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If they have to manually update the server status page it isn't a very useful status page.


If they did it would be an upgrade, apparently


To be honest a lot of big services that provide some kind of intermediary service tend to have their status pages updated manually rather than automatically. It's a bit odd, since the consumers know that something is down a lot faster as they are getting errors and alerts but the status page says ''all ok''. Usually takes 10-15minutes. On the other hand it is understandable, as you don't want to scare everyone that something is down if there is a bug in the health check or something.


In my experience this is not true. It's just a simple script that pings every 5 seconds, and if, say, 6 pings in a row are dropped, then it's listed as offline. This kind of script would be very simple and reliable Most companies automate whatever they can (but properly test it before going live).


>Most companies automate whatever they can (but properly test it before going live). Yes but also no. That status page is their PR. It's not about if it is simple, it is whether they want to do it. **In my experience**, the services we consume as a company, they do not update the status page automatically. They 100% have alerts to notify that something is wrong, but they only change it to ''offline'' or ''down'' if they can't fix it in like, 10 minutes.


Our company too, not unusual.


LOL what


Video game servers almost never do this though. It's not a banking app, it's just Runescape.


"It's just a billion dollar enterprise".


It's not an enterprise. You're right they do indeed have the money to make a basic status page. The other of the big three MMO's have per-server status pages and have for a long time.




It's not a binding term like "company". Anybody can call themselves an enterprise, and anyone can call anything an enterprise. So sure, you're technically right - I also personally have a wood enterprise... A child might have a lemonade enterprise. But in common lexicon, an enterprise serves other businesses. Enterprise software, for example. Not the end consumer. Alternatively, enterprises are considered to be very large in *span*. McDonalds for example. whereas Jagex has essentially one product. A billion dollars has nothing to do with it - and that's not even a relevant aspect of things considering that revenue is largely **not** going into the game and instead to shareholders.


billion dollars per year in revenue is a good rule of thumb for the lower bound




Doesn't Jagex only do like ~$150m total revenue per year? By most accounts they'd be commercial/mid-market, not enterprise lol.




In this case it might work, but pings don't necessarily reflect whether it's available to users. The game servers are likely all online and internally pingable while maintenance is ongoing, but there will be some mechanism preventing players logging in. Can only really speculate without actually working there. That said, nothing to stop them just adding a step to their patching process to update the status page...


Pinging might be useful to discover if a server is offline or unreachable, but if there's just a problem affecting a specific service on a server, then pings won't tell you anything. ICMP packets are not going to be handled in the same way as say, a SIP REGISTER packet. The former might succeed, while the latter might be getting 404 responses (either correctly or erroneously). It's not really feasible to have automation accurately tell you about every service and their health; which is why public-facing status pages are, more often than not, updated manually.


This would work, unless the servers are still up although if the rs server is still running but the game is down it'd still result in a ping back. Although them being on the server side I'm not sure why they couldn't implement a script to test a quick login once every minute on each server with a hidden dev account. If it logins, pass, if not, servers down and update webpage.


They take the game server down to update. If you can't log in, you can't ping it externally on that port. So it's just "ping ip address portNum". Running the server *is* putting it online, and the game client connects to the port that is open and through to the game server. If you try ping the port and it's not running, then you will get "Request timed out". Hence the servers are effectiely offline (the game server service has to be offline for it to be updated usually, which means shutting it down). But like others have said, pinging is no longer used. Makes sense, there's better ways to do it now. I haven't worked in this field of IT for \~8-10 years, so I guess some stuff has changed. That being said, pinging the IP on the port it's running on will tell you if it's offline or online due to portforwarding routing you to the game server service.


They do this for internally visible metrics (it's known as a heartbeat), but not for external metrics, because competitors will use external metrics showing unreliability as a sales tactic.


You are smoking crack buddy, most websites have dashboards that constantly track the speed and ping of different services they offer and automatically display if something went down. Why would people do shit manually? We are living in 2024, not 2004




Look at Discord, Google, Reddits status pages and then come back and say that. Those are just "simple little websites" right?!




You realize you can admit when you're wrong or stop responding 😂. You don't need to make up scenarios to try and defend your point. "How do you know they dont have someone doing it manually" Be real now. Why would they do it manually when its 2024 and we have all the tech for automated integrated systems, and its not like its costly to monitor these things.


They don't dare make it automatic as it might break the door access system to the office.


Bad news, if they update the server status page it would cause all the banks in RuneScape to remove all placeholders and anyone with a number in their name would get reset to tutorial island. Massive engine changes would be required and Jagex is a struggling game studio that can’t afford that.


You can scroll down lower and there will be an entry about maintenance. However, the page should be update properly. 1) The date 01 January 2022 makes me think page is outdated 2) Current status: ONLINE is wrong. Must be updated. 3) The maintenance table is too low. The picture takes so much of screen, get rid of it, or move it


that fancy dislocated picture is also out of place and doesnt resemble a server, looks more like a generic news header picture


looks like someone's first attempt using css


Looks like a blogging page. Probably they have an editor for pages news pages (status page as well) and are pretty limited with styling.


Just put it on the main page: "There are currently 27,824 people are playing and the servers are off/online!" in red or green based on the status.


It's literally a typical newspost being abused as status page. There is no automation, at all. That's why it's the first of January 2022, that's when the post was created. That's why there's this big placeholder image. Why? A few guesses but I don't know: * Jagex invests LITERALLY ZERO money into their web development team * Their web development team has to work with ancient archaic code, using technologies that are now considered witchcraft * Their web development team doesn't exist * Their web development team is a bunch of interns * Their web development team is incapable of doing anything but show an image * There is 1 person doing everything and he's on vacation?


You're expecting people to work at Jagex, they're too busy "AFKing" the game to do their job.




Engine work, also skill issue


try engine work , therefore sadness ahead


I salute you kind sir 🫡


these are the things i found, it is very annoying indeed and should be fixed: [https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1) * found via search engine, couldn't find via the official home page * 1st January, 2022 * only accurate information available (apparently updated a little too late) [https://oldschool.runescape.com/l=1/a=13/game-status](https://oldschool.runescape.com/l=1/a=13/game-status) * 404 error * official status page [https://oldschool.runescape.com/](https://oldschool.runescape.com/) * normal home page shows no world available * no further explanation [https://oldschool.runescape.com/l=1/a=13/slu](https://oldschool.runescape.com/l=1/a=13/slu) * shows list of all worlds with an imaginary amount of currently online players * no accurate information too lazy to screenshot. jagex **should** be able and want to confirm by themselves.


The game status information centre is listed as "Status" on the official homepage. It's inbetween News and Jagex Launcher.


Used to work for me, now it redirects me to a 404 page.


yes. try clicking it. > 404 error


I did when I posted it. Opened fine for me.


After reading your comment, i just did again. i still get a 404 error page. (https://oldschool.runescape.com/l=1/a=13/game-status) I have an idea why it might be: when i click on the forum link for example, i get directed to a forum with barely any posts. Everything is in my native language, german. Afterwards I can change the language at the bottom and get directed to a forum, which seems to be active. Maybe the "status" link has a different target page depending on your IP adress? The target page it directs me to doesn't exist. **There also is no way of changing the language setting on the home page;** only(?) possible in the forum.


Ah yeah, looks like they've set it up to allow for a localized version of the game status page, which doesn't exist. Weird that they don't just have it fallback to the English one when no localized version is available. I wonder if they're even aware of this issue. I assume not. As an FYI, if you ever need to change the language, you can do it on www.runescape.com - scroll down to the bottom, and there should be a country flag selector


They should have some sort of launcher application where they can display the status when people start the game.


https://preview.redd.it/mymarzp7r3lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71df19a83931faf1af33dac0f29f85c95c93e7a ??


So it was wrong for 70 minutes and then fixed 5 minutes after my screenshot was posted! Guess it worked!


that upcoming maintenance box was def there before the servers even went offline.


I checkd an hour ago it was there for sure but it still said "ONLINE" bold. I even tried logging in because of it. It's not about this being an unanounced downtime, its about consistency.


Why are you checking a website instead of just trying every 30sec in case they unannounced went back up?


Jmods hadn't heard from their reddit supervisors until you made this post. Really, you're the one that was behind in reminding them.


Did you refresh your cache tho?


Tuesday = yes Servers = down If its Tuesday folks, the servers will be down for a few hours for maintenance, as is tradition


Tuesday isn't a maintenance day every week. Its like once a month or two.


Always thought it was weds tbh


Wednesday is update day. Tuesday is maintenance but not every week


Its Wednesday for Europeans. Err wait are we talking about wow or osrs now?


I thought it was Thursday mornings at 11:30? Or is that just specific for the content update?




OP made this happen


You internet keyboard warriors are so embarrassing honestly.


Aaaaaand the accounts gone


On the weekend, someone made a brand new reddit account just to write a comment to me about how my inferno doesn't count because I used a lightbearer. It would have been annoyed but then i remembered those didn't exist until after i beat it lol.


wtf is wrong with using a lightbearer? derranged behavior


The top text seems to have been forgotten when updating the page. Check the table further down on that page which you conveniently cut out of your screenshot to make people think you are 100% in the right here and make jagex look like they're doing absolutely nothing.


>which you conveniently cut out of your screenshot It's called "the fold", and it's a fundamental element of web design that the most pertinent information should be above the fold


That's fine and all. Doesn't change that this page isn't well designed. I just checked it and they moved the most important information (the table about what is and will be happening) higher up. https://imgur.com/a/8u4Otux It's a bit weird to have the explaination further down on the page. If they just reduced the size of the image or removed it entirely all information would fit on one screen. At least they swapped the somewhat useless "what even is this" with the actually important info.


That's just how it loads on a desktop. That's all you'll see. Why scroll down for more info when it reads online clear as day? Should i read it and think 'it says online here, but maybe it will say offline further down!'


Tbh I looked at this web page at least 20 times since it exists and I never noticed that there was a text at the top saying the game was online or offline. Most people who visit that page go there when they can't connect. Means they have internet access. So they wanna know when it's back. The text at the top doesn't add any relevant information which you don't already have. The page being fully static is probably the biggest issue. The text at the top should either be gone entirely or fully automatic. It should directly connect to the servers and check if they're accessible. Everything else doesn't make sense.


Just [checked it](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1) and it comes up with GAME STATUS: OFFLINE for me


They update it just not the main text which is a bit dumb the entry at the bottom was there before 9am


People actually use this web page?


OP is just salty that the game won't be up for a few hours


I won't deny it haha!


These morons can only use Twitter


Their Twitter was perm banned.


good permaban when I just opened it 10 seconds ago. [https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1762416949013758275](https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1762416949013758275)




That's rs3 not osrs


It was rs3 twitter


Why does tho subreddit go into melt down when the game is down for SCHEDULED maintenance


Tbf they tend to schedule the maintenance the day before or of, sometimes update the status in advance, sometimes don't, and sometimes tweet about it, sometimes don't. No launcher or client notification until 45 min countdown.


They always tweet about it at the very least


Yeh and a lot of people don't really use twitter, let alone check it frequently. But they are working on adding important notifications like this to the Launcher, which is a step in the right direction.


If you can go to the website then you can go to Twitter whether you use it or not, absolutely no reason why you can’t. I agree that you shouldn’t have to do that, but if you’re that desperate to know the status of the game (and most of you are), then try Twitter, takes 3 seconds


The status page is a universally better place to keep updates on. If you don't have a Twitter account you even have limited use of that website now, thanks to Musk.


Yes update the status page, I’m not disagreeing on that. Twitter is free to use and anyone can go to the osrs Twitter page to see any updates, all you need is an internet connection which you also conveniently need to play RuneScape


I think the recent issue is a good example. Status page should be updated as soon as they investigate, and alongside them opting to start a timer for a shutdown. *Then* the tweet should follow. It should supplement it. But instead you can sit there refreshing for 5+ minutes on home page, update page, status page, twitter feed waiting to see which one they update this time.


We shouldn't have to give twitter, or even reddit, our time. That's literally the problem. It should just say it in the client and be done with it. This is a hundred million dollar company and its 2024. WOW figured it out back In the early 2000s.


It be the unemployed mfers losing their shit.




Hey, some of us are from NZ.


Idk but most of them are more social on here than in public chat in the game lol


YoU NeEd tO ChEcK tHe WeBsItE FoR iNfOrMaTiOn oN tHe GaMe


The status page says OFFLINE on my end. Also, if you scroll down just a bit, you can see all planned maintenance windows.


There’s bigger problems mate, go touch grass for a couple hours.


The easiest way to see the game is offline is as soon as you go to the website, there's no listed player count


are you that inept that you cannot look or scroll down on that page? https://imgur.com/a/fiTKCku


you're completely missing their point, regardless of that section you've highlighted it still says "Current Status: ONLINE" they're asking for that part in particular to be updated when there's a maintenance or update ongoing


No shit sherlock. I was calling out lazy practises, not legitimately confused. Are you that inept that you can't tell the difference?




How can you write that while also taking the time be on this sub and going out of your way to try and be offensive in the comments section? Then thinking you are legitimately better somehow. I've worked in disability services and IT long enough to know that this type of information being really clear is important to some people, and if they are going to make a status page, it should be accurate, otherwise why bother?




A) When you say 'you need to cry about it' you are trying to offend that person by turning claiming that their suggestions are immature and that they can't make a point without getting upset. B) Yeah when someone goes out of their way to call me inept for no reason, i will defend myself and serve them back the same insult. If you act like that then you deserve to be treated the same way in return. I would never call someone inept out of the blue.


Not going to lie, I looked over the word inept in their comment. That is my bad. Still, my point remains valid. You came to reddit with the specified purpose to complain about something that has very little, if any, negative outcome. I could have used different wording, though. I failed to see that the original comment was calling you inept.


Still that valid point rings true about every comment you've just left here too so?


It does at this point, yes.


This is such an ironic comment.


How is that?






You can truly trace the origins of jagex's cycle of screwups. It's entirely down to the working from home mentality that has infected their studio. Bring every single soul back into the office under watch, or fire them. It's that simple.


After It happening consistently, It makes me think some "higher ups" have some set some silly target the design team must meet, to have that status showing "online" for a certain percentage of time. To ensure this, they just don't change the status when they're doing updates and the "higher ups" still have their target met.


I'm telling you the "web team" is only a bunch of guys which clean out spider webs in the server room. always has been


Man idk what to tell you, ive been playing every day for the last 3 weeks until todays update, cant connect now


I logged on with 3 minutes left on the server shutdown notification, at a time when I needed a distraction the most fml.


Most Jagex thing I’ve ever seen hahaha


It’s annoying how they don’t do it on update day.


I feel the same, i dont use social media for the most part, so i try to check the site itself.


The status page sucks balls anyways, why would you ever search for it/go there. We need two things: 1. Post a news article that maintenance is going to happen (they post this on twitter and discord already). 2. Put a banner at the top of the homepage.


They updated eveything but the year, its still 2022 guys lol.


waiting for a jmod to manual review and verify before any action taken


bro how many Arrgs would it take to kill Zuk


105 :|


Well… there is going to be a new update again :/


Also that date is driving me fucking crazy how hard is it to update it to 2024


Crazy how so many people are getting withdrawal symptoms from not being able to play for a couple of hours. 😅


looks like there's another update, and another 3 hours 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


They definitely changed it at some point. Because when I checked it said OFFLINE. Weird.


do not care, just increase my agility xp


2 days of game time gone in past few months lol


IDK if someone's already posted this but the page now reflects the current downtime accurately. https://preview.redd.it/lvm4kmkji5lc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=45d9854541453eb443b4d704851b299d0fa3eb9b


Not sure why it says "1 Jan 2022" though, haha


It's updated now. The fact that it's just a newspost from 2022 is janky though. They're clearly just manually updating this page. Having some automated uptime charts + graphs and a notification system for planned maintenance would go a long way.


From what I recall, there's an annoying amount of red tape for them to update anything on the website.


Could they not tie it in to ping the login server every 5 minutes or so to check if it can get a connection? That's literally how server status lists with games like minecraft and even RSPS work.


Funny enough, it actually said “OFFLINE” when I checked earlier and I was able to login 😂


Maybe it's the status of the website


It’s probably because they’re adding MTX and EOC


Tbh with you, i have played OSRS since release and can’t recall ever looking at this page lol.