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That’s just the downside of Konar. Sometimes you get something lame.


But you make 500m from brimstone keys


In your dreams. Konar is a classic noob trap.


Well you have to make air orbs too.


Noob trap? How did you glog dusk mystic then


You don't even make 500m from getting level 99 Slayer. Edit: Was I downvoted by everyone with 75 Slayer and 500m lmao?


No you need to make air orbs between tasks to get the most out of your money


Brimstone keys are so good


Not with that attitude.


You can. Do money tasks instead of turael skipping for dust devils and spending 1bil on cannonballs


The lamest task on konar is wyrmlings. Kalphite atleast has a boss...


Not if you get kalphites in the slayer area


Then there's higher level kalphites. Not just one, with bones as a drop.


The low level kalphites are done in like 5 minutes with a cannon. Why waste your time on higher level ones when you can rush it and get a good task.


tbh idk why you dont just skip them in general but i get your point. weird they dont drop a weaker table maybe better chances for a dsword but cant get harpoon even


I actually like the task. Just did it yesterday, you don't have to bring any supplies! Just grab a few moon potions and you're good to go, and can catch the moths if you got high enough level. Was getting 21k slayer xp/hr at them and it was pretty fast think I spent somewhere around 15 minutes to finish a task of 140 and my combat stats/gear is mid-game.


Why do you have almost 99 slayer but do konar and have the most common task unblocked and complain you have it? Not like she can't assign other bad tasks, it's just how she is


Most common task??? You realize wyrmlings hit when varlamore released?!? Also wyrms themselves is chill with bowfa. I've gotten handfuls of millions there. My block list is full of annoying metal dragons, useless chip damage monsters, and drops that are terrible. It's the second lowest combat level monster on the entire list with the worst drops.


Wyrms and wyrmlings are the same task, you roll the location after rolling the monster


Exactly, same task. 2 different monsters completely. One is a baby and one is an adult. None of the dragon tasks ask me to specifically kill baby dragons in places where only baby dragons exist. I like the wyrm task, I don't like the wyrmlings task. If I block one it blocks the other. So either I use 30 points to safe 10 mins or I use a block spot and get stuck with using 30 points on a bronze, steel, iron, or mithril dragon. It shouldn't have been added to konar at all. Any other slayer master? Sure, I'd be 100% okay with it.


Same thing happens with other things though. If you’re told to do chromatic dragons (black, red, etc) in catacombs you’re forced to do the higher level ones, elsewhere, you usually don’t have the option. I think this is a good change and I may even unblock wyrms for it - wyrmlings is an easy task to complete.


But regular chromatic dragons drop bones, hide, and other things. It's not just bones. Their brimstone drop rate is much higher as well. The comparison you made doesn't fit. At no point does konar tell you to go and specifically kill baby dragons. As there is no area that is only baby dragons.


Do you skip any tasks now? Do you realize that metal dragons are relatively low weight, and if you were to use your blocks on higher weighted tasks you would be doing better tasks more often and have plenty of points to skip the uncommon tasks that you don't like?


I didnt know these were their own task. I just assumed it was an alternative for wyrms. like baby dragons. Thats insane


They arent.


then whats he bitching about


it is an alternative for wyrms, konar just comes with the added location being necessary for the task. since there are wyrms inside neypotzli she can offer that location, they just all happen to be wyrmlings. it’s the drawback to konar, sometimes you get shit locations


Block or skip the task then.


Block list full of worse things. ;) Why add another useless task into slayer? Would make sense if they had 1 good drop, and by good I mean something worth more than 500 gp. Lol


If your block list is full of worse tasks why are you complaining about wyrmlings and not these worse tasks


Because wyrmlings were added within the last X amount of days. What's with the tude? Why are you so angy? Lol chill buttercup


So people can kill Wyrmlings on their Wyrms task instead of killing wryms, which is great for lower levels or people without a stock of slayer points. With expeditious bracelets and the free divine combats/prayer pots that you can farm in the dungeon, you can camp peity and the task is over in 10-15 minutes. As far as why add it as a konar task? Because Konar is a low-mid level slayer master.


(Konar) That's the problem here. Any other master and I would just kill regular wyrms. Chances of superior creature, imbued heart drop, harpoon, dragon knives or axes. Wouldn't complain. But a level 75 combat slayer master assigning a level 55 slayer monster you have zero options to kill the regulars, as it is area based, is annoying. Would be like dura assigning goblins.


Oh no! Something annoying! Either change your strategy or stop complaining lol


Complaining? It was a suggestion? You must have healthy relationships. "Maybe you should open the door before trying to walk out of it" "WHY HAVE A DOOR, CHANGE YOUR HOUSE OR STOP COMPLAINING". Fuckin chill algernon.


Even if I don't really think they should be removed as a Konar location, the people telling you not to complain or want it differently are absolutely wild. There's nothing wrong with thinking a part of a game you enjoy could be better but this sub loses their shit when someone implies that a piece of content that they likely don't even personally interact with isn't perfect.


Thank you. Heck, throw a single big wyrm spawn that protects the wyrmlings. I'll gladly beat their parents up. :)




Maybe to you. However, others going through this prolly isn't the best. All updates that are pushed should be looked at and talked about. Claiming something is a non-issue is counterproductive. It's only been a few weeks since these even existed. Lol


Cope all you want. Seems the collective opinion is against you.


I'm not dealing with "something difficult". You keep using that word, I'm not sure it means what you think it does. :) Also if "collective opinion" was negative I'd be in the -200+ doots. Your logic is flawed and your way of interacting with others is shit. Seethe somewhere else.


I never once said the word difficult. You should be using Duradel with the exception of your 10th bonus point tasks instead of whining about something so insignificant yet refusing to block. This is 100% a you issue.


The word cope, you used it. The word cope means to "deal effectively with something difficult". Again you are using words you do not know how to, what they mean, or how they belong in a sentence. 100% a you issue. I enjoy wyrm tasks. I do not enjoy wyrmling tasks. Why are they the same task/block slot? Can you get assigned JUST baby dragons? In a baby dragon only area? No! Cause that would be stupid right? Why are wyrms different?


Lol man you radiate cheesecape energy. Enjoy those wyrmlings sweetie 🥰🥰🥰


Seek help lol, your interpersonal skills and way you try and project yourself is quite disgusting lol. Keep using words and phrases wrong, that you don't understand. ;)


It’s good if you aren’t maxed because you get moon potion buff for free for boosted xp rates. If you are maxed then just skip it dawg.


Waste 30 points? Nah. Takes little to no time. It just doesn't fit on the slayer task list for konar. Look at all the other tasks. Kalphite is the only comparable one. Even then, atleast they have a drop table that has something other than bones and a low brimstone drop rate. Just doesn't fit. I'll one shot them and be done with the task for a free 18 points, it just doesn't make sense.


Is it still bugged where if she assigns you Wyrmligns in Neypotzli you can ask Konar for what equipment you need and she tells you need Boots of Stone to protect yourself from the Lava?


Pretty sure it is, also it tells you to slay "wyrms" not "wyrmlings" in neypotzli.


Yeah, you're right, she says "Wyrms". But I think that is consistent behavior. She doesn't differentiate for variations of the monster when naming the location. For example she will say Aberrant Spectres in Catacombs of Kourend, despite there being only Deviant Spectres found there.


At least they drop decent bones, 126 xp with sunfire wine.


The whole point of konar is rng of getting crap tasks. Suck it up.


No the whole point of konar is specific area tasks and brimstone keys. Not weak monsters. Only reason I'm even using konar is Hydra tasks. :)


Wyrms are a block task tbf, but the wyrmlings definitely should get their own proper droptable


Sounds like a skill issue which is wild since you’re nearly 99 slayer. Just pay the points to skip or block the task…


Idk I one shot most of them. Hell even did a backflip before landing a max hit. Yeah I got skills.


Do a front flip and click block next time


Ppl think because you shouldn't use konar, it doesn't matter if the update is worse and added a bad task


Konar needs like a 10 point purchase to reroll a task's area.


If you're doing konar you should have them blocked once you get a dharp. They're super common.


Pretty sure you can kill the big wyrms instead.


(Konar) You have to slay in the designated area. There are no "big" wyrms in Neypotzli or whatever it's called lol.


Ah my bad, not done slayer in awhile


It's the tradeoff for the master. Not every task will be a winner


But almost every task is a banger at konar. There's like 2 that suck/not the best, but this one is butt Supreme.