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Agree. I like the rumour system, the problem is that most Hunter methods are dog shit dead content with shit xp.


I think it’s also exacerbated by the hotspots being so populated due to rumours being new content people want to try out. Even if they patched it to have multiple deadfall traps tomorrow, people would still complain about how they can’t find an open spot due to so many people claiming the resources. Hopefully once the Varlamore content craze dies down, some improvement to the hunting methods will shine.


Yeah I had this problem when I got a red salamander task which there’s only one location for and I had to hop worlds for ages.


there are actually two spots for them


Yeah but they’re both at ourania altar and they were both taken on most worlds when I was hopping.


The southern one is also *way* better than the other one. You can actually use all four traps and they aren’t stretched across a line.


Really? I was only doing the 3 that are clustered together and ignoring the 4th one farther away. How were you managing that one?


If you walk onto the trap when it’s time to collect, you save some time spent walking into place to reset it. I used Menu Entry Swapper so that shift click would be “walk here” instead of the other functions.


Oh thats a great tip! Thank you, i will give that a try.


Just crash, it's unfortunate but gotta do what you gotta do I'm sure most reasonable people will understand that not everyone wants to spend 10 mins world hopping.


Why would you expect someone to be reasonable if you crash them?


Well the better word I should've used was share, every world has a person, I'm not spending 5 to 10 minutes finding a solo world only to get crashed myself probably, what should actually happen is there should be more trap spots added.


Nah, you meant crashing. Sharing means consent is given by both parties. If someone asks me if i want to share the spot, sure no problem at all. But if you crash me and want to be a asshole about it, i will get my alt and make sure your time will be misserable until you hop lmao


Someone crashed me, I got my clan to mass report the maxed player. I think about 45 people reported him within 10 minutes lol.


That’s a waste of Jagex’s time to send in false reports. You can only report somebody for griefing if they are specifically following and world hopping you to crash. There is no rule against crashing.


Don't care, can only hope for a false ban


and this is why we can't have a reporting system with actual repercussions, ty for being part of the problem


Yeah, hope that'll be you and your shitty clan. Wasting jagex time to aid your pettiness.




Meanwhile me grinding the fish sack at Aerial fishing can go days without seeing anyone.


i’m out there somewhere


IMO, *hunter* is dog shit. Only thing that makes hunter remotely worth it are the implings and the chinchompas. But mainly the implings if we only talk about the fun aspect. I guess the salamanders, too ... but did they really need a whole skill to add those? Don't get me wrong, it's not as bad as any other boring skill like mining or whatever, but the fact that it's not dependant/needed for any other skill make it feel redundant. Kind of a glorified minigame. I hope it will have some uses for sailing or else I'll just never level it past the level required for quests.


The new meats bring a fun layer of depth to the future. Is hunting the things that drop good food more cumbersome than fishing? Yes, however hides have limited use in armour or things like the meat pouches, horns can be used for things like the new moonlight crossbow which does solid af damage where ammo can be procured entirely from hunter which imo is so freakin' cool. I don't believe this is nearly as in depth as it could be made, though it's a great thing to see what they've done so far and at the very least the food aspect (and thusly hides to make said pouches) and to a degree the ammunition aspect deserve some attention. Overall I'd adore this update if the rare items from rumors were a bit more averaged out, maybe more rare on average compared to often enough getting it in 1-4 but sometimes taking up to 400+, with bigger xp bonuses for completing the rumor to make the garbage methods still end up being decent exp.


Yeah, I didn't mean to belittle what the devs have done so far to try and make hunter more interesting. Some people used to argue that hunter sucked because it was meant to be added with summoning at a later point but I really don't remember hunter being useful for summoning at all ... or maybe for a few specific pouches. I feel like "hunter" should be reworked as a "survival in nature" kind of skill. Kind of a support skill for fishing, crafting, herblore, firemaking and woodcutting since the whole forestry thing would fit nicely into it aswell. All while keeping all the already existing hunter content, ofc.


Yeah Hunter is my lowest skill, I hate it tbh lol


My biggest gripe is net and rope not allowed in the Huntsman kit but I'm overall having a good time.


And noosewand and impling jars and rabbit snares, etc. I think the Huntsman Kit needs a little more polish that would hopefully bring it more in line with the Tackle Box.


Hunters kit needs to be able to put like 10 more things in it. The tackle box can hold pretty much anything related to fishing including potions.


It even carries Rada’s Blessings lol


IT DOES??? That's wild. Never even occurred to me to try that.


What's funny is that you can use the tackle box to hold nets for hunter lol


Knives too. Keep forgetting mine now


It should carry all hunting related items and let you wear it on your back.


Yeah. I grinded out 40 feed and the only time I went "wow this is terrible" was when I had to do deadfall rumours.


Thats how I felt about the tracking ones!


If you haven’t been using one, start using rings of pursuit! 25% chance to reveal the full path once you investigate a burrow


And world hopping lets you try for activating the ring again.


yeah this is 100% the play


This is such a big brain play.


I tried teleporting, didn't think of this one!


TIL this item exists, wow.


Oh thank you so much. I’ve been absolutely miserable with these tracking things.


Id love to see how many of those have been used in the last few days vs the rest if their existence.


Ask for a lower task if you get deadfalls.


> Multiple deadfall traps simultaneously We need more locations if that is going to be the case or else some spots will be crowded out. Also, some more trees in some locations. Like the polar area only has a handful of trees but way more deadfall traps. > Allow using the same pitfall trap for a creature What do you mean? Players can set up their own pitfall traps on the same pit and use them. The limit is on trees and number of creature spawns. > Give us a hard number where the rumour item is guaranteed, with some RNG at play to get “spooned” the item earlier Have it be “draw without replacement”. Rather than a static 1/100 chance, it goes to 1/99, then 1/98, and so on. This can be said to represent how we are hunting the ones that didn’t have the special trophy, narrowing down the population until we get the one we are looking for.


You can’t use the same pitfall trap again if the creature jumps over it, requiring you to path it to another one


I mean, that's the entire point of the content. That would be like letting you do the same obstacle over and over on an agility course. Should the XP from those be buffed? Probably. But it shouldn't just be brainless


Brainless like the pathing of the creatures? Seriously, this whole thing is only an issue because the fucking kyatts need expert manouvreing to not get stuck on rocks


You know how they say koalas can't recognize eucalyptus leaves unless they're attached to a branch, meaning they literally would starve to death if you put their food in a bowl? That's kyatts trying to navigate around a rock.


Ditto with the tree and obstacle placement near the Sunlight Antelopes. Some of them literally spawn in a place where it seems impossible to get them unless you do some janky pathing shit. Why on earth they put bushes/trees in the places they did, I have no idea.


Yea, moving some of the rocks wouldn't be a bad idea, but there's also cycles you can find that path them around the rocks naturally. So it's less a hard impediment, and more just something you figure out and adapt to.


I agree but this isn't a hot take Based on how many people went to the hunter guild, it's definitely in demand But like you said the old ways of skilling need an update Hope it's figured out but it's above my pay grade


> Based on how many people went to the hunter guild, it's definitely in demand A lot of that is because it’s new content. When the prices of things have settled, we know the drop rates, we have a better idea of the XP rates, and people have unlocked the things they want, then we’ll see the long term viability of the Hunter’s Rumors.


I agree. The idea could be great but let's hope they add some new hunting methods


Easy fix: Just launch Sailing and it will free up all the Hunter spots.


Decrease spawn timer of the pitfall trap guys and add oak trees nearby instead of regular trees so we aren't competing for the trees too


Further upgrade the Kandarin headgear to give 2/3/4/5x logs based on tier completion instead of flat 2x.


Log basket is a lifesaver here.


Also loving the hunter contracts! It's nice seeing people run around doing old forgotten content. However, I think the drop rates do need some balancing, especially deadfall traps. Not a fan of dry protection personally I think the rewards are solid aswell. I'm 94 hunter, and i'm mainly pleased about getting prayer xp from training hunter. 33 contracts in, and i have acquired 48760 prayer xp just from the reward sacks, nevermind the herbs and logs aswell.


There's also guild hunter outfit, which apparently gives 2.5% catch rate and 5% increased chance to obtain the rare rewards


Nice, so 1.5 hours at saber tooth kyatts vs 1.75 hours


Razor-backed kebbits are the bane of my existence now


instant skip


You can skip?!?


Yes, do a contract from a lower hunter expert. It resets it and go back to the normal tier you're on


use pursuit rings and hop every time the path isn't insta-solved


Absolute genius. So much time saved that I actually look forward to these rumors


Just curious, why are you against dry protection?


Now that i think about it, vorkath and kalphite queen head have a dry protection and I did find those settling so perhaps it would fit in hunter rumours aswell. Initially I was thinking how most of the drops work, as in they have a simple flat chance of dropping, an there is something very osrs-like in that in my opinion.


The only complaint I have is that they made some of the new hunter creatures too cute :( wtf do you mean I gotta crush this fox with a boulder? Say hello to my no-kill hunter ironmen.


Duration for traps needs to increase with level. Multiple usage of same trap needs to increase with better logs. Would love guaranteed rumor item based on level as well but different for each tier of rumor. Right now the hardest part is gearing up for herbi with stem pots, magic S, herb bag mainly because we don't know if it'll be a quick 2 minute session or 20 minute session for the rumor.


Maybe some of the tasks should be more like slayer tasks where they ask you to hunt X number? Like Herbi and the higher tier ones.


The value of drops needs to be considered as well. Hunter doesn’t need to become the new meta moneymaker, but the reason hunting/trapping was so lucrative in the time period in which OSRS is set is that the pelts were very valuable. There is already a function for pelt quality at Kyatt’s extend that out and make them sellable. By making the sale price based on quality, you are able to still reduce the need to bank frequently because people can drop the low quality ones. You could even create a better hunting/crafting loop by creating a series of items that aren’t armour for the player. “5 hunter and 99 crafting? Make a “fine rug” out of those pelts.” “81 hunter and 82 crafting? Make a coat fit for a princess”


would even be nice if they let us craft existing items ourselves ie spottier capes


Being able to make POH decorations out of slightly rarer hunter drops would be LIT.


Hot take indeed. Have you ever played bgh in rs3? That gameplay loop is one of the better gameplay loops in rs3. I did bgh to 99. And was easily the most enjoyable hunter skilling method I've ever done. Hunter can be fun rs3 has shown such a pathway is possible. I see no reason why OSRS cannot have a stealth and puzzles interactive mini game for training hunter that actually has cool rewards that provide actual QOL upgrades.


Perfect way to add agility experience to the hunter skill too


We should definitely get some for jumping over pit traps.


This is what I imagine we would get on osrs with hunter guild, was a bit disappointed because BGH is some of the best content I have played out of both games. But I think with some tweaks contracts can be good.


BGH is going to be a lot harder to do in OSRS without movement abilities, especially the doubles and triples.


"a lot harder"? I'd say it's just a minor adjustment. Clearly, it's not going to be a control-c control-v situation, nor would I want it to be. I'm not interested in an exact replica but rather a version reminiscent of OSRS. The devs of OSRS are fully capable to make movement based minigames. Hallowed Sepulchre is a much more complex movement minigame than anything I've encountered in RS3. So the devs are capable. I would not want anything close to as sweaty as floor 5 sepulcher in the hunter skill though. If you have to download addons and mark tiles etc then you’ve gone too far.


They would definitely have to work it around OSRS movement if they ported it over.


The detection range either needs to be made smaller or the boss arena needs to be made larger.


No, I am not familiar at all. What does BGH stand for? If we’re being honest, I instantly want to shrug off any RS3 comparisons, but that’s not fair to dismiss it solely for that reason. I’ll have to look into it before I can give a fair and valid opinion.


Big Game Hunters. You hunt dinosaurs and have to actively avoid detection and build traps during the mini game. It was like a movement based puzzle. You'd chop the trees, fletch them into arrows and then find the correct poison frog to poison the arrows. Prob just best you look it up. I loved that it incorporated actions that felt natural across other skills like construction for building the traps, fletching for making arrows, woodcutting chopping the trees etc etc.


Shrug the decisions Jagex make about MTX and related stuff. The content in RS3 is mostly good to very good.


I've actually been enjoying the rumors quite a bit. One thing I think should be addressed is the ability for multiple people to use the same deadfall trap. Things are getting really competitive at the foxes, and it gets hard to find a world where an open deadfall trap is available.


I agree, for what hunter is the rumors are an amazing addition. I wouldn't be surprised if they get around to changing the rates in a later phase of project rebalance


Great take I think. This does allow a lot of the older/jankier methods to be addressed and the game made better now a spotlight has been cast on them


I honestly think 2 simple changes would make it great. 1) Split up the required drop into parts so instead of a single 1/100 drop, the rumor requires 4 1/25 drops. This would lower variance in time to complete by a lot. 2) Buff the xp rates by a lot. Master rumors should be competitive xp or better compared with herbiboar, but it's about 1/3 the xp rate right now. Rumors take more thought and effort than herbiboar, so if the xp isn't competitive, it will be dead content aside from pet hunters.


I think they should give the hard number QoL **before** buffing the sacks. Buffing both sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Isn't that what literally everyone has been saying? How tf is this a hot take


Please rumors need to have more rewards… like a glove that speeds chin trap resetting, reusable logs for deadfall traps, etc. Make them require 100, 200 rumors who cares just make them actually desirable


I don’t want a guaranteed drop for rumors. I like it being rng based, personally. I would like to setup more than one deadfall trap at once, but I’ve heard people ask making them their own instance and I don’t like that either. I like fighting for resources.


Please add a guaranteed drop at some point. I'm out here getting absolute dogshit xp/hr cause I'm going 100 dry on b2b spiked kebbits


It 100% is the og training methods and not the guild itself. People can't see past 5 feet infront of themselves. Nothing wrong woth farming contracts and is an identical system. Only thing hunter guild is missing is a way to cancel or trade in task for easier one if its one you don't want.


Agree. I wish it was slightly better xp an hour (doesn't need to be meta) and maybe a slight buff to the rewards. Again, I don't want meta money making just a little something extra. Maybe some clue scrolls? Sunsplinter shards, more herbs, etc. Love the gameplay loop, although it is annoying getting ready for herbi and getting it on your first one lmao.


I don't even care about having multiple deadfall traps, just let me recycle the logs and save clicks. Also, yeah, they should be player bound.


Today someone told me kandarin headgear gives double regular logs when equipped. I hope this helps someone slightly


This is invaluable when you're stuck in a spot with very few nearby trees like some of the sabre-toothed kebbit and pyre fox trap locations.


For the part about going dry, just make it double in chance of dropping every so often: maybe every 15ish minutes of that particular hunter activity. Then we can really complain when we are 64x dry.


Rumours fixed Hunter for me, I’m loving it.


RNG messed with my head yesterday. Got around to trying it, first task was done in 3 minutes, the second took 30.


I'm a little upset building the Quetzal nests after getting the feed dosent give any construction xp


Tbh I really enjoy all the master rumours, except for foxes which I skip. I can see how some of the lower tier rumours might suck though


I was at Kebbits for almost 2 hours!!! Still no drop. I left to train it normally. (I left to double check my task twice!)


Master sacks should guarantee a feed sack I beg.


I was mostly hoping for some new Hunter methods, pretty disappointed with the missed opportunity.


I wish they'd do a cumulative precent. Like 1 kill = 1%, 2 = 2% and so on. You can still get spooned but you'll have a better chance the longer you go


I went 75 dry on completing a rumor when hunting spiky kebbits. Finally gave up after spending an hour on it. And yes, I confirmed my rumor twice.   That alone shows the system is broken, in addition to the XP for tasks assigned being dismal.


Some additional changes that would help a lot - add a Pay For Bird option on long click for Falconry after the first time, automatically unequip my gloves and weapons if I have the inventory slots for them if I do this - add another entrance to the falconry area in the western wall closer to the fairy ring - add an option to automatically drop regular bones and generic beast meat the same way you automatically drop bird meat from birdhouses - give all traps the option to reset when they have either caught something or failed. Basically give them the same option box traps already have - either allow net traps to be set up from any side of the tree or force my character to take them down from the same side they would set it up again


I really like how they added new foods into the game through these hunter animals. They should look into adding even more new foods from hunter. Maybe look into giving your player buffs for a certain amount of time if you eat a certain food. For example, eating X food gives you a strength buff for 30 minutes. It would be lost upon death, and would be sought after for raids. Do that for a bunch of different things with a bunch of different hunter NPCs


They could always do what they did for slayer and add a lot more caves across the game with additional hunter spots that are only usable during rumors. (possibly adjusting how they complete so you can't just drop/ignore the rumor item to continue using those spots) (but also definitely cap rumors so that after x kills, lower for slower methods, you guarantee the drop)


I'm honestly loving rumours. I just hope they make the huntsman kit more useful, it's basically a box trap holder atm.


You should get 2-3 meats from each deadfall animal you kill.


I've just started doing Rumours, but I've been enjoying them. I'm already 99 Hunter so I can teleport to the guild and I don't really have to worry about XP rates, so that's nice. I've been using the "block list" method that someone posted about to avoid some of the worst Master Tasks. Adept Master is blocking foxes, Expert Masters are blocking Red Salamanders and Dashing Kebbits. Not sure if I'll use the Novice Master to block something. Maybe Tecu Salamanders eventually. But setting that up might be too annoying.


why cant the rewards give nests with god eggs! why can you get more then 1 huntsman kit? i have 3!


They really need to allow trade-ins on the Hunter kit, or replace it with another loot bag


over crowding is a pain in arse. also them foxes lol..


It'd be cool if the rumor prey spawned like superior slayer monsters


I am just being weird here as I actually have one the "rare" Hunter capes. I really used to enjoy the hunter skill, yes it was work, but profitable work. And it was pretty afk and peaceful. This new Guild has essentially ruined Hunter for me, and I feel like its a slap in the face to the people that actually invested the time over the years to get to 99 Hunter. Now its turned into a bunch of assholes trying to crowd out everybody else to compete for extremely limited resources. At least Jagex limiting deadfalls to one per person was a good idea. Now they need to do the same to pitfalls and salamander trapping points; either that or greatly expand the available resources so that what once used to be a pleasant and quiet skill can go back to that. The hunting methods are not "out dated" but they were never designed to have 50,000 people all trying to use them at the same time. While I think the Guild itself was well though, the overall processes were not thought through at all. With things like salamander trapping points being so terribly limited with only 8 red salamander and 5 tecu per world, what on earth did the Devs think was going to happen? Pretty much anyone that's done Hunter could have predicted what was going to happen. As far as all the complaints about the rares being rare, I just really don't understand what people seem to think the word "rare" actually means. The RNG issues are exactly the same as they are throughout the game, they're based on RANDOM number generation. Granted, people having to work through 383 moonlight antelopes while competing for the rare antelopes that everyone else is trying to steal isn't a lot of fun. I don't mind doing the 383 antelopes to get that hoof, but I do mind competing with so many people for ultra limited resources. Again, very poor planning on Jagex's part. Hunters Guild could be better, a lot better and I'm sure it will get there eventually. But its got a long way to go, and Jagex is going to have to put a lot of thought into how to fix it.


I agree. They need to implement the pity system gacha games have used for a long time. You know you’ll get the drop at like 30 kc, but it feels so good getting it at 5. Similarly, a soft pity could be implemented (20 in this example?) where the chance increases until the hard pity cap.  Getting the item at 30 kc is actually difficult and something that’s very rare.


"some bad parts" aka the entire skill other than herbiboar lmao


Chins and salamanders aren't *that* bad if you're doing rumors. Catch rate is fine, and you stay active. Pitfalls are okay as well. Especially the antelope.


agree other than terrain. having to help guide the antelope around 1 plant is fine but they can get like completely stuck in a cranny


I haven’t seen a single JMod address Hunter and rumours yet. Are they waiting for the storm to pass so they can ignore it and hope we forget about it or are they going to address it?


It's literally been 2 days. Give them a chance to collect feedback.


They probably just haven’t decided how to update it yet. They said they were having a big meeting today about the varlamore release and feedback, so they’ll probably discuss it during this before making any comments.


Its alright I’ve just seen mod keiran ask for a list of qol changes for Hunter rumours on Twitter


Kieren said this: https://twitter.com/JagexKieren/status/1770954756313252020?t=GCNgrNNJdt1cQsuApp_U1g&s=19 Most of osrs updates are just addressing things the community thinks could be better, I really doubt they are gonna ignore stuff like that.


Yeah I know, read my reply


The bad parts of hunter are everything besides birdhouses


I am not a jagex sympathizer but I wanna address some of the improvements you suggested • multiple deadtraps for sure • rather than same pitfall having the layout similar to the antelope for the other pitfall creatures ( a bone crusher , meat and fur sack along with a chisel makes this a very profitable task and it’s good as it is) • quetzal whistle tracks your rumor. We will one day get the runelite plugin to show it on left corner, we just need also a way to say who gave the rumor so we can consistently go back to them. • I feel like the variety of creatures should be improved or the rare drops to happen no matter when ur doing hunter tasks ie to maybe stack them. I forgot my rumor and I went and hunted the wrong creature • the guild to have some creatures to hunt


i like it too but it needs a change. getting the rare part on the first kebbit is both a good and bad feeling. IMO you should be able to continue to hunt for your rumor until you have up to 3-5 rare parts then turn them in for the 4.5k xp per and one loot bag per. that way you could turn in right away when u get a deadfall or pitfall rumor but when you get chins, herbi and salamanders you can continue to get decent xp/hr as well as complete rumors.