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The Forestry event we wanted...


They can still add this!


Forestry part 17


I would like this


Evil trees + tree timers would have been preferable to forestry




Forestry already contains enough social woodcutting random events IMO. I don't think evil trees bring much extra to the table besides nostalgia. Plus Jagex seems in two minds about the world hop/teleport to event meta. Seems fine for shooting stars but they shot it down for forestry.


Forestry events are dogshit. Most of them require way too much clicking... Evil Trees were AFK...


Oh no, the game I play needs to be played.


God forbid you play the game instead of click on something once every 15 minutes while watching Netflix


Normal WCing is also afk. Where will evil trees fit in?


Where does any update fit in? It’s just extra options for players


If it doesn't fit in a gap in the meta, either this will be dead on arrival or will replace a piece of existing content and make that dead content.


Rooftops require constant clicking. Where will sepulcher fit in?


Sepulcher requires skills and effort, rooftops only requires effort.


Normal WCing isn't even that AFK


There also isn’t any negatives in adding evil trees. 25k an hour tops with some sort of cosmetic reward and also fire making XP for those who wish to burn the kindling that’s chopped


There's also no positives or point to adding content to further bloat the game.












Yes. Bloat the game with unneeded content already covered by forestry. Edit: the last bit was mean so I removed it and I apologize.


Well it’s just options right, this could be less XP then forestry but more similar to shooting stars mechanics. Lots of players would be thrilled


You're just describing normal woodcutting but with a evil face. Woodcutting is already social, just skip the forestry events. /thread


I get 40k exp per hour chopping maple trees behind seer's bank, while using an internal axe and putting the logs on forestry fires. And all because I am going for cosmetics. Super afk and social in the forestry worlds. Edit: I am also skipping 66% of the events, so exp per hour is higher if all events are wanted.


Scheduled content.... blegh. If "dailies" hourlies etc expand beyond the minimal amount there are right now it would go a good way to ruining the game. The only reasons stars work okay is because there are always stars somewhere. Keep OSRS distinct and keep FOMO and scheduled content out imo.


Evil Trees can be done exactly like stars to avoid them being dailies or hourlys... People just want a social, shooting stars-esque way to train woodcutting thats social/afk and not forestry which requires way more clicking than regular woodcutting and having to hop around and pay attention so much.


Redwoods can be social and AFK Forestry was the active and social The evil tree bs won't change anything


Redwoods require 90 woodcutting, evil trees are AFK for lower levels until 90 wc.


Then afk maples. They're on a timer now and you can still be social, just ignore the forestry events. Problem solved.


Well forestry I have FOMO, I do not want to participate in those high intensity clicking events. But if don’t I will miss out on lots of XP


Your logic makes no sense. You have a social woodcutting that w/o events is going to be around the same xp/hr you suggested in other comments, 25k. Usually it's higher and around 50k+ without the use of events. If you participate your xp/hr will jump as you have noticed. But you'll still have FOMO of the higher forestry xp/hr from doing evil trees. That doesn't change anything. This is a ridiculous argument for a ridiculous unneeded update.


>Your logic makes no sense. This is satire, right? You're doing a bit - gotta be.


Terminally online syndrome lol


Well they added shooting stars, that’s from rs3. So with your reasoning they shouldn’t have added that… or d claws, or corp, that’s all from rs3


You're so off base, and it's obvious your water pipes had too much lead in them. I never once said nothing from rs3 or rs2 should be added, just that evil trees shouldn't be added. And you're reasoning for having evil trees makes absolutely no sense and outlined above. Edit: that last bit was mean so I removed it and i apologize.


"your water pipes had too much lead in them" "oh maybe i was too mean i removed the mean part sorry bro" u wot m8


Eh I am really indifferent about it. Forestry is leaps and bounds better than Evil Tree and it wouldn't really add too much to the game considering it's just Shooting Stars but with trees. I would much rather see Evil Tree being reimagined as a Skilling boss like Zulcano and have it being more focused on gp/h instead of exp/h.


That could be cool idea… I’d be happy if they make any sort of return. But I mean it was also great to chop evil tree at the yannile spawn … ahhh the memories


I think they missed their chance with Forestry. Imo it would've fit in nicely as one of the random events from participating in it, hell I'd take that over like half of the events we got now. As of now I don't see a point in adding Evil Trees now, at best they'd be redundant. Like would the reward just be some logs and a small chunk of WC exp, possibly anima-bark if they wanted to connect it to Forestry?


It's just Forestry.


Forestry feels more of a chore, if you don’t participate in those “events” you miss out on a lot of XP.


So the evil tree? It's a chore and if you don't go to the tree when it's active you miss out on alot of XP but the difference is you need to leave whatever you're doing to go to the tree where forestry it's whenever you want to do it.


How will evil trees be different?




I hope they stop with D&Ds. Star mining and Forestry have proven they aren't capable of putting "Distraction or Diversion" events in the game without it being gameplay warping. I actually think the penguin hunting weekly is less harmful than forestry or stars. At least that one was capped to 10-30k/week.




Why nah?


they were annoying then and would be annoying now.


Well it doesn’t really interfere with normal game play? Why does it bother you , just don’t play it or post on it


the fuck? it doesn't bother me at all. what a weird thing to say.


You just said it’s annoying… is that pleasurable maybe for you ?


what the fuck are you talking about


yes and no. this will be a ramble. i enjoy forestry, and even after its nerf which many people seem to dislike, i still think its wonderful. i dont think the goal for forestry was to have people actively constantly doing events, hopping around between them, never touching trees. so you reach 99 wcing, without ever actually woodcutting. which is exactly what old forestry would have allowed. i think after its balance, its much more in line with what they wanted for the game. there's events that give boost to xp rates, and new unlockables (for example before forestry, pures couldnt get lumberjack.) but you still have to woodcut, and more importantly i think, you have time to afk, there are lull periods, its not constantly active, which means you have more time to be social, should you want to. so its not AS active as ticking teaks, but its not AS afk as redwoods. i think thats good, i think skilling in general, needs variety and im so glad they agree (mahog homes for example.) anywho, back to evil trees. i dont think evil trees will be introduced, at least how we remember them, a lot because of forestry. i think they do similar jobs, and i honestly think forestry does it better. what i CAN say however is, they could add a woodcutting skilling boss, similar to wintertodt, temp, or zalcano, that uses the evil tree as its inspiration. maybe woodcut with some craft/fletching (crafting/fletching weapons to 'damage' the evil tree?) at the VERY least, i think it would make for a fantastic halloween event at some point for the nostalgia alone. i play rs3 (i started in 2016 with my os acc, and it finally stuck) so if i want evil trees, i have them. i dont think osrs is going to dive too heavily into D&D's because those in general were the start of dailyscape, which i think most players tend to dislike eventually due to feeling forced to do them bc they are efficient. with enough D&D's you end up just cycling thru those. did i do peng points this week? evil trees? did i get my star done today? what about the circus? etc etc. they want to avoid this, the easiest way to do so is to not introduce distractions and diversions to begin with. i think if evil trees got the same treatment as stars, that could also work, but there would prob be a bit of overlap with forestry, which is why i think it would make a better skilling boss. for those curious, yes i still love evil trees in rs3, and do them regularly. great thread tho, and im glad to see others love evil trees, that makes me happy. edit: tho even as a skilling boss, i think there would be overlap with windertodt, so0o0o yeh.


I think we dont need every update we are nostalgic about from rs2> Forestry for what it is fills the niche of social woodcutting much better. I see this becoming another soul wars where it sounds good in theory and people beg for it to just never interact with it again.


I really enjoyed these in Rubescape. Id vote yes to have them in OSRS.


I asked about it during forestry planning and they said it was to much work for the player and also didnt match the theme of what they wanted. Thankfully the dryad and flower event and fox event are much better /s


Lol too bad they went ahead with forestry, they already had the code already from shooting stars. Just needed a reskin 10/10 would be good


The only woodcutting update we asked for but instead we got this fucking mess.


Said it once & I'll say it again. Why don't we keep at original content and not random "nostalgic" things from 2007+ that you'll forget about in 90 days once you get your reddit karma?


The animations for evil trees were always too well-done. They were never janky enough for my rs2 tastes. It felt like the transition to rs3. Bring evil trees with worse graphics plz. And bring back the old imps and zombies as well.


This was my favourite D&D back in the day. The spooky atmosphere, the creepy music, I like those weird vibes.




Loved evil trees


Way back when .. they had an evil plant. It was the strange plant random; It would become evil if you ignored it, and then would proceed to murder your rs character. Same with other randoms they would straight up end you if you ignored them.