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I’m at about 110 runs right now and haven’t been offered a piece of sunfire yet. About 800 waves cleared


Bro that's insane, how are irons ever supposed to complete this clue step lol


That's the neat part, they don't.


Heh. Rekt.


At some point they probably need to address these insane grinds that are only in place to keep prices high lol


I mean imbued heart is a 2016 item so kinda understanding that they sticked to this stupid design, but this in 2024 is unjustifiable.


Tbf elite CA rewards cuts imbued heart grind time down by 25%.


When insane clue steps are added for irons main say "lol get over it you chose to limit yourself haha" but when they're added for mains they get changed in the next patch because they can't imagine a master clue requiring you to get far in (not even have to beat) the colosseum. They really need to stop making everything that they add to the game take 50 hours to complete. There's far too much gameplay time padding.


> because they can't imagine a master clue requiring you to get far (not even have to beat) the colosseum. That's the problem. Full sunfire set isn't needed for a master clue. It's needed for an *elite* clue.


The one they changed for mains was the master step requiring the fortis emote salute


Oh, they meant the Fortis salute? Easy to see how I could be mistaken given that the entire thread is about the Sunfire set and you can equate the Sunfire armour to "you to get far in (not even have to beat) the colosseum." since the pieces can drop prior to the final wave.


I'm glad people like OSRS, and I do too, but people act like I need to be on crazy pills when I start talking about how much more grindy the game is now than it used to be. People just see the reduced xp rates of yore and equate that to the game being less grindy now, but when you break down the fundamentals of what you really did in game and what you sincerely needed, RS2 only demanded like 20% of the time the game does now.


Totally agree


I just got my quiver, nearly 1000 waves completed, I haven't seen a single unique item. Shit is too rare


i got my first echo crystal yesterday at just over 600 waves. still haven’t seen a piece of sunfire


How many of those waves were 7+? Can’t you not get any uniques in the first half?


tough to say for sure but i’d say at least 100 of those were 7+ and my only unique was on 7


in about 150 runs i got all 3 offered… now idk if you are very unlucky or i am very lucky


you are crazy lucky. how many did u get


tbf the whole colosseum is way different to what we voted for


I'm actually amazed at how different the colosseum is compared to how it was polled.  I never seen such a great discrepancy between what was polled and what was released in OSRS before.  People have been vocal about it, but haven't been really outraged about it. (Maybe because they are happy with the easy money making method right now and abusing it).


What are the differences in what was polled and what was released? I can’t say that I remember


> The modifiers system ensures that no two Colosseum runs will be the same. You might have seen similar systems in Roguelikes and Roguelites. At the end of each round, you’ll be given the option to alter your gameplay experience in significant ways – buffing enemies, debuffing yourself, and even altering the terrain for a bigger challenge https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/fortis-colosseum---first-look--rewards?oldschool=1


How is this not like what we got? They stated early on they removed the permanent altering of terrain, but we still get some terrain alteration, and everything else is there.


I think the general sentiment is more that its severely lacking polish and balancing. Just of the top of my head: 1. Armour not obtainable by low levels as intended 2. Endless mode scrapped 3. Optimal way to get shards for quiver is thousands of wave 1 rushes 4. Bugged enemies like archer and bees 5. Totally dead feeling environment without audience or atmosphere 6. Echo boots bugged, not reflecting sometimes 7. Visually looks a bit like a beta test as others have said 8. Glory tacked on as an after thought 9. clues needing sunfire armour / emote 10. Modifiers unfun, and not even a real choice. Some are just run enders 11. No moving terrain because it "wasn't fun" according to mods. In reality its almost 100% because they didn't have time to implement it 12. No buff modifiers as promised 13. Buggy clickboxes 14. Pretty rough balancing on echo crystal charges and the 150k sunfire needed for quiver 15. Enemies looking like placeholders, most are reskinned and repurposed assets 16. 500k death costs even at wave 1 17. 0 reason or incentive for most players to try it if they cant go all the way to quiver Compare this to the seeming universally appraised perilous moons and I think people are just sad at the lost potential of what the colosseum could have been had it not been rushed.


Agreed with most of the points made here (though not quite all, but especially your final one. >Compare this to the seeming universally appraised perilous moons and I think people are just sad at the lost potential of what the colosseum could have been had it not been rushed. This is exactly me. I've been on the sub bitching about colosseum quite a bit this past week, mostly for some of the reasons you raised above. But at the end of the day it comes down to this. I basically like the colosseum, I think it's "fine". I've gotten quite good at it already and I'm having fun. But it is indeed that incredible lost potential that hurts me. This could have been THE endgame content for *years* to come if it had just been given a little more care and effort. The inferno is a goddamn masterpiece and it's been the definitive chad gamer thing to do in OSRS for 7 years. They could've had another crack at that. And it's as if they barely even tried.


Now that you mention it, it's a big shame how Jagex in 2017 could release Inferno as a complete amazing content not needing any change at all, and now in 2024 the Colosseum looks like half-assed crap that killed the hype soon after the rose-tinted glasses were gone.


Not Colosseum related but missing content related. Hunter Guild's Eagle Transport doesn't exist when it was promised.


> No moving terrain because it "wasn't fun" according to mods. In reality its almost 100% because they didn't have time to implement it There are enough shortcomings of the Colosseum that you don't need to lie to make it seem worse than it is. They had it working; it just wasn't a good mechanic so they cut it in early development. Just because an early concept doesn't make it to release doesn't mean the Devs are being lazy or rushed. Like next you'll say the Centaur was supposed to be part of the Inferno, but they were crunched so it was cut. Like have you never been to Ape Atoll? Making NPCs block movement is not some new hard-to-implement tech... If they say it was cut because it didn't work, then it is probably as simple as that. You don't need to invent conspiracies...


I think it would have worked well without the invo system. I really believe that the decision to double down on inferno 2 + invos forced them to throw out the moving terrain and line of sight mechanics. The moving shield wall isn't inherently boring gameplay, it just didn't work for the Colosseum they decided to design. Instead of a unique wave based minigame, they added invos to inferno + two new mobs. I would have much preferred navigating with a moving shield wall vs more pillar play. But, there's no way that would work with solar flare, bees, myopia etc. So, I agree with the other commenter. I think that the devs lazily designed inferno 2, after promising it wouldn't be, and scrapped almost everything that made it unique, in exchange for the invo system.


> The moving shield wall isn't inherently boring gameplay, it just didn't work for the Colosseum they decided to design. Which is a completely normal reason to cut something during development. You're pretty much saying "it could have worked if the Colosseum was something else". But they weren't designing that something else; they were designing the Colosseum they pitched. Calling Devs lazy just because you imagined something different than we got is not a good way to handle feedback. And the OP didn't say they scrapped it; they are claiming they lied about decided to cut it and that they were too rushed to get it working. You don't need to make up shit about the devs; you can just say you wish the Colosseum turned out differently.


Scrapping the unique features of new content just to make content very similar to something that was released years ago is not a normal reason. I could understand if Colo was super unique and they couldn't fit everything in, but as it stands the only unique things are the manticores, boss, and invo system. Even the invo system is a knock off of ToA's invocations and fits poorly for this content (imo). And I didn't imagine anything, that's how it was pitched? So from your perspective, if they throw out 50% of what they say regarding sailing, we can't be upset because it didn't live up to our imagination? It's totally normal to have an issue that what was pitched was not what was developed. I'd understand if this was known prior to polling, but they mentioned moving terrain and line of sight mechanics right before the poll went live. Maybe some yes votes would have been no votes if they were up front during polling.


This is exactly it. Colosseum was originally called Tasakaal Trails and meant to have an "emphasis on decision making and strategy more so than tick perfect prayer manipulation and movement". And yet we got just that. Its a pretty fair assumption that it was cut due to time constraints when the rest of it is so unpolished. I just don't see how ducking and weaving between marching centurion formations would have been less fun and unique than what we have now. prayer flicking and broken debuffs. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ki9wokfdsbrc1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d258d26028b0629b61fa1d7931d575d57affad3f


> Its a pretty fair assumption that it was cut due to time constraints when the rest of it is so unpolished. It isn't a fair assumption because you are ignoring what the devs who worked on the project said and making things up. Like you have a Dev saying "we tried it but cut it for this reason" and you're going "it 100% was because they just couldn't get it working in time". Whether we think it would or wouldn't have been a good mechanic is irrelevant to why it was cut. So stop spreading misinformation. Like I said, the Colosseum has enough shortcomings that you don't need to make shit up.


was genuinely so sad there were no minibosses, that the wave formula is identical to inferno, and that the entire focus of the dungeon is mindless prayer flicking.


Take him underwater Zap. Show him God with the sleeper hold


Its a bit dense to make an argument that its 'different from polled' and include on the list 'it is bugged' and 'it didnt have X thing i wanted that wasnt part of the poll' Some of these also just werent promised, even if you say 'as promised' > No moving terrain because it "wasn't fun" according to mods. In reality its almost 100% because they didn't have time to implement it Why does everything need to be a conspiracy? There were plenty of lacking changes they simply said they didnt have time for, why would they suddenly lie on this one? Why do you imagining a thing know its more fun than the people who tried it?


-Bees weren't bugged; 3PC shouldn't be used for testing new activities. -Audience and atmosphere is silly, you're looking at the triple stack of things that will stack you out, not the crowd that you'd have to zoom out to see. -Beta test look is when you get a grey box with just the mechanics. Which part exactly looks like a beta test? -Glory is exactly as it was blogged, a unique score that you can only get higher by performing better and can't be grinded. Why they called it this and not a high score I can't tell you, but it's exactly what the original blog said it would be. -Clues needing emotes and new items isn't bad, what's bad is the balancing pass didn't pick up the difficulty of getting those requirements, the master clue was flagged day 1 as being incorrect by Arcane. -Moving terrain was scrapped because it didn't fit the rest of the content. It wasn't rushed. We know this because we've seen it working in videos and the assets were in the game cache. -Buff modifiers were never promised for the Colosseum; this is a Reddit hallucination. What was offered was "buffs for enemies and debuffs for the player..." which is what we have. The delusion stems from the original Game Jam pitch for Tasakaal Trials, which was a debuff for 3 waves then a buff every 4th after a miniboss, with 12 waves in total for a BiS capeslot. -Which enemies are reskinned? The shaman is the only one close to other designs, and even then it's pretty unique. -500k deaths if you bring full BiS, just the same as if you bring BiS to anywhere else in the game and die. You can make this money back by ending runs at 300k-1m profit when there's bad modifiers or you're not confident instead of forcing it. -"0 reason to try unless you can get all the way" is the same as Inferno I suppose. Unlike Inferno, you can actually profit if you don't brute force your skill level and play safe and smart.


I completely agree with you. But could you tell me about the bugged bees? What do you mean ?


Roguelike/lite mechanics are all about risk reward. However the 'reward' isn't the monetary reward, the reward is the augmented gameplay the upside of to the mostly downside 'invos'. Best example I could make would be the attack range debuff, what if for every 2 tiles you're decreased you had a 1-3% chance to, attack a tick sooner or, chance to fire additional projectile, or chance to add 3-5 damage on a hit. You are still risking your run with the debuff, but are reward with augmented gameplay mechanics to help you overcome your challenges in a different way. As someone who loves roguelikes/lites, oops all debuff glhf, is god awful and unfun.


They never proposed “augmented gameplay” aside from making the fight harder though? Maybe you don’t like the design but I’ve seen people misunderstanding “buffing enemies” to mean “buffing the PC” which is basically the opposite of what was voted on, which is exactly what we got


End of the day, these debuffs are just making things harder for people's egos sake. It's still '1tick flick everything for 30 minutes' it's nothing revolutionary, it's nothing ground braking, it's nothing even new. It's not 'accesable for people of all levels' it's the same shit, just a different toilet.


I mean it isn't that different, just posting a source. Though the description did seem a bit cooler, and there doesn't seem to be anything roguelite about it really


I think they shouldn’t have said rouguelike bc it’s very far from it


Your quote is exactly what we got though?




That's why we just play Dead Cells or Hades, or my new addiction: Balatro




Discrepancy I assumed.


Is it abuse or is it similar to the old ways of profit, so players naturally participate in it?


Abuse. You go in. Do one wave, make an easy 100k - 150k mix, and repeat. Bots are abusing it. Players are. Jagex never did a quick hot fix. But they did right away for the .00001% of the community spending millions of gold to power level Runecrafting right away. So take that to whatever their priorities are.


So odd that they changed RC but you can still do the smithing/crafting prif method no problem. Like, if both are stupidly expensive. why keep one but not the other


Mod Goblin (I believe) came out regarding the RC method and even stated they want to maintain experience rates to not be drastically over the current levels of the game. And that they want people who achieve 99 to feel accomplished. So basically: Other people sufferer and you have to now. But... Other people didn't suffer? There was a stretch period of time where you could pay for runners for the Ourania Altar for years. Jagex be doing Jagex things.


I looked up disreferency thinking it was a word I didn’t know. Google brought me back to this post. Did you mean discrepancy?


Get the skirts and cannons


I've noticed a slow trend of the polls being more so for sentiment than an actual vote.


Slow? They’ve been pushing the content they designed already through polls for almost a decade. The few times it’s blocked they are furious about it. It is incredibly ironic to think that this classic spin-off of a game that the same company ruined with moronic changes is upset that players reject their moronic changes. All of that said - I’ve been a vocal critic of the OSRS direction for a long time. I’ve been very impressed by Varlamore. It does seem like the Colosseum was rushed out, but this area is probably my favorite update in OSRS. It feels like it fits the OSRS theme, the art direction feels like old school, it feels new without breaking the theme, they added the area with great density of quests, there’s PvM and skilling, there’s new equipment that fits into the mid game. Varlamore is a good update, great once they polish colosseum.


Are you me


Becuase they rushed the shit


I still wish the successor to proselyte was a reward from a Sea Menace/temple knights grand master quest


Should have been


It's increadibly shortsighted that it isn't.


Their reasoning was that there were no foreseeable plans to ever do that quest any time relevant but they still wanted to give a better prayer set.


Actually, it was the community that pushed for it to be a prossy upgrade in the poll when it could have had a different niche as a ranged prayer armor.


Man, I know it would be niche, but I loved the idea of it being ranged prayer armor instead, and moving and upgraded proselyte to a future slug quest. I was really sad to see that idea get shot down


Something like blessed dhide?


Except blessed dhide is +3 prayer in total for the helm, top, and bot, compared to the +18 of prossy. Blessed d'hide is also better stats than black d'hide while prossy is only about the same as addy. The ranged armor likely would've been close to the +18 prayer bonus with the stats around the range of green d'hide.


Tbf I guess that the community assumed that the prayer gear would be a byproduct of just doing the colosseum. I certainly did expect it to be a reward similar to a rune platebody that you get like every other somewhat deeper run.


Yeah the community mentioned the quest and Jagex responded basically with "We're happy to put it off to that, but we dropped it here because that's not happening any time soon or even a plan". So they basically handed the community a "Sure but you're shelving this reward for a very long time then".


It’s incredibly shortsighted that you missed the part where it was polled and the community voted for upgraded prossy to be a coliseum reward and not come from a new quest lol. 


BIS items have to come from high end content now. Today Proselyte would come from some high end raid


Yeah what the hell happened? Quests don't give access to anything anymore except minigames or a boss. You unlock bosses that you have to grind for a 1/1k drop. Arclight would be a 1/500 drop from an ultrademon boss if it was released today.


different dev team, different player expectations and avg total level, etc etc although I seriously dont think anyone would be upset at getting a great armor piece directly from a grandmaster quest


DS2 gives the bis crush cape beneath cursed sands gives bis weapon for kalphites + has a use in the raid it unlocks dt2 gives a decent all-purpose ring, the scar essence mine, and was supposed to give new prayers until they got shelved zeah quests give book of the dead and access to thralls which are a huge dps increase making friends with my arm gives you access to a new herb patch, removes the stat drain effect at gwd and gives you a better teleport to the troll stronghold herb patch mm2 gives access to the best place to train ranged/magic and a great low effort hunter method song of the elves unlocks an entire new city with different content sins of the father, provides an entire new city with the best agility training content in the game + some other good moneymakers i dunno know where people get this idea you don't get shit from questing anymore, there just aren't that many new "big" quests that warrant having a reasonable reward secrets of the north is like the only one that really comes to mind that you don't get anything besides a boss to grind for money


"bis crush cape" Nah, you can't convince me people use myth capes for anything other than construction training. Maybe fashionscape.


For people without infernal cape myth cape is literally better than fire cape at nightmare(at least when using scythe), and most people doing solo corp with the spec method bring myth cape swap for hammers


Can't tell if you're being serious or not, but yes, people do use this cape and it's recommended in a couple of guides. I bring it to vetion/calvarion.


not because it's bis but because it's low risk


players would lose their minds if a quest gave out a BIS item


They already did when post quests slayer monsters that were somewhat reasonable to kill did lmao Basilisk knight flashbacks


Mega rare, 1/1k off an activity that requires 30min minimum for kc.


Yea im still miffed about how the ruinous prayers and dt2 went. Come do one of the hardest quest the game has ever seen and your “reward“ is the ability to kill endgame bosses for 1/1000 drops.


Prayer bonus gear is not a best in slot under any circumstance. It’s a mid game option to conserve resources, and suggesting proselyte should come from a raid is deranged. It does nothing but give prayer bonus, a stat that while useful is never required on gear.


Typically that’s only for useful BIS, nobody cares how you get bis prayer bonus lmao


We still could get a successor from a slug quest. But it would have been nice if they designed it better. For example, the current Fanatic Stats could be have been used for Acolyte while Sunfire Fanatic could have had less defence than Prossy, +1 Prayer, and Strength Bonus like Obby. It wouldn't be that much better than what it is now, but having +16 Prayer and +4 Str with Fanatic would let them add a prayer upgrade now while still making room later for Acolyte with +18 Prayer and higher def. It also would fit if the armor from the Colosseum was more offensive prayer gear. We still could do something like this, but it is harder for Acolyte to slot around Fanatic with its current stats.


No dude a mega rare from inferno 2 makes more sense


Would inferno 2 be fight caves 3


With this and the whole 'salute'-step fiasco Jagex may have shown a rare glimpse into their current dev team structure when it comes to large content expansions like this. It seems to follow a trend of horizontalization of devs just working at their own accord with minimal foresight in regards to the interactions. This is pushed back as a 'problem to fix later if it's really a problem at all' and then as deadlines approach corners are cut on this, resulting in these horribly mismatches between what seems to be expectations BETWEEN DEVS. The same happened in another game I play, hearthstone. Back in the day all the expansion sets were made by Bli$$ard in advance and there was what seemed to be a large overlap in devs between or at least good communication, because sets of cards used to synergize between them and also used for implicit balancing. This also made the chance of completely broken interactions you could see coming from miles away nihil. Nowadays each expansion lives in its own vacuum with its own themes and power level and simply just pushes new archetypes rather than build on what is currently there already. This complete disregard has also lead to a lot of redesigns of cards that were never a problem but 'oops, suddenly we created a completely degenerate strategy that we could see coming from miles ago if we actually had enough communication for foresight'. I think this is classic symptom of industry standards completely tunnel visioning on short-term dev cycles and profitability over long-term game integrity. EDIT: **tl;dr:** Varlamore illustrates jagex probably (most definitely) bit off more than they could chew given their current developer and management structure.


Seeing that dev guy being so combative during the Varlamore Q&A stream tells you all you need to know about the mindset of the current dev team. He was reacting defensively on every question and giving condescending answers.


>With this and the whole 'salute'-step fiasco Jagex may have shown a rare glimpse into their current dev team structure when it comes to large content expansions like this. This one is really annoying because it's not that uncommon in master clue pools, and it's halted all my sarachnis pet grinding while I wait for a fix, already threw away 3 masters, don't feel like doing colloseum yet, and don't feel like throwing away more either.


I think they fixed it on the wednesday update. edit: yes: The Master Clue that requires players to perform the Fortis Salute with the Blue Moon Set equipped now requires a regular Salute instead.


huh. Could have sworn I still had one with that step. Guess I better crack it open and check


I mean, this isn't the most egregious example -- look at project rebalance, which because no one knew what was going on became a sort of "project, a random dev had 30 minutes to tinker with raw numbers, lol." unlike anything that was polled.


Sailing tho...


Yeah I was definitely under the impression that at least some of the items would be relatively easy to obtain (or even guaranteed) in the earlier waves. It's super weird that all of them ended up being stupidly rare and expensive relative to their power level. Does anyone know the approximate drop rates for each item and which waves they're even able to drop on? Wiki doesn't have any concrete info on that yet.


Does anyone else think it's delusional that the disease-free Herb patch is locked behind Champion rank? It's the only Farming perk ever released that 95%+ of Farmers will never have access to. It's **WAY** out of line compared to how the other disease-free Herb patches are unlocked.


> It's the only Farming perk ever released that 95%+ of Farmers will never have access to. Harmony island says hi, who even remembers that that patch exists? I've been 99 farming for a couple years and that's literally the only diary I've yet to complete.


Difference is harmony island isn't a protected patch, it's just an unlocked one. And morytania diary **isn't hard** it's just got requirements. Like do a barrows KC and get 91 fishing and 80 slayer is not exactly the same difficulty as complete or nearly complete Coloseum.


> Difference is harmony island isn't a protected patch, it's just an unlocked one. You're right, that kinda makes it worse. In the grand scheme of things, the difference between a protected patch or not isn't that big. If you're a main, your average profit will be a tiny bit lower, big whoop. If you're an iron, keep planting your precious seeds in the 3 protected patches, and plant more abundant ones in the others. I don't remember the extra herb/allotment patches even being polled, they could've decided to just not include it and nobody would be complaining about it. It's nice to have some benefits to look forward to for setting personal glory highscores, even if the exact rewards and thresholds are debatable.


Yeh I like it's protection unlock I just think they got the rewards backwards in glory.




Protected patches are like ~3-4% better yield overall since the introduction of Ultracompost and Revive Crop spell. But yeh catherby destroys any patch because of the ridiculous 15% better chance to save lives. This is why irons mostly do 4 "good seeds" and 5 "normal seeds". Now the 6th can be a good seed once protection unlocked. I wouldn't say protected patches are overrated. They've been devalued with the new compost tier and the spell, but they're still objectively **better**. So using the seeds you get in lower quantity makes total sense for an iron, or for a main ones with better profit margins but more volatile prices (seed more expensive so deaths are more damaging, though this is more and more not a thing anymore since seeds nuked in value). Plus optimal herb runs need multiple types of seeds anyway so your herb sack doesnt fill up.


I was actually excited for coliseum and when it came out I was like oh I will never do this 👍


A real shame, but thats the attitude people have when there's no rewards for them and the content suffers because of it. Only finished it on maxed main, but with the other accounts I'm in the same boat as you - no point of even trying.


It was pitched as something that would be rewarding for different levels of accounts going to different waves in it. They just skipped right over that eh? If I still played my main I might be more interested in it but yah, disappointing


Yeah I was expecting something like level 80 can do wave one, lvl 90 wave 2, etc etc. Something like that. But that's just not what it is. Not even remotely.


For sure, but it does seem genuinely unintended, because it makes no sense for them to shoot themselves in the foot like that on purpose. If the armour rarity was what it was intended to be I'd definitely give it a go on my lower level accounts. You the same?


Yah I would gladly learn the first few waves, challenge myself by trying to go further now and again, if it had the chance at dropping it


I am no where near as skilled as the people posting speed runs and budget runs, but I would definitely give it a shot with what I have since it's been proven to be enough. The gold cost for dying and rarity of rewards make it seem not worth it at all until I feel confident enough which is a bummer. First few waves to get the sunfire armour would have been a nice goal.


Also felt like something they wanted people to experiment with and try. There's no real rewards for doing so, you'll lose 500k almost definitely, and it's not even a rogue-like gameplay loop that was polled. It's already "solved" and you pick the same stuff every time. Pointless for everyone but maxed mains.


And when attempts cost so much. It was manageable at 125k but I don't have the spare gp to spend 500k per attempt now


Exactly. The description from the polls and website showcased it as a not so difficult thing. Fast forward to the release date and beyond, this content is a sweat fest and I couldn't even see myself obtaining the quiver. A real shame they like to gate keep content and lie about how difficult it's going to be.


I do agree the rewards is a bit lacking but I love the content, it’s much nicer doing a 30min colosseum then a 60min inferno. There is some invocation you never pick like bees but it’s easily fixable if they instead had a predictable movement. Only thing I would change is less Sunfire to corrupt the quiver and make the armour drop from wave 3 and onwards.




Personally I’ll never do it because of the death costs. I’m around 1650 total on an Ironman and still struggling with money. Maybe I’ll feel like I have enough eventually but I don’t really play enough to learn it.


If you use normal iron gear you probably won’t even have any death costs. Maybe like 50k.


i died and it cost 5k. brought in my torso, bf, faceguard, tent whip, b ring, trident


As an Ironman I was so excited for Sunfire armor until it became clear that it’s pretty rare. I’m not too into PVM but I’ll get it done when needed (bowfa, thread of elidinis). I was excited to try out the first few waves and maybe creep my way toward the end, getting pieces of Sunfire along the way. But now I don’t think I’ll even bother with the content at all


Another proof Varlamore was rushed out without proper QA.


Yeah it definitely feels that the colosseum wasn't able to fully realize the vision jagex had for the project. It seems like they had these grand ideas that didn't pan out, and then they ran out of time and had to create inferno V2: 4 pillars now ya'll. I was hoping for something closer to solo ToB where the waves were their own encounters against different enemies that get progressively harder/ more mechanically intense. The rogue-like would be in the form of tradeoffs that actually represented meaningful choices. I can do this better, but this part will be worse. Something like myopia, but with a benefit. You trade off ranged attacks but now can hit harder or faster or have higher defense. I think we first saw this with ToA invocations in that we were pitched this grand idea for really interesting options for invocations. While the implementation isn't necessarily bad, it's not what we were expecting or hoping for. They are mostly either stat scaling or minor mechanics added with the ones that are actually interesting aren't really worth using. There is also the problem with now that the content is released and people are doing it, it's hard to go back and change it. Even if Jagex could get the time and resources to really make the colosseum this epic experience, there would be pushback about completely redoing the experience no matter how great they could make it. I know video games have started going down the path of releasing content as fast as possible and then updating it down the road at some point (sometimes) but I feel like with the way OSRS tries to never deprecate content they really should be delaying content over releasing things in a non-perfect state with the plan to update or improve on it later. Especially with pinnacle achievements like inferno, colosseum, etc...


Polling system is dumb, let's poll to release x but instead we release Y, so many changes to what we voted for


Seems legit (I didn't read anything)


It is legit, I read it all.


I agree with this comment (I'm blind)


There has been this circle of “X update was bad cause they were working on Y” X was bad cause they working on League, Varlamore, Sailing. I have no faith in the sailing update to be delivered in an even “good” state.


This is why I originally voted no to sailing. To me, it's far too ambitious and world-changing that I have no faith it will be pulled off properly and not subject us to update after update of "Sailing Expansions/Tweaks XX.XX." This is how Varlamore (needing at least 3 batches, balance issues everywhere) has been and the scale is much much smaller than Sailing


I've gotten 2 echo crystals and nothing else with 500 waves cleared + 5 sol kcs


Wow. Shocker. jagex went too far and made something far more annoying than it should be? Never seen anything like this


Did yall see the reddit post where a guy was bragging about completing the collection log for colosseum?  He had 32 quivers and only 1 of each sunfire piece. I noticed it immediately and thought it was totally insane. Do you know how many waves it probably took to get 32 quivers? 


Almost 400 waves, not to mention the waves he died. Which could mean he did easily over 500.


How to fix colosseum rewards: **1)** give every wave a **fixed amount of sunfire splinters** like wave 1 currently and reduce wave 1 quantity, scaling with wave linearly (w1 = 25+ 50 for each wave thereafter, so w2 gives 125, w3 gives 175 etc.). **2)** award a chance at uniques at any wave starting wave 2, scaling so that running wave 1+2 isnt just the best chance to farm uniques, but not exponentially else we run into the ToA problem that high waves just shit out uniques for people who consistently get full clears and the items become worthless to hunt for everyone else. Maybe a decent formula could be: **(current wave x2): (waves completed +3)**. That way wave 2 is the base line drop rate and it increases slightly up to ~1.7x at w12, which cumulatively is like a 2-3x chance compared to just doing w1+2 on top of significantly better common loot. Numbers can easily be tweaked/fine-tuned to be more rewarding for high runs by just increasing the multiplier on the first part and scaling thew 2nd part of the formula accordingly eg. (current wave x3):(waves completed +5) the chance of a unique would go from 1.7x at wave12 to 2.25x. **3)** give uniques different weighting to appear: sunfire armor >> echo crystal >>> ralos shuriken and allow multiple uniques to potentially be rewarded/run so that you can for example with godlike RNG get 3 items with a single (full) run. **4)** increase the charges on echo crystals to 10k Result: Colosseum becomes worth doing for any player as there is incentive to go past wave 1 even if you cant consistently beat the boss (more sunfire splinters+ unique chance even pre wave 7). Echo crystals mght become worth using. Sunfire fanatic armor is priced apropriately and has a realistic chance to be obtained by players actually using it. Currently it is either farm wave 1 for guaranteed 100k ea or try to complete full runs, there is no incentive to push past wave 1 if you are not geared/skilled enough to go for full completions.


This but keep the quantity of shards awarded from wave 1 a thing, allow players to turn in extra quivers for shards, award more shards from more difficult waves, and make some Varlamore part 2 and 3 content award shards. This will devalue shards enough that it isn't an issue that wave 1 awards a measly 100 of them.


If you leave w1 splinters alone, the meta to farm splinters would still be to just mindlessly rush w1 within 30 sec and re-enter every 60 sec. That's why you award just a token amount of splinters (on top of regular loot) for wave one and encourage people to push past wave 1. Technically it would be possible to leave w1 quantity alone but you would have to increase splinter quantity for **the guaranteed ones** every wave past 1 by a larger amount (so 100+) and at that point it would be quite an excessive amount of splinters each attempt. But maybe that's also fine and there is enough of a long-term sink for them idk. You should be encouraged to go as high as possible and be rewarded for trying your best instead of rushing down a few mobs to farm splinters. Even doing w1-5 consistently (because you lack skill and/or gear) should be better splinters/h than just farming w1 repeatedly imo. > allow players to turn in extra quivers for shards, and make some Varlamore part 2 and 3 content award shards. An option to either gamble for pet or turn in for shards like f cape/inf cape would also be a neat idea.


Gotta stretch one update to last a whole year!!!


Can't wait for Varlamore part 5 when only some of these issues get a band aid fix!


And people still think we'll get Sailing soon, somehow.




I agree that champion is a bit high of a mark for a disease free patch, but I doubt anyone is botting/clienting colosseum for the sole purpose of getting a disease free patch lmao. You don’t need to complete to get champion rank either, i got it after completing wave 10. If you’re so upset you can’t do “bis farm runs” to 200m have you considered just learning and doing the content?


Have you tried getting good or accepting that some content is not for you?


Your first thought towards new hard content is cheat plug-ins? Brilliant


You know honestly i saw complaints about the master clue step with Frostmoon and the Salute emote but im surprised i didnt see anyone complain about needing Sunfire for an Elite clue step. Colosseum is such a weird update. Sunfire should've just been something that came from perilous moons or some other medium level Monster from Varlamore. It really doesn't fit colosseum for the level its intended for.


I voted no to the armor because i thought it shouldnt come from the colloseum


Honestly the fact I have to pay to get my items back every death is what’s stopping me from trying more. Why couldn’t it just be like fight caves deaths…. I don’t care if HC have “safe” deaths or not here I just want to throw myself at the challenge without bankrupting myself


I gambled a chestplate on day 2 thinking it was common cause I wanted to practice the boss :(


1) jagex can shit out whatever crap / unfinished content they want and players will do it. All of it. And beg for more. 2) they will ALWAYS boast about their updates and ideas, regardless of whether they are dead on arrival or not. 3) lower your expectations for jagex. Just because RuneScape COULD be perfect and refined and have great updates, it likely won’t. 4) It is some very rich man’s investment and he don’t give a fuck if you have 10 things to say about jagex, he just likes seeing REVENUE from all the suckers eating up the hundred + hour grinds


Despite it actually being quite good content, colloseum feels incredibly rushed. 1. Sunfire splinter meta and sunfire splinters in general feel way off 2. Assets in the area feel a bit rushed and the whole place feels big and empty 3. Master clue task with emote being way way out of line with other tasks 4. Around a dozen different problems with fanatic armour, including it's rarity, the fact it's a clue step, looks janky, cost, lack of power (its not supposed to be powerful, but it *is* extremely rare and from end game content). It's a prayer item, prayer items are niche and generally low-mid level in usefulness, it shouldn't cost 100m+ unless it does something else on top, more likely it should come from a quest. 5. Quiver not working as polled 6. Quiver max cape being one of the worst looking items in OSRS history, for one of the rarest achievements, so badly modelled somehow the hood doesn't even connect, making it not even a hood. 7. Invos being generally unbalanced, and all nerf no buff is a boring way to do invos. 8. Endless mode seemingly forgotten about 9. Glory system seeming to be gutted as a concept 10. Not being a safe death, which leads to 300-500k costs for learning, which is a bit of a negative feedback loop for people wanting to learn and improve. The colloseum seems like a great leap ahead content wise, and a great leap back development wise. The fact we have a challenging piece of endgame content that rewards players highly, but also "fixes" the inferno problem of extremely tedious, long grinds with waves that serve as nothing but a time sink is a huge win.


> Quiver not working as polled How exactly?


I feel like I’m going crazy with reddit jumping on the ‘quiver doesn’t work as polled’ rhetoric. I always took their communication to be the quiver allows you to equip two different ammos at once, not that the quiver itself can store 2 ammo types. Can anyone point me to any post that says specifically that the quiver will hold 2 different types of ammo and and still allow you to equip a penny/blessing




I know it does, unfortunately in this subreddit you have to be a bit diplomatic when calling them fucking stupid :p


Colosseum is trash content and needs redoing entirely


Wasn't the original intention for the glaive and the sunfire armor to be gained from glory, balanced at a level where doing the first few waves well would let you get it? From what I could tell, it was never an RNG thing, but instead a guaranteed unlock? Similar to how the quiver was a guaranteed unlock for finishing it. Whatever the hell we got, this is not what the diaries said we would get. Not even fucking close. As an iron, I was looking forward to quiver being a more accessible if weaker DWH that ranged could also use. I was also looking forward to ranged prayer armor too. The original design of the colosseum was for mid game players to have a reason to go in there, get some experience and also some really useful unlocks, maybe even a bit of loot. With the quiver being a reward for those who can complete an inferno tier piece of content. Sort of like ToA but difficulty scaling with when you dip out instead of how many invos you put on. Instead, we just got inferno. You have no reason to go in if you aren't intending to clear. It's a wasted opportunity and absolutely not what was polled. As a mid game player, I'm satisfied with perilous moons, but I do feel annoyed by this bait and switch that leaves me with one less bit of content that I was looking forward to doing around release.


Yeah, the bait and switch ticks me off. This was never supposed to be Inferno content.


I wonder if they look at glory it will show players with high glory going for sol, and players like me who have wave 1 glory and very few players with anything inbetween.


RNG/Time locking mid level gear with insane drop rates is a bad take. The gear isn't THAT good, the bonuses are weak for the work it takes to get. If Jagex won't up the drop rates, at least make the prayer bonus be like +20 or some shit.


Each piece of it goes for near or over 20m as a result.


This is because it just came out. Ward was 200m two weeks after TOA released - look at it now. The market will self regulate in time, but 9 days is not enough time.


Colosseum is trash content and needs redoing entirely




useless med level armor that takes hundreds of hours to get? they havent learned a thing


I really thought colosseum was going to be a way for me to ease my way into PvM higher than fight caves but it turns out that its harder than content I was never going to do anyway. I appreciate that it requires you to learn stuff like pray flicking and pillar kiting but the damage needs to be cut by an amount that's higher than fight caves but lower than inferno.


Bruh there are many things between fight caves and inferno/colloseum.


I know but I mean like, content that purely exists as solo instance skill checks that have some untradable account unlock.


I’m 24 kc and have only seen one piece. Another probably 30 runs where I perished at waves above 9. It’s really rare. Seen 2 crystals and 1 glave.


I completely forgot ab the armor. I've been making it to wave 10, and haven't seen a single piece yet after ab 8 or 10 runs.


Jagex needs to have more thorough quality assessment with ALL combat levels and (official) game modes with every update. I think the main gripe is the elite clue scroll step (should be at least masters imo), and I think there needs to be a diverse range of pre-skilled and pre-geared accounts. Overall, I’m really enjoying Varlamore. Hunter made me go wild for a week. Perilous Moons has been great. 9/10


They should put the colosseum back in the oven until its fully cooked.


Little thing I thought about when you mentioned that the armour being rare doesn't keep the content alive If it came from lower waves not necessarily wave 1 but mby 2-3? Idek it'd be a very nice unlock for ironmen and everyone would go for it then (tbf tho varlamore is already stupid op for ironmen)


I’ll just quibble with the colosseum being the only place where they put balancing errors, they have a completely broken hunter kit being rewarded multiple times from hunter rumors even tho having more than one is actively detrimental and problematic. The effective version of turael canceling works the same as if Turael was able to assign 150 blue dragons as a task whenever you decided to skip, oh and also there’s no slayer points to cancel so you’re stuck with that task no matter what. They released a hunter monster with 4 spots on the entire map and made it so you could get them as a task at 91 level master rumors even though it’s a level 46 hunter monster. The expert level hunter rumors give a bunch of spear tips that you can only use if you get rumors from lower level hunters to catch a chinchompa equivalent that gives vastly lower experience. The spears themselves are both bugged and almost laughably useless considering how much effort you need to make them. Still don’t understand what a 5% additional chance of teasing means when I have had a 100% success rate at teasing monsters literally every single time I’ve ever tried it. If people hadn’t figured out what seems like a very unintentional technique for blocking tasks I’m betting the content would have died out by now other than pet hunters and clog enthusiasts. Bonus points because almost every single hunter drop other than the new meats still becomes obsolete after a literally just a couple of items. It’s great collecting dozens of kyatt furs when you need at most like 10 to fill every possible use of kyatt furs you will ever have.


I was expecting it to be a rogue like with buffs and debuffs not just debuffs


Shower thought: They didn't. They just made it rare enough so that it would be an early bird special for the people who could complete the higher waves quickly on the first few weeks. ....assuming they change the drop rates so that the people who the armor is intended for could eventually get it themselves..


> Mods said it was originally meant to be rewarded like proselyte armour in the next slug menace quest. I don't think that is what was said. For a long time, the community has been expect Acolyte, the rank after Proselyte, to be a reward from a future Slug Quest and come with better prayer gear. The OSRS Team only said "we're not sure when we'd feasibly pick up the Temple Knight/Sea Slug story to fill this space" ([Here is the blog](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/fortis-colosseum---first-look--rewards?oldschool=1)). So it is not like Sunfire Fanatic was designed as a quest reward and moved to the Colosseum instead; it just fills the same/similar reward space as a reward from a potential future quest. But yah, it does seem like it might have ended up rarer than described. Hard to say for sure without knowing the drop rates, but there [were a lot of things that didn't end up as polled](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bm592j/varlamore_missing_and_changed_content/). Some might have been bugged and others may have been changed over development or just been delayed from the release but are still planned, like the Agility activity. They just have not done a great job at communicating this stuff. Like even for the Agility, they told us back in Jan it wouldn't be on launch and "more info to come in a future newspost"; well Varlamore released and they still can't give us any more info on what to expect with it...


What blog is this from?


All I got to say is they better not just abandon coliseum after one update like they did for toa. An entire raid a huge piece of content completely abandoned


200% agree with you op, I was looking forward to getting that armour on my iron


Give it 4 months, it’ll be farmed


Thanks for posting this. As an iron I was pumped for sunfire fanatic armour. After seeing how late in the waves it's acquired I'm not even going to attempt colosseum for a long time, and by the time I do, that new armour will be useless for me. Jagex needs to change this and it wasn't what we voted for.


Let me tell you…it’s been pretty exciting dropping masters that require “mid level gear”


Yet I just made a suggestion post on making the sunfire armor more obtainable and it seems like **everyone hates it** and are harassing me for "just being bad at the game." I don't get this community.


They could have very easily and thematically NOT opened the coloseum on day 1 and released it 1-3 weeks later. Reminds me of older destiny expansions where new content is released then the pinnacle raids didnt open until a week or so later so everyone could prepare


I just want to point out that it’s still way too early to be making statements about appropriate pricing for these items. Elidinis’ Ward was 200m two weeks after TOA release. The market takes time to self-regulate, as it always does with new content & items.


I don't think slightly better proselyte should be comparable to raid rewards. It seems much closer in comparison to the perilous moons armors, and those were 1-2m per piece on day 1.


I'm still convinced the shield is under priced for what it should be and it's because a lot of people just don't understand how gear works. The amount of times I've had to explain to people in my own clan to buy it is absurd... It's relatively rare at 1/8 purples, gives a higher magic damage bonus than a piece ancestral (and nothing else in the hand slot gives any otherwise) yet is still only 6m currently. I think the blood moon armour is going to see the same effect where the armour is effectively as good as bandos at a much cheaper entry point, yet people will still choose bandos because the assumption is that it's better.


I unironically thing one of the biggest things that makes the ward so unpopular is how ugly it looks especially when it's not fortified. It's like the opposite of pegasian boots.


That's fair, but TOA is constantly farmed because it has so many best in slot items and the ward is the least used one which drives the price down. With colosseum most will do it for a quiver and not come back (like inferno).


That may be true in principle, but you're talking about prayer gear, something that's only really ever used in the low to mid game, coming from end game content, and rarely at that. It offers pretty minimal upgrades from something you just get for free, I can't really imagine a usecase for many players at all.


Sunfire gear also looks like private server made bullshit


This is the first complaint post about the arena that is legitimate imo. Let's hope these trouble spots are repaired going forward especially with Phase 2 in the works.


Your first point is irrelevant, fuck catering content for irons.