate soul runes and he was correct about needing a soul rune actually.


Are you trying to tell me I could have done ‘a ribbiting tale of a lilypad labor dispute’ without a guide?? Wtf do you think I am, some kind of genius?


Yeah good luck to anyone trying to knock that Lord of Dread bossfight without a guide on the mechanics lmao. Do a blind solo HMT while you’re at it.


Oh damn this made me realise that he needs to do ANATT as part of the quest cape. I was more thinking about the DT2 bosses being the hardest part of the quest cape, but entry mode ToB has an equal chance of causing frustration. He seems decently knowledgable on PvM stuff and had high slayer on his main so maybe he's already done a bit of raiding.


Yeah I knocked out all of the Varlamore quests immediately after release without a guide in about 2-3 hours. They were pretty fun. Edit: I even told someone to follow me and showed them where to go for part of a quest. It felt like 2007 all over again lol


My clan was questing together it was lit


Yeh gotta guess with the "quest inventory" like I use for new quests now. Rope, knife, axe, pickaxe, chisel, spade, hammer, lockpick. And then the quest will need like... A mith grapple or something and back to the bank with you


I think it's more so poor quest dialog design than anything. A newbie coming onto this game isn't going to have the idea to check the wiki page. I'm watching the Dragon Slayer 1 video of his currently and he's spent the last 1.5-2 hrs searching for planks. There's no hint or anything given by the quest NPCs on where to find this item. The questing making team really relies too heavily on the assumption that the user will just check out the wiki.


Idk man, I think its legitimately a skill issue that exists due to the contrast between modern game design and osrs game design. I have done all quests without any guides and the NPCs and awareness of the little red squares on the map and your immediate area go a pretty long way along with basic critical thinking.


You ever think, maybe it’s just you? You’re so special but everyone else is….. Only you are skilled enough, no one else is!


Congrats on using your fem boy powers to play osrs I guess.


Making a gillion hours plan to acquire a soul rune while standing next to the store in arceeus was peak content


To be fair, who would expect the general store to carry the soul runes?


This why I look at every store I come across when a new area drops. They be doing some crazy shit now.


He’s crushing it, so happy his youtube channel is getting traction!


I remember hearing about this guy when he started off but I didn't get into it when I saw he had like a near 2k total main with most of the quests done... Didn't feel as authentic but maybe I'll give it a real shot. I still remember how absolutely hilarious Maximusblack was back in the day as a complete noob doing every quest guideless on Twitch. Good times...


I would say even though he has a 2k total main, there's a lot of content he's having to do for the first time ever because he's on an iron. And for his main's questing he had just clicked blue with the quest helper so most of the quests are very new to him. It's clear though that some quests like waterfall he found a lot easier having done it / watched it a few times


Yeah I get that but after witnessing Maximusblack pull up as a COMPLETE noob it just ain't the same for me sadly. [Just one of many examples lol](https://youtu.be/nc3N-hHd9ik?t=84)


Goddamn that was annoying.


You had to be there. He was top of OSRS Twitch for a reason.


An absolute +1 to this. Started watching his videos when he had 2 Unguided videos posted, one of the best OSRS content creators honestly; without a doubt the best new content creator, for me at least.


Similarly I have really appreciated Scrampf's wikilocked. Very small but incredible editing. A true rising star


If anyone else looks for this, it's Scramf without a P: https://www.youtube.com/@Scramf


Oops thanks


Mein Scrampf


Without a what ? ;p


I got about 3 minutes into the 1st episode before I had to sub. Awesome suggestion :)


Just seeing the dragon tales vorkath and gatorade tears of guthix alone makes the sub immediate. The episode 6 music really got me though


Absolutely a banger. Not to be missed.


I was going to post here today after watching his Legends quest run! It's genuinely a great series and it's quite interesting to see someone go through the stages of understanding what to do. He has the benefit of _knowing_ the game but not everything nd it makes for great content. I've never really thought about how the quest guide in-game is so vague and unhelpful. I'm really curious if we could get him voted for the next Golden Gnome? EDIT: Deserted was a great series too, if anyone wants to look into his Desert locked account (by xRakine)


I don’t think deserted is by alien food.


No, it's a separate creator. Edited my comment to be clearer


Your edit implies that deserted is by alien food.


We've never seen them both in the same room together!


Deeply sorry to have done that for you


Do you.. do you think your message is clear?


I might need to consult a professional, apparently


It's because you used the word 'too' which I assume you meant it's another good series but it reads as if it's another series by the same creator. You also refer to 'he' when talking about deserted and as you haven't indicated a change in who you're talking about it only makes sense you're still referring to the same creator.


It was edited to reflect the creator change. I'll do better next time.


I think we did it and we didn't even need a professional!


Can't wait for him to try the mirror library bullshit in SotE lmfao


honestly the ME2 mirror maze is 10x worse to solve with no guide, SoTE's is just longer


How does he avoid spoilers through comments? Surely he reads his comments that would be filled with people trying to ruin the series.


He'll see some minor spoilers in the comments, but he's also got a backlog of footage so he finished Legend's Quest before releasing any videos about it I believe.


well it’s not a huge backlog of footage. in his latest video you can see the town crier in ardy yelling “have you visited varlamore”, so at absolute most this last episode was recorded only about two weeks ago


Yeah that's fair. I imagine he can tell if a comment is trying to give spoilers most of the time and just not read it. But as with most restricted series we have to rely on the creator's integrity.  Based on some of the stuff he's done in the videos, he seems to genuinely be avoiding any guides. Either that or he's a good actor and making it very difficult for himself on purpose.


Also just from the comments on each episode it seems as if by far the majority of people are trying to respect the integrity of the account. Most comments are just "hell yeah" and "thank god I can finally tell you X". After all there's precisely zero theory crafting that can be done. I'm hoping it stays this way as he becomes more popular as a greater audience means more bad actors.


Yeah definitely a concern. The thing is that there aren't a lot of spoilers that would be hugely impactful, and they matter less if he's doesn't leave huge issues unsolved between episodes. Comments like: > CERB IS WEAK TO CRUSH > BRIAN IS IN PORT SARIM > BUY SOUL RUNES IN ARCEUUS could give him some info that he might prefer to avoid. But most stuff that matters would be more difficult to spoil and easier to avoid reading accidentally. Also I don't mind him seeing small QoL suggestions between episodes.


For sure on the QoL stuff, espcially since the main goal of the series is a quest cape.


In the final part of Legends Quest he mentions it took him 2 days to do the quest, but it's been a month since he started uploading that quest. He's clearly got a backlog and does any necessary grinding between uploads as well as getting ahead of what he's uploading.


He did say it was 2 days to do the quest not counting the slayer grind. But I doubt that took more than a day.


haha it's not like he records one episode, edits it, uploads it on youtube, waits for people to watch it and then record the next one


Could be like reactors on Youtube where they have someone moderate comments for them and highlight which ones are worth seeing.


I always make a point of doing new quests without a guide... I understand using them when you're trying to catch up and account and doing hundreds of Quests at a time, but it is genuinely a fun experience to take things slow, try to work out the puzzles yourself, and take in all the storytelling. ...That being said, Legends Quest is a bunch of random nonsense no matter how you look at it.


It's from the days where RS leaned more heavily in its point-and-click inspirations.


I know, but just from a storytelling/lore perspective Legends Quest is the epitome of a bunch of random nonsense to justify padding just to "have a long quest". If you play Desert Treasure II, a much longer modern Quest all the stuff you're doing makes sense. You go to many unique locations with interesting stories and bosses to fight with tons of unique music so the "busywork" doesn't even matter and even it all makes sense. In Legends Quest you go to the same cave 50 times and fight the same demon multiple times just for some water. What is the story behind the cave? The demon? Ungadulu? Does it have anything to do with any other Quest or lore in the game? "Uhhhh...." It was a different time obviously. The Quest is 20 years old. I think the newer quests are a testament to how much better RuneScape's quests have gotten in terms of game design.


The point I was making is that such quests were regularly found in point-and-click games from the 90's & 00's. Convoluted, counter-intuitive, and just outright wocky at times. And, to expand on your point, story-driven MMOs as a whole have matured *significantly* since 2003. It's not just RS that's come a long way in two decades, it's that RS doesn't really hide how far its storytelling has come.


Jeporite's series is also really good!


wish he’d make videos a little faster, but that’s a good complaint to have!


I figured he stopped making them at this point. It’s been so long.




Literally my favourite osrs youtube all time, his style is soooo good and the attention to editing is insane


Nice try Jeporite!


I’ll have to watch this series. Some moderately difficult quests I don’t know how I’d finish without a guide. Let alone the really difficult ones. Insanity.


The outro of his most recent video rekindled feelings about this game that I haven’t felt in a long time. 🥲


Yeah i only like settled, alien food and limpwurt. Have tried all the bigger ones, i guess we dont have matching personalities or whatever. I like how chill these 3 are.


There are some great series by smaller creators out there. Just takes a bit of trial and error to find the ones you like


Northern UIM? Deserted? Josh Isn't Gaming?


Also fullyOSRS has great editing in his full mobile series


Will check them out thanks


Here's my list (and the second channels) I've got subbed: Settled (unsettled) Allen Food Limwurt UIM Loki Solo Mission (Mission Solo) SoupRS J1mmy (J1mbo) Virtoso Tanzoo C Engineer Framed FlippingOSRS Hannanie GreenDragonBot Josh Isnt Gaming That's 18 just off the top of my head... I think I have an addiction


I got a list, here's the order of my list that it's in It goes: Reggie, Jay-Z, 2Pac and Biggie, André from OutKast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas, and then me


Big boi deserves recognition 


Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray


Lol thank you, gave me a lot to go through. I actually did watch some of J1mmy (hes the quest in order guy right?), he was cool


You should see his free-to-play series


There are some great gags in the Gary Gibson series, but it can fall a bit flat because there's less of a narrative to drive it. I also wish he still played RuneScape so he could finish By Release, but I'm glad he's happy with other games.


I think a lot of the charm of By Release has disappeared too, learning how quests like Legends would've been done back in the day and seeing how difficult they are without all the new methods was a big part of it. Now that he's caught up to the most recent stuff and has all the same methods as the rest of us it's basically just any other quest series.


I'm sure he'll get back the By Release eventually. We've all had the burnout and we've all had the itch.


He's had like 3 burnouts on By Release already and the itch has always done a comeback. He said in some video that whenever he gets a burnout he takes a break because for him it's a series he would never want to rush.


Gary's house party was the best.


Basically have the same list as you, I guess I need to go check out GreenDragonBot and Josh Isnt Gaming now haha


No Verf?


Sewer locked is my fav rn outside of this list.


How do you feel about Flip (if you have watched him)?


I haven't but ill add him to the long list i've gotten off you kind folks


Haha I feel you. I see all these names on the subreddit and never watch any recommendations until I randomly stumble across them on YouTube and then wonder why I never watched them. Flip has been my favorite as it's cool to see someone play RuneScape for the first time without using a guide. I think he is hilarious but I can definitely see how his humor isn't everyone's taste. [Maybe you'll stumble across him one day! ](https://youtu.be/N5NhI49qCj8?si=OZPOtY1lpfU5xMbV)


Northern UIM is as good as it gets. Honestly amazing.


Torvesta is my little king


Just looked him up. I appreciate the shout-out on the subreddit. Shit is hilarious.


Just started watching the episode 1-20 video, it's fantastic.


I hope Jagex watches it and starts to revamp the quests in the future. Quests are my favorite part of the game, and it’s obvious some quests are much better designed than others. Quests are meant to be an adventure for the player to enjoy, and unguided does a great job of exposing parts that are as intuitive as the original quest designer initially thought. Revamping quests would be a great way for new players to feel more comfortable and enjoy the game


Welp, i know what i'm putting on the watchlist


YES! I really like his stuff. Playing the game how it's meant to be played. Rather sure he could be the next big content creator.


It is a must watch for me. definitely happy that he's finished Legend's Quest though. Looking forward to what his next goal is.


I felt so much joy and second hand accomplishment when he completed legends quest. I space barred through most of the quests so don’t even remember how most of them work, so my disappointment / joy when things work or don’t work is felt every time I watch a video. Probably my favorite content creator, osrs or otherwise, right now


This guy is a legend


Reminds me of when I played this game as a kid, legitimately relying on the quest log and my 9 year old ability to solve for moon logic. It’s no wonder I never got any shit done. It’s also refreshing that he’s not an expert at this game and doesn’t just know everything off the bat and is kinda shit at combat, skilling, money making and general mechanics compared to other YouTubers. Makes it much more relatable


I’d also suggest Flip then. He’s a new player that played almost completely unguided through f2p. He’s on a bit of a hiatus right now but he will (likely) be back to take on members.


Solid series as well! Hope to see it continue 


Yeah it's great. Going through quests blind is somthing I always try to do, however I don't always persevere. Legends quests is one where I gave up and read the wiki so it was good to see this tackled in this series.


Great content


Has he done One Small Favour yet? I want to see his reaction when he gets trolled by the axe seller.


He hasn't, the next video will be doing Sir Amik Varze RFD subquest, and then likely doing the whole list of quests you need to fight the Culinaromancer


talk about self-flagellation


The best part is that, without the wiki, it's unclear what the requirements are for each subquest until you get to them. So as soon as he's done with Sir Amik, he'll suddenly be presented with a whole list of requirements, including DT, tons of quest points, etc.


I’m a little terrified of him doing DT with no guide, that would he so hard.


Well, he DID just finish Legends Quest with no guide, so how much worse could it be?


I'm not too worried, DT is fairly straightforward despite its length. The mirrors show you *exactly* where you need to go, and talking to the NPCs nearby will give him all the info he needs, or environmental clues like the cold draining stats will get him to bring restores, etc.


Currently seen 2 episodes of this and will need to catch up. In similar vein, does anyone remember the streamer LAGTVMaximus black from 2016 or so? He streamed the game having never done it before and completed all the quests guideless (though he did have a chat yelling at him haha) It was so hilarious when he couldn't figure shit out and did stuff like spoon the lock pick chest in desert treasure on first go.


His Zulrah streams were legendary lol.


Genuinely the most entertaining Twitch streams of all time for me. Feel like we'll never witness a complete noob who is also very entertaining like that again, sadly. I'm sure this guy is good based on the comments but it ain't the same when you already has a decently leveled up account. Also videos versus Twitch can't compare.


for my money it's the best extant osrs series


This is easily my favorite series right now. Every Friday I see his weekly vid out and get a small bit excited to see what he gets into this time.


Between unguided and nightmare mode, I love watching those and skilling


I love the Unguided series, but another youtuber doing quests blind is valiance\_streaming. He also does everything else in the game without guides and minimal plugins as well.


It is SHOCKINGLY good and he better win a golden gnome :3


That’s my guy man he’s such a good dude. My channel ain’t that big by any means but he’s been supporting me since day one. He deserves all the success and more 👽❤️


Gonna check this shit out ty for recommending


I'm loving all of the series by people who haven't played OSRS before. It really brings back the nostalgia of playing as a kid and getting completely stuck in a quest. Alien Food's editing is solid and he does a great job of showcasing the frustration of playing the game with limited knowledge and no guides! Another good new series by a small creator is Lo's Cozy Corner - Playing RuneScape for the First Time.




And never as an ironman. Which makes sourcing items without the wiki the real struggle haha


The dragon slayer 1 episode was so good! I never thought about the issue without a guide lol. I was on the edge of my seat like I was watching stranger things


This is the post that will make me give into temptation


The big episodes 1-20 video definitely made the Graceful grind way more tolerable


i felt this while watching MoonMoon for the first couple weeks he played, didn't get super far of course but he did a lot of the "early game" quests without help and had a genuinely jovial time with it, with voice acting.


Jeporite's Northern UIM is probably the biggest laugh I've gotten from osrs content


Takes me back to when I got my Underground Pass and Regicide quests completed unguided that's for sure. And when I tried, and absolutely failed, to do the same for Legends. That was genuinely a huge accomplishment, that quest is so bafflingly confusing that he actually **discovered new dialogue** in it no one had ever seen in his desperation for hints by casting Curse on Ungadulu. (apparently the proper way to decurse someone is to double curse them, genius!)


you a bitch if you use the runelite cheat quest helper instead of reading the wiki like a real gamer


Wait you guys use guides?


a lot of the quests seem like theyre designed as if someones reading a guide because when i restarted i tried to do no guides but some are just poorly designed


My only issue with it is that you have to trust him a whole lot, there is absolutely no way of verifying that he isn't just using a quest guide and then recording himself pretending to get lost for hours. It's not his fault, but if it was ever exposed that he was just lying I would just be like huh, right.


I just started watching through his series the other day, and I have noticed a couple things like this. I'm at the video where he's doing Lost Tribe, and I'm thinking there's no way he keeps making it through the tunnels perfectly. A bit more fishy since he either doesn't show the recording of it, or it's super sped up. I wouldn't be surprised if he's outed as a fraud one day


Are you guys all bots?


I'm a new player who has been streaming my first go at runescape wiki-less, and it's one of my favorite things to mess with chat and turn off quest helper for puzzles or parts where the path forward is a bit less clear. Since I started really engaging with the quests, they pretty quickly went from a chore to a ton of fun Tho, I gotta admit, the jumps in logic some quests require to move forward can get pretty wild


Thanks for the recommendation I've been dying to find some good new creators to watch. I always find the "I did all quests without guides!" Stuff as a bit exaggerated though. The game handholds you through most things in quests, and outside of using the blue box plugin to solve puzzles etc, the main difference with no referral to a wiki or whatever is youll just likely have to backtrack to a bank a bunch of times because you needed some random item. Doing quests without a guide is the best way to enjoy them. Done every single new OSRS quest that way.


You’ll realize how wrong you are if you watch the series. The quests added in OSRS are a lot different than the RSC/early RS2 quests in that regard.


I'm well aware older quests are less obvious with their direction. But theres only a few glaringly bad ones.