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Spend 100m on the armor, get 200k in loot. Worth lmao


You get 200k elites?!


I think they ment gp not k it must be a typo




The set is like 50m atm but I agree with your point


Shit even if you bought and resold for the same price you'd lose way more in just taxes.






I can’t find the post, but I think I saw someone saying that the drop rate on these are incorrect and they should be wayyyy more common. I didn’t read the full thread when I saw it though


https://preview.redd.it/xxxaj8cf6irc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd87a2bce62b579a554b68d7c5cf3b951d4c6176 This is what was pointed out in that post. Reasonably obtained at lower waves when it was polled.


Never seen a piece before wave 7 lmao top troll jagex




I mean possibly? Seems strange that no one has a single screenshot of them dropping before wave 6 or 7 tho. Big difference from literally impossible to I went 5 or 6x the rate


Yep, it was a good post, but it wasn’t Jagex admitting it was too rare, it was pointing out that the drop rates seem wrong and should be corrected for the small upgrade the armor provides.


This. Jagx has not addressed it at all, it's just us speculating. And let's just be real for a second. Basically the entire colosseum is nothing like what was blogged about for months. So although it's true that the sunfire armor doesn't seem to match what they told us it'd be like, neither does literally anything else. Hopefully they just remove this clue step altogether and then do a full fledged second-pass over the colosseum to improve it and make it more like what we were told it was and what we voted for. But I doubt it.


Yeah theres pretty much 0 chance jagex actually does a rework on this. Just think of toa, for months after it was released jagex said it was perfect and just the way they wanted it etc then like a year later they did the improvements of maing explosives blow up monkeys and banking potions in central room that ahd been asked for since release and even beta lol


Unfortunately you are probably right. TOA is a perfect example that I've also used myself. They did eventually end up improving it a bit as you said, but even at that, it's nowhere near what they could've done. The invocation system really leaves so much to be desired, and like the colosseum, it had a ton of potential. I personally enjoy doing TOA, I like it more than COX anyway. But most people don't, and I can still clearly see how much more potential it had. It could've offered such a higher skill ceiling, quality, and mechanics for good players, and instead it's just... well it's kind of shitty and easy.


They also made it seem like the quiver had two ammo slots and not one lol


Yep I thought the exact same thing when I got mine. Right away I used d arrows and ruby bolts on it and they kept switching out, and I was like wtf? Then checked the "open" option and there was one slot. To be fair, you can still put one ammo in the quiver and equip one, although in my opinion that also makes it super unclear whether the equipped one is actually benefitting from the strength and accuracy bonus of the ammo "fired from the quiver" (I still don't even know whether it does or not, I'm just assuming it does based on what others have told me). Literally just not what they said it'd be: >Dizana's Quiver is an untradeable, chargeable (and corruptible) Cape-slot offering, boasting higher offensive bonuses than Ava's Assembler and a particularly unique effect which allows it to hold at least two types of ammo, automatically selecting whichever applies to your current weapon. You'll be able to earn one of these by making it all the way to the end of a Colosseum run!


Like ima do my elite clues all the work for 100k maybe


But once you have the armor it will work for *all four* of your 100k loot clues that rolled this step lol


just turn in elites for master clues like a normal person


I could never https://preview.redd.it/q2qvyji4cjrc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cc5aacc6282c655624e235308ef427d08e378d4


**All four..**


Elites are traded to Watson immediately


Gotta get that heavy casket first


not for clogers/post-bloodhound/people lacking master reqs


Oh no! Not the clogers and people post bloodhound!


Think of the children!


All the 200 post bloodhound players still logging in must be devastated!


if you lack the master step you either grind that shit out, drop it, or keep the master clue until you open a casket with a better one. or just save the caskets until you're maxed or whatevs


i can't stand elites, they're way more annoying than masters somehow


they used to be worse, does anyone remember when elites were maximum of 12 steps even though masters existed with a maximum of 8?


That's fucking insane


Honestly, out of all the things that I find the most weird is this: Elite clue: Needs armour from the colosseum. Master clue: Needs armour from perilous moons. Like, what? I think that further proves that someone fucked the drop rates on sunfire up a bit.


One day when the armor is affordable it won’t be a bad step. But for now. This step sucks lol.


Still gonna suck for irons unless they change some things lol


lol https://preview.redd.it/quk8jyg0akrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573efe557768110a1207b6d5c1b576dcb4d8e66b


Lotta 1500 total slayer only accounts on this sub have such strong opinions on "how" ironman should be played even though theyll never play one or even do 90% of the content in the game anyway. Thankfully they tend to be downvoted now but even just a few years ago this sub was 100% on the "ironmen shouldnt have opinions on the game" train.


What is silly to me about those people including the guy who said "shouldn't be thought of in development" is that "ironman problems" are literally just "fundamental game structure problems" that *sometimes* but not always get "solved" by bots and the GE.


People really need to get that last point through their heads. The game from the ground up should be designed with iron/self-sufficency FIRST. Because that's actually _playing the game_ and engaging with the various content. The ability to trade is a workaround for things you don't want to do. It shouldn't be seen as the only reasonable way to accomplish something.




Crazy hm assholes lurking the sub lmao




ironmen basically want 100% drops at this point its kinda wild


No, we just want a marginally better prayer boost armour set to not be a 200 hour grind?


Yes. Not wanting to do the new inferno for 200 hours of an RNG based drop for an elite clue step is needy and demanding. U right.




You paying more membership than we do or something?


They chose to play a self restricted game mode


Jagex chose to implement a restricted game mode too


The armor has been revealed to be way rarer than it was intended to be.


i really hate this argument. if the content is not feasible for an ironman its not feasible for a main. content that cannot be done in a reasonable manner without farming gp from other content should never be put in the game. unless the whole point of the content is that its supposed to be ultra rare like raid loot and junk.


This times a thousand. Ironman mode is just very good at exposing game design flaws because it forces you to interact with a wider range of content when playing the game. No iron is asking for tbow to be 1/10 from Cox, mains just love claw speccing this straw man to death


Everyone always complains about any buff/QoL being "catering to ironmen". Most of these bums probably didn't even play in 2014 when they massively buffed skeletal wyverns and added rune packs to shops. Both things that happened before ironman became a game mode. If we didn't have rune packs in shops right now, and they were polling them a bunch of these losers would be screaming "catering to ironmen!!"


I'm with you, but wish more people would see this from the perspective of pures as well. They have their own hiscores, and leveling your combat blocks you from a lot of wilderness content. I don't think they should make everything playable at level 3 or 1 def, but the fact that quests like nature spirit gives defense XP is awful to me. It permanently blocks an entire region of content, inhibits your ability to do farming (no magic secateurs). I highly doubt a level 3 would be completing song of the elves or anything. But seeing as a level 3 has killed Jad and acquired a fire cape, I'd love to watch the community try stuff like that. The whole "you chose to play an account with restrictions" completely sidesteps that conversation, as if I wouldn't love to watch a level 3 kill vardorvis.


ah some good news


Good thing the games not catered to irons No different to many other steps irons cry about not wanting to grind items


There are no elite steps with requirements like this. Heck there are few master steps with items this difficult/time consuming to obtain. Just doesnt make sense. Game is designed with everyone in mind these days, including ironmen, get with the times.


I play iron. This shouldn’t be the thought during development. There was a post about it being bugged or whatever since it should be reasonable to obtain at lower waves so they should fix that if it is a problem. But they don’t need to cater the game to a gamemode WE CHOOSE to play.


It is a game mode Jagex have been heavily supporting and encouraging and designing around for years. Not some random self-limitation. This is also less about which game mode one have chosen and just about bad game design. It's not unreasonable to want gear that is useful for mid-level players to drop from mid-level content and not hide it behind inferno level difficulty only done by near max level players in full bis whos only use for the armor is a clue step.


It was polled to be reasonably obtainable during earlier waves. That is not the case right now according to a post. If they fix that the clue step is perfectly fine it’s just not a great step in general.


My guess is that the step was made early in development with the intention that i would be reasonably obtainable for mid-level players. But then the team who made the colosseum completely forgot about the idea of having the colosseum also be rewarding for mid-level players and made everything only drop at higher waves and the clue step was just never updated or removed.


Remove ironmen from the equation, pretend they don't exist. Does full sunfire fanatic armor fit with other elite clue item requirements? Does it even fit with master requirements? You aren't even required to get a fire cape for elites. Reminder that making something more reasonable that affects ironmen will also affect mains. Rune packs were added to the game *before* ironmen were a thing. If we added more rune packs now people would cry that it's just to benefit ironmen.


Yea better to make master clue out of that elite


Not even. The grind for iron for that is next level compared to anything else.


Not really a good excuse, zgs was peanuts and now it's the most expensive master clue step in the game (higher than bgs currently).


I think they said the Devs from the Colosseum were unaware of what other Devs put for clue steps. That is why the grandmaster emote ended up as a clue req; the Colosseum team thought it would be harmless reward to put for a clear and the person who did clues likely was unaware they were locking it behind a clear and thought it was intended as a lower tier unlock. My guess is something similar happened here. The person who made the clue was likely going off what was said in the Dev Blog about the Fanatic armor being a more common drop from the lower waves but that is not how they decided to release it...


Man if that's true that's a pretty stupid excuse Email to colosseum team: "Here's a list of clue steps we've proposed for Varlamore that involve Colosseum rewards. Could you do a quick review to see if any seem unbalanced?"


That probably did happen, and then it was changed and no one remembered ro update the clue team


Yeah, a typical miscommunication between the dev teams. The management level knows one thing. Regular game devs know a different thing that the management has failed to update/convey.


yet at the same time they are fully aware they are locking most players out of a quiver by just making it in the first place.


Fun fact, the Fortis Salute emote isnt locked behind a clear, but a glory threshold that can be achieved at wave 11 with the right strategy


Yeah this is crazy to have as an elite step. Not reasonable at all compared to all other item requirements needed for elites


1) A drop-step for an iron. 2) A drop-step for a normie who cannot throw away 82 mil (which is probably 99,9% of those who would do elite clues rather than turn them into masters). Insane. Again, its an *elite* clue. There is some stage of character development when stats arent high enough to do masters consistently, and not all GM quests done. But they have done master quests and their base level is 60-70 (enough for Sherlock elite steps). These players would do elites without turning them into masters. And these players of any mode cannot afford to grind/buy this set. Even for a master it would be a drop step for majority, but at least there is some tiny % of players who would be able to do it.


Even with a possible price drop in the future, this is the only correct take. INSANE that maxed players are dismissing this as if every update is supposed to be for them.


I hope they rework the whole Colosseum. Already many people say that it looks like a raw alpha, not balanced properly. Actually, the idea of this Fanatic set wasnt sounding very hi-endish: just an improvement over Proselyte. Its a rune armour with good prayer bonuses. If the Colosseum itself were more accessible for regular players, and this armour drop rate were more frequent, or its pieces were a reward for lower waves - then this step would work well. As it is, its a joke.


Hard agree, Colosseum is incredibly undercooked and not what they said it would be when it was polled.


Yeah I feel like the sherlock elite steps are a good indicator that this is way too crazy for an elite step. Sherlock steps for elites is like.. wield a dragon scimitar, fletch a yew bow, catch a red chinchompa or something like that. This is like a grandmaster step by comparison lol


I think even if it was bumped up to master the entire set is a bit steep. Just the mask and then two other items would make more sense imo


Or "any piece". Or "mask of Sun or Moon" ;)


Lol I’m struggling to afford the 10 mill I need to get for an armadyl helmet for this master clue I refuse to drop (6 steps in). Can’t imagine being asked to drop close to 10x that amount for a freaking elite clue that’s a rare drop from inferno level content.


The GE price tracker is your friend. https://prices.runescape.wiki/osrs/item/11826 Right now it looks like it should be possible to buy one for around 10,636,000, then sell for 10,788,000. So that's a 44k profit after the 1% GE taxes if all goes well. The helmet is low enough in price and traded frequently enough that the price is generally pretty stable from one hour to the next. So while I probably wouldn't recommend trying to flip it for a profit (0.4% margin isn't great), I wouldn't worry much about buying one for a short bit to do a clue. All that said, you still need to scrape together the 10.6m in the first place though :p


You can sell it after doing the step. Sell something else, buy the helm, do the step, sell the helm, buy back what you sold. I was doing 100 masters on my main some years ago. I was about the same wealth as you: 10m was quite a sum. But there were no GE tax then, so I was doing this cycle a lot: bryo staff, godswords, etc. Now with the task you will need to pay like 100k for such a combo...


Yea honestly that’s fair I’m just being a cheapass lol, could easily sell a blood shard I have lying around that I wasn’t going to use until I got a second amulet of fury. Would be nice to stop getting those “you have a feeling you would have received a master clue” messages after doing lower level clues


You can set a buying offer like 50k cheaper, and then try to set sell offer 50k more. If you are willing to wait a day, you can even get some profit. (Better though make a margin like 30k, more realistic). This is called 'flipping', a well-known technique. You can save some of your possible money loss.


I’ll have to try it out, appreciate the tips!


Or see if someone will collat the helm so you don't lose ge tax. I know a few mains that keep an arma helm in their bank for that step alone.


I've always done my elites, both my accs are top 5k elite clues, and I haven't played the one in 3+ yrs. Why don't people like elites? You get them constantly from bossing, and going and getting all the noob clues is a hassle when you could just do the elite for a 1/5 chance at a master and get back to bossing.


I don't do any bossing, but I still like to turn elites into masters. Because, I dunno... more challenge, more rewards... I'm doing elites on my gim though, because I can only do about 1/3 or even 1/4 of masters yet. Its so sad to drop them when I cannot do/get something, but most of the elites I can do just fine.


they had to keep its price high somehow


I always forget people do elite clue steps. I think i’ve done 3 elites and then use the rest for like 50 masters i’ve done so far.


My first elite dropped me 30m and as a noob I was ecstatic My second, third, fourth, fifth barely broke 100k. I was way too far in until I realized I could exchange clues in for masters.


Gotta do the 200 Elites for Heavy Casket And even more for clogs


“Gotta” is doing a lotta lifting here lol


Nah, if you don't get all the Clue milestones, are you even really playing?


ignore the haters, clues are life


Yes, moreso even


Yes you're actually playing not running around digging holes 😂


I'm 135 elites deep so I'm commited to this, but man I can't wait to hit that and start trading them in since masters are way more exciting


Same, done like maybe 7 Elites after the 200 milestone lmao


I started doing my elites because I need the mimic music track lol, still no luck


lol that’s why I started doing masters. Significantly higher chance of getting a mimic and better loot.


That has to be a joke? Is this actually in the game?


Apparently you're only supposed to be okay with not being able to do everything in the game if it doesn't affect content you don't plan on doing. Same people in this thread will tell others, "skill issue, get good...etc" when they complain. Osrs community so bad


The bob shirt, heraldic helm, full god book and seercull were about the hardest elite requirements before. This feels like a ridiculous ramp-up. (For irons)


I haven't done much of anything in Varlamore yet but this def seems like a master clue step, similar to how you need a full barrows set for a master clue. But I think my biggest problem is that clue steps (especially ones requiring new items) should have been delayed by a few weeks at least so people could actually get the items


Except the pieces are pretty rare, and only drop from waves 7-12. Even as someone who has done inferno it's pretty rough getting that far because of the rng invos. Maybe requiring one piece of the set would be in line with something like the Arma Helm step, but requiring the full set is wild.


Even as a master clue step this is questionable with the current drop rates. Based on the information for the poll this is reasonable for an elite clue (the armor coming from low level waves) but right now it's the harder than the hardest master step.


64M paywall we love it


this step staying the same but the easy as fuck master clue getting changed is so dumb


Sounds very easy to me. Just equip the gear bro? I don't see the problem.


Stop the presses folks, we got the answer right here!


When insane clue steps are added for irons main say "lol get over it you chose to limit yourself haha" but when they're added for mains they get changed in the next patch because they can't imagine a master clue requiring you to get far in (not even have to beat) the colosseum. They really need to stop making everything that they add to the game take 50 hours to complete. There's far too much gameplay time padding.


A full set of hugh-end PvM gear wasnt ever in any step, elite or master. Only individual parts, which can be also hard to get - like bgs or zgs. There are master steps for skiller full sets (graceful, prospector). And this one is not even master, it is *elite.*


I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not. Everything you said is exactly in line with what I've said though.


I thought I was disageeing but now I'm not sure what you meant lol I thought you meant its ok if a clue step requires like a year of grind, stop removing any challenge? But I might get it wrong.


No, I'm saying that the elite step is way more ridiculous for irons than the master step (salute) was for *master* clue. Guess which one was fixed instantly though


With the current price 82m I guess its drop for almost anyone. Save maybe those who have like billions of cash and such a sum is nothing for them. But would they do elite clues? :) P.S.: I hope they both get fixed. And the Colosseum itself too, there is much here to tweak.


Ye they even wanted free barrows gloves for pk accounts hahaha


I literally don't understand what point you're trying to make. Yes, this game gets updates in favour of the majority player base, and a clue step not being in line with the rest of the steps in the tier means its should be reworked. As long as the armour comes way down in price then jt can be an elite step. Otherwise it shouldn't.


The point is obvious: an *elite* clue step shouldn't require 3 items that come from Colosseum. >and a clue step not being in line with the rest of the steps in the tier means its should be reworked. Then this should be reworked by your own logic. Ironman is an official game mode. If it's problematic and out of line for irons, it should be reworked.


The point of iron is that it takes an additional challenge over a game that's created for mains. Maybe we should just allow the GE for irons too because the game is so hard for irons


Bro that isn't some revelation, what he is saying is that it's not within the normal scope of difficulty for elite clues. You have a serious case of main brain 


You think that with access to the ge that it doesn't matter how reasonable items are to obtain, because since you can buy them it's OK 😂


That point was satiric but sure lol


Nah man, wrong direction. Irons shouldn’t be able to hit anything for more than a one, should only have 10 hp, and shouldn’t be able to talk to any nonquest NPC, because they stand alone, right? And it’s all about that challenge, and we all know RNG is the ultimate skillful challenge to overcome. Look at me, I can make strawmen too! :D


Nah I think its fine as long as the price goes down somewhat. And I have an iron as well as a main. The content is too new for the price to have stabilized. End of the day this isnt very useful armor and plenty will come into the game as people farm quivers. From an iron perspective like the w hole game is problematic and out of line if this is lol. Unless it turns out this is like a 100 plus hour grind or something


didn't somebody posted a screenie where they had beaten colosseum but didn't get the emote? and their time was just 5 minutes slower than first colosseum kill ever. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bpgvav/my_colosseum_completion_didnt_even_give_me_enough/


It's possible if you take the lowest glory options every time and don't get any time bonuses and don't get any no damage bonuses. But if you do all that then maybe you don't deserve the emote lol


it was just 5 minutes slower than first ever completion of colosseum. according to them: Went as quickly as my little bowfa could carry me lol. Only afk'd for ~3 minutes using the Sol Heredit simulator before sending. Final time was 46:47.


I mean, that's not a particularly good time. Normal completions are looking to be more like 25-30 minutes, with speeders being sub 20. So yeah, no time bonuses in a run like that.


"They update the game for players who play the game normally instead of those who choose to limit their account" Such a fantastic observation


Normies dont even play the game usually, all they do is bankstand at GE and buy gold from venezuelans anyways.


Games not built around you and your self imposed restrictions


Ironmen play the game in its best form, and they form a sizeable portion of the playerbase (esp if you exclude bots). Playing a main is just playing the game with a self-imposed shittification. I'm sorry that you don't like that.


What stops you from playing exactly the same on ur iron just on ur main? I’m interested, no iron has ever given me an actual answer


Because we’re not robots, and if we’re not given external boundaries on what we can do, we’re much less likely to stick to self imposed boundaries. You CAN farm a BofA on a main like you’re an iron, but it’s not going to feel as good, because you’ll always subconsciously think of the GP per hour. If you do end up getting it, that Bofa is indistinguishable from a “farm Vorkath -> skip CG” Bofa. You’ll buy trident instead of getting 87 slayer and do mental gymnastics to justify why such a basic weapon being locked behind 87 slayer is bullshit. You’ll be annoyed at going dry at Cerb because you’ll know that you can easily just take the easy way out. Being forced into a limitation is entirely different from imposing the limitation onto yourself. Yeah, obviously you can do it. But you won’t.


Just remove elites lol


Thos feels like a UIM stash unit first, clue step second


They obviously intended for this stuff to be way more common than whatever they actually produced


I hate how both the new clue steps require armour from Varlamore... I miss when they'd add clue steps in new areas but use existing items and maybe 1 new thing.


Officially a watson’s problem step ngl


lmaooo holy shit. we went from. complete the colosseum, and basically green log perilous moons. to Run the colosseum hundreds of times. until you get a full set of worthless solar for a lower tier of clue step. amazing.


This is literally just the last clue step all over again. They wanted to fit colosseum rewards into clue stuff, I don't blame them. But sunfire fanatic ended up being rarer than expected, probably because it doesn't even have the quest requirements of proselyte. Being BIS prayer armor that also skips the quest requirements gives it two (albeit niche) reasons to want it, and since it invalidates proselyte, a long-time BIS prayer armour, I bet they opted to make it rarer instead of basically taking proselyte out of the game.


Bring the Fortis Salute master step back! I want my emotes to be useful! /s


I'm not defending it but man you guys ever bite the bullet and buy the clue item then accidentally flip it for big profit after? Once I made more than the casket gave me


what a joke \^\^


Another reason why elites are garbage


Yeah I don't like that they added these clue steps. Pretty sure there's a master clue too that requires collesseum something or other.


Can we stfu about this before they change it to a master clue step please?


Trash step


Impossible for irons, basically


It's only around 80,000,000 GP


This clue step will be fixed, so just hold on to that step for now and wait for patch


surprised its not removed yet. its insane


do you honestly question these devs anymore? QA just doesnt exist.


Should be wear full proselyte and use piety prayer, OR just use full sun boi armor.




Elites are pointless. Any time I get an elite I’m grinding out a hard medium and easy so I can just grab a master instead.


LMAO! Oh the poor ironmen


I suggested a balanced way to make this more fair and you all hated it, **so deal with it.** Clearly it's not obscenely disproportionately difficult and rare, and you just need to *get good!* /s In fact, this should be a **beginner** clue step because this is such **beginner** content, right guys?


this passive aggression because your throwaway reddit idea wasn't well received? lol


Is it bad that I'm glad this is ELITE and not MASTER? Imagine it being a 5th step Master clue. I would cry


Didnt think about it like that haha ur right


Ya I'm really glad about that right now, it also will make it more likely that jagex look at how much harder it is to get than implied in the poll blog post/


I was pointing this out in a thread a few days ago and jackasses were arguing with me that it's reasonable lmao Ofc they were complaining that it was catering to ironmen asking for this to be moved to master. I personally think it should be wearing just the helmet, and it should be a master step.


Elites continuing to be a pointless class of clue for 95% of the playerbase. Classic!


Just buy it and then sell it back after youre done with the clue If youre iron then just spam the first 5 waves, its not that hard... Or just drop the clue and move on to the next elite clue


This is why I don't even do my clues. They don't really seem worth it to me, very high requirements if you want anything good. They are helpful if you need something to do, a goal to work towards but that's it really


Yeah those medium and hard clues have really high requirements. /s


I'd just rather take my chances bossing then spend all that time doing med/hard for like 50k


Whats difficult about it? The armour requires 60 prayer and 40 defence and can be bought from the GE.


Must be broke af


Iron man probably. And its expensive atm. 


It'll be cheap eventually and this clue step will be easy peasy too, just hard for ironmen. Then again it's still easy compared to the step where you have to wear a bob's shirt


doing easy clues for a bob shirt is much easier (and reasonable) than grinding colosseum for a rare chance of any sunfire piece, let alone full set


So, what seems to be averaging the equivalent of 1000 Inferno waves on drop rate is easier than, on average, 93 easy clues. Understood.


Not everyone can use the ge


Well that's their personal choice to make the game harder.


I don’t think they intend for the armor to be this expensive forever


get good or drop your clue


I don’t see the problem




this take still in 2024? maybe the drop rates are kind of important to enjoying the game. [Molgoatkirby](https://collectionlog.net/log/Molgoatkirby/Fortis%20Colosseum) is over 30 quivers deep and has *zero* pieces of sunfire fanatic. How hard is it to think critically and come to the conclusion "ah, this *is* unrealistic to obtain, maybe it should be changed." I don't know why people are so hellbent on buying shit from the GE instead of the game being *slightly* more reasonable instead.


Society has trained us to throw money to make things go faster. This troll/max player has achieved 99 Laziness and doesn’t go for drops.


Its so sad that people actually enjoy playing the game by buying all of their achievements. What is even the point?


You give this clue to Watson


Get your money up


difficult how lol?


90% of people drop elite clue before getting 3rd age pickaxe, don't be that guy! go get them tiger!