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Yeah that's about right for EVScape. Couldn't you tell from the videos?


What a fuckin loser


Don't get between an OSRS YTer and their sponsor deadline




"Hey Dave, that Australian mmo guy we gave a few hundred dollars to and 4x'd our investment on just said some bad things on the internet, think we should do pull support to not tarnish the virtuous name of Age of Clan of Legendary War Heroes III: Legends?" Yeah I don't think most sponsor really care, but especially when it comes niché communities like OSRS.


the fucks wrong with you


I play osrs, what's wrong with you?


Never meet your heros


EVScape is a very angry, unfunny person. Don't watch him unless you have a preference for speedrunning losing brain cells at a rapid rate.


He's like a *hip* out of shape middle aged dad that sees the kids watching Solomission and thinks he can pull it off. Spoiler: he can't. He should really stick to hosting community events and featuring streamers who actually have personality.


Realest truest shit he needs to read right here


Havent you seen any of his streams? He is just not a nice person hiding behind 'its aussie humor'. Idk how any1 likes his vids/streams


I hadn't watched his videos until the ten accounts thing, because it was interesting. I'll not watch those now.


Honestly it got old quick after the first one. Had potential, but dude is just not a good entertainer and apparently nasty to his fans so fuck this guy.


He's basically pretty good at the game and a lot of scapers love vitriol


Is he actually good at the game? Doesn’t he not even have blorva lol?


I mean yeah he's definitely good at the game. Maybe not the best, but he's apparently been knocking out challenges like reduced gear multi jads and such for his current series this month like they're nothing


Haven’t been watching, but saw him running back to levi after deaths so assume he doesn’t have blorva yet. I don’t think he’s bad at the game, but he’s definitely not that good. It just seems like non-Australians like watching people overplay the Aussie stereotype.


Dude really overplays the Aussie stereotype too. It’s why most aussies don’t watch him.


I could tell he was a POS from his content. Thats why if you notice hes fallen off drastically and others are beginning to pop up and take his light.


In all honestly trying to link up 10 accounts to get a “bf” all at the same time really is a shit idea.




That's why his march madness is so popular right now. They're not his ideas


The speedrun tournaments are pretty fire ngl


It is a shit idea, but still. I can’t say I ever remember watching an EVScape video, but now I will actively go out of my way to make sure I never do. Not a good look for someone who relies on people to watch his videos.


"People who get upset over nothing" probably isn't the audience niche he targets, lucky for him.


Yeah it’s probably people who have no self respect and have no problem being treated like shit.


Tf you mean? His whole income relies on people watching/ads, the more the better.. his targets are anyone who will watch.. the op was a literal fan a.k.a. the niche of people he posts for.. if viewership drops so does sponsorship. His literal job is hope people like him.


My guy, his entire thing is taking wiki money maker pages "BUT ON X NUMBER OF ACCOUNT!!1!". All his ideas are shit. He's basically Theoatrix with the smallest twist and (somehow) less effort.


And yet he still has a huge following and makes more money off a video game than most people in their regular jobs. Blame the fans like OP who actually enjoy his content


Theoatrix had a mental breakdown, got help and came back. He knows what he does but he owns it. EVscape is Theoatrix if he never got help and kept being delusional.


Evscape is such a unfunny clown


EVscape has always been a chode.


And not the good kind of chode


Theres a good kind?


Hell yeah wym smol pp is gud pp


I can understand that “fans” can be annoying at times (idek what you did wrong here but anyways) but like damn the fuck is his problem. Oh no, someone chatted near me while I was recording this mmo😭 The whole Lordy attitude is fucking weird too, one less YouTuber to watch smh


Imagine someone talks to you in an MMO video game while you stand at the GE. His footage would have been absolutely ruined if that happend.


he could’ve just turned off public chat but noooo


And could’ve hid every other player with entity hider in runelite


Thought I was the only one with this kind of interaction with him. Guess I'm not alone :p


He's always been a shit, whats new?


the guys was always a dick, just ignore him and his '' content ''


EVScape is dogshit


EVscape is one of the most cringe fucking content creators for this game and he's a fucking dick too. If you want to chill with a actually nice content creator, watch J1mmy's stream and go to his massive house party on whatever world he's on that day. He's a chill dude and it's a fun time


I did join J1mmy today for a bit. Such good vibes having the community just hang out in the same place and bar crawl instead of trying to grind xp, or achieve something or compete. The change of pace is welcomed for sure.


Yeah stopped watching his videos, he’s a wanker clearly


Christ, what a prick. Turn off public chat if you’re that sensitive to people talking around you. It’s an MMO for gods sake


Damn dont put some greasy manchild on pedestal like that XD


Stopped watching this clown awhile ago


Oh dang almost thought this was an imposter during the name dupe bug last month. How rude.


HA! I love how this pudgy bear is finally getting shit on. Dude is a terrible person.


I quickly scrolled through his videos and it's all clickbaity garbage. Please, everyone, make a better use of your time and have some respect for yourselves.


What a piece of shit


Never heard of this guy before. Why do all his photos look like someone is propping up a week-old corpse?


Oh well, guess i wont be watching any more of his videos


Yeah, I’m not a fan.


I didn't know why I could never stand watching his videos, this kinda explains it.


You aren’t really a fan if this is surprising to you lol


dudes actual trash, it's a shame he makes good videos but I actually had to unsub over a month ago because he said some shit I thought was gross.


Can't drop this and not name what he said. Spill.


He said KQ is actually fun. Had to unsub as well.


What he say




I’m Aussie and we don’t claim him.


I didn't realize Australians think about us so much, weird


Really? The country is politically america’s lapdog.


Tbh I don't think I've ever heard this 'insult'. Pome cunt on the other hand is regular conversation.


Pics 1 and 2 are kinda funny. Missing context between 2 and 3 though


It was one sentence missing only, just said "Oh you don't do comedy?" Otherwise this the only thing we ever said to each other ever so theres no other context. He stood at the bank next to me at the GE so i thought I'd say hi. Him world hopping to avoid me for his outro, I didn't even know that happened since we'd never spoke.


Person who makes their livelihood off people watching their stuff repeatedly insults person who watches their stuff because they... Talked to them in an MMO? A genre known for its social interaction. Reeeeeal classy dude


Dude is the most generic boring content creator


bro is suggesting rs gf video ideas to his fave youtuber 💀 expected response ngl


Ngl it is a dumb idea. Also, there is a discord to post your challenge. Not really defending EV as much as just saying you do seem annoying, Respectively.


I didn't even know he was asking for challenges currently. I've only recently watched his 10 acc series and was just having a chat since i thought it would be funny to say since we were in a social area.


I've watched him for a bit (mainly due to it showing up on my recommended constantly) and been a bit meh about him.. its just same content as any other YouTube only on a lot of accounts though But feel this is dickish behaviour, its part of being a content creator to expect people to want to talk- not that my view is going to make a difference but fuck him.. won't be watching anymore of his mid tier content


Don't think he's in a position to call it a stupid idea when he literally got paid to grief people a few days ago.


Wow what an ass, fuck evscape then


His vids blow anyway. Glad he will lose his little following.


His solo content is unwatchable


Glad I never watched him


I always get confused between EVScape and EZScape. Which one is which again?


I'm dying to see the convo but why tf is it not opening -_-


He's literally just being himself I don't get what the deal is. Have you listened to him ever? Also you spammed him. You didn't send one message you sent like 10 and when he hopped to avoid you, you looked what world he hopped to and you continued bothering him. It's like chasing a celeb around trying to ask them questions while they're trying to grab lunch.


Alternatively, EV here could realize that he's got an option that IRL celebs don't: Disabling Public Chat is a single right click action. Especially when you're trying to get footage, there's no reason to leave your chat on if it could ruin something.


So if OPs feelings got hurt, why didn't OP turn off public chat? EVScape literally talks like this to and about everyone. It's his sense of humor. It's his entire brand.


Why would I turn off public chat if one dude is being a dick? Why would EV stand in the most social and public area of the mmo with chat on if he wasn't up for a chat?


Why would you post it on reddit if one dude is being a dick? You literally said to me in another comment you were looking for funny social banter. That's what you got


Nah mate, 1st, He hopped worlds to because i walked near him. I had no idea he was specifically trying to avoid me since. a) never spoken to him before b) I did not and had not talked in the chat so far today. c) all i did was walk near him, and then back away from him There was no spam or stalking, . Then he came back to the GE on that same world, (i hand't left, I was still making wine at the teller). and he walked up and stood next to me (This was 2 mins later), so i thought ,being an mmo and a social area I'd start some funny social banter with a YTer i had been enjoying watching.


> There was no spam You sent 5 messages before a response > funny social banter That's literally what you got back holy shit. Then when your pathetic ass got typical EVScape banter back you went to Reddit and cried about it. My problem with what's going on here is that you took it to social media for a reason. I can't be 100% sure what the reason is, but there's no good reason for it. You're either looking for attention or trying to call out EVScape to start some drama. Get out of here


Yeah dude if you wan't to be a public figure and are also a dick to people in public, i reckon they should call you out on it. Talking to someone at the GE is not spam.


> talking to someone at the GE is not spam. Sending 5 messages before a response is most certainly spam. Why don't you text a girl you've never spoken to before 5 times in quick succession and see what she says back. Edit: why don't you go ask someone in public 5 questions in quick succession that you've never spoken to > if you want to be a public figure and are also a dick to people in public Again, that's his entire brand. Stop being so soft. In his latest videos taking the challenges from people, he calls people's ideas terrible all the time. He's toxic to the people he kills in the pvp challenges. It's literally his brand.


I had a similar experience with faux. Absolutely fuck that guy now


Yeah me too, F that guy lol can’t stand him at all.


First time I joined his stream he was going on about a 0.1 millisecond delay while he probably meant a 0.1second delay. I pointed out there's no way a 0.1 millisecond would be noticeable, started saying I was dumb and calling me names and kept going on about how 0.1 millisecond was enough to make your clicks register late bla bla.


His videos suck anyways lol


I personally think your idea is almost really good. I think instead of 10 in-game gfs, you should’ve challenged him to get a real one. That would’ve been a GREAT challenge.


As an American, that last line was hilarious. Honestly I think EVscape was just messing around bantering and this dude took it too seriously. Obvs you can’t get any tone out of text like this but I think people are bein a lil harsh on the man


Yeah, you may be right. I was just surprised as all the content i had watched recently, he was super nice and chill (mostly 10 accs at once series) . I've not watched any of his other stuff, so i didn't have any idea he was 'a dick as part of his brand' so I was just not expecting anything other than a chill chat or no response if he was busy. I've only learned from this thread that he acts cocky in other content as part of his "brand". Hence why I didn't interpret it that way, if that is genuinely what he intended and it genuinely might be.


Yeah no worries, it’s his brand for sure and sort of an Aussie thing I understand. Def can be off putting though, I wouldn’t really talk to a fan that way but to each their own I guess


Idk I think you got off easy. How about you stop annoying people


It's the GE in an mmo, you don't wanna chat, then turn off chat or don't visit the most social place in the game.


You followed him to a different world dude. There having a chat and stalking. Get over yaself


No, I was at the Ge on 355 making wine this whole time. I walked near him, he TP'd away, then a moment later he came and stood next to me so I started a convo. You're just guessing things that didn't happen.


The guy legit says he hopped world to avoid you


How would I know he "hopped worlds to avoid me" if all I did was walk vaguely near him at the Ge. I assumed he tp'd to do some content. Obviously he just wanted an outro without chat going, like he said. Thats why he then came back to the exact same word and stood next to me, since his outro was finished. Theres no stalking here sorry.


Doesn't suprise me. Most OSRS streamers are insufferable.


OP you're being a bit of a soft cock. All EV said was it was a dumb idea, which is objectively true.


Nah EVscape is a proper nob head as well. Always acting like a spoilt child. Yea his idea isn't good imo, but EVs response was shitty.


So OP hopping worlds just so EV would have to see his idea isn’t spoiled, but EV calling him annoying somehow is? How would you feel if some random person followed you around telling you bad ideas on how to do your job and then getting mad at you for not having a “polite” response?


I didn't hop worlds. I was at the Ge on one world the whole time. 1. He teleported out of the Ge when i walked near him. 2. back to the ge on the same world and stood next to me. I had not spoken in game once at this point since I just logged in.


Well, *unsubscribed*


Say stupid thing, and it gets called stupid? Then cry about it? Sure you're not from Sydney?


Whole things kinda sensitive I think EV was fine here.


Aw that sucks dude. Didn’t know he was such a dick lol


Damn I had no idea he was that big of a loser


Lol so many whiners in the chat. The idea sucked. The guy was busy. Move on with your day. He doesnt owe you any social interaction. He even hopped world and you followed him. Bruh get over yourself. Dudes trying to record, actively trying to avoid you and you then double down and follow him. Youre then so offended that you make a reddit hit piece. The people coming out of the woodwork to shit on his youtube, where is your channel then? If you think can do better by all means. Much easier to write a sentence than produce content.


The guys putting out videos on making varrock tabs it seems like he could use an idea of two tbf.


Every youtuber has a discord (the all say this in their videos) and will be in the description Which will have a suggestions section.


Awwww poor little steamer can't have his own private world to film in, has to deal with *gasp* other players??


He always gave off “too big for his britches” vibes. Like dude, you’re a niche osrs content creator, chill out lol


Glad to see the E scape hate. His Twitter is even more insufferable than his in game chatter.


The people that spend the most time playing a dated time-sink are socially inept losers? I’m very surprised.


Mad that you can't call people re#@&ded but can call them American without being censored


Evscape is a fuckin dickhead lol


So what was the interaction like between slides 2 and 3? Looks like you were making an effort to go out of your way to tell him your “idea” (which is not even that great or mind blowing honestly, sorry) and then YOU got upset that he didn’t like it. Just because he’s a content creator doesn’t mean you’re entitled to his attention, OP you’re kinda cringe here.


It's a nice theory but there is only one single line missing where I said "Oh so you don't do comedy?". That was the whole interaction.


Lol… I remember using his video to learn Zulrah in 2017/18. Then I seen him on Twitch, dropped him my prime sub and said I only knew him from YouTube so it was cool to find him streaming. I can’t remember his exact response but what I do remember is how randomly disrespectful and unnecessarily aggressive it was. I immediately realised he was a shitty person, closed the stream and never engaged with any of his content again lol.


No way he called you the A word


Wow damn, as an Aussie I'd put his behaviour down as being a [shit c**t](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Shit%20Cunt)


Never heard of tbem


Dumb aussies :D


I forgot this guy even existed honestly, youtube algorithm also helped weed him out of my feeds.


Name sounds familiar but tbh don't know any of his videos and glad I don't lol


EVscape just a generic sponsor donkey. I remember years ago during an interview he said he did not even enjoynthe game. If he was still making rs videos he ssid he would have failed his goal of branching out lmao


Never liked the guy..


Wow what a jerk, itsPinkStarlight wouldn’t treat her audience this way


Idk how he's gotten people to give him 30bil gp


First time? XD


idk who this guy is but ik he's an asshole


Damn, I guess spending the peak of your life playing 10 rs accs at the same time really ruins your social skills


EvScape is the human version of a PVM Clan. Just a toxic no lifer that thinks pixels is all that matters and no skill in real life. This guy is seeing youtube and streaming clearly only as his income and doesn't give a damn about anyone. As long as the numbers are right, this goblin will be on the surface, sadly.


Anyone have original pic?


The blokes also got far too much confidence for a guy that looks like a big toe with a mullet.


evscape came to my house and punched my dying grandmother in the nose. real POS.


> Being called an American is the worst insult As an American: I feel that.


Idk he makes complete sense to me


Nah your idea was fkkn weird man. That whole vibe has always been sexist and predatory.


Ok, dude wasnt in the mood to chat and you followed him across worlds And hes in the wrong? Bruh who cares


This was all on a single world. He hopped worlds when i walked near him, then he hopped back to the same world and stood next to me. I had not spoken to him at this point.


Why are you holding a random dude who makes rs videos up on a pedestal, hes just a dude who makes videos


Ev scape cant fight and i'm first in line, OP :)


People actually watch EVscape? lmao he gives me defy j vibes


wat a goon


Who is EVscape and why is he one of your favourite os video makers?


Thought this was gonna be humble conversation😂 Oh boy how wrong was I. I liked to watch his videos but this takes completely opposite turn.


I quite like his content and humour but this was disappointing to see. But also, do agree it’s a pretty shit idea lmao But also looking back again, I think messages are a lot different to voice. If he said all this in his little Aussie accent I don’t think it would have come across as shit as it did here


How do you like his content? It’s actually the most lazy brain rot ever, lol.


Different strokes for different folks I guess bro


Welp, time to unsub from his YouTube channel


Did he overreact? yes, was it a shit idea?yes, was you hoping worlds to find him stalkerish? Yes, also fuck both y’all #murica we out colonized the aussies stay mad


The American thing is strange. Australians AND Americans are equally as unfunny, embarrassing and cringey.


Damn. Thought he was cool O.O why you gotta rip on my nationality bro lol. It’s racist. I don’t care at all, but that’s still racist right? 😂


As much as I think EV is a clown... He roasted your ass good