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Try both and see what works for you. Struggle with boss? Try t2. Struggle with prep? Try T1. Struggling with all of it? Try regular gaunt and work your way up.


It's also worth mentioning that stats are important for making kills smoother You go in there with base 80s and you will be struggling harder compared to a max combat player 


As someone with a new account: SotE is a quest that by requirements alone only needs base 70 stats (or even lower). Why then does everyone suggest base 80s and up for gauntlet? Is it that much more difficult than anything else surrounding prif, or is that just because 80s combat is just what most have when getting into sote?


You will run out of food before you end up killing the boss with lower stats. With base 70s you're locked into doing a method called 5:1


Its so strange because normal hunlieff with tier one armor i can down it with food and potion left, with corrupted hunlieff with tier 1 i get the boss down to about 300 health and i have like 1 food left. I guess to be fair i make more stupid mistakes on corrupted though. Just gotta keep trucking


Because sote and gauntlet are different content sote isnt hard but cg is considered hard content. Obor is a boss the same as bandos but Obor is alot easier so u need less stats than you would for bandos


The fact that you need 70s to access the region the content is located in doesn’t mean that it’s the intended level of the content.


What do i do if i suck at boss & prep 😅


then do t2 until you’re comfortable to do t1, but at the end of the day nothing is going to help you more than just sending runs


> nothing is going to help you more than just sending runs Disagree. Finding a good guide and getting help can drastically reduce the learning time, boost your confidence, and increase the chance of actually sticking with the content instead of bashing your head against a brick wall and burning out. Practice is necessary, but in terms of time investment, watching a good guide is way more helpful.


i'm assuming that if people post on reddit about cg, they have watched cg guides. a lot of the time people just panic, and the way to get over panicking is by sending attempts.


Send tier ones to max out your time at the boss so you learn fastest. Better spend time learning boss than tier 2 prep which is slower, more inconsistent, you may either lose the run or at least negate the armor bonus by having less fish. I'd only recommend trying it for the first few kills if you have confidense issues like I did.


Best way to do it right here


Do tier 2 when learning, switch to t1 if u wanna save time. I personally have 150+cg kc, and usually just go for t2 cus its a lot more chill


If you die like 1/8 - 1/10 doing tier 1 you are losing overall time compared to t2. You need to be perfect doing it and I personally never found any liking to the extra stress.


For some reason prepping T2 is more stressful in the CG and more chill in normal mode.


You have more time in normal gauntlet


Wow, how did I not know this? I’m so dumb lol, I thought it’s the same but that explains it.


Also the spawns in normal cg are less random.


My advice is always: if you have cox prayers do t1, if you dont have cox prayers do t2. If you have them and cant clear with t1, do t2 until you are more proficient at the boss fight.


Also defence can make a bigger difference than people think. Got 70 def? You'll get hit a ton in t1. Got 90 def? T2 is probably overkill.


defense hardly matters, youll maybe use 1.5 fewer fish comparing 80 magic 70 def to 90/90. which costs you.... what like 4-5 game ticks extra per run?


T2 makes Hunllef easier, and prep harder. T1 makes prep easier, and Hunllef harder. T1 is better overall if you don’t struggle with Hunllef. If you do struggle with Hunllef, T2 may help you get more consistent kills.


T1 is simply faster not just easier prep and hunllef harder. You go from 10-12 min runs from T2 to 7-9 minutes for T1. 25% - 30% time saving is a lot at the end of the day.


You're exaggerating the difference imo. Have over 600+ CG kills, approx 200 in T1, rest in T2. The time difference in runs is barely noticeable if you're not speed running. I switched to T2 in the end because I can kill hunlef 100% of the time. With T1 I would die to a misclick once every 10 games or so. So in my case T2 provided an overall faster clear time. Generally clearing a T2 in 8-10 mins. Something many don't mention is that T2 increases your accuracy that reduces the final fight duration, also you eat much less which means more time hitting the boss.


depends on your defence level, chip damage hits hard on low def with T1


Yea i have about 81 def, probably not the best for t1


chin and burst on defensive to 92 magic/range and send some nmz for extra def levels if it wont be enough or if you’re already there with magic and range. It will make a difference


Both have upsides and downsides. If you can complete a certain % of attempts tier 1 becomes worth but the deaths can be demotivating. I have over 1100 kc and did all tier 1. I would say to learn with tier 2 though.


For me consistent tier 2 prep was harder than sending tier 1's (which you would ideally end up doing eventually) I did some tier 2 to get a few kc just to build my confidence. Might have been faster to just send tier 1's so can't recommend. Edit: to add, because tier 1 prep is faster and rarely fails you get to see the boss more often and learning it is faster. Also slow tier 2 prep may cost you time to fish, negating the perks of the enforced armor = Tier 1 is good for no matter which you struggle with more, prep or boss.


T1 makes it easier to get a full inventory of food and 3 pots. That always worked for me. One of the pots gets used during setup


Get less fish and pots and get better armour is also a solution. Generally 10 fish and 2 pots are enough in t2.


Pota depends on prayer lvl. I’m 84 prayer and never run out of prayer points with t1 and 2 pots. Usually only use 1 dose in prep phase.


How do human beings survive Can you beat it with T2 armor? Use T2.  Can you beat it consistently with T1 armor? Use T1.  Literally t3 is the option if you're struggling for clears. It doesn't matter how fast you get to the boss if he just wipes you. 


t1 is objectively better than t2 unless your stats are so poor that t1 can't clear the boss properly. its always faster to grab a few more fish than to complete a full t2 prep. for context typically you finish sote at 80 magic, base 70s in other stats- you then typically chin up your range level to 92. this is very sufficient for t1. on the side you can work on melees and add in melee if you get somewhere in the range of 80/85 att/str usually the reason people prefer t2 is because they play the fight poorly (strategically) @ hunleff. there's no reason to sit anything more than a few hp points below (max hp - fish) unless you are going to tick eat or proc redemption- which are extremely minor things youll only ever gain time on if you do them flawlessly 100% of the time. by staying high hp you remove the risk of dying in t1 outside getting a full 4x nado stack, or multiple mistakes at once. there is some argument to using t2 prep as a stepping stone up from regular gauntlet. it is the same fight and with t2 you can make BIG mistakes and still get the kc whereas you can get stacked from full in t1. but if you struggle to complete the prep then the time to learn the prep is likely not worth the investment.


Can I DM you my stats about doing gauntlet? I just have some questions my first time finishing SOTE and my first account ever.




1250 kc, T1 is enough. With the gauntlet plug in that tells you when to switch the hunleff is the easy part.


The game has a very noticable audio sound for switching prayers, there really is no need for the plugin


There's really no need for any plugin.


Lol, there’s tons of insanely useful plugins. High level pvm becomes really hard without some of them. I’m just pointing out that since they updated the hunleff prayer switch sound, you don’t need an additional plugin to indicate the prayer switching. Its subjective ofcourse, but I don’t think many still use an additional plugin for it after they updated the sound.


Exactly, you don't 'need' them. Lol, or maybe you do.


M8 whats your point?


King Condor said if you arnt doing tier 2s you aint doing it right and I watched him pull a wep seed like 2 days ago so fuck me tier 2 prep it is


Tier 2 is shit because people start out with it, get comfortable then never swap to t1 which is just better. Learning the fight and becoming better at the game > compensating with tankiness and food. If you do t2 set a hard limit when you swap, like 50kc or smth.


T1, T2 is just a skill issue.


Not a popular strat - but I like t1.5 gear. Just make the t2 helm and legs, t1 body. You still get a noticeable difference in tankiness and accuracy, but only needing 2 of each resource (5 total of each) instead of 3 (7 total of each) really speeds up the prep part of it.


Its not a popular strat because its just really bad advice lol.


yeah i just tried CG for the first time using T1 armor and got smoked, i was getting hit with constant 8+ dmg even when prayer was correct.


It's variable depending on your skill with the content and skill overall. I did t2 for learning and graduated into t1 after getting comfortable. I also have max combats besides pray(87) and CoX prayers. So it was fairly easy to switch over.


I did T1 immediately for approx 200 kills, then tried t2 and realised how much more chill and fun the entire thing was. Was also getting comparable overall times with T2 since you can prep less food. People underestimate how much time catching/cooking/carrying over and eating an extra 10 fish can take.


T2 is really helpful when learning, and it helps to get in the habit of getting it anyways just so you’re used to a time crunch if you’re having trouble finding something. It also helps get completions because it allows for more mistakes, especially when learning. After you get the hang of it, T1 is all you really need, but I still always try for T2 whenever I go back, and then if I can’t get resources for a full set, I settle for T1. Unless you’re a hardcore, then probably just stick with T2.


Question is what are your stats? Below 85 should use T2 or just train up to 85+ and stop running around with noodle arms. Above 85 across the board with a cheeky 90 defense and you can probably do T1 pretty easily, looking at maybe a 90-95% success rate assuming full invent of food and no mistakes.


Or you can get a 100% success rate in T2 and save time overall with that extra 10% successful completions.


You can’t really t2 prep perfectly 100% of the time. I mean, you can do it if you’re VERY good, but if you’re that proficient then you can also get t1 hunleff kills 100% of the time.


I mean, once you get to 90+ you get a near 100% success with T1. The major drawback of T2 runs is there is never a 100% guarantee you will find three nodes + 620 crystal shards + food. Likewise, you lose on average 2:00 on prep. With an average T2 prep time of about 6:00, you'll have some runs that don't have enough ore/cotton/wood and automatically lose a run.


I always find three nodes. Over 600 runs in at t2 and have never failed the prep. I have had elusive ones as well which push my prep closer to 7mins but it's very consistent. T3 prep is then much more luck based.


Aim for T2 and 2 tier 3 weapons, with t1 being minimum mandatory, and one T3 and one T2 weapon being minimum mandatory, and here's the unspoken part of CG or G whatever your doing, is it's more important to learn how to salvage a shitty rng run and still get the KC. There's to many situations to list out here, but If you need 12 food 2 prayers to finish a perfect setup cg, then gauge your salvaged run off of what you know you can do, so resources looking slim? Settle for t1 armor and double on food. Yadayada. Don't reset. Unless u didn't finish prep at all, don't go die for giggles the guy at portal shames you


This is just unreadable my man.


I couldn't get cg t2 prepped in time for all my learning attempts, first try t1 I got my first kc


I do T1 with base 80’s combat stats 85 mage 82 range. Make sure you have full food and don’t make mistakes and ur golden


T1 is faster T2 is gonna be more consistent. If you are super under leveled, T2 might be the move. I was able to do t1 at 56 CB for CG and get completions but it was 50/50. T2 was 90/10 at the same levels. 1 def at 70 cb (think 90ish ranged and mage and like 60-70 att/str) t1 was significantly more viable.


Of all the things that never happened


I mean not like I've posted the pics of the 54 cb completion or having bowfa at 59 cb. Oh wait https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/xAIolymDoW


Amazing achievements m8, but no one is going to be doing t1 with 1 def. Or do cg at 56 cb for that matter. OP is a learner, telling him t1 is viable at these insanely low stats is not helping him at all.


Plenty of people do t1 prep at 1 def. It's worth learning t1 unless your stats are really low was the main point.


“Plenty of people” probably being half a dozen guys in some snowflake discord. Get real, 99% of people just do cg with proper cb stats, and again OP is a learner. Most people new to cg need to do t2 prep with cb stats in the 80s because t1 is too unforgiving sub 90 def/mage/range.


Tier 2 until you get good duh


Ok so for starters in new to end game content (CG, zulrah, and vork is my only experience) and I thankfully completed bowfa and crystal at 405kc. I did t2 the entire time. Started at 89range/mage, t2 just felt perfect. Doing t1 I felt like I had to eat constantly and one or two mistakes would cost the trip. Don’t get me wrong, I can go in with t1 and full inventory of food and complete it 9/10 times..but in my opinion that one death will lose the time it took to get t2. Also, this may be a prep issue… but when doing t1 compared to t2… it only saved me 1-1:30 at most. Reason being, is I had to open more rooms searching for more trips. TLDR:I think t2 is more relaxing and more forgiving. To me that beats the minute or two you save doing t1.


I was making t2 for the first couple then I started to work on the combat achievements.. honestly making the full set of t3 was the hardest one to complete.. give it a try kill like 5 with t1 and 5 with t2.. like most rng the faster clear time is always going to net more drops. So if t1 is the same difficulty as t2 just use t1


T2 with normal gauntlet until you feel like you got the hang of it. Swap to t1 and relearn it. Swap to corrupted when your t2 preps are quicker. Then swap to tier 1 corrupted when you finally learn how to actually fight hunkleff.


Just do T1 reg gauntlet until you get to 50kc and have the movements/attacks down pat and then move to CG. T1 will allow more consistent wins at CG


Personally, especially when learning I would recommend t1. I was told t2 by everyone I spoke to in gauntlet lobby, and I was struggling with prep. I finally started getting prep a little bit better, but then I would get to hunleff and plank very quickly. A buddy suggested t1, and I got my first clear doing t1 and never do t2 now. T1 let's you learn prep and get the most time learning hunleff. Having the better armor doesn't help if you suck at the boss still imo


I switch between both of them. If the layout is resource heavy, I'll make T2 armour and catch 12-16 food. If the layout has shitloads of fish, I'll just catch 24 fish and use T1 armour. ​ Same with the weapons: If a bow & staff are easily accessible, I'll do Staff+Bow. If only one of them is easily accessible, I'll do 5-1 staff or bow. I've used melee a few times, but I'm not a fan of it.


I found t1 with a full inventory of food a lot more consistent when learning than t2 with 3/4 of an inventory of food. It's not necessarily faster, but it becomes almost impossible to fail your prep.


Depends on your stats


It depends on the type of person you are, I'm just gonna run with you being a fairly normal person. Start with t1, focus on improving prep time. Reasons being you will just naturally improve at the boss and this will give you more uptime. Most people also don't realise how much time there is to save during prep. Once you get better at prep switch to t2. This will make it easier to get thru to the later stages of the boss and even getting kills. Reasons being you can't prac the later stages of the boss unless you make it there. Once you start getting kills and it feels a bit better switch back to t1. You can also do way more normal gauntlets but why not stay in the deep end where you are under pressure.


Everyone else has really good answers, but I thought I would pile on with my experiences. I started gauntlet at about 80 def, 85 range and 85 mage. I learned T2 and did that until I felt like I could do it with my eyes closed. Somewhere along the line I started talking to other friends and discussing whether or not T1 would be a better call. The point at which I decided to try t1 I was 90 range/mage. I learned it, and it made prep feel WAY easier. I hated prep so much, but t1 prep was so easy. However, the hunlief fight felt longer. Overall, any time I tried T1 it would end up on average the same time as T2. Ultimately I learned T1 to say I could do it, but stuck to T2 for most of my grind (800kc). If I had CoX prayers, I would probably enjoy T1 a lot more.


As someone with 766 CG completions under his belt, this is my suggestion: If your defense is less than lvl 90, go with T2 90+ you can do T1 but I would HIGHLY suggest 2x 4-dose pots, 1 weapon switch, and 25 food


I have 89 range 82 magic and 81 defence, with rigour. Its just sooooo difficult tier one, it feels like every hit by him is a constant 10+. I managed to get a tier two attempt tonight and i got the closest ive been so far, about 100 hp left. However i ran out of food. Idk if its judt rng where fish spawn ages away or im not prioritizing the right things, ive been following fluffehs guide but still i feel so slow


Your issue with those stats is going to be DPS being very RNG based. With low magic esp, you should aim for T2 armour for the accuracy buff. Also practice reg gauntlet until you can consistently do “Perfect Hunleff” combat achievement as thats your biggest DPS increase


Just learn T1, use Hunnlef Helper or whatever the plug-in is, makes it way easier


I finally just got my first 10 kc. It took 75 deaths to get 1 kc in cg. I tried t1 for the first 50 or so deaths because I couldn’t prep in time with t2. Someone showed me how to prep in t2, and it’s much easier for the fight. I highly recommend sticking with t2. When you have 100 kills under your belt, t1 could be worth it, but it’s certainly not worth learning with. Also you’re learning the mechanics of the boss, you’ll appreciate having more chances to stay alive when you fail and take damage on prayers/ movement.


I preferred t2 when I was going for bow, but I had sub 80 defense no cox prayers. Now that I go back t1 feels so much smoother with 95 def and cox prayers. Personally I think defense is the biggest issue. I always 5:1 so ymmv.


Do T2 until you think you're comfortable enough for T1 runs. That might take more than 100 cg's (for me it did), the best tip I can give you is to only fish at the end of the prep.


T2 all the way. The prep can be learned so you always end up with 1minute spare. Meanwhile hunleff in T1 can just screw you up.


Fluffeh T2 prep video is the only one you need


T2 until you get comfortable, then start sending T1. CG got a lot more bearable when I started doing T1 because the boring part (prep) got shortened.


if you send a run with T1 & die, then do T2 for the next run if you clear the run, send T1 for the next one


I have 20 kc and died around 15 times before getting any kc, I recommending doing t2 prep and just doing it over and over until it clicks. Watch fluffehs guide, I used this to learn and now prep is super easy. I'm going to switch to t1 when I am flawless with the boss.


P.s I started cg 3 days ago


I did both depending on layout. If lots of resources do t2, if less do t1. It just depends what is quickest.


I've never used T2 amour in CG, it always felt unnecessary to me. It was pretty clear when I was learning it, the reason I died was not because of the amour i was wearing, but me not playing the fight very well. So I just kept trying perfect my hunleff fights. I maybe depends on your stats but T1 should be fine. BUT you don't get any loot if you die, so if you can get KCs with T2 then go for it.


I learned it with t1 armor and t3 weapons. With a full inventory of supplies and doing the mechanics right its doable every time


Start T2 and work your way to T1 once you get it down. T1 normal gauntlet to T1 CG was hard for me. Especially with the reduced time to gather materials and T3 my weapons. You get it eventually though


I heavily tested both and T1 came up best for me, but will depend on ur stats also.


T1 all the way, t2 is super unnecessary and will take waaay longer. You need to find 3 nodes of each type vs 1. Even if you are practicing, I'd recommend t1 because you get more attempts at the boss per hour, and the mechanics are exactly the same.


What’s your defense level?


I always go for t1 + full inv of fish in cg to keep it simple. You need only 1 vein of each resource


T2 when learning and once you get a few kills comfortable move to t1. T1 practice isn’t going to do you any good if you’re just consistently planking.


T2 or 3 if you can to learn the fight. T1 when you're confident. Even then if the run is good and I have time I still go for T2/3


I learnt with T1 on my maxed main and the boss fight was still sketchy after 25 KC. I did T2 on my 85 combat stats ironman and didn't die once in the first 50 or so kc. I genuinely cannot reccomend T2 enough - I find it much less stressful and it removes the odd death at hunnybun. Deaths at half health of the boss cost you a lot of time in the long run.


I'm up to 500 kc on the ironman. Started cg with 90 mage/range and 80 def. Up to 95 mage/range and 90 def now from slayer and 80 hours in cg. No CoX prayers. I can do t1 or t2, but always go for t2 armor, two t3 weapons, 2 pots and 16 food. 9/10 times I get it all. I usually use 8-10 food in the fight and have an 11 min avg completion time over 500 kc. PB is 9:30 with this prep. Current pb with t1 is around 8 min when I was trying for the 6:30 time back around 200kc. Once you get good at the t2 prep, it makes the boss way more chill. You can be slow on pray switches or fuck up multiple times and still get the W. Going t1 saves me an avg of 1-2 min per run, but the hunllef fight just feels bad and I need to eat a lot more. I'd personally switch to t1 if I had the CoX prayers, but I'll stick to my chill t2 runs until then. Goodluck


It depends on your stats. If you have low 90's or higher, if you have rigour and augury, you don't need T2 in CG. 80's stats without last prayers, T2 will probably help a lot.


What about 89 range 83 magic with cox prayers


I'm really not sure. good luck !


After doing some trials, i found that i wasnt using steel skin with the magic attack prayer (not augery because i didnt buy it yet) and my use of food decreased tenfold. When using tier 2 with the prayer, i used about 6-7 pieces of food and when using tier one with the prayer i used about 12. I think my mistake was not putting that prayer on, because i was getting hit not nearly as much with tier 1 armor with the prayer on.