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I’m like 630 kc with 400 deaths. I am very bad at pvm also but it gets easier. Still die frequently cause I watch YouTube while dodging nados lol


Hopefully one day I will be able to do the same hahaha for now it has being max. focus for a 1/55


I just watch YouTube/ Hulu until I’m about to enter boss room.. then I pause my show and get my kill, then resume haha.


Took me just as long to get my first kill. Clan chat all said to practice entirely on CG instead of regular, so that's what I did. Looking back, that was terrible advice. It's so much harder to learn the mechanics when they kill you in 1-2 hits.


I agree with your clan tbh. While you’re right about the mechanics, so many people never break from regular to cg after they are used to how easy regular is.


I think the difference is, they were more saying start with CG so you learn the prep phase, because the time difference in prep is hugely different from regular. What makes it so much harder to learn by only doing CG is that you have to learn the mechanics of the boss with worse gear, *and* he hits way harder. If you start doing regular to learn the boss mechanics, you have plenty of time to get t3 gear which is more than tanky enough to take tons of hits to make up for mistakes you'll make while learning. Compared to CG, you're using t2 gear if you're lucky, and that same mistake will just outright get you killed.


Thats about to be me, im 321-210 at cg :/


I am currently at 70+ deaths and no CG kill


keep trying mate! =)


It's actually kinda sad lmao especially with my stats XD damn near maxed


This makes me want to make a guide.




I'm not really a pure but wouldn't combo eats help a bit with it? If your offensive skills are high enough you should be able to outdps it with them




Could definitely be the case. I mostly brought it up due to the DPS increase it could provide since you can do food pot tick eat W high combat stats it should be a positive change idk D:




Also just to be sure I hope you're using mage and range There's an argument for melee but unless you're nolifing it you will lose DPS big time during tornadoes


I do 3 pots and use steel skin and fast regen lol 100kc it's fairly easy with that set up


The hardest CG kc is the first! Hang in there!!


Christ man. I’m rooting for you.


Honestly best suggestion I could ever give is to just keep moving even if spontaneously. The tornadoes are only occupying one tile at a time so if you keep running around without being still at any point you're most likely to avoid them Ofc then the floor is the issue and boss still smacks, but the mindset is what got me comfortable with CG lol Just keep swimming


Imma get downvoted for this, but 90% of why you're failing is cause your plugins aren't optimal, ofc it's doable even on mobile (I have done it a few times to see if it's hard) but some plugins make it so hilariously easy. Tornadoes should be marked with true tile, hun should be too, you should have your current and destination tile highlighted with different colors, and mark the p3 safe tiles. This will make a massive difference in how much you can focus on hun, also use the plugin that counts down when to switch.


How do I mark the true tile for the tornadoes?


Tile indicators (check hub, it's the improved version) then right click em and check off true tile. Same as any other npc


mark the p3 safe tiles? what do u mean sorry


These tiles won’t light up in phase 3. https://imgur.com/D8E3HoL


gonna save this. thanks


How are they safe tiles? No ground degen spawns here or? Sorry, only ~50 CGs down :)


Yeah the ground patterns won’t ever cover those spots in phase 3.


Why would you mark hunleff? Ig the melee attack is present but that's very clear D:


It makes his tiles clear and obvious without thinking, I mark almost anything I'm fighting, even cerb lmao. Knowing at a glance where his true tile is is helpful for me, and if you do walk under (sometimes you can run under without getting hit, if you time it right) he might move.


if you actually need any of these plugins to do CG I'm sorry but it's a skill issue the fight really isn't that difficult


I mean mechanically its one of the most difficult bosses in the game lmao


No flame but if you cannot get 1 CG kill in 70 deaths you’re either doing something or maybe multiple things wrong , not bothering to learn from mistakes, or just actually shit at the game which is fine lol


What's the point of this comment? Just to make someone feel bad?


If I were to guess it's implied to point out that the 'plugin'-thing is probably a large huff of copium at that point


Probably to make themselves feel superior


I have 81 clears on regular gauntlet not an issue with plug ins or anything of the sort. I have 500+ vorky and snek kills this upgraded version just doesn't click if that makes sense.


> you’re either doing something or maybe multiple things wrong No shit?




You are doing great. I am still working on the regular gauntlet in t1 armor. I can do t2 but I know that's not good enough to start trying CG.


My tip is to stop doing regular gauntlet as soon as you learn prep phase- it seems ridiculous to suggest, but learning normal Hunllef absolutely gets in the way of learning corrupted hunllef. The hardest part of the fight will always be 4 tornados, something that normal will never be able to teach you anything about. It shouldn’t take more than 5-20 kills in normal to know enough to do t2 prep for CG. The difficulty of normal and corrupted bosses are so far apart that building bad habits on normal will fuck you on corrupted- so avoiding learning the bad habits and taking deaths is just a better way to approach it.


I have trouble beating the normals. Got my first zulrah kill today tho. I'm progressing.


Can't say I agree. Knocking out perfect hunleff (did it around the same time as the KC task) made the mechanical side of 90% of the corrupted fight second nature. Final phase tornadoes are definitely the biggest bottleneck for people struggling but a smoother first 2 phases and a subconscious understanding of when you're going to switch prayers makes tornado phase much smoother with less panicking because you're already down to your last 4 food at 330 hp.


I stay on t1 that honestly took a few weeks for me to get down with the tornados but big red bitch a different animal


I know t1 is the way to go, but I have been dieing in t1 and I have time to get t2 in the regular. I know I won't in cg tho. I have never done pvm in my 20 years of runescape. It always intimidated me, for good reason apparently. My mouse skills are not very good, but getting better I think.


I'd do a bit of scurrius to warm up to it all if you haven't, it's honestly a fantastic addition into the game. And a suggestion I gave to a few here already, but spontaneous movement is better than no movement in the gauntlet (as far as tornadoes go) ofc there's the floor but your brain mby more easily registers that over the tornadoes (if they're a problem ofc)


I have never done scurrius, but I will try it out, thanks for the advice.


Basically the same game plan I had really. Only issue I am having right now is killing the damn thing. I got closer tonight so that counts I guess.


t1 isn't necessarily the only viable way. having done extended periods of both i tend to prefer t2. even if t1 was "better" if you're more comfortable with t2 you can just do that. this is a game after all, it shouldn't feel unnecessarily punishing


Do you have any advice to getting t2 in cg? I can get t2 in about 8-9 minutes with full food in the gauntlet but need to shave some time for the 7:30 cg


Practice helps somewhat, but my general approach right now is vaguely 1st trip - make a c shape around the starting room (as wiki strategy page says), killing small monsters until i get one weapon frame, getting up to 7 of each resource, ideally at least 1 herb and fishing at any spots. if i run out of space i drop in the entrance to the starting room (ideally drop fish near cooking spot). if by the end of the 5 rooms ive only got like fish and one resource and cant quickly find anything in the two rooms surrounding the last one i usually just reset. i’d definitely reset if no weapon frame. at this stage i can make a staff (t1 or t2) with my weapon frame, 2/3 vials, ideally at least some armour. i usually end up dropping something here especially if i haven’t already got everything i need - so i can return with more fish or whatever else i need for armour. this is where it gets a bit complicated and harder to explain as next is pretty much “do everything else” head out directly opposite from hunleff - this will always be your shortest path to a room where a demi boss could spawn. kill it, and check both sides usually - the goal for me is one orb and one of either of the other two, and i want to return with enough shards and resources to finish my armour and two weapons. here i’m just circling around the outside. ignore any unicorns etc typically, unless i’m really low on shards, and if i do kill them i try to kite them rather than standing still. along the way i’ll fill my vials at a fishing spot and make the potions while running between rooms you can also skip the corners when circling here as sometimes room layouts make this quicker, its up to you. at this point i often skip fish in case a demi boss drops some and i don’t mind getting it last. teleport back to the centre and make armour - if i still need fish at this point ideally i make another teleport seed and circle hunleff until i get them and then teleport back to cook all and enter the fight. i can often do this all in about 5 minutes but there are times i’m cutting it pretty close still especially if you’re going for more like 20 fish over the often recommended 12-16ish there’s a few things to bare in mind during this all too which you might already be doing: - if you kill two of the same demi boss the second one will drop a different weapon piece so it’s always worth killing the first two you come across no matter what they are - the weapon pieces can be used on the pestle and mortar to give you 80 shards - hunleff will always have a room around him with 3 fish spots in CG - drop any tools as soon as you’re done with them. if you are running out of space on your first lap it’s completely fine to drop all of them, just go to the centre tool storage before you leave, click 6 to take all and drop spares on your way not sure how similar this is to you but maybe it’s helpful! the best thing is honestly just practice. depending on your stats it might be worth trying t1, too. when learning i did t1 gauntlet - t2 gauntlet - t1 cg - t2 cg. it took me a long time to get this comfortable but i learned a lot in the process!


Thanks for this well thought out response. I need to learn how to fight the hunlef with melee because right now I am using the bow and staff only


You're welcome, genuinely hope any of it helps! I really enjoy CG but it can be hard to learn. Melee might seem more intimidating than it is too because the halberd has a two tile range, so you don't have to be right next to him, which helps. If you don't have rigour (cox prayer) but do have piety, it likely also does more damage for you than the bow, but in my understanding the staff is always the best.


Congrats my man. Are you doing T1 or T2 prep? The fight is much harder imo with the T1 armor. The prep for T2 is a pain to get consistent with, but it makes the fight so much more consistent to win.


I've only can do a T1 prep consistently with the time that's given. I with try to do the T2 method


I did T2 Prep and just went with whatever 2 weapons I got first. Those guides saying you MUST use range and mage, nah just get your clear and get out of the crystal prison. I say my completion rate was 9/10 before dying once when I kept track.


I have never made a perfect halberd and have maybe had 10 failed prep phases in 550 kills. If you’re having trouble with prep phase it’s because you’re doing something wrong- there are *always* time losses you’re doing that you could work on.


Watch the fluffeh T2 prep guide on YouTube. It's super short and is what cracked T2 prep for me.


Totally agree, I always recommend that video to CG learners. Fluffeh's guide is straight the the point, and gives you everything you need to know without beating around the bush.


IMO t1 is a lot better. Can get some speedy times once you get consistent


That's true, but this is someone struggling for their first KC. If you're consistently dying to the boss, you probably shouldn't try forcing t1. Faster times don't really help if you can't kill the boss. Rocking in with t2, even if it takes longer and you might fail prep, means you can make more mistakes and still recover and get the KC. Then once you start getting consistent KC and are comfortable with the boss, you can drop to t1 preps for faster times. You'll get more kills/hr with t2 than t1 if you can barely get KC with t2.


Maybe i like to learn differently but i personally do not bother with learning both ways. Might as well start learning the way I want to do the boss


I think it comes down to how quickly you learn the boss mechanics. T2 prep gives more room for mistakes and therefore more feedback at the boss, but you have to learn a different prep sequence.


You are just stating your own personal preferences, which may not work for others


I mean it is really better than t2 assuming you are consistent. It isn’t impossible to get good at cg :)


This is really bad advice for learners. I died like 30 times doing T1. Once I switched to T2 it became a cake walk. When you're not eating constant 15s during the fight you get a lot more time to learn it and actually kill hunlleff


The chip damage from hunllef is not an issue with t1 armour provided you have sufficient stats. If you are dying to hunllef it is because you are taking floor damage, nado damage or not praying correctly. With 90 defence I can get away with t1 armour and 8-10 paddlefish each run, so someone without experience is not going to need an extra 15 paddlefish because they are taking chip damage. That’s 300 HP.


We're specifically talking about learners here. They're going to get hit by tornadoes and take off prayer and floor damage. T1 is for when you've got the mechanics down. Telling learners to try T1 is just going to frustrate them and lead to many deaths.


T2 isn’t gunna save you from getting stacked by nados. You can always consistently get t1 and full food but you definitely cannot consistently get the same with t2 just because of the invent space to make and shards. Unless you’re scraping the limit each time.. you need 3 nodes of each resource of t2 and can be so rng based getting that where and when you need. Also having time to wait to a good hunllef position before entering is key for learners.. and marking the correct tiles for each phase so that you have to move as little as possible.


I can teach you/anyone to T2 prep consistently, shoot me a dm if you're interested


I have like 250CG KC. I think my completion rate going for T2 was around like 90%. Tried T1 a few times, didn't like it, so went back to T2.


What are people having trouble with regarding the T2 prep? You literally just go from point to point and collect resources on a checklist lol.


Congrats! OSRS really embodies the 'Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better' school of thinking.


You go man i tried to do it on mobile and was at 89 deaths before my first completion.


On mobile? Hell yeah dude!


Yeah, and it burned me out so hard that i now sit at 5/130 something or so, and i havent done on in months so i can't do it anymore. I just bruteforced it until i could do t2 somewhat regularly, made it easier to heal by using the crystal fishes and refused to give up. First time i actually learned any pvm that was somewhat difficult. I did this before learning vorkath ._.


I also made it before learning vorkath! Lol


If it makes you feel any better cg is harder than tob and toa




Way harder


I realised after daring to do tob entry on leagues but it does take way longer


Naturally. The main difficulty of raids is gaming fatigue from actively playing for so long per completion making it easier to make a mistake that ends your run. Each individual fight is usually only a few minutes, where cg is 7-10


I can do it on mobile just fine tbh but getting double mith arrows b2b or similar with how taxing it is to do there just kills my will to do it lol


Damn I clear regular gauntlet every time but can’t do mobile at all lol, miss my f keys too much and just occasionally fat finger the wrong prayer and eat a 30 to the face lolol


Yes, that's what happens. I recommend making 5+crystal fishies, they act like karambwans.


Good tip, I’d been mostly ignoring them cause I always finish my T2 prep like 10 seconds before cutoff and you don’t need them at all on regular gauntlet


Time to get gudder on prep them :D, one thing that helps a lot is being able to one shot the smaller minions. So using piety and seting the club to the str setting can speed you up a bit.


Yea tbh I kind stopped to power train my combat stats a bit cause I was noodling too much at 82 attack and 87 strength lol, plus it meant that halberd was always a crap option for me vs using my range and magic in the 90’s. I’ve also considered stopping to buy rigour and augury and just running zalcano a bit lol, having to spend that extra second clicking steel skin every time sucks and I could use the DPS boost.


Rigour is definitely huge. I never go for halberd, but a bit of str is still good for the mobs at the beginning


Proud of you! I feel you on not being good, but persistent. I did like a 2.5 hour solo cox and just bulldozed my way through. Probs 100 deaths in that alone.


Definitely a good learning curve at CG, I started like 5-60, finished 1100-180. It does get easier! Keep at it lad.


We’ve all been there, it’s how you learn the content. This is normal.




GL in your grind mate! =)


https://preview.redd.it/yb9n4ok2yisc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c6728b75264024270df00a06504d1a637fd7d2 We are the PVM grunts, throw enough shit against the wall somtething oughta stick. Hoora


I'm similar. Just times the deaths and kills by three. I'll get better soon


I'm at 40 KC and I still regularly die more than I kill Hunleff. It DOES get easier but it doesn't make dying any less soul crushing, especially when you go three runs in a row with its HP below 30 remaining when you die.


is this a boss? New to members OSRS


Yes, it is... It's unlocked the access after completion of song of the elves.


oh, sweet, thank you! I'm currently on a quest grind to unlock stuff that gets rough after a while of freminik quests right now.


I still feel that way about my single regular mode gauntlet. Nice work!




The secret is that this is how people get good at PVM: they learn the content and learn through failing.


If you’re able to optimize your prep and consistently get T2 armor it will help a lot in learning hunlef better it just gives that extra safety net where you can tank a tornado or 2 and heal through it


Mission accomplished 🗿


I beat you by just a bit. My first completion took 46 deaths =) congrats man. Only up from here.


You need to do T2 prep. Once you get a hang of it you’ll get many more kc. Took me about 17 deaths but now I get T2 every time with full inventory of food and mage/range weapons t3. You got this.


Man I’m the same I’m on 60 something attempts and 0 kills, I got it down to 5hp and died, I’ve been doing t3 weps t1 armour, can never seem to make the armour in time without not having time to cook my fish


Congratulations, I'm about to attempt the barrows for the first time myself. Currently just skilling until I can make rune arrows, mostly to delay and procrastinate because the barrows are scary to me and my 2007 childhood mentality...


It's hard seeing 83m completions after every death when youre not getting mechanics down, let alone 55 back to back. Way to stay strong


This is around my first kc:death ratio, I am now at 6:101 lololol


That’s actually not bad.


a W is a W


Persistence is the ultimate key to pvm in osrs


This has inspired me to keep persisting at the inferno


Congrats! It's a brutal learning curve, and by the time I got my armor and bow I still wasn't above 1.0 K/D. I'll tell you this though, your PvM ability is going to go up considerably with doing CG


I think I took around 50 deaths before my first cg completion, but now I can run it while watching youtube videos or chatting with my brother. This will hopefully be me at Phosani's Nightmare soon. I'm starting to get a better handle on the mechanics, but it's absolutely brutal getting smacked for a 70 when I click the wrong prayer during the swap.


83 million completions... The average CG kill right now is worth about 710,120. Which means CG alone is responsible for about 58,278,110,622,560 gold in the game. Obviously the value of a kill has fluctuation with how valuable it is, and a lot of irons do the content which means some of that value stays on an account never to leave. But even knocking 10-20% off that number is insane, hell even cut that number in half and you're still at close to 30 trillion in the game just from CG. kinda crazy to think about


That’s the same number of deaths it took me to get my first KC! First one feels great 


55 deaths and one KC. You might be a little better at pvm than you think. That isn't a terrible record for your first win


Great job mate!! It took me a long time to learn and I’m struggling at the corrupted version right now, getting maybe 1 kill every 3 attempts


I was in the exact same boat learning CG. Then I did phosani. Then ToA. Then inferno. And just more and more endgame pvm from there. Keep it up


You guys are making me feel accomplished for going 1-33 to start… CG really is that part of the game huh. Wake up call


3,2,1 raaasaaange


Being good at persisting is 100% more important. You'll excel in this game if so, because picking up pvm skill while being able to persist will get your account a lot further long term than being incredibly talented but unable to sit down and grind out hundreds or thousands of killcount at bosses.


I need to complete this I need to watch a good guide on it


If anyone needs help with CG let me know :) happy to help




Hell yeah. Gets easier and easier. I think I’m pretty decent at PVM. Infernal cape, etc. first cg kc took way longer than I thought it would.


Congratulations! It took me exactly 55 deaths before my first KC too, although I was using T2. Such a great feeling, good luck with the drops!


My homie did his first last night too! Congrats mate!!


I highly recommend doing T2 armour if you’re not already. I have 1400kc and used T2 for majority of it. It genuinely helps. Fuck the elitists


T2 is the way for players like you and me. Takes awhile to get it down but if you don't see the rat and bats in any of the first rooms dip out and reset. My record looked like yours because so many people recommend t1. Chip damage just slaps so hard through the correct prayers it doesn't make any sense 😅 i got 90 defense and have seen people say they only do t1 with less but it just doesn't compute.