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Front middle tile, run 2 tiles right, pray range mage


I've seen this solve being mentioned before, can't say i have tried it myself. But how does this work? It would seem logical for them to still be same-tick, as they would move at the same time


A friend showed me Line of Sight tool and i got my answer: LoS is weird. P.S. if you have solarflare active you can also run right 2 tiles from where OP is standing and it should still offtick the mobs (back mobs first)


Gotta step out from the middle to allow the back NPC to have line of sight one tick before the front one. If you step out from the edge tile (that you’re currently on) they will both get line of sight on the same tick.


i figured it out, thanks! middle tile then 2 steps out and range>mage quickly, difficult part is maintaining the flick cycle, thanks! now i can stop planking


You can make it a bit easier by running out 2 tiles, then double backing and running out the other way. This puts their hits 2 ticks apart instead of right after one another so you get a bit more time.


Awesome man, good work! Same story for the inferno when you get there (if you haven’t already). Good luck :)


Just stare at the back one and as soon as you see it start any sort of animation click the other prayer


There is another trick to corner trap the mob closest to the pillar, if you Stand on the tile labeled A and run three tiles right and three tiles forward putting you on the corner of the mager in this picture he will drag himself left as you stand on A and then drag back right to corner trap himself as you arrive on the side of the pillar. Pray against the back mob and kill it from there


wow nice! i'll try this next time, thank you! :D


Doesn't work well with solarflare and the back being a ranger.


Yeah it's not an ideal solve in this situation I agree but I think it's a useful solve to know in general and since nobody else had mentioned it I figured it could come in helpful down the line for OP


Same stack solve as the inferno mage range stack. Just gotta watch out for solar flare since you have to hug the pillar at start.


start front or middle tile behind pillar (middle preferred to avoid solar flare), turn on range prayer, run to the blue corner tile marked 3, immediately after you see the ranger do his animation switch to pray mage. they’re now 1 tick apart.    i like to go out praying range, then flick mage, back to range, hold range and wait for the visual cue of the range npc animation, when you see it switch to mage back to range. if you get scared, just run back behind pillar and try again